CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 14, 2021
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Jeff Klone. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Bonnie Whismore, Justin Cope, Public Works, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
The minutes of the November 9, 2021 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Dodge, seconded by Councilmember Witt. The minutes of the November 19, 2021 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Dodge, seconded by Councilmember Klone. The motion carried. Bills from the month of November 2021 were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Anderson, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. Motion carried.
Resolution 2021-07 was presented to Council for consideration. The resolution approves a contract with the new building inspector and authorizes the Mayor to sign the contract. Councilmember Anderson moved to approve Resolution 2021-07, seconded by Councilmember Witt. Motion carried.
Laurel Holland, J-K Baseball Association secretary addressed Council’s concerns that were brought up at the November meeting. Field maintenance and upkeep is completed by the players after each game. They are considering locking the dugouts between uses, and they will begin checking the bathrooms at the end of each evening. They will install signs reminding players to clean up seeds, etc. and would like to add a garbage can to each dugout. Council would like the gates to the gazebo area closed during events so no one parks in that area, but it will still be accessible, if necessary, for the ambulance. Players and buses will be told to use the overflow gravel lot for parking during games. The Association would like to install lights at the gravel lot for safety. Matt Anderson and Avista will provide the lights and the wire; Kim Cannon will do the electrical work. A state electrical permit will likely be required. Players will use the old railroad bed to access the lot; Mayor Groseclose will grade it.
Mike McGee, Juliaetta Volunteer Fire Department Chief would like to purchase a wireless hotspot from Inland Cellular, where the City currently has an account. This hotspot would provide wifi to upload necessary reports, and can be taken to fire locations as well. Chief McGee provided a proposal to Council: equipment will be purchased for $129.99 and the monthly connection charge will be $40.00, billed to the City and paid from the department’s budget. Councilmember Anderson moved to allow the hotspot purchase on the City’s account, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. Motion carried.
Ordinance 2021-04, the alcohol beverage license ordinance, was presented to Council for consideration. The ordinance will largely remain the same as the current ordinance, only changing the yearly expiration date, removing the fee from the ordinance, adding the ability to charge a reduced fee for new applicants of less than ninety days, and allowing the Clerk to approve license reissues. New licenses will be approved by Council. Councilmember Klone moved to suspend the rules and have the ordinance read by title only, seconded by Councilmember Anderson. The Clerk read the title. Councilmember Klone moved to accept Ordinance 2021-04, seconded by Councilmember Anderson. A roll call vote was held: Councilmember Witt, yes; Councilmember Dodge, yes; Councilmember Anderson, yes; Councilmember Klone, yes.
The Treasurer advised Council that four 6-month CDs at P1FCU are expiring in December. Current rates are .4%. New rates will be .3% for 6 months and .4% for 12 months. She recommends the City roll over the CDs for 6 more months in hopes the rates improve. Councilmember Anderson moved to roll over the CDs for an additional 6 months, seconded by Councilmember Witt. Motion carried.
Jim Smith was not on the agenda but the Mayor allowed him to address Council. He plans on completing the subdivision process of his property with Planning & Zoning. He has his neighbors’ approval on his plans and none of the property has been sold. The City has previously told him that new building lots have to have 50 feet of frontage on a City street, therefore his road must be brought up to City standards with an engineers approval and then given to the City. He stated that no new building lots have been added past where he widened his private road, that the one new building lot will come off the “improved” corner of roadway. Councilmember Anderson asked him to complete the subdivision paperwork and submit it to Planning & Zoning; they will determine if the subdivision is a major or minor one.
Justin Cope reported the City’s water system received a Total Organic Carbon violation from DEQ for last month. TOCs are not harmful but an amount detected above permit limits is a DEQ violation. He would like to perform some investigative testing in various locations to see if it can be determined where the issue may be originating. The notice required by DEQ will be mailed out with December’s utility bills as a matter of public record. There are no fines for this violation.
Councilmember Anderson thanked all who helped and attended the Light the Park event. Donations were received in the amount of $185.00 and will be used for next year’s lights.
At 7:41 pm, Councilmember Dodge made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Anderson seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The special meeting was called to order at 12:03 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Jeff Klone. The purpose of this meeting was to interview and consider entering into a contract with a new building inspector, Tristan Kimball, who owns and operates River City Inspections, LLC.
Mr. Kimball was a building inspector with Asotin County for three years. He is a certified inspector, but still needs Commercial and Plan Review certifications, which he will obtain. In the meantime, Lewiston inspector John Smith will assist with any permits requiring those certifications. Mr. Kimball also has experience and can assist with zoning issues. At this time he has also signed contract with Cities of Kendrick, Grangeville, Cottonwood, and Kamiah, and is being considered at Cities of Craigmont and Nezperce, as well as Lewis County. He has spoken with other Cities regarding their “open” permits; he will clear them for $50 each, or possibly less if the original permit fee was smaller. Council agreed.
Councilmember Anderson moved to accept River City Inspections as the new building inspector, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. All were in favor.
The contract previously signed with Jim Yeoman was reviewed by all parties, and all agree it will be acceptable with name and effective date changes. It will be sent to City Attorney Ken Nagy for his review, and a resolution will be prepared.
At 12:17 pm, Councilmember Anderson made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Klone seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Jeff Klone. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Bonnie Whismore, Josh Luscombe and Justin Cope, Public Works, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
The minutes of the October 12, 2021 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Witt, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. The motion carried. Bills from the month of October 2021 were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Dodge, seconded by Councilmember Anderson. Motion carried.
City of Juliaetta’s contracted building inspector, Jim Yeoman, recently passed away. Tristan Kimball of Lewiston has his own inspection business and has been introducing himself to the Cities Mr. Yeoman formerly contracted with, hoping to earn the position. City of Grangeville has already decided to offer him a contract. He left his resume at City Hall for review but was unable to attend the meeting. Council would like to meet with him in person; a special meeting will be called.
Tawnda Bromley attended on behalf of the J-K Baseball Association. She gave an update of the electrical work done at the park for lights to be installed at the baseball field. The association is still looking for donations or grants to complete the project, with the hopes to hold future tournaments at the site. They have purchased gravel and infield mix, replaced backstops, and installed batting cages at the softball field. Council and Maintenance brought up several issues they’d like addressed. All tools especially drags and harrows must be picked up and put away when not in use. Dugouts need to be kept clean and bathrooms need to be respected by players; no more spitting sunflower seed shells on the floors and in urinals. No one is to park past the gates at the park around the gazebo/playground area. It’s a danger to children who may be present during those times, and people parking on the grass is damaging both the grass and sprinkler system. Ms. Bromley didn’t know that extra parking area is located in the large gravel area just past the softball field. It is a good place especially for players and buses to park, leaving the paved lot for spectators. Signs may need to be installed for others to be made aware of the additional parking area.
Councilor-elect Mark Maland would like to see a yard waste bin to be installed for resident use. This idea has been denied in the past due to misuse of the recycle bins; some people throw their trash in the bins, making it unable to be recycled. Mr. Maland stated that burning leaves is hazardous and illegal. A yard waste bin is available at the bulky waste site the first and third Saturdays of each month, but that may not be convenient for all residents. Mr. Maland suggested, as an alternative to the bin, educating residents on rules for burning, and contacting Latah County Sheriff’s office to have them enforce the code.
The Clerk presented Council with the current alcohol beverage ordinance and outlined changes that should be made, chiefly the yearly license expiration date of December 31 of each year. Latah County’s alcohol beverage licenses are valid February 1 through January 31 of the following year. Other changes include removing the fee amounts from the ordinance, as they are given in the fee resolution that is approved each year, and adding the ability to charge a prorated fee if the license is issued during the year. License renewals will be issued by the Clerk/Treasurer at the direction of the Council, unless it is a new license to be issued. New licenses will be approved by Council. Councilmember Anderson moved to make the discussed changes, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. Motion carried.
As there were only two people running for two Council positions for this year’s election, and because of a new Senate bill passed this year the Clerk may declare those people elected without being on the ballot. Nick Anderson and Mark Maland were declared elected by the Clerk, and will be sworn in at the January meeting. Councilmember Dodge moved to accept the new councilmembers, seconded by Councilmember Witt. Motion carried.
Josh Luscombe reported Christmas lights and décor were being installed and an angel and a nutcracker were purchased to replace a nonfunctioning snowflake and wreath. Justin Cope spoke with IBOL and he is eligible to take his Wastewater Class II test as soon as it can be scheduled.
Councilmember Witt gave an update on the evacuation drill held by the Elementary School; a few drivers drove through areas that were closed by City personnel. She also reported dogs running loose near the school. Councilmember Anderson scheduled the last park light decoration day for November 13. He has spoken with Marilou Markley, who will have some of her dance students perform at the lighting event on November 21. The Kendrick High School choir and/or band may also perform. Cocoa and cookies will likely be for sale by donation.
The Treasurer reported the FY2021 audit has been scheduled for November 18. She also advised Council that 4 CDs will mature in December; the issue will be on the December agenda and Council will decide if they should roll over or be renewed at a longer term.
At 7:56 pm, Councilmember Anderson made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Dodge seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Jeff Klone. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Bonnie Whismore, Josh Luscombe and Justin Cope, Public Works, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
The minutes of the September 14, 2021 meeting were read. Motion to approve with a correction was made by Councilmember Anderson, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. The minutes of the September 21, 2021 special meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Anderson, seconded by Councilmember Witt. Motion carried. Bills from the month of September 2021 were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Dodge, seconded by Councilmember Klone. Motion carried.
Stillman Norton, Keller Associates, addressed Council over speakerphone. City of Juliaetta submitted an application to DEQ in January for funding for a sewer collections study; the application did not score high enough to secure funding. Additional planning grant funds have now been made available through ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act), so now all entities who applied with letters of interest will now be funded. However, this grant only covers 50% of the cost of a planning grant. Currently, no funds are available from USDA for the remaining 50%, but could become available in the future. Therefore, City of Juliaetta would be required to cover the remainder of the cost. The planning study is estimated to cost approximately $75,000. The City has two options. Option 1: Inform DEQ that the City cannot at this time raise the necessary funds and see if they might extend the deadline in the hopes that USDA might, by that time, have additional grant funds. Option 2: Decline DEQ planning study funds at this time and apply at a later date. Council agreed to go with Option 1.
Mr. Norton also gave an update on the Wastewater Treatment Plant project. They are working on a supplemental report to the facility plan to address the temperature aspects of the permit. They are also in the process of drafting a letter to the City with questions that can be asked of local property owners to see if they have any interest in their property being used in a possible land application use.
Kay Roberts of the J-K Heritage Museum presented some signs that the museum would like installed at local historical sites. She would like assistance from maintenance personnel to install the metal posts for the signs. Councilmember Dodge moved to approve putting up the signs, seconded by Councilmember Witt. Motion carried.
A representative from the J-K Baseball Association did not attend.
Josh Luscombe reported Community Day is coming up, when local high school students spend a few hours volunteering their labor in the community. He would like a group to work on trimming brush in alleys. Street signs are still being installed. And USDA’s final inspection of work at the water treatment plant will be on the 13th. He also took and passed the Water Treatment Class 1 certification test.
Justin Cope took down the large flag on Main Street at the request of citizens, as it was damaged. A new flag has been ordered but is on backorder.
Councilmember Witt reported an evacuation drill will be held at Juliaetta Elementary School on October 22; a preparatory meeting will be held October 14. She also spoke with the new music teacher, who is interested in having some of her students perform at the Light the Park ceremony. Councilmember Anderson thanked those who helped hang lights in preparation for Light the Park. There will be at least one more work day, to be determined, before the lights go on at 5:00 pm on November 21.
The Juliaetta Volunteer Fire Department had no report.
At 7:32 pm Councilmember Anderson moved to go into executive session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206 subsection 1:b. A roll call vote was held: Councilmember Witt, yes; Councilmember Dodge, yes; Councilmember Klone, yes; Councilmember Anderson, yes.
Councilmember Anderson moved to return to regular session, seconded by Councilmember Dodge.
At 7:50 pm, Councilmember Klone made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Dodge seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The special meeting was called to order at 6:01 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Jeff Klone. The purpose of this meeting was to hold executive session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206 subsection 1 : (b) to consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student.
At 6:01 pm, Councilmember Anderson moved to go into executive session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206 subsection 1: (b), seconded by Councilmember Dodge. All were in favor.
Councilmember Dodge moved to return to regular session. Councilmember Anderson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
At 6:55 pm, Councilmember Anderson made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Klone seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 14, 2021
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, and Nick Anderson. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Bonnie Whismore, Josh Luscombe, Public Works, and Fire Chief Mike McGee. Council member Jeff Klone and Justin Cope, Public Works, were absent.
The minutes of the August 10, 2021 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Dodge, seconded by Councilmember Witt. Motion carried. Bills from the month of August 2021 were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Anderson, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. Motion carried.
Lane Burnette, 1391 Main Street, addressed Council regarding sewer issues on her own property. She would like to replace and reroute the existing sewer line, which will follow the property line rather than cutting across the front of her lot. The old line will be capped and abandoned. Council would like her to cap the line both at her house and as close as possible to the main. Her driveway has also been widened, which covers a manhole. Wilbert Precast has risers to bring up the level of the manhole to grade. The Burnettes will pay for and install the risers, to be inspected by City Maintenance. Councilmember Anderson moved to have Ms. Burnette pay only the $300.00 sewer tapping fee, and to make sure the sewer line is capped as close to the main as possible, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. The motion carried. The sewer work will be completed by the Burnettes and inspected by City Maintenance.
Cynthia Nye, Planning & Zoning chairperson, needs a volunteer from the area of city impact to be appointed to P & Z. The Mayor has a couple people in mind he will speak to. The matter is tabled until October.
Ordinance 2021-03, the Appropriations Ordinance, was presented to Council. Councilmember Anderson moved to suspend the rules and have the ordinance ready by title only. Councilmember seconded the motion. The Clerk read the ordinance title. Councilmember Anderson moved to adopt Ordinance 2021-03, seconded by Councilmember Witt. A roll call vote was held. Councilmember Witt: yes; Councilmember Dodge: yes; Councilmember Anderson: yes. The motion carried.
Resolution 2021-05, the resolution of all fees and rates, was presented to Council. Councilmember Dodge moved to accept Resolution 2021-06, seconded by Councilmember Anderson. The motion carried.
Resolution 2021-06, the procurement resolution, was presented to Council. The procurement policy is required for auditing purposes. CEDA also insures any procurements made by the City for the wastewater system upgrade project are done correctly. Councilmember Witt moved to accept Resolution 2021-06, seconded by Councilmember Anderson. Motion carried.
The Juliaetta Volunteer Fire Department reported earnings this season from work done for Idaho Department of Lands. Fire Chief Mike McGee would like these earnings to be deposited into the Fire Department’s account, rather than the City’s fire department account. Councilmember Witt moved to allow the Fire Department to keep their earnings, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. Motion carried.
A representative from the J-K Baseball Association did not attend.
Councilmember Anderson would like Council to consider streaming and archiving City Council meetings. He would like one camera to face the Council, and another to face any speakers and the audience. He has found someone who will donate the necessary equipment. Councilmember moved to accept Councilmember Anderson’s proposal, seconded by Councilmember Witt. Motion carried.
Josh Luscombe asked Council if individuals performing community service could ride in City vehicles. The Clerk checked with ICRMP for their stance on the issue, and as long as the individual has “permission” from the City-employed driver, it is acceptable. Cities can certainly have their own policies in place, though, for determining who or under what circumstances non-employees are allowed in City vehicles. Councilmember Anderson would like the Mayor or Mayor pro-tem OK each ride along.
Josh Luscombe also reported 60 street and road signs purchased with LHTAC sign grand funds have been installed. New portable school crossing signs were also purchased and are in use. The water plant has been keeping up with water usage. Blower motors were down at the wastewater treatment plant necessitating a call to an electrician. He also cleaned out blower #1 and unstuck a valve. There is no longer a chlorine shortage.
Councilmember Witt wished to thank Josh Luscombe and Justin Cope for repainting the crosswalks at the elementary school.
Councilmember Anderson has heard from many who are enjoying the new mural at the library. He also reported the Light the Park ceremony will be held Sunday, November 21. The lights will go on at 5:00 pm. Local merchant Mark Maland may donate cocoa during the event. Decorating day will be October 9.
The Hill and Valley Garden Club has donated $1000.00 for tree trimming at Centennial Park.
Chief McGee reported the burn ban in Juliaetta still stands. The department would like to flush City hydrants soon, but will wait until late October when hopefully the river is higher.
At 7:37 pm Councilmember Anderson made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Dodge seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The public hearing was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Jeff Klone. The total amount of the FY2022 budget is $4,865,162.00. There was no comment by the public. Public comment was requested also for New/Increased Fees. There was no comment by the public. The public hearing was adjourned.
The regular meeting was called to order. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Bonnie Whismore, Fire Chief Mike McGee, and Justin Cope, City Maintenance. Josh Luscombe, City Maintenance was absent.
The minutes of the July 21, 2021 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Dodge, seconded by Councilmember Witt. Motion carried. Bills from the month of July 2021 were reviewed. A duplicate payment to McGregor Co. will be removed. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Anderson, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. Motion carried.
Kathy Groseclose contacted City Hall as she believed she was misquoted in June 8, 2021 City Council minutes. Upon review, she did not say at the June meeting that she had signed an easement. An amended version of the June 8 minutes was presented to Council for approval. Councilmember Dodge moved and Councilmember Witt seconded to accept the changes to the June 8, 2021 minutes. Motion carried.
An Amendment to Owner-Engineer Agreement with Keller Associates was presented to Council. It has been reviewed by the City Attorney, and the changes were required by USDA Rural Development. Councilmember Anderson moved to accept the contract and allow the Mayor to sign it, seconded by Councilmember Klone. Motion carried.
Council reviewed the Idaho CDBG Agreement which awards a Block Grant in the amount of $500,000. This contract was also reviewed by the City Attorney and Dodd Snodgrass, CEDA, assured Council that he would assist the City in making sure requirements are met. Councilmember Dodge moved to approve the contract and allow the Mayor to sign it, seconded by Councilmember Witt. Motion carried.
Councilmember Anderson moved to approve the FY2022 budget, seconded by Councilmember Klone. Motion carried.
The overtime policy when working holidays was discussed and clarified. It will stand as written in the Personnel Policy. Councilmember Anderson would like to restrict non-City employees from riding in City vehicles for liability reasons. Justin Cope explained on some occasions, people who are serving community service have ridden in City vehicles to help Maintenance. It was suggested their work be restricted to different tasks in which they don’t need to ride in a vehicle. It was also suggested to contact ICRMP to inquire about this issue, and possibly obtain a release of liability or waiver that could be signed in limited circumstances. Councilmember Anderson moved to table the issue until September, seconded by Councilmember Klone. Motion carried.
Discussion was held regarding raises for City employees and summer helpers for the next fiscal year. Regarding the summer helpers, Councilmember Dodge moved to start their base pay at $11.00 per hour, and returning helpers who made less than that would move to the new base pay. Councilmember Anderson seconded the motion and requested a roll call vote: Councilmember Witt, yes; Councilmember Dodge, yes; Councilmember Anderson, yes; Councilmember Klone, yes. Upon further discussion it was decided to give all other employees a 50¢ per hour raise. Councilmember Klone moved to grant all other City employees a 50¢ raise, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. Motion carried.
Justin Cope reported the water plant is keeping up with resident needs so far, and filtration and disinfectant requirements are being met. The park will be ready for the Blackberry Festival, which, at the date of this meeting, will still be held.
Councilmember Witt reminded all that school will start August 24, and requested the school crossings be repainted before that time. She would also like to see a sign to slow down or similar at the intersection of Old Main Street and Cross Street.
The Clerk asked for any news items to be submitted to the September/October community newsletter.
At 7:57 pm Councilmember Anderson made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Dodge seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Jeff Klone. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Bonnie Whismore, Josh Luscombe, City Maintenance, and Fire Chief Mike McGee. Justin Cope, City Maintenance, was absent.
The minutes of the June 8, 2021 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Dodge, seconded by Councilmember Witt. Motion carried. Bills from the month of June 2021 were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Dodge, seconded by Councilmember Anderson. Motion carried.
Neil Schwartz of TDS addressed Council about laying more fiber optic cable at the water treatment plant. Josh Luscombe expressed frustration about the work that was done previously at the water treatment plant, as well as around Juliaetta. The fiber is laid over the top of City utilities in several locations, which will make future work very difficult. Mr. Schwartz said the company can bury the fiber below existing utilities, and no pedestals will need to be installed. Summit will perform the work, and they will not be allowed to subcontract. Councilmember Klone moved to allow the installation as long as the new fiber optic cable is installed under existing lines, seconded by Councilmember Anderson. Motion carried.
Lisa Hadley spoke to Council about having a splash pad installed at Juliaetta Centennial Park. It could be placed east of the parking lot in the grassy area that was once the volleyball court. Cities of Orofino and Potlatch have also recently installed splash pads: Orofino’s was approximately $44,000; Potlatch’s was $120,000. Kooskia and Lapwai also have splash pads. Dodd Snodgrass, CEDA, added that a Block Grant is available for park projects, and it would not conflict with funding for Juliaetta’s current wastewater project. The application would be due September 2022 to be funded in 2023.
The Amendment to Owner-Engineer Agreement with Keller Associates was not ready to be signed, and will be tabled until the August meeting.
FEMA has provided a sample updated Flood Ordinance, which City of Juliaetta will need to adopt to allow residents to continue to participate in the National Flood Insurance Program. City Attorney Ken Nagy reviewed the ordinance, and believes other changes would need to be made to City Code, including the building code. Additional training would need to be provided for the flood administrator, who will need to be determined. Councilmember Klone moved to begin the process to update the flood ordinance, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. Motion carried.
The Clerk asked Council to approve a new agenda issue deadline of Wednesday before each regular Council meeting. Councilmember Dodge moved to change the deadline for agenda issues to the Wednesday before each meeting, seconded by Councilmember Anderson. Motion carried.
The U.S. Government has approved the new Federal holiday of Juneteenth, which marks the end of slavery in the United States, on June 19. The holiday needs to be added to the current personnel policy. Councilmember Dodge moved to add the Juneteenth holiday, seconded by Councilmember Anderson. Motion carried. Discussion was held regarding the overtime policy for plowing on holidays, City Council meetings, and comp time. Clarifications may need to be made to the personnel policy, but the matter will be tabled until the next meeting so more information can be gathered.
The Mayor would like to give an additional $1 per hour raise to his summer helpers. The Treasurer explained there is no room in the budget for the raise to take effect this fiscal year. Council would like to see a spreadsheet showing what the summer helpers earn, and the issue was tabled until next meeting.
The tentative FY2022 budget in the amount of $4,865,162.00 was presented to Council. Councilmember Anderson moved to adopt the FY2022 budget, seconded by Councilmember Witt. Motion carried. The FY2022 budget hearing will be August 10. The proposed new/increased rates and fees were also reviewed.
Josh Luscombe reported high water usage, but both reservoirs are currently full. Dust abatement was applied July 12.
Councilmember Witt reported a visitor had sent in a $50 donation. She appreciated the Centennial Park and how well the bathrooms were kept. The donation was mistakenly sent to the JCIA, which will reimburse the City for the amount of the donation.
Councilmember Anderson would like to address City vehicles carrying non-employee passengers. This may need to added to the personnel policy, and will be addressed at the next meeting.
Councilmember Dodge has heard of many people driving vehicles on the trail. They should be reported to Latah County Sheriff’s Office.
Fire Chief Mike McGee addressed the burn ban which has been instated since before the 4th of July. He reported no issues, and has received several calls from concerned citizens who are thankful for the ban. The fireworks and burn ban will stand at least until October. He also reported receiving a $1,500 grant from Idaho Department of Lands, which will be spent on equipment for the brush truck. At 8:13 pm, Councilmember Dodge made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Anderson seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Amended Minutes of the Juliaetta City Council Meeting
NOTE: the minutes for this meeting of the Juliaetta City Council were previously duly approved in open session on the 21st day of July, 2021. Subsequent to their approval, a resident of the City of Juliaetta who was present for the City Council meeting on the 8th day of June, 2021 contacted the Juliaetta City Clerk and requested that the minutes be amended for the reason that the resident felt that she was misquoted in the minutes. After a review of the recorded transcript of the meeting, it was determined that the minutes should be amended, as set forth herein.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Jeff Klone. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Bonnie Whismore, Justin Cope, City Maintenance, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
The minutes of the May 11, 2021 meeting and May 18, 2021 special meeting were read. Motion to approve both was made by Councilmember Dodge, seconded by Councilmember Witt. Motion carried. Bills from the month of May 2021 were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Anderson, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. Motion carried.
Stillman Norton, Keller Associates presented information regarding City of Kendrick’s wastewater issues. Kendrick and Juliaetta both received new NPDES wastewater system discharge permits in 2018. Kendrick is having issues addressing ammonia limits and temperature limits. As Juliaetta is in the beginning stages of upgrading our wastewater plant, Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and USDA Rural Development reached out to Keller Associates to ask if Juliaetta City Council might be willing to work with Kendrick to address these issues jointly, although ammonia is not an issue due to Juliaetta’s treatment plant type. Option 1 proceeds as originally planned to upgrade Juliaetta’s plant. Benefits include facility planning that is already complete, no ammonia limit, more time to address temperature issue, and the bond has already passed. Challenges include a missed opportunity to work with Kendrick, and no opportunity for cost distribution between the two cities, although Mr. Norton admitted that a partnership of this kind would likely not result in lower fees to residents. Option 2 explores joint wastewater options with Kendrick. Benefits could include the communities working together, and depending on what joint processes result from evaluation, possible economy of scale. The challenges are that delaying construction could increase the overall cost, the current facility plan would have to be amended which could add four months of additional time, and an additional bond election may have to be held. Ken Nagy, Juliaetta City Attorney, added that one community taking on another’s wastewater could be tricky legally speaking. Additionally, City of Kendrick has not formally reached out to City of Juliaetta to ask for a joint solution. DEQ will continue to support the Juliaetta wastewater project whether the cities work jointly or not. Therefore, in the interest of making the best decision for Juliaetta citizens, Councilmember Klone moved to proceed with Option 1, seconded by Councilmember Anderson. Motion carried.
Mr. Norton presented a loan offer from DEQ in the amount of $4,315,673.00 for the wastewater project, which was reviewed by the City Attorney. Some clarifications were made by Mr. Norton, including the fact that the operator will not need a higher classification of license to operate the “new” plant, and that certified American iron and steel will be used in construction. Councilmember Anderson moved to adopt Resolution 2021-04, which accepts the loan offer from DEQ, seconded by Councilmember Witt. Motion carried.
Mr. Norton also presented an amendment to the owner-engineer agreement with Keller Associates. This amendment would replace the one signed in February and will include preliminary design, final design, bidding support, construction administration, construction observation, and post-construction services. As the amendment was presented at the meeting, without time for the City Attorney to review, the issue will be tabled until July’s Council meeting.
Lastly, regarding a letter received from DEQ which stated a wastewater planning grant City of Juliaetta applied for would not be funded, Mr. Norton clarified that planning study would cover collection, i.e. sewer lines. The current project is not affected and the City may submit another Letter of Interest in January 2022.
Dodd Snodgrass, CEDA, explained the environmental review, that it states there is no adverse environmental impact by this project. Councilmember Dodge moved and Councilmember Witt seconded to allow the Mayor to sign the environmental review document. Motion carried. Mr. Snodgrass also presented the Grant Administration contract with CEDA for Council consideration. CEDA will be our administrator, working with the City, federal agencies, and engineers with contract documents and labor management. Councilmember Klone moved to accept the grant administration contract, seconded by Councilmember Anderson. Motion carried.
Mike Burrows addressed Council about a high-pressure water event at his home in August 2020. Immediately following the incident, City maintenance had his water heater replaced, some electrical work done, and a pressure reducing valve was installed. Mr. Burrows eventually asked for and received tort claim forms from the City. The claim was denied by ICRMP, a property insurance collaboration of which the City is a member, as the deadline had passed. The City Attorney interjected that the City has no requirement to inform anyone about filing a tort claim. When asked what he was requesting of the City, Mr. Burrows stated he would like the City to pay his bill to CTR, a copy of which was given to the Treasurer. Councilmember Dodge in turn requested copies of the original estimate from CTR, images of the damage, and a letter from Mr. Burrows’ homeowners insurance company stating why they would not pay for the claim. The matter will be tabled until the requested information is received.
Kathy Groseclose asked if any determinations had been made by Council since the special meeting in May. They have not. She stated she spoke to the Mayor and Josh Luscombe, City Maintenance about signing a new easement for the current water line. The Clerk clarified that she was speaking of the line that was installed in 2004. In laying the line, a deviation had to be made from the original location due to some sort of obstacle. At that time Ms. Groseclose had given permission for the deviation, but did not sign a new easement. When asked if the completion of a new easement would satisfy her issues with the City, she concurred.
Justin Cope, City Maintenance, reported that a bid was received for dust abatement services from Envirotech at a cost of 10¢ per square foot. The total cost to apply the treatment to Meadow Drive, Railroad Street, Adams Lane, Lynn Avenue, and Cross Street will be approximately $3,600.00. Councilmember Klone moved to spend $3,600.00 for dust abatement on the discussed roads. Councilmember Anderson seconded the motion, which carried.
The Treasurer reported four CDs that will mature on June 10, 2021 at P1FCU. The CDs currently earn .40% for 6 months, the new rate will be .30% for the same 6-month term. A CD at the same institution is earning 2.45%, as it was locked in at a longer term before rates began falling. She recommends rolling over the CDs for another 6-month term and reevaluate then. Councilmember Dodge moved and Councilmember Klone seconded to roll over the CDs for 6 months. Motion carried.
Since the closure of the Wells Fargo Bank branch in Kendrick, the Clerk and Treasurer have been traveling to Moscow or Lewiston to make weekly deposits. Some bank staff have complained about the number of checks that are usually deposited, because they are asked to scan them all while the Clerk or Treasurer are present. It was suggested that the City purchase their desktop scanner unit and essentially do our own check deposit with Wells Fargo at City Hall. Staff would still need to make an in-person cash deposit once or twice a month. The cost of the scanning unit purchase would be $468.00, and fees to use this service would be an average of $75.81 per month. City Council believes this monthly cost is quite high and asked if it could be reduced. They would also like to see a breakdown of the current costs for the Clerk/Treasurer’s bank trips including mileage. The issue will be tabled until further information is received.
Justin Cope reported on the recent work to move the water meter at James Smith’s property. Mr. Smith expected the work to be done in one day, but it was not able to be completed. He and his contractor completed the move against City policy, but it was inspected by Justin Cope before it was buried. Parts purchased to add two new service line will be returned.
Councilmember Dodge was approached by the Kendrick High School cheerleading squad about having a car wash fundraiser at Juliaetta Centennial Park in the next few weeks. Council approved.
The Clerk requested Council consider approving an agenda issue deadline of the Wednesday before the regular Council meeting each month. It will be discussed at the July meeting.
The Fire Department had no report.
At 9:06 pm, Councilmember Anderson made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Dodge seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The special meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Jeff Klone. Also present were Josh Luscombe and Justin Cope, City Maintenance, Bonnie Whismore, City Treasurer, and Wendy Sandino, City Clerk. The purpose of this meeting was for Council to discuss and determine if any part of a water line, meter, and/or valve should be moved if part of Riverview Drive is widened and a turn-around is created by James Smith on his property.
Mr. Smith explained his plans for his property; his neighbors were all invited to attend this meeting. He recently purchased it from his mother, and would like to retire there, after subdividing part of it into three parcels. One parcel would be 3.9 acres, the other two would be smaller. He has not yet submitted any formal subdivision plans to K J Planning and Zoning Commission, but assured that they would be created by an engineer. He considered running City sewer to each parcel, as the current line does not extend into that area, but it is cost prohibitive. Residents in that area of Old Main Street and Riverview Drive currently have their own septic systems. If a City sewer line was installed, all residents within 300 feet of the line would be compelled to connect to the service.
Mr. Smith has been advised by the P & Z chairperson that if a resident wishes to subdivide property, the properties each must have 50 feet of frontage on a City street. As Riverview Drive is on private property, that requirement cannot be met. In order for Riverview to become a City street, it must be brought up to City standards. Mr. Smith would like to make the necessary upgrades to the roadway, as well as add a turn-around that could be used by City vehicles, emergency vehicles, and anyone else who needs to turn around on that road. A small part of Riverview Drive touches Kathy Groseclose’s property, and she does not want anyone else to trespass on her property. Mr. Smith’s plan also includes widening part of Riverview Drive further onto his own land, so that Ms. Groseclose’s property would be bypassed by everyone else who traverses Riverview Drive, with the possible exception of one family who already have an easement to access their driveway. In order to create this changed roadway, an existing water meter will need to be moved, also on Mr. Smith’s property. Council agreed to this move.
A question was raised as to whether or not sufficient water pressure would be available if future homes are built in the area. An 8-inch water line is currently installed, which is adequate. The City is required to supply 50 pounds of pressure or 150+ pounds in a main line. Any water pressure issues may be from an undersized private supply line or a pressure reducing valve installed on the home.
Damage on Old Main Street that occurred after TDS had in-ground fiber optic lines installed in that area was also discussed; the City will look into this matter.
At 8:34 pm, Councilmember Dodge made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Klone seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Jeff Klone. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Bonnie Whismore, Justin Cope, City Maintenance, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
The minutes of the April 13, 2021 meetings were read. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Dodge, seconded by Councilmember Anderson. Motion carried. Bills from the month of April 2021 were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Klone, seconded by Councilmember Witt. Motion carried.
Charles Burke, who requested gravel or dust abatement treatment on Railroad Street did not attend. However, as the matter of dust abatement has been brought before Council previously, Mayor Groseclose suggested obtaining bids for the cost. Councilmember Dodge moved to table a final decision until estimates are received for treating Meadow Drive, Railroad Street, Adams Lane, Lynn Avenue, and Cross Street. Councilmember Anderson seconded the motion, which carried.
Continuing discussion from April’s Council meeting regarding Old Main Street and Riverview Drive, a private road, the Clerk explained that Jayne Smith had since determined her property line does not encompass any part of Old Main Street. The Clerk also provided Council with information about prescriptive easements, which would allow residents who live adjacent to Riverview Drive to continue using it without any special permission, as it has been in use for more than twenty years. Landowner James Smith is considering widening at least part of Riverview Drive, and possibly subdividing his property. Kathy Groseclose, on whose property a part of Riverview Drive touches, will not give permission to Mr. Smith to bring in the necessary “heavy equipment” to do the work, as it will need to touch that part of her property. Council ceased discussion on the matter, as it is a discussion to be held between the two property owners.
Resolution 2021-02 was approved in April, declaring surplus the City’s 1996 Chevrolet pickup. Two sealed bids were opened by the Mayor. Glen Whismore bid $506.00 and Dale Province bid $1,851.00. Councilmember Dodge move to accept Dale Province’s bid of $1,851.00, seconded by Councilmember Witt. Motion carried.
The Clerk explained the need for upgraded City cell phones. Maintenance currently use phones without internet access, so they have calls forwarded to their personal cell phones. The Clerk also uses her personal cell phone to contact Maintenance and the Fire Chief, so it would also be helpful to have a City Hall cell phone. The Treasurer reported currently spending $80.40 monthly at Inland Cellular for services. Upgrading the two current phones and adding a third line would be approximately $200 monthly. Councilmember Dodge moved to upgrade service to three smart phones, seconded by Councilmember Witt. Motion carried.
As iPads have been purchased for Council and Maintenance with CARES Act funding, an iPad user agreement was created. After review, Councilmember Klone would like to change part of the agreement which states passcodes will be given to each user. He would like passcodes to remain private to each user. Councilmember Dodge said all passcodes could be kept in a sealed envelope in the safe in case they are needed. Councilmember Dodge moved to approve the agreement with the above change, seconded by Councilmember Klone. Motion carried.
Justin Cope, City Maintenance, has been approached by two residents complaining the draw that runs behind their homes has become quite overgrown. He was advised to inform them that it is private property, and clean-up work will not be done by the City.
Councilmember Witt would like to see the flagpole on Main Street repainted or replaced. Councilmember Dodge has been asked by Matt Tefft if a memorial bench may be placed on the sidewalk in front of City Hall in memory of Becky Tefft, who was Juliaetta City Clerk from 1991-2012. Mr. Tefft would fund the purchase and installation costs. Council would like to hear his plans at a future meeting. Councilmember Anderson would like to remind residents that motor vehicles, other than those authorized by the City, are not allowed on the trail. The Clerk will post a notice on the City’s facebook page, and add a note to the bills.
The Treasurer advised Council that four CDs currently at P1FCU will mature in June. As interest rates are still low, it may be a good idea to roll them over again for a shorter term.
The Fire Department had no report.
At 7:46 pm, Councilmember Anderson made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Dodge seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Jeff Klone. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Bonnie Whismore, Justin Cope and Josh Luscombe, City Maintenance, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
The minutes of the March 9, 2021 meetings were read. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Dodge, seconded by Councilmember Witt. Motion carried. Bills from the month of March 2021 were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Anderson, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. Motion carried.
Juliaetta resident Jim Smith is interested in subdividing his property, as well as possibly transferring ownership of his private road to the City. Nearby residents Kathy Groseclose and Jayne Smith argued that the “city road” Old Main Street may be on their property. At the suggestion from Councilmember Dodge, Councilmember Klone moved to table any further discussion on the subject until next month. Councilmembers can look at the site for review and to determine where the City’s property lies. Councilmember Anderson seconded the motion, which carried.
The FY2022 budget hearing needs to be scheduled. Councilmember Dodge moved to set the date of the hearing for August 10, 2021, seconded by Councilmember Witt. Motion carried.
Resolution 2021-01, the financial controls policy resolution, was presented to Council. Councilmember Klone moved to adopt Resolution 2021-01, seconded by Councilmember Witt. Motion carried.
Resolution 2021-02 was presented to Council, which declares the City’s 1996 Chevrolet pickup surplus property. Councilmember Anderson moved to adopt Resolution 2021-02, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. Motion carried.
Cynthia Nye, J-K Planning and Zoning Commission Chairperson, sent a letter to Juliaetta City Council requesting funds in the amount of $100.00. They requested the same from City of Kendrick. Councilmember Anderson moved to approved the funds request in the amount of $100.00, seconded by Councilmember Witt. Motion carried. Resolution 2021-03, which adopts the City of Juliaetta Personnel Policy, was presented to Council. Councilmember Anderson moved to approve the personnel policy and adopt Resolution 2021-03, seconded by Councilmember Witt. Motion carried.
Josh Luscombe, City Maintenance, reported the recent Sanitary Survey at the water treatment plant went very well. Justin Cope, City Maintenance, reported the purchase and receipt of new safety equipment, including a new emergency flotation device at the water plant and traffic cones.
Councilmember Witt is pleased to see the beginning of construction of the bridge replacement at the north end of Juliaetta, which will include a walkway for pedestrians. Councilmember Dodge reported a successful J-K Ambulance Sausage Feed. Councilmember Anderson would like a meeting to be held between the J-K Baseball Association and Juliaetta City Council to determine duties and responsibilities of the two parties at Juliaetta Centennial Park. The Clerk will contact the Association president to set up a meeting time, and a special meeting may be called for the discussion.
The Treasurer reported receipt of new iPads to be used by Council and City Maintenance for City business. It was recommended by the City’s IT provider that an agreement for care and use accompany each tablet, to be signed by the user.
The Juliaetta Volunteer Fire Department had no report.
At 8:09 pm, Councilmember Anderson made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Dodge seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Jeff Klone. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Bonnie Whismore, Justin Cope and Josh Luscombe, City Maintenance, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
The minutes of the February 8, 2021 meetings were read. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Dodge, seconded by Councilmember Anderson. Motion carried. Bills from the month of February 2021 were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Klone, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. Motion carried.
Delta Heath-Simpson and her husband requested of Council a place to sell their home-grown produce from mid-July through October twice a week. They will be selling from their truck, and will not leave anything at the site. Council discussed and agrees that the large gravel lot north of the bulky waste site will be an ideal location; Councilmember Anderson moved and Councilmember Dodge seconded to allow the couple to use part of that lot to sell their produce. Motion carried.
Councilmember Klone moved to approve Keller Associates to prepare the USDA-RD Apply funding application for the wastewater treatment plant improvements, to be submitted by the City. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Dodge and carried.
Council discussed a clarification to the proposed City of Juliaetta personnel policy. No changes were made and it will be adopted pending City Attorney review.
In a discussion at City Hall, Jim Smith requested information about extending the City sewer line from SH 3 to his property at 6101 Old Main Street, which would also allow existing residents in the area to connect, as well as a future possible subdivision. J-K Planning and Zoning Chairperson Cynthia Nye provided her knowledge on the subject. Mr. Smith would pay for the line to be run to his property. More connections would require a larger line, so City of Juliaetta would pay the difference in cost for the larger pipe. If he does decide to run the new sewer line and subdivide, he will have to follow the subdivision process with Planning and Zoning. Public hearings will need to be held; DEQ requires that residents within a certain distance must connect to the line. The property is in the agricultural zone, which limits minimum lot size to one acre. Josh Luscombe, City Maintenance, presented a quote for a new lawnmower to Council. He also reported that new poles will be installed for the radar speed signs. Justin Cope, City Maintenance, will be purchasing new traffic cones, as well as life preservers for the water and wastewater plants. He also reminded Council that the JCIA will be performing highway cleanup on March 14.
The Clerk presented Council with proposed increases in garbage collection rates to view, sent by Latah County Solid Waste. The Mayor would like to declare surplus an out of service city vehicle. City Maintenance should take an inventory to see if anything else should be declared surplus. Finally, the Planning and Zoning Commission needs a member from the Juliaetta area of city impact.
The Juliaetta Volunteer Fire Department had no report.
At 7:44 pm, Councilmember Anderson made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Dodge seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Jeff Klone. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Bonnie Whismore, Justin Cope and Josh Luscombe, City Maintenance, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
The minutes of the January 12 and January 20, 2021 meetings were read. Motion to approve each was made by Councilmember Dodge, seconded by Councilmember Witt. Motion carried. Bills from the month of January 2021 were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Dodge, seconded by Councilmember Klone. Motion carried.
Proposed Ordinance 2021-01, the budget amendment ordinance, was reviewed by Council, and the title was read by the Clerk. Councilmember Klone moved to suspend the rules and have the proposed ordinance pass its first read by title only, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. Councilmember Witt moved to adopt Ordinance 2021-01, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. A roll call vote was held: Councilmember Witt, yes; Councilmember Dodge, yes; Councilmember Anderson, yes; Councilmember Klone, yes.
Tony Matson of Hayden Ross presented the FY2020 financial audit report. Overall, the General Fund is operating with a healthy ending fund balance, but is supporting the Water and Sewer Funds. The recent budget amendment helped. Mr. Matson reported that City accounting is getting more complex, especially with the addition of grants and the bond levy. His firm and the Treasurer have been working on getting the accounting configured correctly at the onset of the project, so they progress smoothly. He suggests the City continue to monitor financial activity each month, as well as take a further look at the allocation of expenses to make sure these expenses are being allocated in the correct fund. The City also underwent its first single audit this year, as we have more than $750,000 in federal grants having been awarded. This is a compliance audit and reviews internal controls around spending. Mr. Matson notified Council that when spending federal grant and loan award funds, cities are required to adopt written procurement policies. Council hopes to review the policy soon.
A letter from Chuck and Dolly Hammond was presented to Council to formally request the de-annexation of a 1.21 acre parcel of their property from inside City limits. Proposed Ordinance 2021-02, which would alter City limits to reflect the de-annexation, was also presented to Council. Councilmember Anderson moved to approve the de-annexation, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. The title of the ordinance was read by the Clerk. Councilmember Klone moved to suspend the rules and have the proposed ordinance pass its first read by title only, seconded by Councilmember Klone moved to suspend the rules and have the proposed ordinance pass its first read by title only, seconded by Councilmember Anderson. Councilmember Klone moved to adopt Ordinance 2021-02, seconded by Councilmember Witt. A roll call vote was held: Councilmember Witt, yes; Councilmember Dodge, yes; Councilmember Anderson, yes; Councilmember Klone, yes.
Juliaetta resident Mark Maland has expressed concerns in the past regarding the recycle bins near the intersection of Third and Railroad Streets. A No Loitering sign has been ordered. Mr. Maland is also concerned about trash in the area. The Mayor regularly picks up trash there, along the trail, and throughout town. Justin Cope, City Maintenance, added that litter seems to be a problem throughout the area, not just at the recycle bins.
An Amendment to Owner-Engineer Agreement, Amendment No. 1, was presented to Council for approval. This amendment is from Keller Associates modifying the original agreement amount of $60,000 for the wastewater planning services study to $660,241 which will include the preliminary design phase to the scope of services. Councilmember Klone moved to accept the amendment and allow the Mayor to sign, seconded by Councilmember Witt. The motion carried.
The updated personnel policy was given to Council to review. Council would also like each employee to review it for their feedback. Councilmember Anderson moved and Councilmember Dodge seconded to send the personnel policy to the City Attorney for his review before adoption. Motion carried.
Josh Luscombe, City Maintenance, reported the Water Line Replacement project is finished; riprap was added around the wet wells and a new hydrant was installed at the water treatment plant. He also added that he has been in contact with someone from Spectrum, who added overhead fiberoptic lines in Juliaetta, to clean up damage and brush left behind where they worked.
Councilmember Anderson thanked the Mayor for taking down most of the Christmas lights at Juliaetta Centennial Park. There are a few strings high up that will be removed as soon as proper equipment is available.
At 8:07 pm, Councilmember Anderson made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Dodge seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The special meeting was called to order at 5:56 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Jeff Klone. The purpose of this meeting was to hold executive session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206 subsection 1 : (b) to consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student.
At 5:56 pm, Councilmember Witt moved to go into executive session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206 subsection 1: (b), seconded by Councilmember Anderson.
Councilmember Anderson moved to return to regular session. Councilmember Dodge seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
At 6:30 pm, Councilmember Klone made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Anderson seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The personnel policy workshop was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Jeff Klone. Councilmember Anderson suggested changing the separate sick and vacation time to PTO (paid time off). Currently vacation is earned on the employee’s hire anniversary date and sick time is accrued each pay period, with a cap at 240 hours. Council decided to leave vacation and sick time as they are. Vacation time will cap at three weeks after five years. Up to 40 hours of vacation pay can be rolled over after an anniversary date is attained, and it must be used within a year’s time. Extra vacation pay can be cashed out. Bereavement pay will be given for three days, but the employee can use available sick or vacation time as authorized. These and other changes will be made in the sample personnel policy, to be reviewed at the next City Council meeting.
The FY2021 budget amendment public hearing was called to order at 7:00 pm. Funds in the amount of $203,734 were reallocated from the General fund to the Water and Sewer funds for engineering fees and a sewer line blockage repair. There was no comment by the public. The public hearing was adjourned.
The regular meeting was called to order. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Bonnie Whismore, Josh Luscombe and Justin Cope, City Maintenance, and Fire Chief Mike McGee. The minutes of the December 8, 2020 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Dodge, seconded by Councilmember Anderson. Motion carried. Bills from the month of December 2020 were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Anderson, seconded by Councilmember Witt. Motion carried.
Jessica Clemenhagen of the Juliaetta Elementary School Pre-School Program, informed Council of their need to become a licensed provider in order to procure funding. The last step to become licensed is to obtain a letter from the City stating they are in compliance with City Code relating to the operation of a daycare/preschool. City Attorney Ken Nagy needs permission from Council before researching and presenting his findings that the school is or is not in compliance. Councilmember Anderson moved to allow the attorney to do the research, and to issue the appropriate letter when findings are reached. The motion was seconded by Councilmembers Dodge and Klone, and carried.
Juliaetta Fire Chief Mike McGee requested that Council change the name of part of Lynn Avenue, as well as the house numbers of 3-4 swellings in that area, in order to alleviate confusion and delay to law enforcement, fire, and EMS services. An example of this confusion arose when the Fire Department was dispatched to the corner of Lynn Avenue and Hallet Street; there are two such intersections. Mayor Groseclose has concerns about residents having to go through the trouble of changing their addresses. Councilmember Dodge, who works for the United States Postal Service, agrees that it would be a lengthy and difficult process. Mayor Groseclose would like to instead see additional signage erected in the trouble spots. Councilmember Anderson moved to have the supplemental signs installed, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. The motion carried.
Justin Cope, City Maintenance reported the installation of a new hydrant at the water treatment plant, part of work done with funds from Army Corps of Engineers.
The City Clerk reported that funding was approved to be received from the Idaho Rebounds CARES Act. Also, two radar speed signs were ordered and delivered, and will be installed as soon as approval is received from Idaho Transportation Department. The Treasurer informed Council of the upcoming Audit Report in February. A separate audit is being performed due to Federal Funding received for work at the water treatment plant.
At 7:25 pm Councilmember Anderson moved to go into executive session pursuant to Idaho Coe 74-206 subsection 1:(b).
Councilmember Dodge moved to return to regular session, seconded by Councilmember Klone.
At 8:21 pm, Councilmember Anderson made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Dodge seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Jeff Klone. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Bonnie Whismore, Justin Cope, City Maintenance, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
A workshop was held to discuss changes to the City’s personnel policy. Council would like all maintenance to be present at City Council meetings and would like to begin yearly personnel reviews. They are also considering random drug testing. Use and accrual of comp and sick time was discussed. Further discussion was tabled until the January meeting, unless the auditors will be giving their review in January.
The minutes of the November 10, 2020 public hearing and regular meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Witt, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. Motion carried. Bills from the month of November 2020 were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Klone, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. Motion carried.
Stillman Norton of Keller Associates addressed Council about next steps for the wastewater treatment plant project. Option 1 is to begin the design process immediately, which will take about 12 months. This means the design will be finished in time for bidding in early 2022, which is the optimum time for requesting construction bids. Design services can be funded by local funds or DEQ funds, and can be repaid later by USDA Rural Development funds. Option 2 is to wait to begin the design process until USDA/RD funds are available. This would put the project out for bids in May/June 2022; bids are generally less competitive at this time, resulting in an increase in costs to the City. Waiting until early 2023 would also likely be an inflation in costs of labor and materials. Councilmember Dodge moved to proceed with Option 1 and begin the design process immediately. Councilmember Klone seconded the motion, which carried.
Mr. Norton also suggested he could send a letter of interest on behalf of the City in applying for funds for a planning grant to study flow monitoring and infiltration inflow analysis at the wastewater treatment plant. Council agreed and Mr. Norton will send the letter prior to the January 8, 2021 deadline.
Adoption of the new personnel policy is tabled until a later date. Latah County has requested an amendment to the Latah Sanitation Collection Contract at an additional cost of $60.60 per month beginning January 1, 2021. Councilmember Dodge moved to approve the amendment, seconded by Councilmember Anderson. Motion carried.
Miranda Anderson of the Community Library Project asked if the City would be willing to apply for a Community Development Block Grant to build a new library. Mr. Norton interjected that it would be a good idea to contact Dodd Snodgrass of CEDA to check if the City can apply for those funds on two different projects. The Clerk will speak with Mr. Snodgrass. Mayor Groseclose spoke with the owner of the property adjacent to the current library to see if he would sell to the City. As it was his mother’s property, he is not anxious to sell. He’d also like to retire in the area and would need new property to live or build on. The City will wait for clarification from CEDA before continuing.
Canvassed results from the 2020 election were received from Latah County. The Juliaetta Sewer Bond passed with 77.21% ‘yes’ votes. Councilmember Anderson moved to accept the canvassed election results, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. Motion carried.
Four Certificates of Deposit at P1FCU matured December 7, 2020. They are in the amounts of $50,672.15, $50,724.02, $50,672.15, and $50,672.15. As interest rates have fallen considerably, the Treasurer suggests rolling them over for a 6 month term rather than 24 months, and hope for more favorable rates in the future. Councilmember Dodge moved to roll the matured CDs at P1FCU for 6 months. Councilmember Anderson seconded the motion, which carried.
Justin Cope reported water leaks in Juliaetta in the last few weeks. One was in an abandoned 2” line at 2nd Street and McCall Street. The other was in the 400 block of Hallet Street. Both have been repaired.
The Treasurer reported that the budget will be reopened in January due to sewer issues. She also gave an estimate from M. L. Albright and Sons for installation of a new fire hydrant and 500 tons of rip rap to armor the site of the new water line at the water treatment plant. Mayor Groseclose would also like to see an estimate for concrete blocks rather than rip rap.
At 8:07 pm, Councilmember Anderson made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Dodge seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 10, 2020
The public hearing was called to order at 7:01 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Jeff Klone. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Bonnie Whismore, Justin Cope, City Maintenance, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
Dodd Snodgrass, Clearwater Economic Development Association, discussed the need for the wastewater treatment plant project, touching on the application process, and the project’s scope of work. This project will be completed in two phases to maximize funding opportunities; phase one will focus on the treatment system, phase two will address solid waste and any temperature requirements.
The regular meeting was called to order. The minutes of the October 13 and 19, 2020 meetings were read. Motion to approve all was made by Councilmember Dodge, and was seconded by Councilmember Witt. Motion carried. Bills from the month of October 2020 were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Anderson, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. Motion carried.
Jim Sturman did not attend the meeting to discuss concerns regarding Lynn Avenue.
Keller Associates provided an authorization to complete the LRHIP Construction Project Application, to be signed by the mayor. The application is for grant funds to do chip sealing on city streets. Councilmember Anderson moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the Agreement for Professional Services with Keller Associates to complete the LRHIP Construction Project Application, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. The motion carried.
Last month, a request was made to relocate the recycle bins from their location near the corner of Third and Railroad Streets. The Clerk spoke with Amanda Bashaw, Latah County Solid Waste Coordinator, who suggested installing No Loitering or Parking signs, motion detection lights, and/or a security camera, as an alternative to moving the bins. Additionally, those who live in the vicinity should report any suspicious activity to the Latah County Sheriff’s office. Councilmember Klone moved to leave the recycle bins at their current location, and to look into the installation of signs and lights, seconded by Councilmember Anderson. Motion carried.
Bids for two John Deere tractors were reviewed by Council. Councilmember Anderson moved to purchase the 50 horse power John Deere 4052M tractor at an approximate cost of $34,000.00, seconded by Councilmember Klone. All were in favor.
Discussion regarding the personnel policy was tabled until the workshop to be held at 6:00 pm, Tuesday, December 8.
Justin Cope reported a sewer leak in the vicinity of the Stella-Jones pole yard in October. Upon inspection, a manhole cover had been knocked off, causing the cavity to become filled with gravel and other debris. Over time this caused a blockage which resulted in the sewage overflowing. The line was not broken; the area was vacuumed out and the line jetted clear. The Department of Environmental Quality was notified and proper procedure was followed to remediate the issue.
Councilmember Anderson thanked those who volunteered to hang lights at Juliaetta Centennial Park. The lighting ceremony is scheduled for November 22 at 6:00 pm.
The Clerk gave updates on some agenda items from October. ICRMP recommended tort claim documents be filed by those affected by the high pressure event; none have been received by City Hall. The de-annexation requested by Chuck Hammond has not yet been reviewed by the City Attorney. And a letter was sent to the owner of the property adjacent to the Community Library, to see if he would be willing to sell; he has not yet replied. Additionally, the Mayor took part in his fourth Mayor’s Walking Challenge sponsored by Blue Cross of Idaho, earning $1,000.00 to be used for promoting keeping kids active.
The Treasurer provided Council with a sheet showing balances of all City accounts. She will provide another quarterly, or monthly if Council wishes. Also, there are several CDs which will mature in December at P1FCU. The interest rate is considerably less than when they last rolled over 24 months ago, so Council may want to consider renewing them at a shorter term and hope for a more favorable rate later. The decision will be made at the December Council meeting.
The Fire Department confirmed Santa Claus will indeed be comin’ to town on December 19.
At 7:48 pm, Councilmember Anderson made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Witt seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The special meeting was called to order at 6:40 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Jeff Klone. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Bonnie Whismore, Justin Cope, City Maintenance, and Fire Chief Mike McGee. The purpose of this meeting was to hear options in regards to applying for street and/or sidewalk grants.
Scott Linja, Keller Associates, spoke to Council of upcoming grant options. A road construction/maintenance grant is available for up to $100,000 for construction projects. No City match is required. The deadline for application is November 16. In the grant proposal, Mr. Linja suggests to bundle together smaller chipseal projects, or to bundle together small thin overlay projects, or even to tackle a small reconstruction project, to maximize use of funds.
A sign grant and a transportation plan grant are also available, but the City does not have need of either at this time.
The final grant option is for sidewalk projects, including pedestrian paths and ADA ramps. This grant can be awarded for up to $500,000, but requires a 7.34% match of the project cost from the City.
After discussion, Councilmember Anderson moved to proceed with the construction grant application, to be completed by Keller Associates. Councilmember Dodge seconded the motion, which carried.
Councilmember Anderson moved to adjourn at 6:55 pm, seconded by Councilmember Witt.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Jeff Klone. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Bonnie Whismore, Justin Cope, City Maintenance, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
The minutes of the September 8, 2020 meetings were read. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Dodge, seconded by Councilmember Witt. Motion carried. Bills from the month of September 2020 were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Klone, seconded by Councilmember Anderson. Motion carried.
An informational meeting regarding the upcoming bond election for the wastewater treatment plant will need to be held. Councilmember Klone moved to schedule the meeting for Monday, October 19 at 7:00 pm, seconded by Councilmember Anderson. Motion carried.
Andrew Kimmel, Great West Engineering, informed Council the upgrade project at the water treatment plant is completed. There is one warranty item that will be fixed soon. Approximately $59,000 in U. S. Army Corps of Engineers funds is still available from the water line crossing project. These funds must be spent in relation to the water line crossing and require a 25% match from the City. A fire hydrant was recently installed across the Little Potlatch River, and those costs could be reimbursed with the surplus. An aged fire hydrant at the water treatment plant could be replaced and relocated. Another idea would be to armor the site of the new water line with large rocks that would make the new construction more resistant to washing out. If Council is interested in any or all of these small projects, Mr. Kimmel would work up actual costs for review by Council. Councilmember Anderson moved to pursue using some of the grant funds for these potential projects, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. Motion carried.
Justin Cope, City Maintenance, addressed Council in the stead of Juliaetta residents Logan Craig and Janet Wathey. On August 19 a high-pressure event contributed to two manufactured homes occupied by Mr. Craig and Ms. Wathey sustaining higher water overages and some damage. Neither home was fitted with a pressure reducing valve. Councilmember Dodge moved and Councilmember Anderson seconded to table any decisions regarding these matters until more cost information is received. Carried.
Chuck Hammond addressed Council to request the de-annexation of part of his property from City limits. The property in question would be added to a .9 acre lot that lies within the City impact area, and will not create a new lot. Councilmember Anderson moved to contact the City Attorney and/or Planning & Zoning and will consider this change. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Klone and carried.
Mr. Hammond also requested Council formally declare Meadow Drive has been upgraded to City standards. He originally built the road and agreed to maintain it until such time it was upgraded to the proper width, etc. as outlined in City Code. This declaration was originally made by Council several years ago, but cannot be found in the Minutes from that time period. Councilmember Anderson moved to accept that Meadow Drive does meet proper City standards, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. The motion carried.
Railroad Street resident Mark Maland requested City Council move the recycle bins that are currently located at the intersection of Third and Railroad Streets. He said there have been people sleeping and using drugs there, as well as illegal dumping. The bins were moved from their original location off Highway 3 because of illegal dumping and other misuse of the bins. Councilmember Anderson moved to consider the move and contact Amanda Bashaw, Latah County Solid Waste Coordinator, about other possible locations. Councilmember Klone seconded the motion, which carried.
Miranda Anderson, Community Library Project Chairperson, updated Council about the CLP. Forward progress is at a standstill until the City decides whether or not to pursue the purchase of the property next door to the current property. The Mayor has attempted to contact the property owner without success; a letter will need to be sent to him to see if he is interested in selling. Mr. Kimmel interjected that funding can be obtained before architectural plans are finalized or additional property is purchased. His office will contact City Hall to share that information.
Councilmember Klone would like to look at changing the garbage rates in the spring. In the meantime, Councilmember Klone moved to approve Resolution 2020-01, the schedule of all municipal fees and charges, seconded by Councilmember Witt. Motion carried.
It was moved, seconded, and carried to approve Resolution 2020-02, the Fair Housing Resolution.
Councilmember Anderson moved and Councilmember Dodge seconded to adopt the Idaho Community Development Block Grant Citizen Participation Plan. The motion carried.
Bids to purchase a new tractor were not available to review. The matter was tabled until November.
Discussion was held regarding the City personnel policy. Councilmember Klone asked for some clarification on current policy, and it was decided to have a workshop in December to discuss policy changes.
Justin Cope, City Maintenance, reported HERCO will not be able to chip seal this year, as their equipment is broken down. Next June will be the earliest chip sealing will be able to be done. Mr. Cope will also contact other paving companies at that time to request bids.
Councilmember Anderson asked Sheriff Richie Skiles for clarification regarding the enforcement of City Code. Sheriff Skiles acknowledged that Latah County officers enforce City Code and write tickets for infractions. Councilmember Anderson spoke of the upcoming Light the Park, which will be held at 6:00 pm Sunday, November 22. Decorating will be done November 7 and 8. It was decided, due to COVID-19, cocoa and cookies will not be sold at the event. Councilmember Anderson will contact Marilou’s School of Dance and the Kendrick High School Choir to see if they are interested in performing.
Councilmember Witt spoke to a representative at Idaho Department of Transportation regarding the bridge that was due to be replaced earlier this spring. Some repaving was done on the bridge this year, and the walkway will be completed next year. It was unclear if the bridge will still be replaced.
The Clerk informed Council that the application deadlines for grants to fund road construction/maintenance and sidewalk projects is rapidly approaching. Scott Linja, Keller Associates, has offered to speak to Council and explain possible options. Council decided to ask him to come before the bond election informational meeting, at 6:30 pm Monday, October 19.
At 8:30 pm, Councilmember Anderson made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Dodge seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 8, 2020
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Jeff Klone. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Bonnie Whismore, Josh Luscombe and Justin Cope, City Maintenance, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
The minutes of the August 11, August 20, and August 24, 2020 meetings were read. Motion to approve the August 11 was made by Councilmember Dodge, and motion to approve the August 20 and 24 meetings was made by Councilmember Anderson. Both were seconded by Councilmember Witt. Motions carried. Bills from the month of August 2020 were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Klone, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. Motion carried.
Amanda Bashaw, Latah County Solid Waste Coordinator, addressed Council regarding sanitation fees. She encouraged the City to require mandatory billing for trash pickup for all occupied dwellings, as costs for the recycle bins, bulky waste sites, and other solid waste programs are included. The City is charged for both collection costs and disposal costs, which are then passed on to the customer. Ms. Bashaw also reminded Council that each city is allowed to schedule one extra clean-up day per calendar year. Upon review of proposed FY2021 solid waste fees, she recommended increasing the extra bag fee and cart exchange fee, to reflect actual costs incurred by the City. She also recommended adding a cart replacement fee of $39.00, the actual cost of replacing a damaged cart. Councilmember Anderson moved and Councilmember Dodge seconded to table the matter for further review.
Stillman Norton, Keller Associates, and Dodd Snodgrass, CEDA, gave a presentation on the City’s need for Wastewater Treatment Plant improvements at the August 20 meeting. A $5.95 million bond measure on the November 3 ballot will determine if the City can proceed with these improvements. If approved, the project will be phased to secure more grants, which will help keep costs as low as possible for residents. Sewer costs will increase with the project, however, but will try to be kept at a level with similar sized communities in Idaho with similar wastewater treatment facilities. Mr. Snodgrass is preparing a flyer that will be posted in Juliaetta as well as mailed to residents. Council members may also visit residents “door-to-door” to explain the improvement needs. Another public presentation will be scheduled a couple weeks before election. Mr. Norton asked Council to select from the facility capital improvement plan which priority items they would like to see addressed in the project. After discussion, Councilmember Klone moved to select the Wastewater Treatment Plant Priority 1 Improvement needs as priority, and possibly the Priority 3 Improvements, if needed, as well as the Sewer System Priority 1 Improvement needs. Councilmember Anderson seconded the motion, which passed.
Juliaetta resident Eric McDowell has raised several complaints about the state of the property at 164 State Street. Cleanup work has been done at the property by the owners, with some assistance from Mayor Groseclose. Members of City Council have viewed the property on their own time, and would like to see a pipe rack and a tire changer moved, which must be completed within 90 days. Councilmember Anderson would like the nuisance ordinance to be reviewed, and if necessary, amended. He moved to table the issue until a later date, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. Councilmember Anderson asked for a roll call vote: Councilmember Witt, yes; Councilmember Dodge, yes; Councilmember Anderson, yes; Councilmember Klone, yes.
Further discussion was held regarding Meadow Drive, where dust abatement was requested. An agreement between Council and Chuck Hammond, who developed the property, was met in 2007 wherein Mr. Hammond would maintain the road until it was brought up to City standards, after which the City would perform the road maintenance. Record of the final decision to turn the road maintenance over to the City was not found, but the City historically has plowed the road, cut back branches and sprayed when necessary. The cost to apply the dust abatement treatment will be as much as $1,440.00, and should be performed in springtime. Councilmember Dodge would like to table the decision until the definition of city road standards can be found, seconded by Councilmember Anderson. Motion carried.
Regarding Ordinance 2020-02, the FY2021 Appropriations Ordinance, Councilmember Anderson and Councilmember Dodge seconded a motion to suspend the rules and have the ordinance read once by title. The Clerk read the ordinance title. Councilmember Anderson moved to adopt Ordinance 2020-02, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. A roll call vote was held: Councilmember Witt, yes; Councilmember Dodge, yes; Councilmember Anderson, yes; Councilmember Klone, yes.
Councilmember Dodge moved and Councilmember Witt seconded to table approval of Resolution 2020-01 until the October meeting. All were in favor.
Included in the FY2021 budget is a 50¢ raise for each full-time, appointed, and seasonal employee, effective October 1, 2020. Councilmember Dodge moved to approve the 50¢ raise for those employees, seconded by Councilmember Witt. Motion carried.
Justin Cope, City Maintenance, scheduled his written CDL test for September 16. He also reported all fallen stones at Juliaetta Cemetery have been reset. Josh Luscombe, City Maintenance, informed Council the walking path by the water treatment plant is reopened, irrigation at the site is buried and water and power have been run for the nearby community garden. The area is ready for seed and the water project is nearly completed.
Councilmember Anderson would like Council to consider whether or not to have this year’s Light the Park Event in November, due to COVID-19 concerns. The park will be lit whether or not there is a ceremony.
The Treasurer notified Council of a Certificate of Deposit that will be maturing soon, as well as four that will mature in December. At that time they can be changed, moved, or rolled over. The Clerk asked Council to consider updating the current personnel policy with a new one; a sample policy was given to Councilmembers in April for review.
Fire Chief Mike McGee has asked around to other fire chiefs about selling subscriptions for fire protection. Their overall consensus was not a recommendation to sell the subscriptions, but instead to suggest affected residents to ask for annexation into the City. There are 17 residences in the area of the newly installed hydrant.
At 8:35 pm, Councilmember Anderson made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Witt seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The public hearing was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, and Nick Anderson. Also present were Treasurer Bonnie Whismore and Clerk Wendy Sandino. The total amount of the FY2021 budget is $937,968.00. There was no comment by the public. There was also no comment by the public for Increased Fees.
Councilmember Dodge moved to accept the budget in the amount of $937,968.00, seconded by Councilmember Witt. All were in favor.
At 7:03 pm Councilmember Anderson made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Witt seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The special meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Nick Anderson, and Jeff Klone. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Bonnie Whismore, Justin Cope, City Maintenance, and Fire Chief Mike McGee. The purpose of this meeting was to hear the presentation of the Wastewater Facility Plan and proposed upgrades, to adopt Ordinance 2020-01, and to select a grant administrator.
The Wastewater Treatment Plant Facility Plan was prepared by Keller Associates, fully funded by the Department of Environmental Quality and the United States Department of Agriculture and was presented by Stillman Norton of Keller Associates. The plan addresses DEQ and Environmental Protection Agency requirements, new permit requirements, and future needs, including projected growth of the City. The current wastewater treatment plant is 44 years old, and although it runs well for its age, replacement parts are very difficult to obtain. Some of the equipment is undersized for the job being performed, including the plant pump station, plant screening equipment, and plant treatment equipment.
Funding will hopefully be obtained from several sources, some from grant sources including DEQ, Army Corps of Engineers, and Idaho Department of Commerce. Other funding would be in the form of long term low interest loans, possibly from USDA/Rural Development and/or DEQ. In order to borrow funds for the project, the City will need voter approval via a Bond Election to be held November 3, 2020. Dodd Snodgrass, Clearwater Economic Development Association, was also present to report how he will help Council educate Juliaetta voters on the project.
Assuming voters approve the $5.95 million bond, funding is secured and design of the project is approved, construction could begin as early as March 2022, taking about 15 months to complete.
Bond Election Ordinance 2020-01 was read by title by the Clerk. Under suspension of rules, Councilmember Anderson moved to adopt Ordinance 2020-01, seconded by Councilmember Witt. A roll call vote was held: Councilmember Witt, yes; Councilmember Anderson, yes; Councilmember Klone, yes.
The Council reviewed proposals received from TD&H Engineering and CEDA offering grant administration services. Councilmember Klone moved to select CEDA as grant administrator, seconded by Councilmember Anderson. Motion carried.
At 8:05 pm Councilmember Anderson made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Witt seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Jeff Klone. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Bonnie Whismore, Justin Cope, City Maintenance, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
The minutes of the July 14, 2020 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Dodge, seconded by Councilmember Witt. Motion carried. Bills from the month of July 2020 were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Anderson, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. Motion carried.
Dodd Snodgrass, CEDA, and Howard Lunderstadt, USDA, did not attend the meeting.
Laurie Jones, Juliaetta Market, disputed charges on her water bill, which accrued while there was a water leak on her business property. The Clerk explained the overage amounts on the account history. Ms. Jones waited to repair the leak while the City determined if the leak was a City issue or a private issue. She first appraised City Council of the leak at the March 2020 City Council meeting; City Maintenance was aware of the leak in February, which appears to have begun in January. After discussion, Councilmember Dodge moved to have Ms. Jones pay all water charges in January and June; the City will cover water overage costs in February-May. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Klone, and carried. The Clerk will figure a new utility bill and send it to Ms. Jones.
Due to the possibility of an upcoming wastewater upgrade project and bond election, the City must retain bond counsel services. Three names were provided to City Hall by Dodd Snodgrass, CEDA. Councilmember Anderson moved to accept Stephanie Bonney, MSBT Law, as Bond Counsel, seconded by Councilmember Witt. Motion carried.
Josh Luscombe has requested dust abatement on Meadow Drive; he was unable to attend the meeting but Justin Cope addressed Council on his behalf. There is a driver who drives quite fast by his house, raising a lot of dust. Chuck Hammond, who lives at the end of Meadow Drive, had told Mr. Luscombe that an agreement was in place for the City to maintain the road. Additionally, a resident of Railroad Street has also expressed an interest in dust abatement on his street. One quote for the service was obtained at a cost of $720.00 for 400 feet or $1044.00 for 800 feet. Councilmember Klone would like to see if other steps could be taken before the City pays for dust abatement, including speaking to the aforementioned driver. Councilmember Anderson would also like to see the agreement requiring the City to maintain the road. Councilmember Anderson moved to table the discussion until the September meeting, seconded by Councilmember Klone.
Justin Cope, City Maintenance, will take the written test to receive his CDL learners permit in the next few weeks. Michael Boyer, J-K Baseball Association, has informed Mr. Cope of fall baseball games that will be played at the Juliaetta field, necessitating weed spraying and field maintenance. These games are not school sanctioned. A new hydrant has been installed at the Juliaetta Market. Mr. Cope is also still working on repairing the “noon whistle” siren. The issue appears to lie with the telephone lines it is connected to. He will contact TDS and/or electrician Phil Stradley to attempt to fix the issue.
The Clerk informed Council of upcoming public hearings on August 20 and August 24.
The Treasurer informed Council of an upcoming payroll tax deferral, potentially beginning in September. She is searching for more information to provide to Council at the next meeting.
Fire Chief Mike McGee reported a refurbished hydrant was installed across the Potlatch River on North Juliaetta Grade, outside City Limits. Installation was paid for out of the Fire Department’s budget. Chief McGee is in the process of gathering more information about subscription services, to ultimately provide fire protection to subscribed residents in that area, the cost of which would be based in part on square footage of dwellings as well as number of outbuildings. Chief McGee also reported the completion of an inventory of all hydrants, tested and numbered. There are 41 hydrants maintained by the Juliaetta Volunteer Fire Department.
At 7:37 pm, Councilmember Anderson moved to go into executive session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206 subsection 1:b.
Councilmember Dodge moved to return to regular session, seconded by Councilmember Klone. At 7:52 pm, Councilmember Anderson made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Dodge seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Jeff Klone. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Bonnie Whismore, Justin Cope and Josh Luscombe, City Maintenance, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
The minutes of the June 9, 2020 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Dodge, seconded by Councilmember Anderson. Motion carried. Bills from the month of June 2020 were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Anderson, seconded by Councilmember Klone. Motion carried.
Stillman Norton, Keller Associates, gave Council an update on the Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrade project. The Facility Plan has been reviewed by USDA and DEQ. Their comments are being addressed and the plan is being edited. Once finished, a copy will be on file for review at City Hall; additionally, a PDF can be published on the City’s website. An environmental report will also be available. A public hearing will need to be held at a special meeting prior to the bond election in November. Notice of the hearing must be given at least two weeks prior to the meeting, which will be held Thursday, August 20, at 7:00 pm. If the bond election passes, Council is considering splitting the project into two phases, which will maximize grant funds available, therefore keeping any loans as small as possible. Bond counsel will be obtained to assist with this process. Dodd Snodgrass, CEDA, will provide the clerk with contact information of those that provide bond counsel services. Mr. Snodgrass has sent out income surveys to select Juliaetta residents, which is required to receive certain funding. He is waiting on more to be returned and may send out new surveys, or make follow-up phone calls to ensure receipt of the mandatory number.
Laurie Jones, Juliaetta Market, wished to discuss the broken water line at her business. She was able to fix the leak, but at some point in the project the fire hydrant became unusable. Josh Luscombe and Chief McGee will try to flush the hydrant to see if that will fix it, otherwise it may need to be replaced. Councilmember Anderson moved to replace the hydrant instead, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. The motion carried. The old hydrant may be refurbished and put back into service at another location. Ms. Jones asked Council to help her with her large water bill; charges accumulated over the past few months while the pipe was leaking. That decision will be tabled until August to gather more information on her account.
Additionally, a letter was sent to Ms. Jones, advising that her property was in violation of ordinances that, in part, require residents to not allow trash or junk to accumulate, and they shall not leave any motor vehicle in a wrecked or state of repair for a period of 48 hours or more on a public street. While Council appreciates the clean up work that has been done, there are still vehicles that need to be moved off the sidewalk. Resolution of the clean up will be determined at a later date.
Tom Crooks of 172 State Street was recognized by Council, so that he could thank the summer help for repairing and mowing the alley behind his residence.
The FY2021 Budget was reviewed by Council. Councilmember Klone moved to tentatively adopt the budget. Councilmember Anderson seconded the motion, which carried. The budget is in the amount of $937,968.
The proposed Fee and Rate resolution was reviewed. Monthly water and sewer charges will increase $2 each. Garbage rates should also increase. Council asked if Amanda Bashaw, Latah County Solid Waste Coordinator, would attend next month’s meeting to help give them a greater understanding of the breakdown of garbage rates. The Clerk will request her attendance; the matter was tabled.
Josh Luscombe and Justin Cope gave Maintenance reports to Council. The wet wells and pumps have been installed at the water treatment plant, and have been backfilled as much as possible. They are waiting on an electrician to install sonar, which will measure the depth of the water. The replacement water line has been bored and either side is being hooked up. The radiator has been replaced in the backhoe. The wastewater treatment plant was down last week, with issues affecting the microscreen, chain, a plate for a drive, and the contact chamber. A new submersible pump was also put in. The clarifier was plugged and cleaned out. All is working now after these repairs. Spectrum is done installing fiber optic lines. Western States inspected the generator at the wastewater treatment plant. The inspector was surprised to find it has the original belts. The machinery works fine at this time, but it is very old and no replacement parts are available. He will write a report with all his notes on the machinery to give to Keller Associates. He recommended purchasing a new 12-volt battery and air filter. Herco has been contacted about paving/chip sealing, and they do have an opening in their schedule. A new sprinkler panel was installed at the park.
Councilmember Anderson says this year’s Light the Park, which is to be held the Sunday before Thanksgiving, may possibly be cancelled due to COVID-19. A decision will be made closer to the event. The Blackberry Festival has been cancelled. Councilmember Witt suggested the ditches on Cross Street be cleaned out. And due to vehicles speeding throughout the City, Latah County Sheriff Skiles has stated that pictures of alleged offenders’ license plates may be sent to the Sheriffs’ Office for further investigation.
The Clerk reported that she has contacted AAA Tree Service to trim trees in the City. They are quite busy and will call back later in July to make an appointment.
Fire Chief Mike McGee asked about the working status of the siren; he has been questioned about it by the Sheriff’s Office. Justin Cope will test it. Also, with the installation of the new water line across the Potlatch River, a fire hydrant should be installed to cover that area. The Fire Department can sell subscriptions to those residents who are outside city limits for fire protection, which gives revenue to the City/Fire Department, and can help homeowners with their insurance costs by providing that service. The Chief will research the rates for that service.
At 8:13 pm, Councilmember Anderson moved to go into executive session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206 subsection 1:b.
Councilmember Anderson moved to return to regular session, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. At 8:43 pm, Councilmember Anderson made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Dodge seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Jeff Klone. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Bonnie Whismore, Justin Cope and Josh Luscombe, City Maintenance, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
The minutes of the May 12, 2020 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Witt, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. Motion carried. Bills from the month of May 2020 were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Anderson, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. Motion carried.
Dodd Snodgrass of CEDA informed Council of the next steps to obtain funding for the upcoming wastewater treatment plant project. An income survey will be mailed to 161 randomly selected Juliaetta residents. The survey is completely anonymous and should be filled out and returned within a month.
Juliaetta resident Eric McDowell addressed Council with complaints about junk, junk cars, and other public nuisances at and around 164 State Street, including on the City right of way. Council agrees the property needs cleaned up. Councilmember Anderson moved to send a letter outlining the offenses to the property owner with a demand to clean it up, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. The motion carried.
Councilmember Klone and Laurie Jones, Juliaetta Market, wished to discuss the water meter at the Market and the work that is being done to determine whether or not the water leak there is the City’s or Market’s responsibility. Josh Luscombe says the existing commercial meter is fine; if it was failing, it would either read less usage or none at all. The Idaho Rural Water Association circuit rider believes there is a leak, but he hasn’t been able to find it. He and Justin Cope have replaced the shut off valve. They attempted to borrow a replacement meter from City of Kendrick, but it wouldn’t fit. A new meter will be approximately $700.00. Council would still like the meter replaced, to determine if that’s the cause of the issues. Councilmember Klone moved to have IRWA do an additional inspection to find the leak, and possibly attend the next Council meeting to report their findings. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Anderson, and passed.
Anthony Cappa at 319 Water Street has large locust trees around his house that are dropping branches and debris on his home and vehicles. The trees are planted in the City right of way. Councilmember Anderson moved to have Mr. Cappa’s trees moved to the top of the tree trimming list, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. The motion carried.
Juliaetta Community Librarian Erin Davis requested to have two parking spots designated and reserved in front of the library for patrons to utilize for curbside pickups. Councilmember Dodge moved to allow the library to put up the temporary signs, seconded by Councilmember Witt. Motion carried.
The FY2021 budget was briefly discussed. Mayor Groseclose has tentatively included a 3% increase over last year’s budget, as well as raises in wages for employees. Mr. McDowell was recognized by Council and suggested looking at alternative healthcare insurance plans as a way to save money. The Treasurer reminded Council that the Office of the Latah County Sheriff has increased their rates, as has Avista. Further discussion was tabled until a later meeting.
Last year’s Fee and Rate Schedule was given to Council for review, that they may decide to alter fees and rates in the new fiscal year. Further discussion was tabled until a later meeting.
The Clerk explained to Council that each June, letters are sent to customers with delinquent accounts giving each approximately one month to pay the past due balance, or that balance will be forwarded to Latah County and assessed with property taxes. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and many people being out of work, Councilmember Anderson moved to forego sending these certified fees letters for this year, seconded by Councilmember Witt. The motion carried.
Tom Crooks of 172 State Street was recognized by Council and stated that the alley behind his house was torn up by Summit when they laid the fiber optic lines recently. Summit had stated they would return to repair damages to City property, but they haven’t yet. Mayor Groseclose will view the alley and attempt to repair the damage so that it can be mowed and maintained.
Josh Luscombe reported the work at the water treatment is at a standstill due to the high river levels. Justin Cope reported the wastewater plant is working overtime since the Stay At Home Order began.
Fire Chief Mike McGee didn’t have any Fire Department news to share, but his employer, Stella-Jones, has treated the mill race for mosquitos, which should help out those who live in the vicinity.
At 7:43 pm, Councilmember Anderson moved to go into executive session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206 subsection 1:b.
Councilmember Dodge moved to return to regular session, seconded by Councilmember Anderson. At 9:02 pm, Councilmember Dodge made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Anderson seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
This meeting was held online via Zoom, following Governor Brad Little’s Guidelines for Opening Up Idaho during the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Councilmembers in attendance were Vickie Witt, Nick Anderson, Wendi Dodge, and Jeff Klone. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Bonnie Whismore, and Justin Cope, City Maintenance. Josh Luscombe was absent and Fire Chief Mike McGee was unable to connect to the meeting.
The minutes of the April 14, 2020 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Anderson, seconded by Councilmember Witt. Motion carried. Bills from the month of April 2020 were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Witt, seconded by Councilmember Anderson. Motion carried.
Stillman Norton of Keller Associates updated Council on what’s happening with the Wastewater Treatment Plant Study and the first steps that will need to be taken to obtain funding for wastewater treatment plant upgrades. The Study will be finalized after United States Department of Agriculture completes their review. A public meeting will likely be held in July, leaving plenty of time for public education on the project before the bond election in November. The dollar amount of funds needed will be known before that time, as well. Funding hopefully will come from multiple sources, including Department of Environmental Quality, Army Corps of Engineers, Idaho Community Development Block Grant, as well as possible stimulus funds, which will help keep sewer rates as low as possible. Dodd Snodgrass of CEDA has been apprised of the scope of the Wastewater project and told Council the first step should be to complete an anonymous income survey of Juliaetta residents beginning in June. He believes it will help the City qualify for a lower interest rate on any loans. CEDA can perform this income survey, as well as help plan meetings, bond education outreach, grant writing, and environmental assessment. The cost of some of these services will be reimbursable by grant funds. The income survey and some public outreach will need to be performed, and therefore paid for by the City, within the timeframe of the current fiscal year. After discussion, it was determined there are funds available for these procedures. Councilmember Anderson moved to move forward with the income survey to be performed by CEDA, seconded by Councilmember Klone. The motion carried.
Andrew Kimmel of GreatWest Engineering updated Council on the progress of the Water Treatment Plant Upgrades, which will hopefully be finished in June. Contractors are currently waiting on water levels to lower. M. L. Albright & Sons was the low bidder for construction costs on the Water Line Crossing Project. Their bid came in approximately 20% below budget. The City Attorney is currently reviewing that contract, after which the project will begin construction, to be completed in June. Mr. Kimmel will also speak with the Army Corps of Engineers to see if the remaining funds in that budget can be used to replace filter media that was not able to be purchased in the original water treatment plant project.
Justin Cope reported to Council that the Nez-Tah Cemetery Maintenance District, of which he is a commissioner, is researching insurance options so they are fully covered. He wondered if the City’s insurance had adequate coverage of the Juliaetta Cemetery. The Clerk has emailed the City’s insurance agent for clarification.
The City Clerk informed Council that the application for a FY21 Local Rural Highway Investment Program sign grant was approved for funding in the amount of $14,072. The funds will be issued and must be spent in fiscal year 2021.
The City Treasurer has spoken with a representative from Summit, who was a subcontractor for TDS performing installation of fiber optic cables in Juliaetta. She provided them with an accounting of supplies purchased as well as mileage accrued for various repairs made by the City of damages caused by Summit during the cable installation. The representative will be mailing a check to the City to cover these expenses.
At 7:40 pm, Councilmember Anderson made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Witt seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
This meeting was held online via Zoom, following Governor Brad Little’s Stay-Home order during the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Councilmembers in attendance were Vickie Witt, Nick Anderson, Wendi Dodge, and Jeff Klone. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Bonnie Whismore, Justin Cope and Josh Luscombe, City Maintenance, and Fire Chief Mike McGee and Assistant Fire Chief Clifford Heimgartner.
The minutes of the March 10, 2020 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Witt, seconded by Councilmember Anderson. Motion carried. Bills from the month of March 2020 were reviewed. Discussion was held regarding the percentage of funds used for water testing. Further review of testing costs for the remainder of the year will be completed, as the budget may need to be opened and amended at a later date to account for the overage. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Anderson, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. Motion carried.
Lane Burnette of the Community Helpers organization had presented Council with a letter outlining their plan to build, place, and maintain planting boxes for a community garden at Juliaetta Centennial Park. Mayor Groseclose visited with Ms. Burnette and viewed her proposed garden sites and proposed that the grassy area northeast of the water treatment plant might be a better location. Discussion was held; Councilmember Dodge moved to approve the installation of the garden boxes near the water treatment site, seconded by Councilmember Anderson. The motion carried.
Pursuant to Idaho Code, the date and location of the coming fiscal year Budget Hearing must be set by April 30. Councilmember Anderson moved to set the FY2021 budget hearing for Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers. The regular council meeting will follow. Councilmember Dodge seconded the motion, which carried.
Josh Luscombe reported two water pumps are being rewound, and that Oxarc will be inspecting fire extinguishers later this week. Justin Cope has fertilized at Centennial Park, and spraying has been done by him and community member Polly Taylor Dennler. Andrew Kimmel of GreatWest Engineering gave a brief reporting on the ongoing water projects. The wet wells still haven’t been installed due to high water levels in the Little Potlatch River. This will hopefully be completed in May. The construction bid opening for work on the water line reconstruction is set for April 15 at Mr. Kimmel’s office. He expects three bidders from Boise and two from Lewiston. He also told Council of a new grant available to combat vandalism at water systems by installing security cameras.
Councilmember Anderson would like a note printed on the water bills and or in the newsletter to remind drivers to slow down in Juliaetta, and obey all stop and yield signs. If there is not a traffic sign at an intersection, cross streets should yield to uphill/downhill traffic.
Fire Chief McGee is gathering necessary paperwork to apply for an Idaho Department of Lands grant, which will be used to outfit the brush truck. He gave a reminder that burn permits will be required after May 1.
At 7:33 pm, Councilmember Anderson made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Dodge seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Nick Anderson, and Jeff Klone. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Bonnie Whismore, Justin Cope, City Maintenance, and Assistant Fire Chief Clifford Heimgartner. Josh Luscombe, City Maintenance and Fire Chief Mike McGee were absent.
The minutes of the February 11, 2020 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Anderson, seconded by Councilmember Witt. Motion carried. Bills from the month of February 2020 were reviewed, including an additional bill from Auto Paint and Parts for $168.95. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Anderson, seconded by Councilmember Witt. Motion carried.
Mina Sandino, a senior at Kendrick High School, presented her finished mural to Council. Miss Sandino addressed Council in September 2019 to request funds to paint the mural for her Senior Project. She thanked her mentor, Mayor Groseclose, Juliaetta City Council, Nick and Miranda Anderson, and Juliaetta Volunteer Fire Department for their donations. She has approximately $81.00 in donations left over, but still needs to purchase materials to frame and install the mural, as well as varnish to protect it from weather and vandalism. Mayor Groseclose priced the supplies needed, which will come to a total of approximately $200.00. Miss Sandino will use her remaining donation funds toward this purchase. Councilmember Witt moved to allow Mayor Groseclose to use the city credit card to purchase the remainder of the supplies for installing and protecting the mural, seconded by Councilmember Anderson. The motion carried.
Kathy Groseclose did not attend the meeting.
Laurie Jones, operator of the Juliaetta Market, seems to have a water leak at that property at 1051 Main Street. Her average usage for the past year was 10,508 gallons per month. In January and February her usage was 41,700 and 49,400 gallons, respectively. Property owners, City maintenance, and a representative from Idaho Rural Water have tried to locate the leak, to no avail. It may be under the building or concrete slab. Justin Cope has a 2” meter that he will swap out the existing meter for, to see if the problem lies in the metering mechanism. Further action by the City will depend on those results. In the meantime, Councilmember Anderson moved to have Ms. Jones pay the minimum water amount, plus sewer and garbage charges, on her City utility bill, with the payment of the overage on hold until results are received. Councilmember Klone seconded the motion, which carried.
The Kendrick branch of Wells Fargo, where the City holds its primary accounts, will be closing on May 13. It may be that another bank or credit union will move into the building, but that likely won’t happen for some time. Latah Credit Union is the only other local financial institution. Instead of moving City accounts there, Councilmember Anderson moved to stay with Wells Fargo for the time being, seconded by Councilmember Witt. The motion carried. Deposits will be made weekly at the Lewiston or Moscow branch.
Last month, Josh Luscombe presented Council with a price quote from Blue Mountain Agri-Support, Inc. for a new Gravely lawnmower. The City generally purchases a new mower each year, trading in the prior year’s mower. This year Blue Mountain is offering a 20% discount on the $9,301.60 price. Including the $6,500 trade in price, the cost of the new mower and mulching kit is $2,981.55. Councilmember Anderson moved to purchase the new mower at the total cost of $2,981.55, seconded by Councilmember Klone. The motion carried.
A brief discussion was held regarding the proposed traffic revision at A Street and Main Street. Councilmember Witt has spoken to several residents who are in favor of a change, and Mayor Groseclose spoke to several who don’t want a change. A public hearing will be held at the April meeting to hear any comments by citizens.
Justin Cope reported the final draft of the wastewater treatment plant study has been completed by Keller Associates. They hope to have a meeting with the Mayor and City Maintenance in the next couple weeks. He also reported the control systems at the water treatment plant are installed. They are waiting for lower water levels to get the tank in the river, then the controls will be finished and the project will be completed.
Councilmembers Witt and Anderson reported several vehicles speeding through town, most notably through the school zone on 4th Street. Latah County Sheriff Richie Skiles was in attendance at the meeting and heard the complaints. Councilmember Klone will attend the next K-J Planning and Zoning meeting, to be held at Juliaetta City Hall on March 23.
The Treasurer spoke to B & I Computer about software backups that aren’t functioning properly. He recommended purchasing new 5 TB external hard drives for backup purposes, on sale this month at Costco.
The Fire Department had nothing to report.
At 7:53 pm, Councilmember Anderson made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Witt seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 11, 2020
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Jeff Klone. Also present were Treasurer Bonnie Whismore, Josh Luscombe and Justin Cope, City Maintenance, and Assistant Fire Chief Clifford Heimgartner. Clerk Wendy Sandino and Fire Chief Mike McGee were absent.
The minutes of the January 14, 2020 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Dodge, seconded by Councilmember Witt. Motion carried. Bills from the month of January 2020 were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Anderson, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. Motion carried.
Tony Matson of Hayden Ross presented the FY2019 Financial Audit. The general fund and sanitation fund continue to be strong. The water fund has stabilized in the last three years due to an increase in rates, but shows a spike in the last year due to grant funds. Mr. Matson recommends the City have funds to cover at least two months of operations costs in its account for emergencies.
Discussion continued for the proposed traffic revision on A Street at the intersection of A and Main Streets. Councilmember Witt has spoken with many who live in that area to learn their opinions. Councilmembers currently disagree on what, if any, action should be taken. However, all agree they’d like to know the residents’ opinions, those who live in the immediate area and those who don’t. An article will be submitted to the community newsletter which will outline the proposed changes, and will also invite the public to comment at the April council meeting. Further discussion may continue at the March council meeting. Councilmember Anderson moved to table the issue until March, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. The motion carried.
Justin Cope informed Council that, as an entity with underground utilities, the City needs to become a member of 811-Digline. Digline charges $1.82 per locate request ticket. As a Small User, it was recommended that the City become a First Level member wherein Juliaetta would be billed for 50 locates annually each January at a cost of $91.00. Each request would be subtracted from the annually billed amount. Councilmember Dodge moved to become a member of Digline, seconded by Councilmember Anderson. Motion carried.
Josh Luscombe reported that contractors have completed burying fiber optic cables in Juliaetta. They will return at a later date to repair City easements. He also presented a quote from Blue Mountain Agri-Support, Inc. for the purchase of a new lawnmower at a 20% discount in March. It will be considered at the March Council meeting. An update from Andrew Kimmel of Great West Engineering was presented to Council. Work at the water treatment plant is at a standstill due to high water levels in the river. Additionally, a lot of air is being introduced to the water system at Well #9. A new valve to correct the issue has been ordered and will be installed as soon as possible.
Councilmember Witt was contacted about a boy who was bit by a dog. She informed the complainant that Latah County Sheriff’s office must be contacted to enforce City Code regarding this issue. Councilmember Anderson has been contacted regarding the speed limit on Third Street adjacent to Juliaetta Elementary School. This issue will be considered at the March Council meeting.
The Treasurer reported receiving notification from Wells Fargo that the Kendrick branch will close mid-May. The City’s main checking accounts are at Wells Fargo, and transactions at the branch are completed once or twice each week. The issue of switching to another financial institution or staying with Wells Fargo will be considered at the March Council meeting.
At 8:08 pm, Councilmember Dodge made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Anderson seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Eric McDowell. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Bonnie Whismore, Josh Luscombe and Justin Cope, City Maintenance, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
The minutes of the December 10, 2019 meeting and December 12, 2019 special meeting were read. Motion to approve both was made by Councilmember Witt, seconded by Councilmember Anderson. Motion carried. Bills from the month of December 2019 were reviewed. A check written to Juliaetta Television Association for $146.16 was added. Motion to approve was made by Councilmember Anderson, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. Motion carried.
Recently reelected Mayor Richard Groseclose was sworn in by the Clerk, as were Councilmembers Vickie Witt and Wendi Dodge, and they were presented with their Certificates of Election. Council member Eric McDowell was excused and thanked by all for his service to the Council. Council member Anderson moved to nominate Vickie Witt as Council President, seconded by Council member Dodge. The motion carried.
Mayor Groseclose nominated Jeff Klone to be appointed to the vacant two-year Council seat. Councilmember Witt moved to approve the appointment, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. The motion carried. Mr. Klone was sworn in by the Clerk and given his Certificate of Appointment.
Council member Witt nominated Councilmember Klone as Juliaetta City Council’s Planning & Zoning liaison, seconded by Councilmember Dodge. The motion carried.
Further discussion of the proposed traffic revision on A Street was held. The Clerk reported ITD will waive fees for sign placement applications on Highway 3. Any changes to traffic flow can be changed by resolution. Councilmember Witt suggested sending a letter to nearby residents who would be affected by a traffic revision, so that they might have their opinions heard. In the meantime, Councilmember Anderson moved and Councilmember Dodge seconded to table further discussion until the February meeting. Motion carried.
Josh Luscombe reported all media has been installed at the water treatment plant. Piping is in the ground for the infiltration gallery, and a vault for the wet well is being brought in. TDS boring for fiberoptic cables is completed. Crews will return with better weather to grade and seed city right of ways. Justin Cope reported a productive meeting with Keller Associates regarding the wastewater plant study, which is nearly finished. A letter requesting funding assistance for wastewater treatment plant improvements has already been sent to US Army Corps of Engineers.
Fire Chief McGee reported the Juliaetta Volunteer Fire Department has possession of the brush truck that was purchased in December. The old brush truck was returned to Nez Perce County.
The Treasurer reported Hayden Ross will give the FY2019 Audit Report in February. She is working on W-2s as well as a correction or addition to the Road & Street Report, which does not affect the publication.
At 7:35 pm, Councilmember Anderson made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Dodge seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The special meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Eric McDowell. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino and Assistant Fire Chief Clifford Heimgartner. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the purchase of a Brush Truck with Juliaetta Volunteer Fire Department.
Assistant Fire Chief Clifford Heimgartner informed Council of the opportunity to purchase a 2002 Ford F450 Brush Truck from Idaho Department of Lands. It already has the necessary boxes, pump, and motor, and 47,000 miles. City of Kendrick will also be purchasing a similar vehicle, so an option to share the vehicle and purchase price with them is not feasible. The purchase price is $6,500.00, negotiated from $9,400.00. City of Juliaetta will pay $3,250.00 and Juliaetta Volunteer Fire Department will pay $3,250.00. Nick moved to proceed with the purchase of the 2002 Ford F450 truck from IDL, seconded by Vickie. The motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 7:03 pm.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 10, 2019
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Nick Anderson, and Eric McDowell. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Bonnie Whismore, and Justin Cope, City Maintenance. Council member Wendi Dodge and Josh Luscombe, City Maintenance were absent. Fire Chief Mike McGee arrived later in the meeting.
The minutes of the November 12, 2019 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Nick, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried. Bills were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Nick, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried.
Official canvassed results of the 2019 General Election were presented to Council by the Clerk. Out of 301 registered voters in the City of Juliaetta, 99 ballots were cast, which is a 32.89% voter turnout. Incumbent Mayor Richard Groseclose ran unopposed, and received 89 votes. Four ran for two four-year City Council seats: Wendi L. Dodge received 48 votes or 26.23%, Jeff Klone received 40 votes or 21.86%, Eric T. McDowell received 42 votes or 22.95%, and Vickie Jo Witt received 53 votes or 28.96%, therefore Vickie Jo Witt and Wendi L. Dodge will be sworn in to fill the two vacant four-year seats in January. As no one ran for the lone two-year seat, it will be filled by appointment after the new Council is sworn in. Vickie moved to accept these canvassed results, seconded by Nick. All were in favor.
Andrew Kimmel of Great West Engineering presented Council with an update on the two water treatment plant projects underway. A pre-construction meeting was held December 4; work on the filtration gallery is scheduled to begin December 11. This will be followed by electrical work, with the project wrapping up in February. As all plans have been approved by USDA, as soon as a Notice to Proceed is signed by the Mayor, construction will commence. Nick moved to allow the Mayor to sign the Notice to Proceed, seconded by Eric. The motion carried. Mr. Kimmel addressed comments received from DEQ regarding revisions to the Drinking Water Facility Plan, including a request to “develop alternatives for addressing existing violations of nitrates and total organic carbon.” As these issues stem mostly from the use of Well #5, that well will likely be shut off following the construction of the new water line across Little Potlatch River.
In the FY2020 budget, a 50¢ raise was included for all full-time, appointed, and seasonal employees, effective October 1, 2019. Nick moved to approve the 50¢ per hour raise for full-time, appointed, and seasonal employees, to be effective October 1, 2019, seconded by Vickie. The motion carried.
Hayden Ross accountants recently conducted the FY2019 yearly audit. Auditor Tony Mattson suggested a monthly review of City accounts by a Hayden Ross accountant, which would consist of one monthly visit of about four hours each, for approximately six months. Emailing financials to the firm could eventually replace the in-person visit. Vickie moved to approve a once monthly inspection of City accounting by Hayden Ross, four hours per visit, for approximately six months. Eric seconded the motion, which carried.
Petra Wheaton, Account Manager of Blue Cross of Idaho, requested Council approval to continue with the City’s current health insurance plan. Nick moved to stay with the current health insurance plan in the new year, seconded by Vickie. The motion carried.
The requested traffic revision for A Street at the intersection of A Street and Main Street/SH 3 was discussed. Mr. Kimmel suggested contacting Idaho Department of Transportation to see if the intersection could be reengineered. Nick moved to table further discussion until January, seconded by Eric.
Justin reported TDS has begun laying fiber optic lines throughout the City. He and Josh are working on installing Christmas lights. He also notified Council of a possible future failure to monitor violation by DEQ. Justin took a routine coliform sample for November to Anatek Labs for testing on November 27. As it was the day before Thanksgiving, the lab refused to accept the sample. On Monday, December 2, he contacted DEQ to inform them of the refusal and was told the City would receive the violation. Justin still collected and delivered to the Lab another sample the same day, which tested Absent for coliform. As of the date of this meeting, a monitoring violation has not been received by the City of Juliaetta.
Bonnie informed Council that the monthly charge for the Latah County Sheriff Contract Bill has increased from $720 to $800. The budget will be reviewed to see if funds are available for this increase.
Assistant Fire Chief Clifford Heimgartner informed Council of the opportunity to purchase a 2002 Ford F450 Brush Truck from Idaho Department of Lands. It already has the necessary boxes, pump, and motor, and 47,000 miles. The purchase price would be $6,500.00, part of which would be paid by the City and part by the Juliaetta Volunteer Fire Department. The Mayor called for a Special Meeting to be held Thursday, December 12 at 7:00 pm for discussion and to consider purchasing this vehicle.
At 7:43 pm, Nick made a motion to adjourn. Vickie seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 12, 2019
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Eric McDowell. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Bonnie Whismore, Josh Luscombe and Justin Cope, City Maintenance, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
The minutes of the October 8, 2019 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Vickie, seconded by Nick. Motion carried. Bills were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Wendi, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
Official canvassed election results were not received from Latah County as of the date of this meeting.
George Savell of Church of the Nazarene addressed Council regarding parking issues near the church. Parking for church patrons is public street parking only, the church does not have a dedicated lot. Recently various neighbors have parked trailers and the like which have remained there for a long period of time, so there is not enough parking for the church patrons for Sunday services. He would like to request signage that parking in a certain area of State Street is only for church patrons on Sundays between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm. He added that the church maintains the shrubbery in that location, and keeps the area plowed in the winter. After discussion, Nick moved to have signs installed near the Nazarene Church at 516 State Street which will read “Parking for Church Patrons Only, Sundays 9:00 am – 3:00 pm.” Vickie seconded the motion, which carried.
Judy Skabo addressed Council regarding city utility bills for her rental properties in Juliaetta. She states she is being billed unfairly by the City but did not provide documentation to back her claims, and she left the meeting abruptly. The clerk explained some of the history of her accounts. As Ms. Skabo was not clear in her request of Council, the matter was tabled by a motion by Wendi, which was seconded by Nick.
Fire Chief Mike McGee proposed a need for traffic revision at the intersection of A Street and Main Street/Highway 3. A copy of the proposal including two different options is attached to these minutes. Both options will disallow a left hand turn from northbound Main Street onto A Street. Option 1 will make A Street one way, southbound only. Option 2 keeps A Street two ways, but also does not allow a right turn into southbound traffic on Main Street. More research will be needed to determine what steps the City must take to implement such a revision, and if signage can be installed on Main Street/Highway 3. Nick moved to table discussion of this proposal until the December meeting, seconded by Wendi. The motion carried.
In past years City of Juliaetta has donated $50 to J-K Heritage Foundation. The treasurer asked if the City might not increase the donation this year. As the budgeted amount is a $50 donation, the amount will stay the same. Wendi moved and Vickie seconded to donate $50 to J-K Heritage Foundation; motion carried.
Juliaetta resident and K-J Planning & Zoning commission member Cynthia Faux will be moving from Juliaetta, creating a vacancy on the commission. Justin Cope has been nominated to take her place on the commission. Nick moved to accept the nomination of Justin Cope to K-J Planning & Zoning, seconded by Wendi. The motion carried.
Josh reported a pre-construction meeting to be held by Andrew Kimmel and Great West Engineering at 10:00 am on Wednesday, December 4 at City Hall. Regarding the gas detection meter purchase that was discussed at October’s meeting, he reported that Kendrick’s maintenance man is unsure of his City’s willingness to make such a purchase, but that it has not been brought before their Council. Further discussion of that matter will likely be held after Kendrick City Council has had a chance to consider the purchase of a gas detection meter. Justin reported a positive meeting with Keller Associates regarding the final steps of the wastewater treatment plant study, which should be finished in December.
It has been suggested to Wendi, and passed on by her to Council, that the sidewalk on the south side of 4th Street be extended from the school playground to the intersection of 4th Street and 1st Avenue. This can be completed in section as budget allows.
Wendy provided updates regarding work at the water treatment plant from Andrew Kimmel, and advised Council of the upcoming AIC Fall Academy to be held December 2 at Lewiston. This workshop will include instruction on Mayor and City Council duties and responsibilities.
At 7:58 pm Nick made a motion to adjourn. Wendi seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Nick Anderson, and Eric McDowell. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Bonnie Whismore, Josh Luscombe, City Maintenance, and Fire Chief Mike McGee. Council member Wendi Dodge and Justin Cope, City Maintenance, were absent.
The minutes of the September 10, 2019 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Nick, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried. Bills were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Eric, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
Neil Schwartz of TDS was present to answer any Council questions regarding the upcoming fiber optic overbuild throughout Juliaetta. All new buried lines will be installed from the bridge over Middle Potlatch Creek at the northern end of town to roughly the vicinity of Centennial Park at the south. These will be main lines, not lines to individual homes at this time. Josh requested regular contact with installation crews; Mr. Schwartz suggested to also have a meeting with City Maintenance before the beginning of the project. TDS hopes construction will begin this year but plans are not definite.
Andrew Kimmel of Great West Engineering gave an update regarding the projects at the water treatment plant. In September, the construction bid received exceeded the budget limit. Over the last month, working with the various companies involved, he was able to reduce the cost to $606,000, which falls below the $611,000 budget. USDA requires a contingency fund of 3-5% of the cost, and they will not increase the budget to meet this requirement. City of Juliaetta may need to set aside approximately $30,000 from its budget to satisfy the obligation, though the exact dollar amount has not yet been set. The Notice of Award was signed by the Mayor; the final contract won’t be signed until reviewed and signed by USDA, among others. Construction may begin in December.
Josh reported to Council a water main leak discovered near 319 Main Street has been repaired, as well as various maintenance being taken care of around town. He also requested Council consider the purchase of a gas detection meter that would be used in enclosed spaces such as in manholes. It would be a shared purchase with City of Kendrick at a cost of approximately $1,200 for the meter. This matter will likely be addressed at a future meeting.
Nick reported the annual Light the Park event is scheduled for Sunday, November 24 at 4:30pm. Along with cocoa and cookies, Community Library Project volunteers will also have chili for sale. Decorating will begin November 16.
Eric compared the renewal costs of health insurance for qualified City employees. The policy with Blue Cross will renew at a rate of $1,732 monthly for three employees; they will have a $1,500 deductible. III-A offers a rate of $1,786 for three employees with a $1,000 deductible.
The Juliaetta Volunteer Fire Department had nothing to report.
At 7:41 pm Nick moved to go into executive session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206 subsection 1:b. The motion carried.
Nick moved and Eric seconded to return to regular session. At 7:58 pm Nick made a motion to adjourn. Eric seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 10, 2019
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Eric McDowell. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Bonnie Whismore, Josh Luscombe and Justin Cope, City Maintenance, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
Andrew Kimmel of Great West Engineering called in to explain a letter he wrote to Council regarding construction bids. The sole bid received from M.L. Albright & Sons, Inc. was the low bid of $645,341.00. The funds remaining from the ECWAG grant for construction is $611,000.00. Great West and Albright have worked together to reduce some of the costs already, and will continue to do so, hopefully bringing the total below the available fund threshold. If costs cannot be lowered enough, the City may have to make up the difference. The City may not ask for additional grant funds. At this time, Mr. Kimmel asked if Council will grant the Mayor permission to sign the Notice of Award, contingent on getting the construction costs below the grant threshold. Nick moved to give the Mayor the authority to sign the Notice of Award when conditions are met, seconded by Eric. The motion carried. Mr. Kimmel will continue to try to find ways to bring costs down, and will stay in close contact with the City Clerk.
The minutes of the August 13, 2019 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Wendi, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried. Bills were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Vickie, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
Riley Bender of Idaho Transportation Department addressed Council regarding the replacement of the Middlefork Potlatch Bridge, located on Highway 3 at the north end of Juliaetta. The new bridge will be approximately 100 feet long and 40 feet wide, and will include five feet wide sidewalk on the north side. There will be no railing between the sidewalk and lane of travel; Council requested a curb be installed to help protect pedestrians. Mr. Bender will take that request back to ITD engineers. There is a street light on the existing bridge that will need to be removed. The cost to replace it will fall to the City or Avista Utilities. It will likely be relocated to the intersection of Highway 3 and Middle Potlatch Creek Road. Construction is scheduled to be completed May through September 2020. During construction the road will be restricted to one lane, and traffic will be controlled by a temporary signal. Fire Chief Mike McGee asked if that signal will have an opticon which will allow EMS vehicles to control the intersection during emergencies. Mr. Bender believes that can be specified. He also said ITD will update their 511 website with information on the construction, including width restrictions.
Kendrick High School senior Mina Sandino addressed Council about her proposed senior project, an Idaho state requirement for graduating high school. Miss Sandino would like to paint a mural on the south wall of the City shop at 205 Main Street. As the shop wall is sided with corrugated metal, she would instead prefer to paint on plywood panels which would be installed on the wall. She provided Council with three drawings she created, and also asked for funds which would be used to purchase the panels, paint, brushes, and other supplies. She will also contact other Juliaetta businesses for financial assistance. Council chose a design that says “Welcome to Juliaetta, Idaho” and includes images of the old train depot, blackberries, the Castle, and figures representing Julia and Etta Snyder, after whom the city was named. Nick moved and Wendi seconded to give Miss Sandino permission to create and install the mural. Nick moved and Eric seconded to have the City contribute $200 for her supplies. Both motions carried.
Ordinance 2019-02, the FY2020 Appropriations Ordinance, was presented to Council. No changes were made since the August meeting when the budget was approved. The title was read by the Clerk. Nick moved to suspend the rules and have the ordinance pass its first read by title only. Vickie seconded the motion, which carried. Wendi moved to adopt Ordinance 2019-02, seconded by Vickie. A roll call vote was held: Vickie, yes; Wendi, yes; Nick, yes; Eric, yes. The motion carried.
Resolution 2019-02, the fee and rate schedule, was presented to Council. Wendi moved to adopt Resolution 2019-02, seconded by Nick. The motion carried.
Josh reported he and Justin will soon begin painting crosswalks, both on the highway/Main Street and on 4th Street near the elementary school. Justin replaced a float at the wastewater treatment plant. He had removed the Castle Museum sign located on the right of way on 2nd Street, as it had been vandalized. He is going to finish refurbishing it and will reinstall it in its original location.
The Clerk gave a report on who will be running for office in November’s election. Mayor Richard Groseclose will again run for mayor, unopposed. Four candidates are running for two 4-year council seats: Eric McDowell, Wendi Dodge, Vickie Witt, and Jeff Klone. No one filed to run for the 2-year seat. People may still choose to run as a write-in; that deadline is October 8.
Vickie has been continuing to look into rehabilitating the “J” on the hillside at the south end of town. Tina Carlstrom has given her permission to use an existing road on her property to access the area. She has also contacted Kendrick School District Superintendent Steve Kirkland about students in the high school shop classes assisting with some fabrication or construction. Mike found his measurements for the current J: it is 76 feet tall from top to bottom, and 22 feet wide at the cross of the J. He suggests using treated 2x6s and 4x4s for the frame, and attach white sheet metal for the facing. It can be anchored in place with rebar.
At 8:00 pm Nick made a motion to adjourn. Wendi seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The public hearing was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Eric McDowell. The total amount of the FY2020 budget is $895,846.00. There was no comment by the public. Public comment was requested also for the use of Foregone Amount of $3,857.00, as well as for New/Increased Fees. There was no comment by the public. The public hearing was adjourned.
The regular meeting was called to order. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Debra Miles, Fire Chief Mike McGee, and Justin Cope, City Maintenance.
The minutes of the July 9, 2019 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Vickie, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried. Bills were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Nick, seconded by Eric. Motion carried.
City Treasurer Debra Miles will be moving away from Juliaetta at the end of August. She presented a resignation letter to Mayor and Council; her last day of work will be August 14. Nick moved to accept Debra Miles’ resignation, seconded by Wendi. The motion carried. The Mayor presented his nomination of Bonnie Whismore as new City Treasurer. Wendi moved to accept the Mayor’s nomination, seconded by Nick. The motion carried. The City Clerk swore in Bonnie Whismore as new City Treasurer. Nick also moved to add Bonnie Whismore to all City of Juliaetta financial institution accounts. The motion was seconded by Vickie, and carried.
The fiscal year 2020 budget has been reviewed by Council. Wendi made a motion to adopt FY2020 budget in the amount of $895,846.00, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
Eric would like to request permission for personnel information to be submitted to Idaho Independent Intergovernmental Authority (III-A) for the purpose of obtaining insurance rate quotes for City staff coverage. This information will be protected by HIPAA law (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996). Eric’s ultimate hope is to save enough money by switching to a different carrier or plan, to be able to also provide dental insurance to City staff. Wendi moved to approve submitting the appropriate information to obtain the quote from III-A, seconded by Eric. The motion carried.
Justin reported that an advertisement has been published by Great West Engineering to obtain construction bids for the Water Treatment Plant Project. Sealed bids will be accepted until September 4, when they will be opened by engineer Andrew Kimmel. A pre-bid meeting will also be held at City Hall on August 26 for potential construction bidders. He also reported that the Wastewater Plan Study will soon be completed by Keller Associates.
The broken hydrant at 213 State Street was recently replaced. Justin would like permission to raffle the 1960s era hydrant at the Blackberry Festival, with proceeds benefitting JCIA.
Vickie would like to restore the “J” on the hill at the south end of town. A landowner in that area may allow the use of her land and a road for easier access. The Juliaetta Volunteer Fire Department at one time was looking into the restoration, but cannot use its own funds for materials. Vickie will do more research on the subject.
Eric asked if any more tree trimming will be done in Juliaetta this year. Dick reported that work was done by AAA Tree Service, but funds had been exhausted. Dick and his summer helper will do some trimming before the end of summer, but most tree work must be done professionally.
The City Clerk provided information to the Mayor and Council regarding the upcoming election.
Fire Chief Mike McGee reported double the volume of burn permits issued this year.
At 7:27 pm Wendi made a motion to adjourn. Nick seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Eric McDowell. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Debra Miles, Josh Luscombe and Justin Cope, City Maintenance, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
The minutes of the June 11, 2019 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Nick, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried. Bills were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Vickie, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
Chris Clark and Monica Evans of Keller Associates gave a presentation of updates to Council on the Wastewater Treatment Plant Study. Temperature and pH of wastewater influent are an important part of the plan, and could drive costs of future projects. Maintenance should begin monitoring these. Temperature compliance might also be a limit that we’ll need to be mindful of in the future permit. The plant is currently a Class II system, but future improvements could upgrade it to Class III, requiring an operator holding a Class III license. This study will also look ahead to make sure the City will be able to meet other future needs of the WWTP permit. It will assume a potential population growth of up to 800, including possible expansion areas. There will be another committee meeting between Mr. Clark, Ms. Evans, Maintenance and the Mayor in August; they will present the final plan to Council and hold a possible public hearing at its completion.
Andrew Kimmel of GreatWest Engineering informed Council of the quotes received for filter media replacement. The low quote was received from Filter Tech Systems, Inc. in the amount of $14,945.00. GreatWest Engineering recommends the City accept this quote. It did not include replacement media for the contaclarifier; it will be bid separately at a later time. Wendi moved to award the contract to Filter Tech Systems, Inc. and give the Mayor authority to sign the contract. Eric seconded and the motion carried.
Dodd Snodgrass of CEDA introduced himself to Council to offer their help on any upcoming projects. He personally worked with the City in the past on the levy project. CEDA will help the City to qualify to obtain funding, including Community Block Grants.
Randy Cannon of Stella-Jones approached Council requesting a temporary special use permit to allow work at the business to begin at 5:00 am. The code currently restricts hours of operation from 6:00 am to 9:00 pm. The work performed would be two workers operating chainsaws to remove the ends of poles for grading purposes. The chainsaws will not be running continuously. They would work this earlier shift only when the forecast temperature for the day would be over 80ºF. Eric moved to grant the temporary special use permit, allowing the two workers to start an hour earlier. A roll call vote was requested. Vickie: yes; Wendi: yes; Nick: yes; Eric: yes. The motion carried.
Resolution 2019-01, which would allow Council to include the foregone amount of $3,857 in the FY2020 budget to purchase playground equipment, was presented to Council for consideration. Nick moved to adopt Resolution 2019-01, seconded by Wendi. The motion carried. The FY2020 budget has been presented to Council and reviewed. The proposed budget total is $895,846.00. Wendi moved to tentatively adopt the FY2020 budget, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried.
There was no further review or changes made to the fee and rate schedule.
Josh reported that Melinda Norris from Idaho Rural Water Association was at City Hall assisting with completion of the Source Water Protection Plan. She also provided educational pamphlets storm drain signs. Josh also reported that Gary from IRWA will be in town to find the leak near the transfer pump so it can be repaired. Josh and Justin also recently toured Asotin, Washington’s wastewater treatment plant, which is similar to what ours could be after proposed upgrades.
Eric is interested in reviewing the current health insurance plan and possibly requesting quotes from III-A, the Idaho Independent Intergovernmental Authority. After discussion, Nick would like a representative from III-A to attend a Council meeting to provide more information. Further discussion will be tabled until a future meeting.
Mike reported zero fireworks-related incidents over the 4th of July holiday, and that they’ve already issued 25 burn permits this year.
At 8:13 pm Nick made a motion to adjourn. Wendi seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Eric McDowell. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Debra Miles, Justin Cope, City Maintenance, and Fire Chief Mike McGee. Josh Luscombe, City Maintenance, was absent.
The minutes of the May 14, 2019 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Wendi, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried. Bills were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Nick, seconded by Eric. Motion carried.
In May the option to levy a $3,857 foregone amount was presented to Council. In order to be included in the FY2020 budget, Council must adopt a resolution giving the amount to be used and on what it will be spent. After discussion, Nick moved to spend $3,857 in foregone amount at the park for playground equipment, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried. The resolution will be prepared for July’s meeting.
The FY2020 working budget was reviewed and discussed.
Justin took and passed the exam for his Wastewater Treatment Class I license. He also reported that in discussions with engineers preparing the wastewater treatment plant study, future improvements to that plant may lead to requiring a Class III license, rather than the current Class II.
City of Juliaetta has received Total Organic Carbon (TOC) monitoring violations since July 2018 from the Department of Environmental Quality. This was not a water emergency situation, but does require customer notification each month the removal ratio is less than 1.00. On June 5, City Hall received a letter from DEQ stating after further review, “the total organic carbon treatment technique violations assessed April 2, 2019, April 29, 2019 and May 15, 2019 have been rescinded. Public notice for the February, March, and April monitoring periods is not required regarding this issue.” Notices had already been issued through March, and will discontinue until further notice.
A job announcement was posted for Debra’s City Treasurer position, and applications are being received. Dick chose Nick and Vickie to assist with the interviewing process. Debra reported that she will work at least through August’s Council meeting on the 13th.
The Juliaetta Volunteer Fire Department did not have a report.
At 7:57 pm Nick made a motion to adjourn. Wendi seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Eric McDowell. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Debra Miles, Josh Luscombe and Justin Cope, City Maintenance, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
The minutes of the April 9, 2019 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Nick, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried. Bills were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Vickie, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
Bobi Sheets addressed Council regarding shrubs along the sidewalk at the front of her residence that were trimmed back without her consent. She initially brought this issue to the City in November 2017 after a Community Building Day, in which school and community volunteers performed various maintenance jobs around Juliaetta. At that City Council meeting, no decision was reached on how to handle the situation, whether to screen the damaged area or plant new shrubs. Justin Cope, City Maintenance, spoke with Ms. Sheets again the following month and she wanted no action taken at that time. Now she would like the shrubs replaced. There are 13 arborvitae planted along her fence line, though not all need replaced. Justin will check prices of the shrub locally. Vickie moved to replace the shrubs that were damaged, with the work to be done in the fall. Wendi seconded the motion. A roll call vote was requested: Vickie, yes; Wendi, yes; Nick, no; Eric, yes. The motion carried.
Proposed Ordinance 2019-01, the parking ordinance, was presented to Council for their review. The clerk was directed to read the ordinance by title, after which Nick moved and Wendi seconded to suspend the rules of reading the ordinance on three different days. The motion carried. Eric moved to adopt Ordinance 2019-01, seconded by Nick. A roll call vote was held: Vickie, yes; Wendi, yes; Nick, yes; Eric, yes. The motion carried.
Debra explained to Council about a foregone amount that is available to be taken along with the 3% increase the City is entitled to in our share of property taxes for the upcoming fiscal year. This foregone amount of $3857.00 was inadvertently not taken in FY2017. In order to add the amount to the FY2020 budget, Council will need to determine what the funds will be used for and a resolution will need to be passed. Nick moved to table the issue until the June meeting, seconded by Wendi. The motion carried.
Josh Luscombe, City Maintenance, reported that a belt on the new mower has broken. It is unfortunately not under warranty. He also gave a report from Andrew Kimmel, GreatWest Engineering, about the status of the water treatment plant upgrade project, and well reconnection/water line project. Justin reported that a sourcewater protection grant is available for application this month. He will also be taking his test for his Class I Wastewater Treatment Operator license.
Debra reported to Council that her house has sold and she will be moving out of the area in August. Her replacement will be hired to start work in July.
The fire department put new tires on the brush truck and they are ready for fire season. Mike also talked about some discrepancies in addresses around Juliaetta.
At 8:20 pm Nick made a motion to adjourn. Wendi seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Eric McDowell. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Debra Miles, and Josh Luscombe and Justin Cope, City Maintenance.
The minutes of the March 12, 2019 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Wendi, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried. Bills were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Wendi, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
Andrew Kimmel of GreatWest Engineering spoke about the Water Treatment Plant Upgrade Project and the Facility Study and Water Line Replacement Project. The design has been completed and the SCADA system needs revised so it will fit funding and so that it can be expanded in the future. Media replacement will begin as soon as possible. The facility study must be finished before construction can begin on the water line. That may not be until this fall.
Permission is needed for the Mayor to sign contracts with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers for funding for the Water System Improvements Project. Vickie moved to give the Mayor permission to sign necessary documents with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, seconded by Wendi. The motion carried.
The proposed parking ordinance draft was reviewed and discussed, and changes were noted. Eric moved and Nick seconded to send the parking ordinance draft to the City Attorney to be finished. The motion carried.
K-J Planning and Zoning Commission has requested a Juliaetta City Council liaison. This person will not be a member of the commission. Wendi moved to appoint Eric as liaison, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried. The commission has also requested the reappointment of current chairperson Cynthia Nye. Wendi moved and Vickie seconded the appointment of Cynthia Nye to the K-J Planning and Zoning Commission. All were in favor.
Pursuant to Idaho Code, the date and location of the coming fiscal year Budget Hearing must be set by April 30. Wendi moved to set the FY2020 budget hearing on Tuesday, August 13, 2019 at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers. Nick seconded the motion, which carried. Josh reported that the new turbidimeter has been purchased for the water treatment plant, and is ready for installation. He has also in talks with City of Kendrick Maintenance about purchasing new brushes for the shared sweeper, as well as possibly jointly purchasing a metal detector.
Vickie mentioned several complaints from residents that need to be addressed by Latah County Sheriff’s Office. There is also a sinkhole in front of the Juliaetta Elementary School steps; Justin will look at it.
Eric would like to clean out trees from around the reservoir area. As that land belongs to the Dennler family, he will approach them.
There was no report from the Juliaetta Volunteer Fire Department.
At 7:48 pm Wendi made a motion to adjourn. Nick seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Eric McDowell. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Debra Miles, and Justin Cope, City Maintenance. Josh Luscombe, City Maintenance, was absent.
The minutes of the February 12, 2019 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Nick, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried. Bills were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Nick, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
Chris Clark and Monica Evans of Keller Associates gave Council an update on the Wastewater Treatment Plant Plan Study. Chris will be focusing on population growth in the study, assuming a projected 23% increase over the next 20 years. He also provided a map with potential future service areas that he invited Council and Maintenance to weigh in on. They included areas north and south of town, as well as across the Potlatch Creek which is in Nez Perce County. He indicated that the biggest “trouble spots” which will need attention first are the lift station, as well as biosolids and headworks. It will also address issues in secondary systems of chlorination/dechlorination; health and safety concerns for the workers will also be addressed. A capital improvement plan will be included in the study, recommending which systems may need replacing or maintenance.
Charles Burke did not attend the meeting.
There was a request for a noise ordinance to be added to Juliaetta City Code, which was discussed at the February meeting. Nick moved to not pursue creating a noise ordinance at this time, seconded by Vickie. The motion carried.
The working draft of the parking ordinance was reviewed and discussed. Some changes and deletions were requested. The section on parking a camper or RV on city streets is still under review. Nick moved to table further discussion until the April meeting, seconded by Wendi, which carried.
There were no reports from staff or the Fire Department. An update on the Water Treatment Plant Project was emailed by Keri Hill of GreatWest Engineering and provided to Council.
At 7:57 pm Nick made a motion to adjourn. Wendi seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 12, 2019
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Nick Anderson, and Eric McDowell. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Debra Miles, and Justin Cope, City Maintenance. Council member Wendi Dodge and Josh Luscombe, City Maintenance, were absent.
The minutes of the January 8, 2019 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Nick, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried. Bills were reviewed. A bill from Latah County Solid Waste was also reviewed separately. Motion to approve was made by Nick, seconded by Eric. Motion carried.
Gary Sievers of Idaho Rural Water Association did not attend the meeting. He is an IRWA circuit rider who needs working hours to earn his Class III Drinking Water Treatment license. The hours he spends at the Juliaetta Water Treatment Plant would be volunteer hours, and any liability would be covered under our existing insurance policy. He will only be able to work weekends. Vickie moved to allow Gary Sievers to volunteer at the water treatment plant, seconded by Nick. The motion carried.
David Johnson addressed Council with his plans to show movies this summer at Centennial Park. He has a 22’ outdoor movie screen and projector, with which he would show family friendly movies once or twice a month. Initially he’ d like to use the grassy area between the river and the parking lot at the park, but if there is enough interest, he’d like to move it onto the softball field. There will be no fee to watch the movies but he will accept donations. He may have vendors there who would sell popcorn or other snacks. At the end of the season he will donate any donations he receives to the school or fire department for their scholarship fund. Nick moved to grant permission to Mr. Johnson to show movies at the park, seconded by Eric. Motion carried.
Cindy Fliger had a water leak at her property resulting in 28,010 gallons used in December and 32,580 gallons used in January. The leak was finally fixed around the beginning of February, so this month’s usage has not yet been calculated. She requested that the City split the overage amount with her, including the month of February. The total overage amount in December and January was $109.48; the City’s half will be $54.74 for those two months. Nick moved to split the overage costs with Mrs. Fliger for the months of December 2018, January 2019, and February 2019, seconded by Vickie. The motion carried.
Mrs. Fliger also addressed Council regarding a broken sewer line to her mother’s property at 321 Cross Street. The line is located on City right-of-way, so she believed it was the City’s responsibility to repair it. Justin quoted Juliaetta City Code: “It shall be the responsibility of each sewer user to maintain all sewer pipes and sewer lines from his or her inlet to the connection of his or her sewer pipe and sewer line to the city sewer system being the collector sewer lines located in the streets and alleys of the city.” The City will not repair the line, which must be done as soon as possible.
Keri Hill of GreatWest Engineering sent the Army Corps of Engineers Scope of Work and Budget for the water line project for Council review and approval. Nick moved and Vickie seconded to approve the Scope of Work and Budget. The motion carried.
A request has been made for a noise ordinance including “quiet hours.” After discussion, Nick moved and Eric seconded to table the issue until the next meeting. The proposed parking ordinance draft was also reviewed and discussed. Nick moved and Vickie seconded to also table that issue until next meeting.
Justin reported that he has dropped off the requested records with Keller Associates in preparation for the wastewater treatment plant study. Chris Clark of Keller Associates will be at the March meeting to provide an update.
There was no update provided from the Fire Department.
At 8:01 pm Nick made a motion to adjourn. Vickie seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 6:59 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Nick Anderson, and Eric McDowell. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Debra Miles, and Josh Luscombe and Justin Cope, City Maintenance. Council member Wendi Dodge was absent.
The minutes of the December 11, 2018 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Vickie, seconded by Nick. Motion carried. Bills were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Nick, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried.
Tina Carlstrom addressed the Council regarding a motorhome parked on the street in front of her property at 201 State Street. She says the vehicle has been there, unmoved, for one and a half years. She has spoken with the owner of the vehicle in the past, but they will not move it. City of Juliaetta has an ordinance against people living in RVs, but it doesn’t address parking issues. She presented Council with an excerpt from City of Lewiston’s code regarding recreational vehicle parking on city streets, and requested that City of Juliaetta adopt something similar. After discussion, Nick moved to have the clerk begin the drafting process of an ordinance that will address camper and RV parking on City rights-of-way, seconded by Eric. The motion carried.
Gary Sievers, IRWA, was unable to attend. Josh informed Council that Mr. Sievers needs hours working at a water treatment plant in order to obtain his Class III Drinking Water Treatment license. He would volunteer his time here. ICRMP will be contacted to make sure there will be no liability issues during his time with the City.
With regards to the traffic issues on Hallet Street between 3rd and 4th Streets at Juliaetta Elementary School, the school will continue to use the portable barriers at each end of that section of street for the remainder of the school year. After that time a decision will be made by the school board whether or not they intend to ask for a vacation of the street.
Keri Hill of GreatWest Engineering was unable to attend. The clerk called her so that she could address Council via speakerphone. She gave an update regarding the Water Treatment Plant project: Rural Development is closed due to the current government shutdown, therefore grant funds will be temporarily unavailable. GreatWest will hold invoices during that time, but work will continue. DEQ has approved the planning document and engineering report for the turbidimeter to be installed, which will be done as soon as it’s purchased. The project is on schedule and budget.
Army Corps of Engineers has contacted City of Juliaetta and GreatWest with an offer of a $250,000 grant to rebuild the water line across the Potlatch River, which was lost in February 2018. Keri reported this grant requires a match of 25% from the City. However, DEQ will not approve any further projects until a facility plan study is done at the water treatment plant. This study can be completed before water line construction takes place. Having a Water Treatment Plant facility plan also opens the door to more funding possibilities in the future. If the City contributes internal funds in the amount of $75,000, no bond will be necessary. The entire project can be completed for the $295,000 estimate. Nick moved to proceed with acquiring these funds from Army Corps of Engineers, using internal funds as match. Vickie seconded the motion, which carried.
The Juliaetta Volunteer Fire Department has requested that Josh and Justin join the department during weekday business hours. The department has a shortage of volunteers during that time, as most members work during the day. The Council would like them to only take calls within City limits, as they are also needed to make sure water reservoirs are full in case of fire. Vickie moved to allow Josh and Justin to serve on the volunteer fire department during weekday business hours, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
Josh reported he has found an operator, Michael Dimmick, with a Class III Drinking Water Treatment license who will agree to be retained by the City. He will accept a retainer fee in the same amount as is currently paid to Frank Groseclose. The water treatment plant will operate under Mr. Dimmick’s license until Josh or Justin are appropriately licensed.
Justin will take his first operator exam in the next couple of weeks. He also reported that a kickoff meeting with Keller Associates will take place on Wednesday, January 16, to begin the Wastewater Plant Facility Study. The study will also address updates that need to be completed at the Wastewater Plant in order to be in compliance with the new permit.
Nick has turned off the Christmas lights at the park; they will be removed as weather permits in the next month or so.
Fire Chief Mike McGee reported 34 calls in 2018, the same number as 2017. The department recently pressure tested hydrants in Juliaetta, seven more need to be done.
Council did not enter into executive session
At 8:06 pm Nick made a motion to adjourn. Vickie seconded the motion and it carried unanimously
CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 11, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Eric McDowell. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Debra Miles, and Josh Luscombe, City Maintenance.
The minutes of the November 13 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Wendi, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried. Bills were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Nick, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
Results of the FY2018 Audit were presented by Jennifer Clark of Hayden Ross. It was a clean audit; there were no issues with financial data or controls. The general fund is strong, and although expenses exceed revenues in both the water and sewer funds, the gap is narrowing between the two due to increases in rates. Water and sewer rates will likely continue to increase each year until both funds are self-supporting. The sanitation fund is steadily increasing; these funds will be used to retain the City’s own representation when the sanitation contract is renewed.
Miranda Anderson addressed Council on behalf of the Community Library Project. The CLP would like to build a new library in Juliaetta. Possible building sites had been narrowed down to two; a vacant building at 319 Main Street and the current location at 205 Main Street. The building at 319 Main Street is very large and would allow for expansion of the library, but is in disrepair. Labor costs only to construct a retaining wall behind the building would be approximately $100,000. At the library’s current location, a new building could be constructed, but its size would be limited by the size of the lot. However, there is an adjacent lot at 207 Main Street with a mobile home that is currently not occupied. If that landowner was persuaded to sell, the library could double in size. After discussion, Wendi moved that Council not consider attempting to purchase property at 319 Main Street. Vickie seconded the motion, which carried. The Mayor is acquainted with the owner of 207 Main Street, and will speak with him to see if he would consider selling the property.
At November’s meeting, Debra had reported to Council that City funds in the Local Government Investment Pool in Boise are not federally insured. She presented to Council a Statement of Understanding from the State Treasurer’s office. It explains that the pool is very large, open to all political subdivisions including school districts, counties, and highway districts. According to the statement, “safety of principal is the foremost objective of the investment program,” and “the investment portfolio shall remain sufficiently liquid to meet all operating requirements that may be reasonably anticipated.” Debra noted that other treasurers and councils in our district have opted to remain in the LGIP. Nick moved to leave the City’s funds in the LGIP, seconded by Wendi. The motion carried.
Further discussion was also held regarding drivers who are entering Hallet Street between the upper and lower playgrounds at Juliaetta Elementary School while children are present. A letter was presented from Juliaetta Volunteer Fire Department Chief Mike McGee outlining his concerns regarding the possible installation of a gate at either end of the street, citing the International Fire Code. Wendi moved to table further discussion until the January meeting, seconded by Nick. The motion carried. In the meantime, a letter will be sent to all JES parents reminding them they may not drive on that portion of Hallet Street during school hours.
Josh reported that the City needs a Class III Drinking Water Treatment Operator by January 1, 2019. He has obtained a list of qualified operators and will attempt to secure one. The flags used by pedestrians crossing the street need to be repainted or replaced with others that are higher visibility.
The fire department announced that Santa would be visiting Juliaetta on December 22. Candy has been ordered for his visit. They have also winterized the brush trucks and chains are on the yellow fire truck.
At 8:19 pm Nick made a motion to adjourn. Wendi seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 13, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, and Nick Anderson. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Debra Miles, and Josh Luscombe and Justin Cope, City Maintenance.
The minutes of the October 9 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Wendi, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried. Bills were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Nick, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried.
Ed Pea wrote a letter to the Mayor and Council resigning his position of Council member, effective November 7, 2018. He sold his home and moved out of the City. Vickie moved to accept Ed’s resignation, seconded by Nick. The motion carried. Mayor Groseclose chose Juliaetta resident Eric McDowell to be appointed to the vacant position. Nick moved to confirm the Mayor’s nominee, seconded by Wendi. All were in favor. Eric was sworn in by the Clerk and took his seat with Council.
The principal of Juliaetta Elementary School did not attend the meeting, but Vickie spoke on her behalf. Drivers have been turning onto Hallet Street between the upper and lower playgrounds while school is in session. While this is a city street, it needs to be closed during school hours for the safety of the children. The Mayor suggested a gate at either end of the block that can be easily pushed out of the way by emergency vehicles, but will serve as a greater deterrent for other drivers. Vickie will report the Council’s discussion to the principal and superintendent; the Mayor will also stop by and speak with the principal.
A letter of contract from accountants of Hayden Ross was presented to Council. This letter allows the accountants to perform the yearly City Audit, and should be signed by the Mayor and Council President. Nick moved to allow the signatures on the document, seconded by Wendi. The motion carried.
Proposed Ordinance 2018-07, which instructs K-J Planning and Zoning Commission to amend the City Zoning Map, was presented to Council. The zoning map needs to be amended to include the changes made in the recent annexation. Nick moved to suspend the rules and have the ordinance read by title only, seconded by Wendi. The motion carried. The title of the ordinance was read by the Clerk. Wendi moved to adopt Ordinance 2018-07, seconded by Vickie. All were in favor.
Debra reported to Council that City funds in the Local Government Investment Pool in Boise are not federally insured. The City has had funds deposited there for many years; USDA payments are easily made through the LGIP. After discussion, Nick moved to table the issue until December so more information can be gathered. Wendi seconded the motion, which carried.
Josh reported that the ballfield snowmen have been revamped with new lights, and outlet boxes will be installed soon on Main Street poles for Christmas lights. Justin reported to Council on the new wastewater plant permit. Two items will need to be purchased soon to meet permit requirements, a thermistor and an inline flow meter. He will report these costs to Council at the next meeting. Other criteria will need to be met to adapt to the new permit, these will continue to be addressed and implemented by City Maintenance, and reported to City Council.
Vickie would like to see the 25 MPH signs replaced on Main Street. The Clerk will contact Idaho Transportation Department for costs.
Assistant Fire Chief Clifford Heimgartner reported that the Fire Department has purchased security cameras for the fire station. Fuel has been stolen out of department vehicles, and someone was captured on camera attempting to break into the locked door of the building.
At 7:47 pm Nick made a motion to adjourn. Wendi seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Ed Pea, and Nick Anderson. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Debra Miles, Fire Chief Mike McGee, and Josh Luscombe and Justin Cope, City Maintenance.
The minutes of the September 11 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Vickie, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried. Bills were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Nick, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
Keri Hill of Great West Engineering gave Council an update on the water treatment plant project. The City has been awarded funds in the amount of $842,000. The contract with Great West has been amended to reflect the scope of the project and will need to be signed upon review and approval by Rural Development (RD). Some work will begin soon; new turbidimeters will be in place before next spring. Council will be given a monthly report of work being done, and where funds are spent. Nick moved to give the Mayor approval to sign the contract amendment upon RD approval, seconded by Wendi. The motion carried.
Chris Clark of Keller Associates spoke to Council about the upcoming wastewater facility and collection system study. This plan will allow the City to apply for state and federal funds in the future and serve as a planning tool for maintenance, replacement, and expansion projects at the facility. It will cover all components of the system, financials, user rates, etc. to start planning ahead. A “kick off” meeting will be scheduled to start the project after the contract with Keller Associates is signed; the contract has already been reviewed and approved by RD. Ed moved to give the Mayor approval to sign the contract on behalf of the City, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
Four letters requesting bids for the purchase of a new City maintenance pickup were delivered to area dealerships. At the time of deadline, only two responses were received: a bid of $33,873.00 from Joe Hall Ford and the lowest bid of $30,703.00 from Karl Tyler’s Lewiston Chevrolet. Wendi moved to purchase the Chevrolet pickup from Karl Tyler’s Lewiston Chevrolet, seconded by Vickie. The motion carried.
Josh reported that the paving has been completed on City streets; it was finished before the end of the fiscal year and on budget. Justin is going to take down the flags for winter and is going to begin studying for his operator licenses. He hopes to take the test in November.
Nick spoke with Idaho Transportation Department regarding their speed study; they will not lower the speed limit on Main Street/Highway 3 to 25 mph. He will be contacting Senator Dan Foreman to see if he can intervene.
Debra reported a CD held at Lewis Clark Credit Union will automatically roll over on October 17 for two years.
There was no report from the Juliaetta Volunteer Fire Department.
At 8:01 pm Wendi made a motion to adjourn. Ed seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The fee increase public hearing was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, and Nick Anderson. The fees that will increase over the 3% cap are the monthly water rate, which will increase to $43.00 for the base rate, and the monthly sewer rate, which will increase to $28.09. These increases will take effect October 1, 2018. There was no comment by the public. The public hearing was adjourned.
The regular meeting was called to order. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Debra Miles, Assistant Fire Chief Clifford Heimgartner. Council member Ed Pea, Fire Chief Mike McGee, and Josh Luscombe and Justin Cope, City Maintenance were absent.
The minutes of the August 14 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Nick, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried. Bills were reviewed. Debra asked Council to also approve bills for AIC membership dues, ICCTFOA membership dues, and the ICRMP annual premium, all of which are due on October 1. Motion to approve was made by Wendi, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried.
Latah County Sheriff Richard Skiles was invited to attend the meeting to hear citizen concerns regarding drugs in Juliaetta, as well as concern about the speed limit on Main Street. Sheriff Skiles will have extra patrols in Juliaetta beginning in October. A new officer will take over the narcotics division by December. He will also ask Latah County Commissioners for a drug sniffing dog and K9 officer in the next fiscal year’s budget. Sheriff Skiles can’t change the speed limit on Main Street, but the issue may be helped by the increased patrolling. City officials will continue to work with Idaho Transportation Department to get the speed limit lowered to 25 mph.
The annexation public hearing was called to order. Shea and Sunshine Stewart have requested and given their consent to annexation by City of Juliaetta. The land to be annexed is part of the SW 1/4 SE 1/4 of Section 9, Township 37 North, Range 3 West B. M., more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of Section 9 marked by a 5/8″ dia. rebar; thence S.87°17’09″W., along the south line of said Section 9, a distance of 1461.51 feet to a rebar on the northwesterly right of way line of Idaho State Highway No. 3; thence N.21°11’02″E, along said northwesterly right of way line, a distance of 455.44 feet to a rebar being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence N.68°48’58″W., a distance of 571.74 feet; thence N.87°28’55″E., a distance of 624.41 feet to a rebar on the northwesterly right of way line of Idaho State Highway No. 3; thence S.21°11’02″W., along said northwesterly right of way line, a distance of 251.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. There was no comment by the public and the public hearing was adjourned.
The regular Council meeting was resumed. After their own public hearing and two regular meetings regarding the proposed annexation request, the KJ Planning & Zoning Commission recommended Juliaetta City Council approve the annexation, finding “that this annexation fit the Comprehensive Plan and further recommended that the area be zoned Agriculture since it is adjacent to the present Agriculture Zone and meets the lot size for that zone.” The full text of P&Z’s recommendation will be attached to these minutes. Nick moved to approve the annexation and zoning decision recommended by P&Z, seconded by Wendi. The motion carried.
Proposed ordinance 2018-05 was prepared to adopt the annexation. Nick moved and Wendi seconded to suspend the rules and have the ordinance read once by title only. The motion carried. Wendy read the title of Ordinance 2018-05. Nick moved to adopt Ordinance 2018-05, seconded by Wendi. A roll call vote was held: Vickie, yes; Wendi, yes; Nick, yes. The motion carried. It was also approved by Council to allow the Stewarts to drill a well for drinking water and install a septic system, as neither the City water nor sewer lines extend to his property.
Gina Taruscio, Director of Partnership for Economic Prosperity did not attend.
Scott Linja of Keller Associates presented the finished Juliaetta/Kendrick Joint Transportation Plan Update to Council. The Local Highway Transportation Assistance Council (LHTAC) provided the funding for the creation of this Plan. Once it is approved by both cities, each can apply for additional funding through LHTAC for various transportation needs. The Plan is also a schedule of improvements and costs that are needed to maintain city streets, sidewalks, signage, etc., as well as an inventory. Wendi moved to adopt the Juliaetta/Kendrick Joint Transportation Plan Update. Nick seconded the motion, which carried.
Proposed Ordinance 2018-06, the FY2019 Appropriations Ordinance, was presented to Council. Nick moved and Vickie seconded to suspend the rules and have the ordinance read once by title only. The motion carried. Wendy read the title of Ordinance 2018-06. Wendi moved to adopt Ordinance 2018-06, seconded by Vickie. A roll call vote was held: Vickie, yes; Wendi, yes; Nick, yes. The motion carried.
Proposed Resolution 2018-03, a schedule of all municipal fees and charges, was presented to Council. There are no changes to the schedule, except for changes to water, sewer, and garbage rates; garbage rates will increase by 50¢. Nick moved to adopt Resolution 2018-03, seconded by Wendi. The motion carried.
An amendment to the law enforcement protection contract between Latah County and City of Juliaetta was presented to Council. The current contract rate is $32.00 per hour, which will increase to $36.00 per hour beginning October 1. As this amendment was not given to the City until the end of August, the increase is not accounted for in the FY2019 budget. The number of contract hours may have to be decreased, or the budget will need to be amended later in the fiscal year. Nick moved to allow the Mayor to sign the contract with Latah County Sheriff’s Office on behalf of the City, seconded by Wendi. The motion carried.
Although he was not able to attend the meeting, Justin wished to convey to Council his thanks for contributions the City made to the recent Blackberry Festival. Attendance increased, as well as the number of classic cars in the car show. The Cornhole Tournament and Dachsund Races were both very well received. Blackberry dessert donations were greater, and all were sold. Debra also interjected that the Community Library Project raised just over $1,200 in their silent auction.
Herco is on schedule to perform paving work on City streets by the end of September.
Wendy read an update from Keri Hill of Great West Engineering regarding the status of our ECWAG application. She hopes to have confirmation of funding by the week of September 17th. A special meeting may need to be called the last week in September to begin the project.
At 8:38 pm Nick made a motion to adjourn. Wendi seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The public hearing was called to order at 7:02 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Ed Pea. The total amount of the budget is $805,376.00. There was no comment by the public. The public hearing was adjourned.
The regular meeting was called to order. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Debra Miles, Fire Chief Mike McGee, and Josh Luscombe and Justin Cope, City Maintenance. Council member Vickie Witt was absent.
The minutes of the July 10 meetings were read. Motion to approve was made by Nick, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried. Bills were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Nick, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
Gina Taruscio, Director of Partnership for Economic Prosperity was not able to attend.
Resolution 2018-03, schedule of all municipal fees and charges was reviewed.
There is $3,857 available in foregone taxes from FY2018. This can be used in the FY2019 budget, but an additional public hearing will need to be scheduled. The amount was tentatively included in the coming budget. After discussion, Nick moved to not include the foregone taxes in the FY2019 budget, seconded by Ed. Motion carried. The budget will be adjusted accordingly.
The fiscal year 2019 budget was reviewed by Council. Wendi made a motion to adopt FY2019 budget in the amount of $805,376.00, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
Proposed ordinance 2018-03, which will correct the name of the City’s official newspaper to Lewiston Tribune, was reviewed by Council. Nick moved to suspend the reading rules for Ordinance 2018-03, seconded by Wendi. The motion carried. Wendi moved to adopt Ordinance 2018-03, seconded by Ed. A roll call vote was taken: Wendi, yes; Nick, yes; Ed, yes.
Proposed ordinance 2018-04, which adopts the accepted Cross Connection Control Policy into City Code, was reviewed by Council. Nick moved to suspend the reading rules for Ordinance 2018-04, seconded by Wendi. The motion carried. Ed moved to adopt Ordinance 2018-04, seconded by Nick. A roll call vote was taken: Wendi, yes; Nick, yes; Ed, yes.
Sandi Buckert of 507 4th Street asked to address Council regarding the growing drug problem in Juliaetta. After discussion by Council, it was decided to invite Latah County Sheriff Richie Skiles to a council meeting so that citizens may voice their concerns to him directly.
Josh reported on the City’s actions after the dump truck crash of August 6 on the Troy Grade. It was initially believed that diesel fuel may have contaminated the Potlatch River. In response, Juliaetta’s water treatment plant was taken offline for a short time to avoid contamination, and residents were asked to conserve water. It was later determined that there was no contamination of the river. At the same time, a supplemental pump that feeds water from the river to the water treatment plant failed. As it was still under warranty, a new pump was requested and is being shipped.
Josh also announced new events at the upcoming Blackberry Festival. There will be a cornhole tournament sponsored by Taylor Dennler Gardens and JCIA, as well as Dachshund Races sponsored by Primeland. Prize money has been donated for both events.
Justin reported that Herco will come out in September to do road work, though he has not yet received an official bid.
Nick and Ed have both been approached by citizens who would like the speed limit lowered on Highway 3 within city limits to 25 mph. Wendy will find a contact person they can speak to regarding this request.
Decorating days have been scheduled at Juliaetta Centennial Park for this year’s Light the Park event. Work days will be October 20 and 27, and the man lift will be in the park November 3-4. The main event is tentatively scheduled for November 24. Regarding Christmas lights, Josh also spoke with Matt Anderson of Avista, and was told that outlets could be installed on the poles along Main Street, which would allow for more lights to be hung there.
Fire chief Mike McGee informed Council that the recent annexation request by Shea and Sunshine Stewart has brought to light problems with City fire protection. A water main line does not extend past Browning Cut Stock at 1571 Main Street, therefore, no fire hydrants are installed past that, either. Stewart’s property is nearly a half mile past Brownings. This issue will likely be discussed at the Planning and Zoning Public Hearing which will be held August 20.
At 8:18 pm Nick made a motion to adjourn. Ed seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, and Nick Anderson. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Debra Miles, Fire Chief Mike McGee, and Josh Luscombe and Justin Cope, City Maintenance. Council member Ed Pea was absent.
The minutes of the June 12 and June 19 meetings were read. Motion to approve both was made by Wendi, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried. Bills were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Nick, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried. The Treasurer would also like permission to pay a bill from Latah County Sheriff’s Office, which was not received until after the monthly bills were prepared. Wendi moved and Nick seconded to allow the bill from Latah County Sheriff’s Office to be paid; the motion carried.
Howard Lunderstadt of USDA, Rural Development sent a draft Letter of Conditions which establishes conditions Council must understand and agree to with regards to our application for wastewater system facility plan funds. He also included a Letter of Intent to Meet Conditions and a Request for Obligation of Funds, both of which must be signed by the Mayor. Nick moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the Letter of Intent to Meet Conditions and Request for Obligation of Funds, seconded by Wendi. The motion carried.
Keri Hill of Great West Engineering presented Council with a draft preliminary engineering report addendum for the emergency water project. She has outlined three possible alternatives to consider. Connecting to City of Kendrick’s water system was considered but denied by Kendrick. Alternatively, we could connect to a spring south of Juliaetta at a cost of $1,170,000 or make upgrades to our existing surface water treatment plant at a cost of $790,000. The engineers suggest that making the upgrades would be the recommended course of action, a fix that would last up to 30 years. Councilors should make any comments regarding the report to Keri within the next week. She expects a decision will be made by USDA RD within two weeks.
Juliaetta resident Rob Shillings addressed Council regarding the high number of feral cats in his neighborhood. He would like the Council to draft an ordinance forbidding residents from feeding feral cats. Wendi suggested a trap and relocate alternative. She has contacts with Helping Hands Rescue who might loan live traps and find barn homes for the strays. Mr. Shillings is willing to trap the cats himself.
Shea Stewart addressed Council with his desire to annex approximately 1.64 acres into Juliaetta city limits. The original 5.41 acres is owned by his parents, Charles and Susan Stewart, and borders city land at the south end of town. If the 1.64 acres is annexed into the city, Mr. Stewart will be able to divide the land from the original portion, and it will be quit claim deeded to him by his parents. As the land sits within Latah County, the family is not allowed to subdivide. Mr. Stewart will dig a well and septic system, as city utilities do not reach that far. Council members are concerned about the diminished fire protection at the proposed residence, as the closest fire hydrant is over 1,600 feet away. Mr. Stewart is willing to sign a waiver of some kind regarding fire protection. The Clerk will research the matter and be in contact with Mr. Stewart.
The FY2019 budget was presented to Council and reviewed. The proposed budget total is $805,376.00, a difference of $45,090.00 over last year’s budget. Water, sewer, and garbage rates will need to increase at the beginning of the next fiscal year. Water will increase to $43.00, sewer will increase to $28.09, and garbage prices will increase by $0.50. The budget also includes monthly costs for Caselle, which will increase by $130 at the beginning of the next calendar year. Wendi moved to tentatively adopt the FY2019 budget, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
Resolution 2018-01, which gives the Mayor the authority to sign all documents pertaining to wastewater facility planning grants, was reviewed by Council. Vickie moved to adopt Resolution 2018-01, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
Resolution 2018-02, which designates the City Clerk as records custodian, was reviewed by Council. Nick moved to adopt Resolution 2018-02, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried.
Josh presented Council with the completed Emergency Response Plan that is required by USDA. It was signed by Vickie, Wendi, and Nick.
Fire Chief Mike McGee reported the Juliaetta Volunteer Fire Department has been awarded a grant in the amount of $2,900.00. The amount has been added to the FY2019 budget.
At 8:28 pm Nick made a motion to adjourn. Wendi seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, and Nick Anderson. Council member Ed Pea was absent. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Debra Miles, Fire Chief Mike McGee, and Justin Cope and Josh Luscombe, City Maintenance. The purpose of this meeting was for Council to consider options for water source issues that need to be addressed.
Keri Hill and Craig Pozega of Great West Engineering were present to address the Council. City of Juliaetta recently applied for an Emergency and Imminent Community Water Assistance Grant. Juliaetta qualified for a $150,000 distribution grant, which will not cover the cost of replacing the main water line that broke under the Potlatch River in February. In order to qualify for a $1,000,000 source grant, the Great West Engineering and the City will need to rework the engineering report in the grant application and reapply. Fixing the broken water line from the water treatment plant to Well #5 will not be a part of this project, and will need to be addressed separately at another time.
There are at least three alternatives that will be considered as a solution for the source issue: to drill a new well or develop a spring source; to connect to City of Kendrick’s water sources; or to upgrade the City’s existing surface water treatment plant to be more efficient, which will produce more water. Mayor Groseclose also suggested the engineers consider tapping into a spring water source that is about five miles south of Juliaetta.
Since the scope of the original plan has changed, so has the contract with Great West Engineering. Ms. Hill brought along a contract amendment for Council to review. The City will need to take on some risk with this new contract, in the event that the $1,000,000 is not granted to the City for this project. Increased engineering costs for the new report will be approximately $12,000.
After review, Nick moved to authorize Mayor Richard Groseclose to sign the contract amendment on behalf of the Juliaetta City Council, seconded by Vickie. The motion carried.
A special meeting will be held in the upcoming week to review the new engineering plan.
At 7:38 pm, Wendi made a motion to adjourn. Nick seconded and it carried unanimously.
The public hearing was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Ed Pea. The FY2018 budget was amended to add funds received from LHTAC for a Transportation Plan Study in the amount of $15,000, to reallocate funds earmarked for street repairs in the amount of $48,744, and for property capital outlay of $25,000. The total changes are in the amount of $88,744. There was no public comment.
The regular meeting was called to order. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Debra Miles, Fire Chief Mike McGee, and Josh Luscombe and Justin Cope, City Maintenance. The minutes of the May 8 meeting and May 21 special meeting were read. Motion to approve both was made by Nick, seconded by Ed. Motion carried.
Bills were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Nick, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried. The Treasurer would also like permission to pay a bill from Keller Associates, which cannot be done until the amended budget is approved. Nick moved and Wendi seconded to allow the bill from Keller Associates to be paid upon approval of the amended FY2018 budget. The Treasurer also asked permission to pay a past due bill from Heiman without an invoice. Nick moved and Ed seconded to allow the bill from Heiman to be paid. Both motions carried.
Stillman Norton of Keller Associates addressed Council regarding our Wastewater Plan Study. The City has qualified for a $30,000 grant from DEQ and is awaiting response from a matching funds application to USDA. The study will cost $60,000 to complete. The clerk will contact DEQ to accept the funds and proceed with the study; Keller Associates will then complete the wastewater planning grant application. Funds will be available on July 1, 2018.
John Carter has recently purchased property at 606 3rd Street. He will be developing the property and placing a manufactured home in which to live. The home he has purchased is a 1600 square foot 1992 model and requires permission from City Council to place. The home is HUD approved, will be real property, and he will also build a garage or carport. Wendi moved to approve Mr. Carter’s request to place the 1992 manufactured home on his property at 606 3rd Street. Vickie seconded the motion, which carried.
Nick made a motion to approve the amendment of the FY2018 Budget in the amount of $88,744. The motion was seconded by Wendi and carried unanimously. Proposed ordinance 2018-02, which amends Ordinance 2017-01, the FY2018 budget, was read by title by the Clerk. The Treasurer would like to omit the word “net” in the title. Nick moved and Wendi seconded a motion to suspend the rules and have the ordinance pass its first read by title only. Motion carried. Nick then moved to adopt Ordinance 2018-02, amending FY2018 budget in the amount of 88,744 with the wording change made. Ed seconded the motion. A roll call vote was held: Vickie, yes; Wendi, yes; Nick, yes; Ed, yes. Motion carried.
A letter was received from Sylvia Carpenter, who is in the process of purchasing the property at 709 State Street. She would like permission to dig a well in the pasture area of the property, to be used for irrigation purposes. The letter was read aloud by the Clerk. After consideration by Maintenance and Council, Ed moved to approve the well drilling, pending approval from DEQ. Nick seconded the motion, which carried.
The FY2019 budget was considered during the Budget Workshop.
The Mayor called a special meeting for Tuesday, June 19 at 7:00 pm to consider options for water source issues that need to be addressed. Keri Hill of Great West Engineering and Howard Lunderstadt of USDA will attend.
At 8:22 pm Ed made a motion to adjourn. Nick seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:12 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, and Nick Anderson and Ed Pea via conference call. Council member Wendi Dodge was absent. Also present was Clerk Wendy Sandino. The purpose of this meeting was for Council to authorize the Mayor to sign the engineering contract with Great West Engineering for the emergency water line project.
Keri Hill of Great West Engineering joined the meeting via conference call to explain that only part of the contract will be included at this time, per USDA. The remainder will be amended in once the City is awarded grant funds.
Nick moved to authorize Mayor Richard Groseclose to sign the contract on behalf of the Juliaetta City Council, seconded by Vickie. The motion carried.
At 7:20 pm, Vickie made a motion to adjourn. Nick seconded and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Nick Anderson, and Ed Pea. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Debra Miles, Fire Chief Mike McGee, and Justin Cope, City Maintenance. Council member Wendi Dodge and Josh Luscombe, City Maintenance, were absent.
The minutes of the April 10 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Ed, seconded by Nick. Motion carried. The minutes of the April 26 special meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Nick, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried.
Shawna with Outreach-Alternatives to Violence did not attend.
Keri Hill of Great West Engineering addressed Council regarding the first steps for the City’s Emergency Water Line Project. A planning meeting was held Monday, May 7, and included representatives from USDA and DEQ, as well as the Mayor, Josh, Justin, and Wendy. It was decided at that time that boring under the river for the new line would be the best way to proceed, with a contingency plan of running a temporary line across the river to help out during the peak usage season. It was also revealed that ECWAG source funding is now up to $1,000,000. A brief facility plan will need to be done first before the ECWAG application is completed, which will confirm that our needs fare a source issue, rather than as a distribution issue. A geotechnical study will need to be done as soon as possible, and should be contracted by the City rather than waiting for the engineering contract with Great West to be completed. Ms. Hill will gather two quotes but recommends All West for this work.
A contract between Great West Engineering and City of Juliaetta will be drawn up and delivered soon. USDA will review the contract on behalf of the City, but it should also be reviewed by the City Attorney for insurance, liability, and signature reasons. The Mayor would like to set the date for a special meeting for the purposes of final review of the contract; the meeting will be held Monday, May 21, 2018 at 7:00 pm. It will be a conference call meeting and will include Ms. Hill on behalf of Great West, and possibly Howard Lunderstadt of USDA.
A question has been posed by the current owner, Randy Bitler, at 602 Third Street about the state of the sewer connection at that property. Before he bought the land, an existing sewer connection was believed to be in place. However, it was discovered that it was an illegal line that connected into the sewer at 311 McCall Street. Mr. Bitler believes he should not pay new connection fees to connect his building to the system, since one existed before. The Mayor found a letter from the City dated 2008 that mentions this existing connection, and would like Council to “grandfather in” the connection. Ed moved to allow Mr. Bitler to connect to the City sewer system at 602 Third Street without paying the new connection fee, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried.
Proposed Ordinance 2018-01, which would prohibit living in RVs or travel trailers, was discussed. Ed moved to suspend the rules of adopting an ordinance and have the ordinance read once by title only, seconded by Vickie. That motion carried. Wendy read the title of the ordinance. Vickie moved to adopt Ordinance 2018-01, seconded by Ed. A roll call vote was held: Vickie, yes; Nick, yes; Ed, yes. Motion carried.
A Cross Connection Control Policy must be adopted by each City as required by Idaho Code. The policy is a backup plan if there is a leak in the water system. Nick moved to adopt the Cross Connection Control Policy, seconded by Vickie. All present were in favor.
A building and lot is available for sale at 209 Main Street. Justin has spoken with the owner, who is motivated to sell. A Main Street location would be beneficial to the City for many uses. Although the building and outbuilding have new metal roofs, the building is in poor shape and will likely need to be demolished, though there is material that could be salvaged. The current FY2018 budget would need to be amended to make the purchase.
A need to amend the current budget already exists. $48,744 has been earmarked for street repairs over this and the last two years. A $15,000 grant from LHTAC for a joint transportation plan with City of Kendrick also needs to be added to allow invoices related to the study to be paid. Nick moved to amend the FY2018 budget to add the funds for street repair, the planning grant, and to purchase the property at 209 Main Street. The motion was seconded by Ed; all present were in favor. Vickie moved to set the FY2018 amended budget hearing for Tuesday, June 12, 2018, at 7:00 pm, before the regular Council meeting. Nick seconded the motion, which carried.
Justin reported that the sprinklers have been turned on at the park and are in good working order, with the exception of a broken head or two, and the ballfields have been sprayed. Nitrates at Well #5 have tested over the legal limit. DEQ and those residents affected have been notified. Bottled water was purchased by the City for their use, and they can also fill their own containers at the Centennial Park without charge. Wasting at the well has begun and it will be retested. Ms. Hill interjected that IRWA does free nitrate testing for personal residents’ wells. She will ask for supplies, which can be given to those residents near Well #5 who have their own wells.
Council would like a clean-up letter to be sent to the residents at 164 State Street.
Chief McGee reported the temporary loss of one engine due to bad brakes. He is searching for replacements or other alternatives, as that style of brake is no longer manufactured.
Vickie reported cars driving on the section of Hallet Street which is closed to traffic during school hours, as the road bisects the playground area. She would like new signs placed to deter drivers. A letter from the school may also be sent home to parents advising them the area is off limits to drivers. A budget workshop will be held at the June Council meeting. Council members should be prepared with ideas especially for larger-budget items.
Motion to approve the bills was made by Nick, seconded by Ed; motion carried. At 8:36 pm a motion and second was made to adjourn; it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Ed Pea. Also present was Clerk Wendy Sandino and Josh Luscombe, City Maintenance. The purpose of this meeting was for Council to accept the results of the engineer selections for the emergency water line project and the wastewater planning study project.
Engineering proposals were accepted from seven engineering firms. Those placed on the City’s roster are Keller Associates, Great West Engineering, TD&H Engineering, and Welch-Comer Engineers-Surveyors. Proposals of these four firms were reviewed by the selection committee: Josh Luscombe, Justin Cope, Richard Groseclose, Nick Anderson, and Wendy Sandino. Points were awarded as follows:
- Capability—15 points
- Relevant Project Experience—30 points
- ualifications of Project Team—30 points
- Project Approach & Schedule—25 points
For the Water Line project, the points totals were awarded as follows:
- Keller Associates—475 points
- Great West—482 points
- Welch-Comer—438 points
- TD&H—422 points
Great West Engineering was therefore chosen as engineer for the Water Line project.
For the Wastewater Facility Study project, the points totals were awarded as follows:
- Keller Associates—497 points
- Great West—478 points
- Welch-Comer—458 points
- TD&H—444 points
Keller Associates was therefore chosen as engineer for the Wastewater Facility Study project.
Vickie moved to select Great West and Keller Associates as engineers for the Water Line project and Wastewater Facility Study project, respectively. Ed seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 7:05 pm.
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Ed Pea. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Debra Miles, Fire Chief Mike McGee, and Josh Luscombe and Justin Cope, City Maintenance.
The minutes of the March 13 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Ed, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
The Mayor allowed Jan Ahles, Latah County Treasurer candidate; Tony Johnson, Latah County Commissioner, District 1 candidate; Marshall Comstock, Idaho District 5 Senate candidate; and David Nelson, Idaho District 5 Senate candidate to introduce themselves and speak briefly to the Council regarding the upcoming election.
Stillman Norton, Keller Associates, addressed the Council regarding planning grant funding. City of Juliaetta will be awarded funds for a Wastewater Planning Grant, having ranked #4 in the DEQ priority list this year. The total project cost of this plan is projected to be $60,000; the grant will fund $30,000. The City is also in the process of applying for a USDA Rural Development grant, which could fund the remaining 50%. Juliaetta also qualifies for funds for a Drinking Water Planning Grant, having ranked #2 in the DEQ priority list. That total projected cost is $70,000, $35,000 of which would be funded. The City would have to fund the remaining 50%. As we are also dealing at this time with the emergency repairs of the water line crossing Potlatch River, Mr. Norton suggests that we focus only on the wastewater facility plan at this time. Juliaetta is applying for a USDA Emergency Community Water Assistance Grant to fund repair of the water line crossing.
Josh May, 181 Main Street, would like storm water and drainage issues addressed. There is a large, open City culvert on his property. Not only is it dangerous for his children, but it carries a lot of garbage and other debris into his yard. Excessive runoff and drainage also cause washouts on his property. The sidewalk in front of his property next to the storm water grate is also damaged. The Mayor and City Maintenance made an appointment for the following day to view the problem and will work to create a solution.
Updated proposed Ordinance 2018-01 was presented to Council. They will review it; further action will be tabled until May’s meeting. Josh reported two recent leaks. A leak due to a broken fitting at the corner of McCall and Third Streets has been fixed. Another leak in the driveway at 1261 Middle Potlatch Creek Road is in the main line from Cox Spring. It is in the process of repair. The City fire hydrants need to be flushed; this is carried out by Juliaetta Volunteer Fire Department. Chief McGee will decide upon a date which will be advertised in the community newsletter. Justin also reported that an ash tree at Centennial Park which needed to be removed, was done so by Juliaetta resident Matt Bruns.
The Juliaetta Volunteer Fire Department will be holding a Mother’s Day Fundraising Car Wash Saturday, May 12, from 8:00 am to noon.
Discussion was held regarding a sewer connection at 602 Third Street. Further discussion and decision will be tabled until the matter is on the agenda in May.
Motion to approve the bills was made by Nick, seconded by Ed; motion carried.
At 7:55 pm, Nick made a motion to adjourn. Ed seconded and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 6:59 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Ed Pea. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Debra Miles, Fire Chief Mike McGee, and Josh Luscombe and Justin Cope, City Maintenance.
The minutes of the February 13 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Nick, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
Christine Frei, CEDA, addressed Council about updating Juliaetta’s Comprehensive Plan. CEDA has funds available for a training to assist several communities in updating their plans. State statute requires each City to have a comprehensive plan, but participation in the update is voluntary. A comprehensive plan sets the city’s vision for development for the future; it’s a planning document. If the City were to participate in this training, we could, at its conclusion, write our own comprehensive plan, or hire CEDA to write it.
CEDA also has Economic Development Training available in either a one day workshop with other communities, or six 15 minute trainings which would be held during Council meetings. Council will make a decision regarding these trainings and notify CEDA with their decision.
Angela Edwards, CEDA, addressed Council regarding the engineer procurement process. The City will need to hire an engineer before any work can begin on the broken water main at the north end of town. The City needs to decide whether it wants an engineer for this specific project, or to create a roster of engineers that would be available for a variety of projects. CEDA will assist in the RFQ process.
Keri Hill and Dave Aune, Great West Engineering, addressed Council regarding funding available for the water project. An Emergency Community Water Assistance Grant may be available to the City, with an amount of up to $500,000. Keri provided an accelerated timeline, as well as information about RDApply, which should be completed as soon as possible. Included in the timeline is construction of a temporary water line, which will be suspended over the Potlatch River, to provide extra water for the reservoirs from Well #5, as well as water from the reservoirs to customers across the river. This is necessary during the summer months when water usage is higher and river levels are low. Keri can also help with the RFQ process. She adds, when the selection committee is choosing engineers for the roster, the City should make sure the water project engineer can complete this emergency project quickly.
After discussion, Nick moved to develop a roster of engineering firms to work on this and potential future projects; services will be for a period of at least five years. The City would like engineers for drinking water, wastewater, transportation, and building projects. The motion was seconded by Wendi, and carried. The selection committee for this roster will be Nick Anderson, Josh Luscombe, Richard Groseclose, and Wendy Sandino. The same committee will perform the interview process, assisted by CEDA.
At the request of the Planning and Zoning Committee, Wendi moved to reappoint Cynthia Faux and Mike McGee to the P & Z Committee. Vickie seconded the motion, which carried. It was also noted that Ed is the liaison between Council and P & Z.
Latah County requires each City to provide notification of the date of their yearly Budget Hearing by April 30. Vickie moved and Ed seconded to set the date as Tuesday, August 14, at 7:00 pm before the regular council meeting. Motion carried.
Josh presented Council with two choices of lawnmower to be used by the City for the year. A Cub Cadet mower costs $10,399. After trading in the old mower for $7,250, cost to the City will be $3,149. A Gravely mower costs $9,281, on sale until March 23. After trading in the old mower for $6,000, cost to the City will be $3,471. Both mowers fall within the budget of $4,500. Wendi moved to buy the Gravely mower, seconded by Ed. Motion carried.
Josh reported to Council upon the recent DEQ Sanitary Survey. He read a list of deficiencies, which must be corrected within 45 days:
- There is a bullet hole in Reservoir 1; this has been fixed
- Screens on the overflow pipe were corroded; these have been replaced
- The City does not have a Cross Connection Plan; creation of a plan is in progress
- DEQ needed to be notified of changes made to the pump at Well #5; the person who did the work on the well and pump is compiling a list which will be sent to DEQ
Otherwise, the survey went extremely well. Josh is also considering ideas for the temporary water line, pending review and approval by the engineer for the project.
Justin reported that Juliaetta resident Eric McDowell has received a grant from the Hill & Valley Garden Club to plant wildflowers inside the fence of the upper reservoir. Council gave its approval. He also reported that the building at 209 Main Street is now vacant, and the owner would entertain an offer from the City. The building is not habitable, but the site could be used for the future Community Library. Council will consider making an offer at a later date. Justin and Josh also reported the No Parking in Alley signs have been installed.
The Mayor recently signed a proclamation proclaiming April 14, 2018 as Arbor Day in the City of Juliaetta.
Motion to approve the bills was made by Ed, seconded by Nick; motion carried.
At 8:37 pm, Nick made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Ed and it carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 13, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, and Nick Anderson. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Debra Miles, Fire Chief Mike McGee, and Josh Luscombe and Justin Cope, City Maintenance. Council member Ed Pea was absent.
The minutes of the January 9 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Nick, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
Mike Boyer and Ty Bromley of the K-J Baseball Association addressed Council with an update of their fundraising efforts for a new backstop and net at the baseball field, and other park upgrades. It will cost $3000 for the net and backstop materials. Infield lights will also be installed this summer. The lights were donated to the association. Avista will run electricity to the field, at a cost of $14,000; they are donating the entire cost. The poles will be constructed by Shane Taylor and Levi Bruce. Wiring will be done by Cannon Electric, at a cost of $7000. About twenty more lights will need to be purchased or donated to the association to light the outfield. Deary High School and Kendrick High School have each pledged $600 and the J-K Recreation District will match whatever City of Juliaetta gives. City of Kendrick has not given an answer yet. Mike Boyer has purchased and donated a mobile concession stand to the baseball association, and concessions will be sold at every game as a fundraiser. They are also looking for other fundraising ideas. After discussion and review of financial statements, Nick moved to donate $1000 to the J-K Baseball Association. Vickie seconded the motion, which carried.
Late on February 4, a major leak was discovered in the water main line, and both reservoirs were completely drained. Water pressure was lost at roughly 40 residences in Juliaetta. The leak was determined to have occurred in the line that runs under the Potlatch River and connects Well #5 to the water system. The leak was isolated and water restored to most residents on February 5. Well #5 was repaired the morning of February 6, thus restoring water to those homes across the river. Residences that lost water pressure were placed under a recommended boil order until required testing was done to determine if there was any contamination. The tests came back negative, and the boil order was lifted on February 7. The line will need replaced or repaired later this year when river water levels are low. Council decided to table the decision on having internet installed at the Fire Station and Water and Wastewater plants, due to the unknown costs of repairing or replacing the water main.
Discussion was held regarding proposed Ordinance 2018-01, regarding people living, either full time or temporarily, in RVs or travel trailers. Council would like the “trailer home” wording changed, and change the penalty from a misdemeanor to a ticketable infraction. Further discussion and any decision will be tabled until the March council meeting.
No Parking signs need to be installed at each end of Juliaetta alleys, as drivers are parking in and blocking the alleys. They must be kept clear at all times in case of fire. Signs are $14.38 each; sign posts will also need purchased. Wendi moved to buy 10 signs and posts, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
Josh reported that the water plant is still struggling to make water, though the reservoirs are slowly filling. DEQ is coming on February 15 to conduct a Sanitary Survey. Justin also informed Council that he and Polly Taylor Dennler have scheduled a clean-up day at Juliaetta Cemetery, on April 14. Polly will also flag three trees at the park that need to come down. She will plant others to replace them. AAA Tree Service needs to be hired this year to trim trees in town and at the park.
Vickie was approached by the homeowner at 160 Old Main, who requested a street light near his home. Avista will be contacted. She also reported that a walking path will be added to the bridge at the northeast end of town. Wendi reported there is still an issue with people parking too close to intersections. There will be a note in the Community Newsletter about parking laws.
Mike informed Council that the Fire Department will be conducting a live training in Kendrick on February 17. They will also be holding their Fireman’s Breakfast on March 11 at Juliaetta Elementary School.
Motion to approve the bills was made by Nick, seconded by Vickie; motion carried.
At 8:34 pm, Nick made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Ed Pea. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Debra Miles, Fire Chief Mike McGee, and Josh Luscombe, City Maintenance.
The minutes of the December 12, 2017 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Ed, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
The monthly bills were reviewed, including a bill from USA Blue Book, which also includes charges for items that were sent to the City, but not ordered by City personnel. Debra requested permission to pay the bill after the refund is received and the invoice is corrected, and after review by the Mayor. Nick moved to approve the bills and to allow the later payment of the USA Blue Book bill after review by the Mayor. The motion was seconded by Wendi, which carried.
Kathie LaFortune, who is considering running for Latah County Commissioner, introduced herself to Council. Mayor Groseclose brought to her attention problems with the memorial trail north of Juliaetta, which has been previously washed out by debris coming down the draw. County Commissioner Tom Lamar also attended the meeting.
Recently reelected councilmembers Ed Pea and Nick Anderson were sworn in by the Clerk for their four year terms, and were presented with their Certificates of Election. Ed moved to elect Vickie Witt Council President, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
Tawnda Bromley, K-J Baseball Association treasurer, requested to be reimbursed for half of the $826.80 the association spent on grass seed to reseed the baseball field outfield. Nick would like representatives from the baseball association to meet with Council to decide who is responsible for what costs and work at the park. In the meantime, Wendi moved to have the City reimburse the K-J Baseball Association for half the cost of the grass seed, in the amount of $413.40. Nick seconded the motion, which carried.
A City of Juliaetta account at Wells Fargo for EDA funds has been unused since 1997. The account has a balance of $3,312.96. Debra read a letter from A. Leonard Smith, Regional Director of the U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration. Initial funds in the account were for levee repair along the Potlatch River. According to Director Smith, the funds are not owed to any government entity and are free to be used by the City. Mayor Groseclose would like to add the money to the playground equipment fund, which currently has a balance of $5,581.58. A final decision on where to spend the money will be tabled until a later date. Until then, Nick made a motion to close the EDA account at Wells Fargo and deposit the funds into the City’s existing savings account at P1FCU, seconded by Ed. Motion carried.
The computer at City Hall used by maintenance personnel needs replaced. The new computer will need Microsoft Office installed, as well as ArcGIS software. Vickie moved to allow the purchase of the computer and software up to $1,200.00, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
Josh reported that Well #5’s pump is no longer working. Phil Stradley of Strom Electric has suggested there may be a short in the line or the pump may need replaced, and is creating a repair proposal. Josh also reported that the four wheel drive in Justin Cope’s truck is not working and will need serviced. He also asked Council to consider installing internet service at the Water and Wastewater Plants, as well as the Fire Station. First Step Internet will change a $50 install fee with the first month’s payment waived, and $40 per month for the service. Discussion will be tabled until the February meeting.
It was reported that beginning in February, Avista will replace street lights on Main Street with LED street lights. Mayor Groseclose also reported that University of Idaho student Allison Thomason is in the process of writing a grant for possible updates at the wastewater plant.
At 8:01 pm, Nick made a motion to adjourn. Ed seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 12, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Ed Pea. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Debra Miles, Fire Chief Mike McGee, and Josh Luscombe, City Maintenance.
The minutes of the November 14 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Wendi, seconded by Ed. Motion carried.
Jen Clark of Hayden Ross presented the audit results of FY 2016-2017. Overall, revenues exceeded expenditures. However, the water fund had a net loss of $26,596, and the sewer fund has also been steadily declining, borrowing from the general fund to survive. Rates were increased across the board on October 1, 2017, which will help remedy these situations over the next several years, as rates continue to increase incrementally. The sanitation fund increased $10,600; this will be used to retain the City’s own representation when the sanitation contract comes up for renewal.
Dr. Park, Kendrick Joint School District Superintendent, addressed the Council regarding a high water bill incurred by the school during the month of August. During regular reading of the Juliaetta Elementary School playground water meter, it was found that 346,900 gallons of water were used on the playground since the previous reading in July, at a cost of $884.25. It is unclear if the water was left on or if there was a break in the line. Council decided to split the cost of the overage with the school district, as motioned by Ed and seconded by Wendi.
The official canvassed results of the 2017 General Election were presented to Council by Wendy. Out of 365 registered voters in the City of Juliaetta, 47 ballots were cast, which is a 12.88% voter turnout. Incumbent councilmember Nick T. Anderson received 39 votes, and incumbent councilmember Ed Pea received 28 write-in votes. Vickie moved to accept these canvassed results, seconded by Wendi. All were in favor. Both councilmembers ran unopposed and will be sworn in for their 4 year terms in January 2018.
Josh reported that all snow removal equipment is ready for use as soon as the snow flies. Justin Cope, City Maintenance, spoke with Bobi Sheets recently about the shrubs in front of her property; she wants no action taken for now.
Mike reported that a new pump for the water tender has been ordered, and reminded Council that Santa will be in town on December 23 at 1 pm.
City maintenance needs to get a count of how many No Parking signs are needed in town. People are still parking in and blocking alleys.
Motion to approve the bills was made by Nick, seconded by Wendi; motion carried.
At 7:53 pm, Nick made a motion to adjourn. Ed seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 14, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Ed Pea. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Debra Miles, Fire Chief Mike McGee, and Josh Luscombe, City Maintenance.
The minutes of the October 10 meeting were read. Motion to approve after a wording change was made by Nick, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
Bobi Sheets addressed Council regarding shrubs along the sidewalk at the front of her residence at 179 Main Street. The shrubs were trimmed back without her knowledge or consent during a community building day, as they encroached upon the sidewalk. Workers were local high school students, supervised and assisted by adult volunteers, directed by City Maintenance. Ms. Sheets is extremely unhappy that the shrubs were cut back so severely, and although she doesn’t believe the City is responsible, she wants some kind of recompense, whether it is a screen to cover the damaged area, or new shrubs. A decision was not reached during the meeting.
Dr. Park, Kendrick Joint School District Superintendent was on the agenda, regarding a high water bill at the Juliaetta School Playground. He did not attend.
Mike Boyer of the K-J Baseball Association requested funds from the City to purchase a new backstop net for the baseball field at Centennial Park. A 36 pound nylon net will cost $1,200.00, and a 42 pound net will cost $1,800.00. He also requested to be allowed to install a warning track against the baseball field outfield fence; a strip of grass will be killed and then dressed with “red.” Discussion was also held regarding the concession stand at the park. Mr. Boyer would like it to be located closer to the baseball field. Council suggested a mobile stand that can be used at either field and then stored off site when not in use. Council also suggested additional avenues of fundraising for the baseball association to pursue. Further discussion of funding will be tabled until a later date.
Canvassed election results from Latah County were not available and will be accepted by motion at the December meeting.
The Juliaetta-Kendrick joint Transportation Plan Update Scope of Work and Agreement for professional services from Keller Associates was reviewed by the Mayor and Council. Nick moved to accept the agreement as written and authorized the Mayor to sign the final draft. Wendi seconded the motion, which carried.
Debra requested approval from Council to have Wells Fargo issue two additional credit cards, each with a $1,000.00 limit, to Josh Luscombe and Justin Cope. They would be stored in the safe unless needed for city purchases by Josh or Justin at retailers where the city does not have a charge account, or used for traveling expenses. Nick moved to allow the two credit cards to be issued as requested, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
Debra would also like to begin work on a Five Year Plan for large expense purchases, such as a new city pickup. She requested of Council and Maintenance to think of “wish list” items, which will then be prioritized according to need, and then she and Council will try to fit them into future budgets.
No information is available about the EDA funds account, so the topic will be tabled until a later date.
Wendy reported that City Attorney Ken Nagy is currently reviewing the City Code and will prepare a draft of an ordinance to bar people from living in RVs or travel trailers within Juliaetta. Council may someday consider constructing an RV park for travelers and sportsmen to use temporarily.
Josh reported that the water and wastewater plants are running well. He and Justin are still helping at City of Kendrick with water and wastewater issues, while their new maintenance man is trained. Josh and Justin installed a new bit on the snowplow blade in preparation for winter, and the City’s Christmas lights will be installed by the end of November.
Fire Chief Mike McGee reported that the Fire Department vehicles have been winterized, and a new heater was installed in Engine 23. Santa will be in Juliaetta on Saturday, December 23.
Nick invited everyone to help decorate the park on Saturday, November 18 at 9:00 am. The Light the Park ceremony will be held on Thursday, November 30 at 6:00 pm.
Another streetlight is needed on Main Street near Colter’s Creek Winery; the area is still quite dark. Ed will contact Matt Anderson with Avista to see about the installation.
Wendy announced to Council that the Association of Idaho Cities’ fall workshop will be held on Monday, December 4 in Lewiston. This training is specifically geared toward new/current Mayors and Councilmembers and their roles and responsibilities within city government. Those wishing to attend should contact Wendy as soon as possible.
Debra had Council “re-sign” some paperwork that went missing after the FY 2016 audit. She also gave Council members a list of all vendors that are or have been paid by the City, for the sake of transparency.
Motion to approve the bills was made by Wendi, seconded by Ed; motion carried.
At 8:48 pm, Ed made a motion to adjourn. Wendi seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Ed Pea. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Debra Miles, Josh Luscombe and Justin Cope of City Maintenance, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
The minutes of the September 12 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Ed, seconded by Nick. Wendi abstained. Motion carried.
Stillman Norton of Keller Associates addressed Council with a status update for a possible wastewater funding application. Since our last unsuccessful application, an inspection by DEQ and EPA has been performed in August, and they have issued a letter and inspection report. The City’s MPDES report has also been assigned for renewal by EPA, which could be redone within the next 12-18 months; Mr. Norton will confirm this timeline. These changes could help the City earn the additional points needed to be funded. Nick moved to submit a new application for the FY2019 year, and to give the Mayor authority to sign the completed application. Vickie seconded the motion, of which all were in favor.
Kevin Cleveland was on the agenda with regards to his damaging water lines on his property. He did not attend.
Dr. Park, Kendrick Joint School District Superintendent was on the agenda, regarding a high water bill at the Juliaetta School Playground. He did not attend.
Discussion was held regarding the need for an ordinance regarding people living, either full time or temporarily, in RVs or travel trailers. Josh and Justin have observed several in town that appear to be occupied, both on city streets and private property. Council may consider allowing temporary occupation, as long as they are connected to and paying for city services. Further discussion will be held, and research will continue to prepare for drafting the ordinance.
Josh requested from Council to be allowed to purchase trail cameras or security cameras to be installed at the water plant and outside the park bathrooms. There are reports of drug use at these areas, and people are causing damage and using city water. At this time, Council would like to keep the gates at the park locked, which will keep people from driving vehicles in that area of the park. Cameras may be purchased and installed at a later date.
Nick gathered costs, including delivery, for a new storage shed to possibly be placed at the Juliaetta Centennial Park. The existing concession stand area is small, with a storage area taking up part of the building. It has been suggested to add a shed for storage, and enlarge the concession area into the storage area. After some discussion, it may be a better idea to create a new concession stand, and use the old for storage only. Further discussion will be tabled until the November meeting.
Josh reported that the last inspection at the wastewater plant by DEQ and EPA went well. A new Quality Assurance Plan needs to be written, as our old plan is out of date. The submersible pump has been removed from the Potlatch River, as the water plant is able to meet demands now without it. Josh and Justin are painting crosswalks, and trimming brush on alleyways for easier access. Josh also advised Council that the water and sewer line locator is not working correctly. It will need replaced or serviced.
It is Fire Prevention Week at Juliaetta Elementary School, which the Juliaetta Volunteer Fire Department will take part in. Mike also reported that the high pressure water pump has been ordered; 90% of the cost will be covered by a grant the department was awarded. The large brush pile behind the wastewater plant will be burned as soon as open burning is allowed.
Debra reported that the office copier printed its final copy earlier in the day. A new one will need to be purchased as soon as possible.
Dick and Justin informed Council that a hedge at 179 Main Street was recently trimmed back by volunteers during a community service day. The homeowner was upset by the trimming, even though she had been told by the previous Public Works Supervisor that the hedge must be cut back, as it was blocking the sidewalk. The homeowner spoke to the clerk about attending the council meeting to discuss the issue, but was unable to attend.
Motion to approve bills was made by Nick, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
At 8:18 pm, Nick made a motion to adjourn. Wendi seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 12, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by mayor pro tem Vickie Witt. Other council members in attendance were Nick Anderson, and Ed Pea. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Debra Miles, and Fire Chief Mike McGee. Mayor Richard Groseclose, council member Wendi Dodge, and Josh Luscombe, City Maintenance, were absent.
The minutes of the August 8 public hearing and regular meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Nick, seconded by Ed. Motion carried.
Michelle Bly of TD&H Engineering introduced herself and distributed information about her firm. They assist with many different types of projects, including water, sewer, and transportation projects.
Janice Stockard addressed Council regarding the condition of Cross Street, off of which she will soon begin building her home. The street needs to be graded and repaired, and shrubs are growing into the right of way. Council will speak to city maintenance and have the work done.
Council reviewed FY 2018 Appropriations Ordinance 2017-01, and it was read by title by Wendy. Nick moved and Ed seconded a motion to suspend the rules and have the ordinance pass its first read by title only. Motion carried. Ed then moved to adopt Ordinance 2017-01, appropriating $760,286.00 for the FY 2017 budget. Nick seconded the motion. A roll call vote was held: Vickie, yes; Nick, yes; Ed, yes. Motion carried.
Resolution 2017-01, the fee schedule, was reviewed by Council. Nick moved to adopt Resolution 2017-01, seconded by Ed. Motion carried.
It is necessary to choose a consultant engineer to complete the transportation plan update, which will be funded by LHTAC in the amount of $30,000.00. This is a joint project with City of Kendrick. LHTAC allows cities the option of choosing an engineering firm from a list on the ITD Term Agreement. Keller Associates, who prepared the LRHIP applications, is on the list. Council decided to stay with Keller Associates, as they are very familiar with our project and our needs. Nick moved to select Keller Associates as consultant engineer to complete the transportation plan update with City of Kendrick. Ed seconded the motion. Motion carried.
With regards to the EDA account, Debra contacted both CEDA and EDA, and is waiting for more information. Discussion will be tabled until October.
There are several people in Juliaetta who are living in RVs or travel trailers. They are not connected to city services, and some are encroaching on public spaces/city right of ways. Council agrees that an ordinance regulating or forbidding people from living in RVs or travel trailers is necessary. Wendy has contacted other cities to see their applicable ordinances on the subject, and Council will also give thought to and do research on the subject. Further discussion will be tabled until October.
A 50¢ per hour raise for employees has been included in the FY2018 budget. Nick moved and Ed seconded to give each hourly employee a 50¢ per hour raise, beginning October 1. Motion carried.
Mike reported the concession stand at the park needs refurbishing. There is a large storage area at the back which is full of park equipment. It would be nice to use the entire area for the concession stand, and install a shed or shipping container elsewhere to use for storage. Nick will collect prices and discussion will continue in October.
Nick noted that the second annual Light the Park event will soon be upon us. The event should be held right after Thanksgiving or the first week of December. School and other schedules will need to be consulted before a date can be selected. Vickie has noticed that many yards and properties around Juliaetta are overgrown. Residents need to be reminded to keep their yards clean and maintained. Ed asked if any more bids have been received for chip sealing. Wendy and Debra and unaware of any, so the chip sealing project may need to be pushed back another year.
Bills were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Nick, seconded by Ed. Motion carried.
At 7:47 pm, Ed made a motion to adjourn. Nick seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. back to the top of page
The regular meeting was called to order at 7:07 pm. Also present were Treasurer Debra Miles, Clerk Wendy Sandino, and Fire Chief Mike McGee. Josh Luscombe, City Maintenance, was absent; Justin Cope arrived later during the meeting. for new paragraph
The minutes of the July 11 meeting were read. Motion to approve as read was made by Nick, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried. for new paragraph
Nick made a motion to approve the proposed FY 2018 Budget in the amount of $760,286.00. The motion was seconded by Ed and carried unanimously. The appropriations ordinance, 2017-01, will be added to next month’s agenda. for new paragraph
The shut off notice fee was removed from proposed Resolution 2017-01, a schedule of municipal fees and charges. Adoption of the resolution will be added to September’s agenda. for new paragraph
Residents parking in and blocking City alleys is becoming an issue. These alleys are also fire lanes, and must be kept clear at all times. Wendy will include this item in the local newsletter, and will address it as a note on the bills. Signs will be posted at a later time; a count will be done to see how many are needed. for new paragraph
Letters will be sent to residents at 209 McCall Street, 527 Main Street, and 164 State Street, as they are in violation of Ordinance 2000-01. for new paragraph
Justin reported on the status of the chip sealing project. The City has received a $95,000.00 bid from Poe Asphalt, which is well over our budgeted amount. Bids have been requested from Knife River, Herco, and Morgan Industries, with no replies. He has also installed an additional pump in the Potlatch River for use by the water plant. At the time of the meeting, the plant was producing 142 gallons per minute, refilling the reservoirs, and running well. Justin and Richard have also spent many hours at the Centennial Park, digging for and locating missing sprinkler heads and valves on the baseball field. for new paragraph
Wendy notified Council that the 2017 General Election is upcoming. Nick and Ed’s Council seats will be up for election. The candidate filing period opens August 28 and closes September 8. for new paragraph
Debra spoke about an EDA account at Wells Fargo, which contains a balance of over $3,000.00. The account has been open since 1997 and no interest has accrued. She would like Council to consider closing the account and possibly using the funds for the park, the library, or new playground equipment. Discussion will be tabled until September’s meeting. for new paragraph
Mike reported that the old water tender has been sent to City of Deary. for new paragraph
Motion to approve bills was made by Vickie, seconded by Ed. Motion carried. for new paragraph
At 8:07 pm, Nick made a motion to adjourn. Ed seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. back to the top of page
The FY 2018 Budget Public Hearing was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Nick Anderson, and Ed Pea. Council member Wendi Dodge was absent. The total amount of the budget is $760,286.00. No changes were made, and there was no comment by the public. The proposed budget includes funds for road maintenance. If the work cannot be completed as planned, the budget may need to be reopened and amended. There was no further comment by Council. The public hearing was adjourned.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, and Nick Anderson. Council member Ed Pea was absent. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Debra Miles, Josh Luscombe and Justin Cope of City Maintenance, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
The minutes of the June 13 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Wendi, seconded by Nick. Wendi abstained. Motion carried.
Juliaetta resident Donnie Isaacks addressed Council regarding his concerns about a large cottonwood tree on a neighboring property. He would like the tree removed but the neighbor does not. He would like to know if there’s anything the City can do about this issue. Wendy will contact the City Attorney for his legal opinion.
The FY2018 budget was presented to Council and reviewed. The proposed budget total is $760,286.00, a difference of $20,050 over last year’s budget. Water, sewer, and garbage rates will need to increase at the beginning of the next fiscal year. Water will increase to $41.00, sewer will increase to $26.09, and garbage prices will increase by $0.50. Nick moved to tentatively adopt the FY2018 budget, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
Proposed Resolution 2017-01 was reviewed and changes were made.
Discussion was held regarding playground equipment at Centennial Park. The equipment is in decent shape, but a new surround is needed retain the pea gravel in the play area. Dick suggested using 8″ pipe, rather than wood. Josh will order the pipe. Nick moved to upgrade the surround with 8″ pipe, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
Josh reported on operations at the water treatment plant. During the spring flooding, an intake was blocked with debris, and with the river levels now dropping sharply, not enough water was coming into the plant. Reservoir levels are also low. Josh and Justin created a channel and pond in the river and unblocked the intake. Water output has increased, though with the continuing hot, dry weather, the situation will need continual monitoring. Josh would also like to replace or rebuild three fire hydrants around town; he will gather costs. He also reported that the water heater at the wastewater plant needs to be replaced. Justin is continuing to work on issues with the sprinkler system on the large ballfield.
Mike informed Council that the new water tender will be in service starting July 12.
Motion to approve bills was made by Nick, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried.
At 8:34 pm, Nick made a motion to adjourn. Wendi seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 6.59 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Ed Pea. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Debra Miles, Justin Cope of City Maintenance, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
The minutes of the May 9 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Ed, seconded by Nick. Wendi abstained. Motion carried.
Nick moved to amend the agenda to include a presentation by the board of the Partnership for Economic Prosperity, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
Richard Walser, Paul Kimmell, Dan Ewart, Gary Riedner, Brad Flodin, and Gina Taruscio, all from the Partnership for Economic Prosperity addressed the Council. Their organization helps with economic development all over Latah County, especially by helping businesses start or expand. The group will send a survey to assess the needs of each community, and they also plan to reinstate mayor roundtable meetings. Dick voiced a need for a hardware store, as well as a new library, and Gina will meet with him regarding those needs.
City Hall has recently had a citizen voice his concerns regarding the condition of the Juliaetta Community Library building. City building inspector Jim Yeoman advised the City to have an architect conduct the inspection. Rhonda Wemhoff of Wemhoff Architecture performed a visual inspection, and pictures of the interior attic structure were also sent for her review. As there have been no roof leaks, she believes the structure is sound, but should be monitored for any changes.
Proposed Resolution 2017-01, which will contain all fees charged by City of Juliaetta, was reviewed by Council. This item will be added to the July agenda for further changes and review.
Justin and Josh Luscombe will be gathering bids for chip sealing of City streets. Justin and Josh also recently attended Drinking Water and Wastewater Treatment classes, respectively, and have applications to submit to test for Operator in Training licenses.
Mike reported that 400’ of hose was lost during recent hose testing. He also submitted his FY2018 budget request, and advised Council that the Fire Department has applied for a $3,330.56 Volunteer Fire Assistance grant, though the outcome of that request won’t be known until November.
Nick asked if there were funds available for the purchase of playground equipment at the Juliaetta Centennial Park. Approximately $5,200 is currently available in that fund. Further discussion was tabled until July.
Motion to approve bills was made by Nick, seconded by Ed. Motion carried.
At 8:28 pm, Nick made a motion to adjourn. Ed seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:12 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Nick Anderson, and Ed Pea. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Debra Miles, Josh Luscombe of City Maintenance, and Fire Chief Mike McGee. Council member Wendi Dodge was absent.
The minutes of the April 11 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Nick, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried.
The J-K Baseball Association was on the agenda, requesting paint for the park bathroom floors, and to purchase grass seed for the ball fields, at a cost of $400 to the City. After discussion by Council, Dick and this year’s summer hire will do the painting. Seeding will need to wait until weather permits in the fall. Someone from the Baseball Association will need to attend a Council meeting to request any future funds, so discussion will be tabled until a later meeting.
Kathy Groseclose and Ed Groseclose of the JCIA addressed Council regarding the need for more parking at the Community Center at 214 State Street, which is owned by the JCIA. They would like to remove the grass along State Street and replace it with gravel. Nick moved to allow the JCIA to remove the grass and install gravel to provide more parking, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried. JCIA also would like to partner with the City to add additional electrical outlets in the park, which could be used for the tree decorating at Christmastime, as well as events such as the Blackberry Festival each September. They were asked to put together a plan including drawings and projected costs to present to Council at a later date.
Polly Taylor-Dennler requested via Debra to have a porta-potty made available at the Juliaetta Cemetery around Memorial Day. It is something that has been done in previous years. Ed moved to allow the porta-potty rental for two weeks prior and two weeks after Memorial Day, seconded by Nick. The motion carried.
Josh reported a missing sprinkler system station at the baseball field at Centennial Park. It is causing a large dead spot in the outfield. He would like Council to consider hiring a sprinkler company to locate the issue, or to possibly buy or rent a metal detector for location. He also reported that the sprayer pipe on the clarifier at the Wastewater Plant is mostly blocked and will need to be replaced. This issue may need to be addressed in the FY2018 budget. City Maintenance worker Justin Cope reported at least three trees at the park that will need to be cut down. City Maintenance and/or the tree trimming company that will be hired by the City this summer will remove the trees. Justin also spoke about the cleanup efforts that took place at the Juliaetta Cemetery on April 22. There was a lot of weeding and trimming done, and many headstones were reset or leveled. A peony cutting garden will be planted. He was very pleased about the amount of work that was accomplished.
Debra reported that due to new state legislation taking effect July 1, quarterly financial reports will no longer need to be published in the Lewiston Tribune, as long as they are published on the City’s website. This will be a savings of approximately $107.00 per quarter. We would also like to create a fee resolution that will list every fee and charge relating to the City. This would be presented at the Budget Public Hearing in August, and could be easily updated by a new resolution each year. More discussion on this resolution will take place at future Council meetings.
Mike reminded Council of the Mother’s Day car wash coming up on May 13. He also reported that they’re still working on the water tender, and expect it to be ready to go very soon.
Motion to approve bills was made by Nick, seconded by Ed. Motion carried.
At 7:57 pm, Nick made a motion to adjourn. Ed seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Ed Pea. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Debra Miles, Josh Luscombe of City Maintenance, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
The minutes of the March 14 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Nick, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
Stillman Norton of Keller Associates presented updates on the Citys Transportation Funding and Wastewater Planning Funding Applications. The LHTAC FY18 Transportation Planning Grant, which was applied for jointly by the Cities of Juliaetta and Kendrick will be funded, in the amount of $30,000.00. The Cities will need to select an engineer to perform the work, and the funds will be disbursed in late December 2017-January 2018. The Juliaetta Wastewater Facilities Planning Study will not be funded by a DEQ FY18 Wastewater Planning Grant this year. More violations are necessary in order to qualify for a better score and funding by the grant. Barring a major breakdown at the wastewater plant, Mr. Norton does not see the City’s score changing enough in the next year to warrant applying again, but we can if we want to. We may be eligible for a USDA RD Search Grant, which would fund 50-75% of the needed study, and can be used in conjunction with the DEQ grant.
Nick addressed Council on behalf of Phil Zelinsky of 311 McCall Street. There are street lights located at the intersections of McCall and Third Streets and McCall and Fourth Streets, but nothing in the center, leaving Mr. Zelinsky’s driveway and property very dark. He would like to have a street light added to an existing pole located approximately midway on McCall Street, between the two intersections. Wendi moved to allow the street light installation, pending approval from Avista, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried.
Kevin Cleveland, of 102 Hallet Street, addressed Council regarding a water leak on his property. His water has been turned off since December 2016 due to the leak. He would like permission to pay $100 per month toward his bill until the balance is paid, providing the water can still be turned back on when the leak is repaired or a new water line is installed to his home. Nick moved to allow the $100 per month payments, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
The date of the FY2018 Budget Public Hearing must be set and reported to Latah County by April 30, 2017. After discussion by Council, Nick moved to set the date of the budget hearing as Tuesday, August 8, 2017, with the regular Council meeting immediately following. Wendi seconded the motion, which carried.
Josh reported usual operations around Juliaetta, including sweeping and mowing. The new Cub Cadet mower has been purchased. Justin reported that new measuring pins were being made and placed at the cemetery to replace the missing and decaying wooden pins.
Nick attended a recent County Commissioners meeting and spoke to the Commissioners about the condition of the trail and culvert north of Juliaetta. The culvert has been completely blocked for some time and recent flooding and slides are causing damage to the trail. The Commissioners were going to look into the problem and reply back to the City with their plans.
Motion to approve bills was made by Nick, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
At 8:04 pm, Ed made a motion to adjourn. Nick seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 700 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, and Nick Anderson. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Debra Miles, Maintenance Supervisor Frank Groseclose and Fire Chief Mike McGee. Council member Ed Pea was absent.
The minutes of the February 14 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Nick, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
Mike Quigley, who was to speak about work at the Centennial Park ballfields, did not attend.
Mike McGee presented a measured drawing of the proposed Fire Station addition to the Council. A copy is attached to these minutes. This building will allow the water tender and two brush trucks to be stored inside year-round, and once the building is completed and insulated, they can remain full of water and ready for use at a moment?s notice. At this time, during cold weather, the water tanks must be emptied so they don?t freeze. There are some parts of Juliaetta without fire hydrant access, so the water trucks are absolutely necessary to fight those fires. Being able to store the trucks inside and full also improve the Fire Department?s ISO rating, which could lower residents? fire insurance costs. Nick suggested the addition might be completed in stages, rather than building it all at once. Dick will do more research on building material costs. Discussion was tabled until next month.
Frank spoke to Council regarding the need for a new LMI chemical pump at the water plant. The cost to purchase is approximately $1,800.00. The current pump is 27 years old, and has been rebuilt several times, each time at a cost of $500-$800. Nick moved to allow the purchase of the new LMI chemical pump, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
Two bids have been received for a new city lawnmower. The first is from Blue Mountain Ag, for a Gravely mower very similar to our existing mower, for $4,476.00. The second is from Spence Hardware for a Cub Cadet mower. One model has lap steering controls for $3,500.00, the same model with a steering wheel is $4,200.00. All mowers include a trade in of the old mower. $4,500.00 is budgeted for the new mower. Council and Frank would like to try out the Cub Cadet model with the steering wheel, which is supposed to give the driver more control on a slope.
Frank also reported that tank cleaning will need to be done at the water plant. It?s been three years since it?s been done, and there is $4,000.00 in the budget for the job.
Two council members have received complaints from the same individual regarding noise at Stella Jones. The City does not have a noise ordinance.
Wendy presented Council with a copy of the existing liquor license ordinance. The ordinance needs to be updated so that the valid license dates match those of the State and County licenses, for instance, February 1, 2017 through January 31, 2018. Since the ordinance will need to be rewritten, it would be a good idea to review to see if any other changes are needed. The issue will be tabled until a later date.
Wendy also read an email from Stillman Norton of Keller Associates. The Juliaetta/Kendrick Transportation Plan Update is in position to be funded with a $30,000.00 grant when final results are sent out in June. Mr. Norton will be attending April?s meeting to advise Council on next steps.
Debra reported computer issues in the office; the server hard drive was replaced and it was discovered that the backups being performed were not working properly. Two hard drives were installed in the server and new external hard drives were purchased for backups. No information was lost and all systems are now performing properly.
A survey was sent to Idaho cities to analyze costs of winter maintenance and road/property damage from the severe winter. Snow removal and road gravel exceeded budgeted amounts, and damage was done to the sidewalks around City Hall and near the Post Office. We will wait to hear if funding will be available.
Motion to approve bills was made by Nick, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried.
At 7:51 pm Nick moved to go into executive session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206 subsection 1:a, seconded by Vickie. A roll call vote was taken: Vickie-yes, Wendi-yes, Nick, yes.
Nick moved to return to session, seconded by Wendi; motion passed unanimously.
At 8:12 pm, Nick made a motion to adjourn. Wendi seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 14, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Ed Pea. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Debra Miles, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
The minutes of the January 10 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Ed, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
Frank advised the Council of the need to purchase a new inline turbidimeter for the water treatment plant. The turbidimeter currently in place is about 12 years old, and is becoming extremely difficult to calibrate. This piece of equipment is necessary to maintain compliance with water testing regulations. Frank has received a quote of $3234.19 for the turbidimeter from Blue Book, and is awaiting a quote from Hach, which he believes might be a little less. The budget allows $10,000.00 for water plant repairs this year. Nick moved to allow the purchase of the turbidimeter from either Blue Book or Hach, depending on which price is lower, seconded by Ed. Motion carried.
Debra has received two requests for donations, one from Kendrick Juliaetta and the 7 Ridges organization, and another from the J-K Heritage Foundation. KJ7 suggested a $50 yearly contribution for cities. Nick moved to allow a $50 donation to the KJ7, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried. J-K Heritage Foundation had several different annual support levels. Ed moved to allow a $50 donation to the J-K Heritage Foundation, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
The Juliaetta Volunteer Fire Department would like to build an addition on to the fire station, to allow them to house more vehicles and equipment. They hope to build a 36’x50’ addition. Council asked for drawings or diagrams and more information about the project. Discussion was tabled until next month.
High visibility safety jackets have been purchased for maintenance workers Josh Luscombe and Justin Cope. Josh reported an accident between the two City pickups. The Toyota sustained damage from the incident. The lowest estimate for repair is $1,950.24 at University Collision. Ed moved and Wendi seconded to have the Toyota repaired at University Collision in Moscow. Motion carried.
It was also reported that April 22 will be a clean-up day at the Juliaetta Cemetery. Workers from the cemetery district will be doing maintenance work there, and may need to use City equipment and fuel.
Vickie wondered if a footbridge might be constructed alongside the bridge at the north end of town. She will call the state highway department. Dick proposed the need for a “Slow Children” sign on Third Street below Main Street. Frank may have one in storage.
Motion to approve bills was made by Nick, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
At 7:42 pm, Nick made a motion to adjourn. Vickie seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 6:03 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Ed Pea. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Debra Miles, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
The minutes of the December 13 regular meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Nick, seconded by Ed. Motion carried.
Jennifer Clark of Hayden Ross presented to Council the results of the FY 2016 Audit, as well as a review of the last ten years of City financials. The audit was clean; there are no accounting concerns. In reviewing the individual funds, it was revealed that the General Fund has steadily increased over the past ten years. The Water Fund has decreased, having borrowed nearly $67,000 from the General Fund over the past decade. The Sewer Fund has decreased even further, having borrowed more than $215,000. Sewer revenue has increased for the past several years, but has not kept up with expenses. Both funds should be self-sustaining. These losses do include depreciation of equipment; not just a cash loss. The Sanitation Fund has increased since the last contract was signed, at which time a reserve was built in to be able to afford representation for the City when the next contract was negotiated. Sewer and Water fees will need to be raised; discussion will be held and decisions made at later meetings.
Kevin Cleveland at 102 Hallet Street addressed Council regarding an ongoing water leak on his property. The overage showed up in September 2016 when meters were read, and averaged nearly 65,000 gallons per month for the following three months. The water was turned off at the end of December 2016. He acknowledged the leak and informed Council that he would be replacing and rerouting the water line from the meter to his home. The work to be done will wait until the weather is better. In the meantime, he�ll continue paying off his bill and the water will remain off.
In December, Tim Davis, Sanitation Manager of City of Moscow, addressed Council regarding their need to raise disposal rates. Council had tentatively agreed to their 4.4% proposed increase every year, including the current year, until 2020. Due to the reserve available in the Sanitation Fund, we should be able to absorb this increase without reopening the FY 2017 budget. However, rates would need to be raised each subsequent year to cover City of Moscow’s rate increases. This issue will be addressed when next year’s budget is worked on.
Discussion was held regarding the house on stilts at 602 3rd Street. No real work has been done at the property since the house was illegally moved to the site in the fall of 2015. City Attorney Ken Nagy has advised the City to send a “lawyer letter,” which would force the owner to, at a minimum, fence the entire property and post no trespassing signs. Council decided to have the attorney send the letter, giving the owner 10 days to comply.
Frank reported the chlorine analyzer has been installed by city maintenance workers Josh Luscombe and Justin Cope at the water treatment plant. Josh asked Council if he could look into Avista Utilities’ LED program, which would give a rebate if the City switched over to LED bulbs in all its facilities. He was given approval to gather the costs and information to present later to Council.
Nick would like to look into purchasing high-visibility jackets, shirts, or lights for City Maintenance to improve their safety. Prices will be gathered and presented at the next meeting.
Mike reported 39 calls in 2016. Of those 39, 20 were helping the ambulance, and 17 we calls in Juliaetta. Juliaetta has been experiencing much higher than usual snowfall amounts so far this winter, and flooding is becoming a concern. The National Weather Service has no flood forecast information for Potlatch Creek. He requested a forecast from them six years ago. He may need the City to send a letter requesting this flood information from the National Weather Service.
Motion to approve bills was made by Nick, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
At 7:56 pm, Nick made a motion to adjourn. Ed seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 13, 2016
The meeting was called to order at 6:59 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Ed Pea. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Debra Miles, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
The minutes of the November 8 regular meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Nick, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
Tim Davis, Sanitation Manager for City of Moscow addressed Council regarding the possible need to raise rates for City garbage disposal, which is provided by City of Moscow. Moscow performed a rate study in 2012, after which they implemented changes that would save money and hopefully eliminate the need to raise rates. Unfortunately, according to the updated 2016 study, those changes were not enough to cover the cost of services. Mr. Davis presented Council with three different rate increase alternatives, which would need to begin in early 2017. Council has tentatively approved an alternative which would call for a 4.4% increase in 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020, followed by 2% increases in 2021-2024. These increases only cover the cost of disposal through City of Moscow, and will not cover cost increases instituted by Latah Sanitation for collection.
Several other area cities are also going to need to implement these new rates, so all Cities, as well as the City of Moscow, will need to adopt the same alternative. Mr. Davis has a couple other cities to visit before final decisions are made and contracts are drawn up. This issue will be tabled and added to the January 2017 agenda.
Also in January 2017, Jennifer Clark of Hayden Ross will attend the meeting to deliver the FY 2016 Audit results. At that time, she would also like to present an in-depth review of the City financials for the last ten years. Debra suggested that the regular council meeting should start an hour earlier. Council agreed.
Motion to approve bills was made by Nick, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
At 7:57 pm, Nick made a motion to adjourn. Ed seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Ed Pea. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Debra Miles, Maintenance supervisor Frank Groseclose, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
The minutes of the October 11 regular meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Nick, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried.
The K-J Baseball Association has been on the agenda for the last two months, regarding their request for the installation of a gate in the center field fence of the baseball field, near the batting cages. However, no one from the association has attended a meeting. Council did discuss the request, however, and members of Council have been told, separately, that the association will pay for and complete the project; they are only seeking Council approval. In that light, Nick moved to allow the K-J Baseball Association to install the gate, seconded by Ed. Motion carried.
Debra reported that four CDs that are currently held on a 24 month term at P1FCU will mature on December 8. Each of the CDs is for the amount of approximately $46,500.00. Current rates at P1FCU are 2.0% for 48 months and 1.75% for 24 months. Discussion was held whether or not to roll them over again at the same term, or to take one or two and move them into a 48 month term. Vickie moved to roll all four CDs over to the same 24 month term, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
Frank requested that a new set of scales be purchased for the wastewater plant. The scales are more than 40 years old and are becoming unreliable. A new, digital set of scales can be purchased for $2195.00 and are self-calibrating. The company they would be purchased from will also set up and calibrate them. The budget was reviewed; Nick moved to proceed with the purchase of the scales, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
Debra addressed the Council regarding issues at 602 3rd Street. A house was moved onto the property in late 2015, without a permit. The proper permit was purchased in May 2016, but no work has been completed. The house is currently resting on cribbing, and a foundation has been dug but not finished. The worksite is quite unsafe. Debra would like permission to contact the City Attorney to find out what steps the City can take to either make the site safe, and/or to compel the owner of the house to finish the project. Nick moved to have Debra contact the City Attorney about the issue, to see what the City can do to make the house owner speed up the project and to make it safe in the meantime, and if any fines can be assessed. Wendi seconded the motion, which carried.
Nick gave an update on the Light the Park event, which will be held November 30. Stella-Jones and Broemeling Steel & Machine have made monetary donations, and United Rentals has donated the use of a manlift for the weekend of the 19th, to be used to install the lights and decorations.
Debra advised Council that Hayden Ross Associates will be at the meeting in January to present the FY2016 audit results. She also reported the Centennial Park has recently been vandalized. Graffiti was spray painted on the outside bathroom wall, on the back of the concession stand, and on the pavilion floor and picnic tables. The Latah County Sheriff’s office was contacted; the deputy suggested installing a DVR security camera system at the park. A trail camera has been reinstalled at the site.
Mike reported that a new position of Captain has been created within the Juliaetta Volunteer Fire Department; the position has been awarded to Joe Dodge. Mike would like permission to add him as a signer on the North 40 charge account, and allow him to sign for fuel receipts. Wendi excused herself from this vote. Nick moved to grant the request, seconded by Vickie. The motion carried.
Bills were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Ed, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
At 8:03 pm, Nick moved to go into executive session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206 subsection 1:a.
Nick moved to return to regular session, seconded by Ed. Motion carried.
At 8:19 pm, Nick made a motion to adjourn. Ed seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Ed Pea. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Maintenance supervisor Frank Groseclose, and Fire Chief Mike McGee. Treasurer Debra Miles was absent.
The minutes of the September 13 regular meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Wendi, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
Stillman Norton of Keller Associates addressed Council about once again applying for the LHTAC Transportation Planning Grant and the DEQ Wastewater Planning Study Grant. The City applied for both of these grants in 2015, but did not qualify for either. As we hold an outdated transportation plan with the City of Kendrick, we will need to jointly apply for the planning grant with them. Discussion was also held regarding the need to procure an engineer before proceeding with the DEQ applications. Mr. Norton advised that the process can be a lengthy one, and since his firm is already preparing the applications for the City, it is unnecessary to hire an engineer until after the grant funds have potentially been awarded. An engineer will also be needed after the LHTAC grant is potentially awarded to the City, however, a qualified engineer can be simply chosen from a list on the Idaho Transportation Department Roster. Council decided to wait on the engineer procurement. Nick moved and Wendi seconded to have Keller Associates proceed with the application for the DEQ grant, and to allow the mayor to sign on the City’s behalf. Motion carried. Nick then moved and Ed seconded to have Keller Associates proceed with the application for the LHTAC transportation planning grant; this motion also carried.
Latah County Sheriff candidate Barry Johnson requested an audience with the Council to restate his intentions should he be elected Sheriff in November. Mr. Johnson believes that substance abuse and mental illness are the biggest issues in our county. He would like more collaboration with communities on prevention and recovery programs, and stressed the need to help empower our senior citizens to prevent fraud and ensure their welfare. He would also like a satellite sheriff’s office in Juliaetta, which is already being planned for by the Community Library Project in the new library building.
Cynthia Nye made a request of the Council on behalf of K-J Planning & Zoning of $100 to cover costs of post office box rent, postage, office supplies and advertising. There was not a line item included in the budget to cover such requests, however, funding can be found within the budget this year. A line item will be added to next year’s budget. Nick moved and Wendi seconded to give $100 to K-J Planning & Zoning; motion carried.
No one attended from the K-J Baseball Association, their request for a gate at the baseball field will be tabled until next month.
Frank reported that the chlorine analyzer at the water plant cost $1000.00 more than anticipated. He hasn’t received a call back from Poe Asphalt about paving, so he will approach other companies for bids. He also reported that the Toyota pickup needs new tires, which will cost $850 through Toyota. He can get a better price at Commercial Tire or through the state.
Mike would like to replace the fire hydrant located at 213 State Street. It sits too low, and is lacking a steamer port. It will cost approximately $1800.00 to replace. It may be a cost that will be added to next year’s budget. He also reported that the fire department will burn the city brush pile at the end of the month.
Nick announced that the Community Library Project would like to hold a park lighting event at the Centennial Park in conjunction with the City. He would like to approach local businesses and organizations to ask them to “adopt” a tree, which would then be decorated by them with Christmas lights. The City would also take part in the decorating. It was decided that November 30, from 6 to 8 pm, would be a conflict-free evening to hold the lighting event. Cocoa would be served by the CLP. Wendi suggested someone contact Mrs. Gertje, the music teacher at the grade school, to see about some of the children performing Christmas carols at the event.
Wendy advised Council that four CDs will be maturing at P1FCU in December. They are all 24 month CDs. The interest rate return is quite a bit higher for the 48 month CD that we currently have. Council may want to change one or two of the matured CDs into 48 month CDs. The issue will be tabled until November, with it will be listed as an agenda item.
Dick reported that we have only received one job application for the maintenance position. The ad will continue to run in the Lewiston Tribune until the Sunday before the next meeting, and applications will be accepted until November 8. Wendy will make sure the job opening is on the City facebook page, and will be posted locally.
Bills were reviewed and approved.
At 8:25 pm, Ed made a motion to adjourn. Nick seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 13, 2016
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by mayor pro tem Vickie Witt. Council members in attendance were Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Ed Pea. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Debra Miles, Maintenance supervisor Frank Groseclose, Maintenance worker Josh Luscombe and Fire Chief Mike McGee. Mayor Richard Groseclose was absent.
Dana Kelly of the Juliaetta Community Park Committee requested to be added to the agenda. Nick made a motion to approve the addition to the agenda, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
The minutes of the August 16 public hearing and regular meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Nick, seconded by Ed. Motion carried.
Idaho State Senate candidate Dan Foreman addressed the Council. He is the Republican nominee for District 5, which covers Latah and Benewah Counties. Mr. Foreman has lived in the area for 16 years and has served 41 years in uniformed public service. He believes that the top three threats to our state and country are that our government is too big, he would like to see greater immigration control, and schools need help with poor discipline, drug problems, and low teacher pay. He is pro-Second Amendment, pro-life, and if elected, will draft legislation to instate term limits.
Dana Kelly approached Council with a request for signs to be posted on the highway near the Centennial Park to indicate that the park is nearby. The Park Committee will help research the sign types and will help pay for their purchase. The issue will be tabled until next meeting. Dana also reported that her neighbors around Riverview Drive are concerned about recent break-ins in their neighborhood. They would like purchase signs that would alert drivers of a Neighborhood Watch and Private Drive, with No Turn Around Access. She asked Council for permission to post the signs, either on an existing sign post or one they would install. Nick moved and Wendi seconded to allow the signs to be posted, with all in favor.
Cynthia Nye of Planning and Zoning sent a letter requesting funds of $100. Council would like her to attend the meeting to answer questions; she will be contacted again and added to next month’s agenda.
Council reviewed FY 2017 Appropriations Ordinance 2016-05, and it was read by title by Wendy. Nick moved and Ed seconded a motion to suspend the rules and have the ordinance pass its first read by title only. Motion carried. Nick then moved to adopt Ordinance 2016-05, appropriating $740,236.00 for the FY 2017 budget. Wendi seconded the motion. A roll call vote was held: Vickie, yes; Wendi, yes; Nick, yes; Ed, yes. Motion carried.
A revised Exhibit A to the City of Moscow and Juliaetta Solid Waste Disposal Agreement was reviewed by Council. Nick moved to sign and accept the document, seconded by Ed; all were in favor.
Resolution 2016-01, the garbage rate resolution, was reviewed by Council. The rates will increase October 1, 2016. Nick moved and Ed seconded the motion to approve Resolution 2016-01. Motion carried.
As it is too late in the season for chip sealing, paving is being considered on few city streets with the money reserved for street repairs. The budget this year stands at $20,000.00; the same amount is budgeted for next year. There is also $4,770.13 in a Highway Users Reserve that can only be used for street repairs. Frank will acquire more bids for streets that are good candidates for paving, and the topic will be tabled until next meeting.
Frank reported that the chlorine analyzer at the water plant is broken and will need to be replaced at a cost of approximately $3,300.00. Funds are available, so Nick moved and Wendi seconded to allow the purchase of the part. Motion carried. A turbidimeter, which measures what is in the water, may also be on its last legs. A replacement will be approximately $3,300.00. Its purchase will need to wait until after October 1. Finally, Josh reported that the Dissolved Oxygen Meter probe may be broken; he will try to borrow one from another city to see if the probe is the issue. A replacement will cost $630.00. Nick moved, seconded by Ed, to allow the purchase if it becomes necessary. All were in favor.
It was brought to the attention of Council that Frank may be retiring by the first of the year, and his replacement will need to be hired. Wendy will advertise the position opening in the Lewiston Tribune.
Nick spoke on behalf of the Community Library Project about its tentative plans to have a park lighting event this year after Thanksgiving, as well as a bonfire in January. These events will also serve as fundraisers for the CLP. Council was in favor of both events.
Mike reminded Council that burn permits are still required until October 20.
Wendy has been contacted by Latah County Board of Commissioners who would like to hold one of their regular meetings in Juliaetta on October 19 at 2:00 pm. Regular business will be conducted at the meeting, and they would also like to hear any questions and concerns from local government, schools, and businesses. They would like the Mayor and Council to attend this meeting.
Debra received a letter from KJ7, who each year organizes a student service day wherein the students work on various tasks or projects for the cities or community organizations. Frank, Josh, and Council should try to think of tasks that could be done by these students. Bills were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Nick, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
At 7:56 pm, Nick made a motion to adjourn. Ed seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. back to the top of page
The FY 2017 Budget Public Hearing was called to order at 7:01 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Ed Pea. The total amount of the budget is $740,236.00. No changes were made, and there was no comment by the public or Council. Ed moved to adjourn the budget hearing, seconded by Nick.
The regular meeting was called to order at 7:07 pm. Also present were Treasurer Debra Miles, Clerk Wendy Sandino, Maintenance worker Josh Luscombe, and Fire Chief Mike McGee. Maintenance supervisor Frank Groseclose was absent.
The minutes of the July 12 meeting were read. Motion to approve as read was made by Ed, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
Nick made a motion to approve the FY 2017 Budget in the amount of $740,236.00. The motion was seconded by Ed and carried unanimously. Ordinance 2016-05, the 2017 Appropriations Ordinance, will be added to next month?s agenda.
Idaho State Senator Dan Schmidt attended the meeting to see if Council has any issues that he may be able to assist with, in his capacity as Senator. Wendy will send an email to him outlining some questions about dealing with the DEQ and if there are any funding avenues to assist in building our library. Richard also asked him about issues regarding funding our public schools.
Latah County Sheriff candidate Barry Johnson addressed the Council about his plans if elected sheriff. He would focus on issues with mental health and substance abuse, and reach out to older citizens concerning their welfare and susceptibility as targets of fraud. He would like better training for deputies and will try to establish 24 hour coverage.
Ordinance 2016-04, the Speed Limit Ordinance, was read by title by the Clerk. Ed made a motion to suspend reading the proposed ordinance on three different days, after having the title of the proposed ordinance read once. This was seconded by Nick; the motion carried. Ed then made a motion to adopt Ordinance 2016-04, which was seconded by Nick. A roll call vote was held: Vickie, yes; Wendi, yes; Nick, yes; Ed, yes.
Josh had nothing to report regarding City maintenance.
Mike reported that the Fire Department will be selling hamburgers at the Blackberry Festival, and that they have purchased primer to paint the ?new? water tender.
Richard reported that he and summer hire Gabe Cirka have finished the sidewalk on Hallet Street, as well as painting the City Hall roof, and siding on Council Chambers and the water pump house. Gabe?s last day or work will be August 19; he has worked for the City for 6 summers and has been an excellent employee. Council would like to recognize his years of service with a gift. Ed made a motion that the City purchase a $100 gift card to Sportsman?s Warehouse, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
Chip sealing will be done on some City streets by the end of September. There is $20,000.00 budgeted for the project, and $4770.13 in the Highway Users Reserve that can be used or earmarked for road repairs only. Members of Council will look at the streets to bring their opinions to next meeting on which streets should be chip sealed.
Frank and Josh will attend the Idaho Rural Water Association conference in Worley September 21-22. They will need a hotel room for two nights, and registration for the conference. Wendi moved to allow the purchases, seconded by Vickie. Motion was approved.
Debra learned at the AIC conference in June that catering permits may be required at events where alcohol is served or sold, whether by a business or private party. Council discussed the matter, and Debra will inquire about additional information.
Bills were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Nick, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
At 8:04 pm, Nick made a motion to adjourn. Ed seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Ed Pea. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Treasurer Debra Miles, Maintenance supervisor Frank Groseclose, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
The minutes of the June 14 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Ed, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
Ordinance 2016-03, the State Street vacation ordinance, was reviewed by Council. Vickie made a motion to suspend the rules and read the ordinance once by title only. Ed seconded the motion, which carried. Wendy read aloud the ordinance title. Nick made a motion to adopt Ordinance 2016-03, which was seconded by Vickie. The motion passed.
The fiscal year 2017 budget was discussed. Two small changes were decided upon, neither of which effected the budget total. Nick made a motion to adopt the tentative FY 2017 budget in the amount of $740,236.00, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried. The budget hearing will be held before the regular Council meeting on Tuesday, August 16.
Proposed ordinances 2016-04 and 2016-05, the speed limit ordinance and mandatory garbage ordinance, were discussed. The garbage ordinance simply needs to say that all residents must pay for some sort of garbage collection, either a roll cart or a dumpster. The carts, dumpsters, and collection itself are all regulated by Latah Sanitation, and not by the City of Juliaetta. The ordinance will need to be rewritten. Wendy will contact Kendrick to see if they have a similar ordinance for reference. The speed limit ordinance does not require any changes. Signs will need to be posted at either end of town on Highway 3, as well as on Genesee-Juliaetta Road. Proposed ordinance 2016-04 will be added to the agenda in August.
Chip sealing or paving will be done in Juliaetta this summer. Different options were discussed by Frank and Council. The same amount of money spent on chip sealing will stretch much farther than paving, and we may be able to chip seal at the same time as Fix Ridge or American Ridge are done, which will increase the savings even more. Frank will compile prices for multiple scenarios and present them to Council.
Frank also gave a report on the recent false-positive E. coli hit in the City water system. Routine testing was done on July 6, which yielded the positive results on the 7th. Per DEQ regulations, we should have had 24 hours to retest before the public was notified, in case of a false-positive. Retesting was performed within an hour of the positive results, but DEQ still notified the health department, who called the Juliaetta businesses. The results of the second test were received on Friday the 8th, which said the initial test results were indeed a false-positive. However, DEQ still recommended residents boil their water until final test results were received on the 9th. Those results confirmed the false-positive. The failure of the DEQ to follow their own protocol resulted in many upset residents, ultimately for no reason.
Juliaetta Elementary School has requested water testing to be done on school property. Frank has six sites in town where he tests, each twice a year. He may rotate out one of the old sites and add the school to his list.
Frank reported receiving a phone call from DEQ; they have changed the status of our water plant to Level 3, which after the first of the year will require a Level 3 operator’s license to operate.
Debra was approached by Quest CPAs of Payette, Idaho about their wish to give the City a bid for auditing services. After discussion, Council decided to remain with Hayden and Ross. She also approached Council about permission to travel to this year’s ICCTFOA Institute, which will be held in Idaho Falls. The cost will be higher to travel this further distance. Vickie moved to allow Wendy and Debra to purchase plane tickets to fly to Idaho Falls, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
Debra would like to work on an Emergency Preparedness Plan for the City, in conjunction with a plan she is preparing for her church. Mike has information to share with her, and she will also contact Latah County coordinator Mike Neelon.
Richard and summer hire Gabe Cirka are in the process of pouring a sidewalk along Hallet Street between Second and Third Streets. They cut back the bushes there and are building the sidewalk to make a safe place for the children to walk on their way to the school.
Mike reported that the new water tender from Fort Collins, Colorado has been picked up in Coeur d’Alene. He also informed Council that the baseball field at Juliaetta Centennial Park is the new primary landing zone for Life Flight. He would like to request No Parking signs along the ballfield gate for ambulance and fire truck access in case of an emergency. Signs will be ordered if there are none in storage.
Mike also approached Council about the need for an ordinance that would not allow people to live in camp trailers in city limits. Discussion will be tabled until after the budget is finalized.
Kelly Dalquist and Christine Frei of CEDA, the Clearwater Economic Development Association, addressed Council in June about the City becoming a member of their organization. CEDA also offers economic development training to city councils, in which classes are held during council meetings. Council discussed becoming a member of CEDA and signing up for the training opportunity, after which Nick made a motion to do so. Wendi seconded the motion, which carried.
Bills were reviewed and approved.
At 8:56 pm, Nick made a motion to adjourn. Ed seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The Public Hearing was called to order at 7:01 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Ed Pea.
The vacation includes “all that part of State Street in the Plat of Juliaetta lying between Blocks “J” and “K” and North of the northeasterly right of way line of 7th Street extended located in the northwest one-quarter of Section 3, Township 37 North, Range 3 West, Boise Meridian, City of Juliaetta, County of Latah, State of Idaho,” and has been requested by the Hedler family. The Mayor called for public comment. Bill and Shirley Hadley wondered how much of State Street was affected. They were assured it was only from the northeast edge of 7th Street toward 703 and 709 State Street. It has basically been used as a driveway, anyway, for many years. Council wants to retain a utility easement for the water and sewer lines that run along State Street.
Also, a list of costs associated with the vacation process, including attorney fees and publication costs, was given to Mr. and Mrs. Hedler. The Hedler family will reimburse the City for these costs, as well as any more that are incurred during the process. Nick made a motion to approve the street vacation, seconded by Wendi. The motion carried. An ordinance will be prepared by the City Attorney and presented to Council for final approval at July’s meeting.
The regular meeting was called to order at 7:09 pm. Also present were Treasurer Debra Miles, Clerk Wendy Sandino, Maintenance worker Josh Luscombe, and Fire Chief Mike McGee. Maintenance supervisor Frank Groseclose was absent.
The minutes of the May10 meeting and May 25 special meeting were read. Motion to approve both minutes as read was made by Nick, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried.
Kelly Dalquist and Christine Frei of CEDA, the Clearwater Economic Development Association, addressed Council about the City becoming a member of their organization. CEDA is a private, non-profit organization that assists businesses and communities in developing projects and pursuing funding. They also offer economic development training to city councils, in which classes are held during council meetings. For example, CEDA could show the Council how to update Juliaetta’s Comprehensive Plan, at no cost to the City. An annual membership to CEDA, which is based upon population, will cost $465, and will be invoiced after the new fiscal year. Council will make a decision at a later time. Russ Wessman addressed the Council about the property at 410 First Avenue #5. The person living at the property keeps bringing more and more junk onto the property, when he has been asked to clean up. Dick has spoken with him about cleaning up, and will do so again. It may be up to the landlord to resolve the issue. Ownership of the property is uncertain, as it is part of an inheritance issue. Wendy will call the County to see if the will has been settled.
Council reviewed and discussed the working budget, including requests from Maintenance and the Fire Department. In light of last year’s audit, Debra suggested a raise in the water rates. Garbage rates will also need to increase due to Latah Sanitation adding a new fee for recycling. Also, insurance rates may be rising, and will need to be accounted for in the budget. These details and others will be reviewed over the next month by Council and further discussion was tabled until the next meeting.
Proposed Ordinances 2016-04 and 2016-05, the Speed Limit and Mandatory Garbage Collection ordinances, were delivered to Council to be reviewed, and will be discussed at the next meeting.
Mike reported that the deal which would allow the Fire Department to obtain a water tender from Fort Lewis fell through. However, another tender is available from Colorado Springs, again, at no cost to the City. It will be shipped to Coeur d’Alene and picked up there. As with the last tender, it will need to be modified and painted, and will be owned by the Idaho Department of Lands for two years before it becomes City and Fire Department property. The old tender will revert back to the Idaho Department of Lands.
Vickie was asked about tree trimming by a resident; AAA Tree Service is scheduled to trim trees this summer, or it will be taken care of by maintenance. She was also approached by a family member of a former resident about installing a memorial bench above the Potlatch Creek near the recycle bins at Third Street and Railroad Street. Council gave permission for them to do so.
Bills were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Wendi, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried.
At 9:10 pm, Nick made a motion to adjourn. Ed seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:11 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Wendi Dodge and Nick Anderson. Councilor Ed Pea attended the meeting by speakerphone. Also present was Treasurer Debra Miles. Councilor Vickie Witt and Clerk Wendy Sandino were absent.
The purpose of this meeting was to consider allowing Marcia Hendren to place a 1998 Palm Harbor manufactured home on her property at Lot G, Block 32, off of 4th Street. As the home is older than five years, permission must be given by Council. Ms. Hendren plans to reside the home and add a deck at the front and back. The home will be placed on a foundation and converted to real property. Council reviewed photos and plans provided by Ms. Hendren, and the project will be inspected by the City Building Inspector.
Motion to allow Ms. Hendren to install her manufactured home as discussed was made by Nick and seconded by Wendi. A roll call vote was held: Nick: yes; Wendi: yes; Ed: yes. Motion carried.
At 7:24 pm, Nick made a motion to adjourn. Wendi seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, and Nick Anderson. Also present were Clerk Wendy Sandino, Maintenance supervisor Frank Groseclose and Fire Chief Mike McGee. Council member Ed Pea and Treasurer Debra Miles were absent.
The minutes of the April 12 meeting were read. Motion to approve was made by Nick, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried.
Richard “Richie” Skiles is running for Latah County Sheriff; he addressed the Council about his plans if elected. His experience includes working as Chief of Police of the City of Troy. He would like to bring back 24 hour coverage to the county. He plans to have sniff dogs and has officers who are interested in working with them along with a drug task force. He would like to hire more officers to beef up patrol, and have two school resource officers. He would also like to have a substation locally, where officers on patrol can stop in and have a secure internet connection.
Brian and Rebecca Ellison, who own a home at 27766 North Juliaetta Grade, requested of Council that they be allowed to hook up to city water. They currently have a well. The home is located in the flood plain, and when the City received money from the USDA 20+ years ago, the contract stipulated that no homes located in the flood plain may connect to city water. There are other homes in the area of the Ellison’s home that are connected, but it was done before the USDA loan. Council did not allow the request.
A date of public hearing to be conducted by the City Council needs to be scheduled regarding a proposal to vacate a portion of State Street. Notices will also be sent to the property owners within 300 feet. Nick moved to schedule the public hearing for Tuesday, June 14, 2016 at 7:00pm; it will be held immediately prior to the June City Council meeting. Wendi seconded the motion, which carried.
Frank requested a chainsaw pole trimmer, which will cost approximately $600-700. There are bushes and trees throughout town that need to be trimmed back from the streets. Nick moved to allow Frank to purchase the trimmer, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried. The crosswalk flags at the intersections of Third and Main and Fourth (Genesee-Juliaetta Road) and Main need to be replaced. Frank will check local and Lewiston businesses for prices. Also, the solar light on the flagpole on Main Street needs to be replaced. Frank and Wendy will do some research to find a solar light.
Vickie brought up some concerns from local citizens. One has asked if the City has or enforces a “jake brake” ordinance. The City did adopt such an ordinance in the past, but the jake brakes are safety equipment on big trucks, and law enforcement will not ticket a driver for using them. She also had a citizen ask about trucks running their engines at night in the Juliaetta Market parking lot. Their home is located above the lot, and the noise bothers them. They requested a noise ordinance. The owner of the Market is not opposed to having the truckers park there; no ordinance will be considered at this time.
Mike reported that Fort Lewis is donating a truck to replace the department’s current water tender. The truck is a 5 ton, 6×6, 330 horsepower military vehicle. It will be retrofitted with the current tender’s parts, and after it is painted, will be put into service. They will also paint the brush truck. The new tender will be owned by IDL for two years, after which time the City will become the owner. Mike would also like to research the possibility of expanding the current fire station so that all vehicles can be kept inside, and therefore, always quickly available for service.
Wendy received a request from Vickey Wessman at 405 First Avenue for a street light to be installed near her property. The street is very dark and they’ve had a lot of fuel stolen from their truck tanks. The cost to the City will be approximately $12 per month; this cost will need to be verified with Avista. Wendi moved and Vickie seconded the motion to have a street light installed. The motion carried. Frank will contact Avista about the light.
Bills were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Vickie, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
At 7:59 pm, Nick made a motion to adjourn. Vickie seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Ed Pea. Also present were Treasurer Debra Miles, Clerk Wendy Sandino, Maintenance supervisor Frank Groseclose and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
The minutes of the March 8 meeting were read. Motion to approve with a correction was made by Nick, seconded by Ed. Motion carried.
Stillman Norton from Keller Associates addressed Council regarding the City’s recently submitted Idaho DEQ Wastewater Planning Grant Letter of Interest and LRHIP (Transportation Planning Grant) Application. Unfortunately, due mostly to the unusually high number of submissions from other cities and districts, neither application will be funded. Mr. Norton suggests the City try again next year. Applications for the Wastewater grant are due January 2017 and the Transportation Planning grant in November; the City should begin the application process in September. The City will invite Mr. Norton to the Council meeting that month to begin the procedure.
Dan Foreman, a candidate running for Latah County Sheriff in May, addressed Council with his plans if elected to the office. Mr. Foreman served in the US Air Force for 30 years, retiring a Full Colonel, and also served for 10 years with the Moscow Police Department, where he still works as a reserve officer. If elected Sheriff, among other goals, he would like to increase police presence in small towns and schools as well as patrol coverage. He urged citizens to vote May 17th.
Vickie would like to see a speed limit ordinance passed which would regulate all City streets, with the exception of Main Street/State Highway 3. Mr. Foreman advised that the City ordinance can be more restrictive than the State Code regarding the speed limit, but not less. Signage ordinances must also be followed. He suggested contacting the City Attorney for more guidance, which will be done.
Wendy reported that City Maintenance workers Bill Fey and Josh Luscombe will be attending the 2016 Idaho Water & Wastewater Operators Conference May 15-18. After brief discussion, Council decided that Bill and Josh should drive to the conference, instead of flying.
Debra advised Council that the date of the FY2017 Budget Hearing needs to be set and the County notified before April 29. The Budget Hearing is normally held before the August meeting. Due to the possible absence of two Councilmembers on the date of the regular meeting, Ed moved to change the date of the meeting and Budget Hearing to Tuesday, August 16, at 7:00 pm. Seconded by Wendi, the motion carried.
Debra also reported that the former mayor’s name is still on several City bank and credit union accounts. Nick moved to remove Jeff Lohman’s name from all City of Juliaetta bank and credit union accounts including CDs, and add Mayor Richard Groseclose and Council President Vickie Witt. Wendi seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Frank has replaced a pump at the Water Treatment Plant, and mowing has started, whenever weather permits.
Guest Kathy Groseclose addressed Council regarding an easement agreement between two residents. As the agreement does not involve City property, it is between the two land owners and will not need approval by Council.
Mike reported to Council that a live fire training will be held tentatively on April 23. He also asked Council about possibly relocating the “J” which is on a hillside near the south end of Juliaetta. Council agrees, pending approval from the landowner. Mike hopes to construct it out of metal roofing instead of painted rocks. He also asked about the relocation of the fire sirens, which will be moved to the water and wastewater plants. A pole will need to be set at the water treatment plant for the siren to be installed upon.
Monthly bills were reviewed and motion to approve made by Nick, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
At 8:08 pm, Nick made a motion to adjourn. Ed seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 6:59 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Ed Pea. Also present were Treasurer Debra Miles, Clerk Wendy Sandino, Maintenance supervisor Frank Groseclose and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
The minutes of the February 9 meeting were read. Motion to approve with a correction was made by Vickie, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
Amanda Bashaw, coordinator at Latah Sanitation, spoke to Council about the need for an ordinance requiring all residents and commercial accountholders to pay for garbage collection. The collection fees cover not only curbside collection, but also the recycle bins, bulky waste site, tire amnesty day and shred day. Those who use the other services without paying for roll cart service are being subsidized by paying customers. Nick moved to proceed with drafting a garbage collection ordinance for businesses and residents of Juliaetta, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
A contest was sponsored by the Community Library Project and the Kendrick-Juliaetta Arts Committee to design a logo that would define the CLP. The top three finalists were Mason Spellman, 1st grade; Jack Silflow, 5th grade; and Rose Stewart, 5th grade. Mason and Jack were able to attend the Council meeting and were presented with art supply gift bags for their efforts. The winning entry was drawn by Jack Silflow, who was also presented with a $25 gift certificate to the First Bank of Pizza, donated by the City.
Mike Quigley and Dave Jones of the K-J Baseball Association were listed on the agenda but did not attend the meeting.
John Hedler, once again on behalf of his father, Mike Hedler, addressed the Council regarding the vacation of the east end of State Street. John reported that there will be an easement deeded to the City for utilities. After discussion and review of applicable maps by Council, Nick moved to proceed with the closing of State Street as requested. The motion was seconded by Ed, and carried. The City Attorney will be contacted to begin the process.
Frank reported that Joshua Luscombe, who has recently been hired as City Maintenance, is learning the new position. The new Gravely lawnmower has been delivered, and a major leak by the water treatment plant was repaired the same day.
Mike reported a possible attempted gas theft at the Fire Station. It was reported to Latah County Sheriff?s Office. He would like to buy two trail cameras to use as surveillance. He also requested a fuel card to be used at Juliaetta Market, as presently the Fire Department is unable to purchase fuel after hours. The card would need to specify the use of farm grade diesel. Ed moved to apply for a CHS Primeland fuel card for the Fire Department, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
Debra informed Council that a CD currently held at Potlatch No. 1 Federal Credit Union will mature March 16, 2016. The 24 month CD would earn 1.74% if rolled over for the same term. The rate for 48 months is currently 2.25%. Nick moved to roll over the CD for 48 months, seconded by Ed. Motion carried.
Vickie reported kids lighting fires and drinking alcohol after school hours on the Juliaetta Elementary School playground. Richard has also found a burnt spot along the Trail. A sheriff?s deputy was a guest at the meeting and promised to look into the issues.
Nick would like the faded stop sign at the corner of 4th and Water Streets replaced.
There have been numerous reports of theft in Kendrick. Juliaetta residents should be aware.
Bills were reviewed and approved.
At 8:15 pm Nick made a motion to adjourn. Ed seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The Public Hearing was called to order at 7:00 pm Mayor Richard Groseclose. Other council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Wendi Dodge and Nick Anderson. Council member Ed Pea was absent.
There was no comment on the Area of Impact Ordinances 2016-01 and 2016-02, so the regular meeting was called to order. Also present were Treasurer Debra Miles, Clerk Wendy Sandino, and Fire Chief Mike McGee. Maintenance supervisor Frank Groseclose was absent.
The minutes of the January 12 meeting and January 18 special meeting were read. Motion to approve as read was made by Nick, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried.
Nick made a motion to dispense with the reading of Ordinances 2016-01 and 2016-02 on three different days and once in full. Wendi seconded the motion, which carried. Wendy read both ordinances by title only. Vickie moved to accept Ordinance 2016-01, Juliaetta Area of City Impact Agreement Ordinance, seconded by Nick. All present members of Council were in support. Nick moved to accept Ordinance 2016-02, Juliaetta Area of City Impact Map Ordinance, seconded by Wendi. All present members of Council were in support.
Stillman Norton of Keller Associates spoke with Council about applying for a USDA Rural Development Planning Grant. The City’s letter of intent has been filed with DEQ for their planning grant. However, it will only cover 50% of the costs of a Wastewater Facilities Planning Study, if it is granted. The USDA grant, if granted, may cover the rest of the costs, up to $30,000.00. Usually both grants will be awarded, as USDA and DEQ work together when handling applications. The City will be notified of the results sometime in March. Nick moved to apply for the USDA Rural Development Planning Grant, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
Jennifer Clark of Hayden Ross presented to Council the results of the FY2015 audit. She reported that although the City has a strong fund balance as a whole, the water fund and especially the sewer fund owe a substantial amount to the general fund. The sanitation fund was the only separate fund to see an increase, and money has been set aside to use during the next contract negotiations. Water and sewer rates may need to be raised to make up for the difference. Overall the audit went well and the City is in compliance where it needs to be. Nick moved to accept the results of the FY2015 audit. Vickie seconded and the motion carried.
Discussion was held regarding the need to have Vickie Witt, Council President, added as a signer to all City financial institution accounts. Wendi moved to have Vickie Witt added as a signer on City of Juliaetta accounts held at Wells Fargo, Latah Federal Credit Union, Lewis Clark Credit Union, and Potlatch No. 1 Federal Credit Union. Nick seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. A motion was also made by Wendi to add both Richard Groseclose and Vickie Witt as signers on the EDA funds account (0772) at Wells Fargo. Currently only Wendy and Debra are signers on that particular account. Nick seconded the motion, which carried. Finally, Wells Fargo has informed the City that it needs to have a key executive listed as in control of the City account as a whole. Wendi moved to make Richard Groseclose the key executive with control of the entity, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried.
John Hedler, on behalf of Mike Hedler, and Doug Johns approached Council about vacating a portion of Seventh Street adjacent to 525 State Street, and a portion of State Street that borders 703 State Street and 709 State Street. The streets in question run through buildings and part of a home. If the vacation is granted, there are certain easements that will need to be granted to the City. All fees will be paid by the parties requesting the vacations. Council will review the request and discussion will be tabled until next meeting.
Frank left two quotes for lawnmowers for Council to take under consideration. Bell Equipment submitted a quote for a John Deere mower in the amount of $4400.00. Blue Mountain Agri-Support, Inc. submitted a quote for a Gravely mower in the amount of $3819.10 plus $169.00 for a mulching kit. Nick moved to purchase the Gravely mower for a grand total of $3988.10. Wendi seconded the motion, which carried.
There was no report from the Fire Department.
Nick would like all of the City vehicles to be designated as no smoking, including the Gator and ATV.
Wendy spoke with Amanda Bashaw, coordinator at Latah County Solid Waste. She would like the City to implement an ordinance requiring all residents to pay for garbage collection. Not only are the curbside collection costs covered in the roll-cart rates, but also costs for the bulky waste site and recycling bins. Council will invite Ms. Bashaw to speak at the March meeting, and will consider adopting the proposed ordinance at that time.
Debra reported several computer and backup issues. She has requested to install anti-malware software with automatic updates for $25.00 per year. She also spoke of the need for another external hard drive, to be used to backup Wendy’s computer. Council agreed to both purchases.
The Kendrick-Juliaetta Arts Commission is sponsoring a contest at Juliaetta Elementary School to create a logo for the Community Library Project. The Arts Commission will pick the top three entries, and then the Community Library Project will decide on the winning logo. Debra requested, on behalf of the Arts Commission, that the City donate a prize to be given to the artist who creates the winning logo. After discussion, the City will donate a $25 gift certificate to the First Bank of Pizza.
Wendy received a request from Latah County Sheriff Patrol Deputy Travis Catt for clarification on whether or not the City will be responsible for towing fees incurred when the vehicles of private owners must be towed out of the City right of way. The ordinances will have to be reviewed and discussion was tabled until a later date.
Motion to approve the bills was made by Vickie, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
At 8:40 pm Nick moved to go into executive session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206 subsection 1:a.
Nick moved to return to regular session, seconded by Wendi. Motion carried.
At 9:16 pm Nick made a motion to adjourn. Wendi seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Richard Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Wendi Dodge, Nick Anderson, and Ed Pea. Also present were Treasurer Debra Miles, Clerk Wendy Sandino, Maintenance supervisor Frank Groseclose. Councilor Vickie Witt was absent.
The minutes from the last regular meeting will be read in February. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss hiring a new City employee. Maintenance worker Angelia Coulson has been working on a light-duty basis since September 30, 2015, due to health reasons. Frank is considering retirement. Discussion was held and several criteria were suggested that successful applicant will possess. Applicants should live in Juliaetta or within 10 miles. They will be required to pass a background check and a drug test. They should submit a copy of their driving record. Ideally, the applicant will hold Wastewater Treatment Class I or II and Water Treatment Class I or II licenses. A Class B CDL with air brake endorsement is preferred. The applicant should also have welding, mechanical, heavy equipment operating, and carpentry experience. The wage paid will be $14.00-$16.00 per hour, depending on experience.
Applications and information will be available at City Hall. Debra will also add them to the City website. The job opening will be advertised in the Lewiston Tribune, on the City facebook page and website, as well as locally.
At 7:46 pm, Ed made a motion to adjourn. Nick seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 6:59 pm by Mayor Jeff Lohman. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Dick Groseclose, Nick Anderson, and Ed Pea. Also present were Treasurer Debra Miles, Clerk Wendy Sandino, Maintenance supervisor Frank Groseclose and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
The minutes of the December 8, 2015 meeting were read. Motion to approve with a correction was made by Nick, seconded by Dick. Motion carried.
Motion to approve the bills was made by Dick, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried. Along with the bills, two quotes for a John Deere XUV 625i “Gator” from Bell Equipment were reviewed by Council. An estimated cost of the Gator was included in the FY 2016 budget, to be purchased in the new year. The main difference in the quotes was one model included an enclosed cab, while the other did not. The cab will make the Gator more usable in the colder months and will add to resale value. The enclosed cab model was quoted at a price of $20,580.64; the open cab model was priced at $18, 148.89. After discussion, Nick moved to purchase the John Deere XUV 625i Gator for $20,580.64. Dick seconded the motion. A roll call vote was requested: Vickie, yes; Dick, yes; Nick, yes; Ed, yes.
At the conclusion of old business, the new Mayor and Councilmembers were sworn in, each for a four-year term. Mayor Richard Groseclose signed the oath of office, followed by Councilor Vickie Jo Witt and Councilor Wendi Dodge, and their Certificates of Election were presented.
A discussion was held to consider a candidate for Council President. Ed moved to elect Vickie Witt as Council President. Nick seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Frank reminded Council that it will soon be time to purchase a new lawn mower. He will obtain several bids to be presented for consideration.
Mike reported that the Juliaetta Volunteer Fire Department responded to 48 calls in 2015, down slightly from last year’s total of 55. They are still working on compliance issues and always looking for volunteers to fill the roster.
Debra reported that the Community Library Project opted to not accept donations via the City’s website and AccessIdaho, due to the fees involved. Donations will still be accepted at the Juliaetta Community Library and City Hall, by mail or in person.
Vickie has heard that cats and dogs are possibly being killed by someone around the area of the Elementary School.
At this time Council recessed to acknowledge Jeff Lohman’s 24 years of service as Mayor of Juliaetta. He was honored with a plaque, card, and handmade pen from the City, Council members, and City employees.
At 7:50 pm, Ed moved to go into executive session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206 subsection 1:b.
Ed moved to return to regular session, seconded by Nick; motion carried.
At 8:33 pm, Nick made a motion to adjourn. Ed seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Jeff Lohman. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Dick Groseclose, Nick Anderson, and Ed Pea. Also present were Treasurer Debra Miles, Clerk Wendy Sandino, and Fire Chief Mike McGee. Maintenance supervisor Frank Groseclose was absent.
The minutes of the November 10, 2015 meeting were read. Motion to approve with a correction was made by Dick, seconded by Ed. Motion carried.
An Area of City Impact Agreement Ordinance was drafted by Latah County Planning & Building and reviewed by Council. Council is in agreement that the ordinance and accepted the draft without changes. Wendy will contact the director so that the final documents may be prepared.
Debra reviewed with Council non-utility bill deposits made since October 1, 2015. She also reported that the audit is nearly complete. Results will be presented to Council in February.
Wendy asked how to proceed with the issues at 410 First Avenue, #5. The trailer was placed there without permit. City building inspector Jim Yeoman will need to inspect the property. His observations will be passed on to City Attorney Ken Nagy, who will draft a letter to be served to the tenant by a Latah County Sheriff?s Deputy.
Miranda Anderson, chairperson of the Community Library Project gave a brief report on the progress of the project. A donation in the amount of $300 was accepted from Kendrick Lions Club. It has also been proposed that the Kendrick chapter pair with the Troy chapter to apply to Lions Club International for a larger grant. Nick is in charge of that project. Miranda also reported that Latah Sanitation has agreed to donate the waste bin rental costs as well as half of the hauling costs. Latah County will be asked to donate the tipping fees. The next CLP meeting will be January 5, 2016.
Motion to approve the bills was made by Dick, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
At 7:48 pm Nick made a motion to adjourn. Ed seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 10, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Jeff Lohman. Council members in attendance were Dick Groseclose, Nick Anderson, and Ed Pea. Also present were Treasurer Debra Miles, Clerk Wendy Sandino, Maintenance Supervisor Frank Groseclose and Fire Chief Mike McGee. Council member Vickie Witt arrived after the meeting was called to order.
The minutes of the October 13, 2015 meeting were read. Motion to approve as read was made by Dick, seconded by Ed. Motion carried.
Stillman Norton and Scott Linja of Keller Associates addressed Council regarding cost estimates for a new headworks screen and an additional sludge drying bed. Before any loans or grants may be applied for, a Planning Study must be done for the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The cost will be approximately $25,000 for the planning study and another $10,000 for an environmental study. The Department of Environmental Quality has planning grants available to defray the costs of the planning study. In order to apply for the planning grant money, a letter of intent must be sent to DEQ by January 2016. Keller Associates will help with this process. Nick moved and Vickie seconded a motion to submit a letter of intent to DEQ. Motion carried.
Mr. Norton and Mr. Linja also spoke to Council about the necessity of updating the City”s Transportation Plan, which is currently jointly held with the City of Kendrick. This will allow the City to apply for road construction money and up to $30,000 in sign replacement grants. An application to Local Highway Technical Assistance Council for grant assistance money is due November 25. This grant money will help defray the cost of updating the Transportation Plan. LHTAC will also provide assistance in applying for grants. Keller Associates will also assist with this application. Dick moved to submit a Local Rural Highway Investment Program application, seconded by Ed. Motion carried.
Brian Kimberling owns lots 4 and 5 in the Taylor Gardens 3rd Addition at the top of 4th Street. He would like to build a shop on the lower lot, but it will cross lot lines. Latah County would like City approval for the build. Council discussed the issue and has no objections. Vickie moved and Nick seconded to accept Mr. Kimberling”s request to combine his lots. Motion carried.
Latah County and City of Juliaetta have had an Area of Impact agreement since 1978, which was last modified in 1995. The County has recently reviewed the agreement and feels that it needs to be updated. They sent a new Area of City Impact Agreement Ordinance to be reviewed by Council. Ed moved to table discussion about the Ordinance, after further study by Council, until the next meeting. Nick seconded the motion, which carried. The certified results from the 2015 General City Election were sent from Latah County. The final cumulative results were:
Votes | Percent | |||
Juliaetta City Mayor, vote for 1 | ||||
Richard Groseclose | 118 | 74.68 | ||
Jeff J Lohman | 40 | 25.32 | ||
Juliaetta City Council, 2 positions | ||||
Wendi Dodge | 121 | 45.15 | ||
Mark Maland | 70 | 26.12 | ||
Vickie Jo Witt | 77 | 28.73 |
Of the 307 registered voters in Juliaetta, 161 ballots were cast, a total voter turnout of 52.44%. The Mayor and Councilmembers will be sworn in at the January 2016 City Council meeting. Nick moved and Ed seconded to accept the official vote tally of the 2015 city election. Motion carried.
Frank reported that he will be attending a Surface Water Treatment Optimization class December 8-10 in Orofino. He will earn 1.8 CEUs. In preparation for winter, he has been working on the sander, which needs new parts. Bovill has offered a sander for free, which he will probably pick up if it”s still available. He will be hanging Christmas lights soon. Frank also reported that he backed his City pickup into the City dump truck. Damage to the pickup is estimated at $3200 and $3500, with one more estimate to be gathered.
Mike reported that Santa will be in Juliaetta on December 18th at 1:00 pm. As usual, the Fire Department will be handing out candy to the children. They are also in the process of updating Personal Protection Equipment.
Debra received the results of the speed study from Idaho Department of Transportation. As 83% of traffic was traveling at the speed limit, they will not lower the speed limit. Also, two school crossing cones were ordered to place in the crosswalks on Main Street during school hours. Frank will set them out in the morning and bring them in in the afternoon. Debra also reported that the yearly audit will be performed on November 12. The results will be presented at either the January or February 2016 Council meeting.
City Hall has received numerous complaints in recent weeks from neighbors who live near 410 First Avenue #5. The tenant on that property, Pat Myers, has moved in a single-wide mobile home alongside his present home, and is filling it with his many belongings. He did not have a building permit from the city, nor permission from his landlord to do so. The City Attorney has been appraised of the situation and is waiting for guidance from Council. Jeff will contact the landlord.
Dick attended a meeting with other local cities and the Latah County Board of Commissioners regarding their raising the rates for the recycle bins. After discussion, the board decided not to raise the rates until next year.
Motion to approve the bills was made by Nick, seconded by Ed. Motion carried.
At 8:27 pm Dick made a motion to adjourn. Ed seconded the motion and it carried unanimously
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Jeff Lohman. Council members in attendance were Dick Groseclose, Vickie Witt, Nick Anderson, and Ed Pea. Also present were Treasurer Debra Miles, Clerk Wendy Sandino, and Bill Fey. Fire Chief Mike McGee was absent.
The minutes of the September 8, 2015 meeting were read. Motion to approve as read was made by Nick, seconded by Dick. Motion carried.
Debra reported that an account was opened at Latah Federal Credit Union in the name of City of Juliaetta – Community Library Project. Debra, Wendy and Dick are signers on the account. At this month’s CLP meeting, it was decided to also add Miranda Anderson and Wendi Dodge. CLP will require two signatures on each check, one signer from the City and one from the CLP. Expenditures will be approved by the CLP and/or the City. After consideration, Council also decided to add Jeff as an additional signer from the City. Nick moved to add Jeff Lohman, Miranda Anderson, and Wendi Dodge as signers on the City of Juliaetta – Community Library Project account. Seconded by Vickie, motion carried.
Last year there was some miscommunication with Latah Sanitation as to whether or not they would charge for extra garbage being set out for the first collection after Christmas. In asking for clarification this year, the City was told that “Latah County will not absorb the cost for rural city residents.” Therefore, any residents setting out extra bags will be charged as usual. Residents may take advantage of the recycle bins to avoid possible extra charges.
Bill reported that the main sewer line at the power station was broken by Avista workers replacing poles at the site. A plumber was quickly called by Avista and the line was repaired. Bill inspected the repair before it was reburied. Costs will be shouldered by Avista.
Debra received a letter from City Auditor Hayden Ross. They will do a pre-audit on October 27th and the field audit on November 12th. Dick made a motion to allow the audit, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried.
Council read and reviewed an email and letter from Robert and Judith Skabo. Wendy will send a letter addressing their concerns and the information they requested.
Jeff reported that a tow behind rototiller and a walk behind rototiller will be donated by Jenelle Porter and Michelle at the Bottoms Up to be raffled off or sold. The proceeds will then be donated to the Community Library Project for the new library.
Nick attended the Kendrick City Council meeting to talk about creating the rural fire district. There are several residents outside of city limits who are also interested in the fire district and researching the project.
Jeff spoke to the responding officer after the recent traffic accident on Main Street between Third and Fourth Streets. The City has asked in the past to have the speed limit reduced to 25 miles per hour in town. The officer advised Jeff to have the owners of the First Bank of Pizza, Bottoms Up, and Colter’s Creek Winery keep track of their number of customers over the next two to three months. Idaho Department of Transportation will do a weeklong traffic study next week.
He also approached Council about having traffic cones and crossing flags at the intersection of Main Street and Genesee-Juliaetta Road/Fourth Street. Many children cross the highway twice a day on their way to and from school; this would make them more visible to traffic. Vickie made a motion to purchase flags and cones with a $200 limit. Seconded by Nick, motion carried.
Motion to approve the bills was made by Nick, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried.
At 8:16 pm Dick made a motion to adjourn. Ed seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 8, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Jeff Lohman. Council members in attendance were Dick Groseclose, Vickie Witt, and Nick Anderson. Also present were Treasurer Debra Miles, Clerk Wendy Sandino, Maintenance Supervisor Frank Groseclose and Fire Chief Mike McGee. Council member Ed Pea was absent.
The minutes of the August 11, 2015 meeting were read. Motion to approve as read was made by Nick, seconded by Dick. Motion carried.
Dick moved and Vickie seconded to dispense with the reading on three different days of Ordinance 2015-02, the FY 2016 Appropriations Ordinance. The motion carried. The ordinance was read by title by Wendy. Dick moved to accept Ordinance 2015-02, which appropriated the sum of $734,286.00 for expenses and liabilities of the City of Juliaetta for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2015. Nick seconded the motion, which was accepted by all council members present.
Frank reported that the crosswalks have been freshly painted, and that there are still ongoing issues at the water plant. Council would like to have someone audit both plants to determine things that need to be repaired or replaced. A list will then be compiled in order of priority as to what needs to be done. They also asked if there are different products that can be used or procedures that could be followed to help the plants run better and more efficiently. Frank has been charged with making a list of people or entities that could perform these requested audits, and how much they will cost.
Mike reported that to his knowledge, our area is still under a Stage 2 burn ban until further notice, which does not allow any burning at all.
Debra asked about purchasing toner for the city copier. Costs run from $80 and up for each cartridge. It was suggested that she check with Rapid Refill in Lewiston for their cost to refill the cartridges, as well as checking prices on eBay.
Nick approached Council for their thoughts on creating a rural fire district. The fire district would give the department a better rating which would, in turn, lower their insurance rates. It would also open the door for grants for more and better equipment. The Council was in favor of the idea, and with their blessing Nick will ask to speak at the City of Kendrick’s next Council meeting. Wendy will contact the clerk to add him to the agenda.
The City of Moscow mailed an updated rate schedule to the City. After review, Dick moved and Nick seconded to accept the new rates. The motion carried.
After an invitation from Jeff for audience members to ask questions, Miranda Anderson addressed the Council. Miranda is the chairperson for the Community Library Project (CLP), the organization that is hoping to build a new library in Juliaetta. Miranda asked if Council will allow the CLP to open an account with the City of Juliaetta at Latah Federal Credit Union, and if they would be willing to donate the $25 to open the account. The City has funds in the amount of $19,639 in reserve from the sale of the lot next door to Colter’s Creek Winery. It was originally thought that part of those funds would be allotted to the library project. After discussion, Dick moved to allocate $5,000 of the property sale funds to purchase play equipment at the park, and the remainder, an amount of $14,639, to the Community Library Project. Nick seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken: Vickie, yes; Dick, yes; Nick, yes. Motion carried.
At 8:12 pm, Dick made a motion to adjourn. Nick seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The Budget Hearing was called to order at 7:05 pm Council President Dick Groseclose. Other council members in attendance were Ed Pea and Nick Anderson. Mayor Jeff Lohman and council member Vickie Witt were absent.
Nick made a motion to accept the proposed budget as presented in the amount of $734,286.00 for Fiscal Year 2015-2016. Ed seconded the motion. Motion carried. The Budget Hearing adjourned at 7:10 pm.
The regular meeting was called to order. Also present were Treasurer Debra Miles, Clerk Wendy Sandino, Maintenance supervisor Frank Groseclose, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
The minutes of the July 14, 2014 meeting were read. Motion to approve as read was made by Nick, seconded by Dick. Motion carried.
Randy Bitler addressed the Council regarding sewer hookups on property he is interested in purchasing and building upon in Juliaetta. The properties are along Third Street and McCall Street and are without sewer service at this time. Running a new sewer line would be a sizable expense for Mr. Bitler to assume, and he would like to know if the City would run the line or contribute to the cost. Council believed that the work should have been done by the present owners before the property could be sold, but research will have to be done to verify. Discussion was tabled until a later date.
Larry Haylett, Pastor of the Juliaetta Community Church, addressed the Council regarding his high water bill. It was discovered that a leaky toilet was the likely culprit. The total amount of the water bill was $114.38; the overage was $76.38. Pastor Haylett would like the City to split the cost of the overage with him. In agreement with the City, Juliaetta Community Church will owe $76.19 for total water charges in the month of July. Wendy will make the adjustment to the bill.
The 2008-2011 Agreement between the City of Kendrick, City of Juliaetta, and Juliaetta-Kendrick Recreation District was reexamined. Per the agreement, the City of Juliaetta was to pay the City of Kendrick $5000.00 per year for three years to help finance operation of the War Memorial Pool, then each year thereafter, unless written notice to terminate was given. As the condition of the pool has deteriorated and greater funds are needed, questions have been raised whether or not a letter was ever sent to terminate the contract, and a new contract has never been signed. Neither City has found a copy of the letter. The City of Juliaetta has never stopped contributing to the pool, but the amount has decreased over the years, per Council decision, which has been recorded in the minutes. The Juliaetta-Kendrick Recreation District will be contacted to see if they have record of a termination letter.
Frank reported that he will be painting crosswalks soon, in anticipation of school starting on August 25th. He also informed Council that the Water Plant may soon need repairs. And with the recent dry and very hot weather, water restrictions may need to be put in place. He will notify Council if it is necessary.
Mike reported that a hay storage barn near the south end of Juliaetta burned on July 6th. He had difficulty filing his paperwork due to the fact that there is no physical address for the site. He would like Council to assign a street name and number. After much discussion, Ed moved to address the property 1079 Sherman Lane, seconded by Nick. Motion carried. A street sign will be purchased and installed.
Mike asked whether or not the siren will still be moved, which Frank will look into. He also reported that the City and surrounding area is still under a Stage 2 burn ban until further notice.
Wendy reminded Council that the City Election will take place this fall, and that the candidate filing period will open at 8:00 am on August 24th. The Mayor position and two Councilmember positions are up for election this year, each for four year terms. These positions are currently held by Jeff, Dick, and Vickie. The filing period closes at 5:00 pm on September 4th.
Debra reported that Frank and Angelia Coulson will be attending the IRWA Fall Conference in Worley September 16-17. She asked permission for them to also stay the night of the 15th, as the conference starts at 7:45 am on Wednesday morning. Nick moved to allow the second night’s stay, seconded by Ed. Motion carried.
After review, motion to approve the bills was made by Ed, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
At 8:13 pm, Dick made a motion to adjourn. Nick seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Jeff Lohman. Council members in attendance were Dick Groseclose, Vickie Witt, and Nick Anderson. Also present were Treasurer Debra Miles, Clerk Wendy Sandino, and Fire Chief Mike McGee. Council member Ed Pea and Maintenance Supervisor Frank Groseclose were absent.
The minutes of the June 9 meeting were read. Motion to approve as read was made by Dick, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
Per Resolution 2015-02, four items of surplus property were listed for sale: a 1995 GMC pickup, 46 lamps and ballasts, a grooming mower, and a scale. Sealed bids were accepted throughout the previous weeks and opened at the meeting. After review, Dick moved to sell the pickup to Brian Mowery for $1553.00, seconded by Nick, the motion carried. Vickie moved to sell the mower for $201.50 to Delford Cone, seconded by Nick, the motion carried. Dick moved to sell the scale and lights for a total of $70 to Gordon Beck of Beck Enterprises, seconded by Nick, the motion carried.
Bills were reviewed; Dick moved to approve, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried.
Mike reported that Latah County is under a Stage 2 burn restriction until further notice. No outdoor burning is allowed. The Volunteer Fire Department has retained its Class 5 rating, which can be improved by doing certified testing of its equipment, including ladders, hoses, etc. Hoses are among some equipment that needs to be replaced; some date back to the 1940s. Also, the brush truck is nearly ready for service.
City Maintenance worker Angie Coulson met with a representative from AWWA, who told her of VectoBac 12AS, which when put in the aeration basin will help control the fly problem. Dick moved to allow Angie to purchase the VectoBac at a cost of $192.45 for a case. Seconded by Nick, the motion carried.
Vickie advised that some of the flags flying around town are in need of replacing. The flags will be assessed and replaced as needed from the Streets Fund.
Dick and Gabe Cirka have finished the work on the chain link fence which encloses the recycle bins on three sides. Dick also reported that AAA Tree Service will be in Juliaetta around the first of August to do necessary tree trimming.
Wendy advised Council that the annual ICCTFOA Institute will be September 16-18. As Alaska Air has discontinued its afternoon flight service to Boise, Wendy and Debra will either have to fly down the morning of the 15th, closing City Hall for an extra day, or travel by car. After discussion, Council decided that Wendy and Debra should fly to the conference.
Debra reported that she has been elected District II second director. She may have extra travel time necessary to fulfill her duties as first director, a position that she will be promoted to at the conference. Travel costs are not covered by the District. She also advised Council that the electric bill for the park rose sharply the two months in which the concession stand was in use by the Baseball Association. She would like them to pay a fee for its use next year, to offset the electricity costs.
Debra also received a letter from City Attorney Ken Nagy, responding to her query as to whether the City is an ” “at will” ” or ” “just cause” ” employer. Our present employee handbook does not make the answer clear, and needs to be updated. Jeff would like to see a third party prepare a new or revised handbook, so that it remains in the best interests of both the employees and the City. Discussion was tabled until a later date.
Changes have been made to the proposed budget since the June Council meeting. An amount of $200 was added for Municode to host the City Code online, as well as increasing the amount paid to DEQ by $144 to cover necessary costs. This proposed budget will be examined at the Public Hearing which will be held before the next regular Council meeting in August.
At 8:01 pm, Dick made a motion to adjourn. Nick seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
At 8:09 pm, Dick made a motion to reopen the regular session, seconded by Nick. Motion carried. At 8:10 pm Dick moved to go into executive session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206 subsection 1a. The motion included a request to have a roll call vote. The motion was seconded by Nick. Vickie, yes; Dick, yes; Nick, yes. Dick moved to return to regular session. Nick seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
At 8:40 pm, Dick made a motion to adjourn. Nick seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Jeff Lohman. Council members in attendance were Dick Groseclose, Nick Anderson, and Ed Pea. Also present were Treasurer Debra Miles, Clerk Wendy Sandino, Maintenance Supervisor Frank Groseclose and Fire Chief Mike McGee. Council member Vickie Witt arrived partway through the meeting.
The minutes of the May 12 meeting were read. Motion to approve as read was made by Dick, seconded by Ed. Motion carried.
Dick made a motion to suspend reading in full proposed Council bill number 2015-01, the Firearm Ordinance, seconded by Nick. Motion carried. The proposed ordinance was read by title only by the clerk, after which a roll call vote was held to adopt it: Dick, yes; Nick, yes; Ed, yes.
A motion was made and passed at May’s meeting to raise sewer utility rates by 4.99% each of the next three years. Resolution 2015-01 was prepared to reflect the new rates and dates, and was reviewed by Council. Dick moved to accept Resolution 2015-01, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
Resolution 2015-02 was presented to Council. The resolution stated certain personal property belonging to the City would now be declared surplus, and sealed bids would be accepted for the purposed of selling the property to the highest bidders. The items declared surplus were a 1995 GMC 2500 Club Coupe pickup, 46 Wide-lite autotransformer ballasts and lamps, a 1970s John Deere 272 grooming mower, and a 1970s Wallace Terran Dual 150 pound scale. A public notice of sale will be published in the Lewiston Tribune, and will be posted locally in Juliaetta and on the City’s facebook page. Bids will be accepted until July 14th, and will be opened at the Council meeting held that night. Dick made a motion to accept Resolution 2015-02, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
Frank reported that he is preparing the yearly Consumer Confidence Report, which will be published and delivered to City residents later this month. The Fire Department had no updates.
Dick reported that someone had thrown rocks through the window at the concession stand at Centennial Park. A timer for the fountain in the pond was also destroyed. The Latah County Sheriff’s office was notified, and an investigation was performed. The window has been replaced and the timer may be moved to inside the storage room between the restrooms.
Wendy asked Council to consider having the City Code hosted online by Municode, who also handles the City’s codifying needs. For $200 per year, Municode will provide a link from the City website to theirs, and will provide a complete, up to date, and fully searchable copy of the code. For an additional $35 per ordinance, they will post each ordinance in front of the code, so it is accessible by the public until it is officially codified. The topic will be tabled until July’s meeting and will be included in the budget discussion.
Debra would like to update the City’s Personnel Manual. ICRMP has sample manuals that can be used as templates and adopted by cities, but clarification is needed on whether we are an ” “at will” ” or ” “just cause” ” employer. City Attorney Ken Nagy will be consulted and a current copy of the manual will be sent to him for review.
After brief discussion, Nick moved to replace the broken seat in Angelia Coulson’s city pickup truck. Vickie seconded the motion, which passed.
Motion to approve the bills was made by Ed and seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
A rough draft of the FY 2016 budget was reviewed and discussed. Further discussion will be held in July.
At 7:59 pm, Ed made a motion to adjourn. Dick seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:021 pm by Mayor Jeff Lohman. Council members in attendance were Dick Groseclose, Vickie Witt, Nick Anderson, and Ed Pea. Also present were Treasurer Debra Miles, Clerk Wendy Sandino, Maintenance Supervisor Frank Groseclose and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
The minutes of the April 14 meeting were read. Motion to approve as read was made by Dick, seconded by Ed. Motion carried.
Council bill number 2015-01, the Firearm Ordinance, was read by title for the second time.
The City has an unneeded maintenance pickup, since it was replaced in November 2014 with a new Toyota pickup. There are other items that could also be declared surplus and sold. An inventory of all equipment will be taken and compiled into a surplus list. Formal declaration of surplus items and passage of Resolution 2015-01 will be tabled until the June Council meeting.
Debra reported that sewer rates will need to be raised over the next three years, as expenses are not being met. If fees are raised at a rate of 4.99% each year, then the sewer charges per customer will be $22.94 beginning October 1, 2015, $24.09 beginning October 1, 2016, and $25.29 beginning October 1, 2017. Dick made a motion to increase the sewer rates as stated over the next three fiscal years. The motion was seconded by Nick and carried unanimously. Wendy will prepare a resolution to be accepted at the June Council meeting.
Dick reported that several properties around town need to be cleaned up. In the past, individual letters have been sent to residents, along with a copy of Ordinance 2000-01, which defines public nuisances relating to private properties. Two residents have been singled out this month, and letters will be mailed. Others may be identified at later meetings. Wendy will add a message to June’s city utility bills reminding residents to clean up their properties, along with a reminder that motorized vehicles, other than those for city use, are not allowed on the Trail.
Mike reminded Council that Doug Young will be giving the Fire Department its ISO Rating on May 19th. The department has received checks from Geo. F. Brocke & Sons and their insurance company to defray costs incurred while fighting the Brocke fire. New hoses were purchased, along with a pair of boots for one of the new crew members.
Frank will resume street sweeping, assisted by the recent rain. He is also preparing for the Sanitary Survey of the Water System, to be held May 14th. He also reported that a new concrete pad was poured for the irrigation pump at the park, and the pump was reinstalled.
Wendy reported that the new overhead doors have been ordered for the shop. Also, closing documents were signed finalizing the sale of 304 Main Street to Colter’s Creek Winery, and were sent to Latah County Title Company in Moscow. Debra has spoken with City Auditor Brad Lewis about how to handle the funds once they are received; they will be kept in reserve at the end of this fiscal year to be spent at a later time. Jeff asked Council to think about how they’d like to use the proceeds from the sale. Some may be put toward the Community Library Project.
Vickie reported that a small fence has been installed around a grave at the Juliaetta Cemetery and the ground has been regraded, against the Cemetery Ordinance. A letter will be sent to the family to remove the fence and other items, along with a copy of the ordinance.
Dick informed Council that Gabe Cirka will begin working for the City as a summer hire on May 18th.
Nick reminded Frank that the stop sign at the corner of Fifth and Main Streets is falling over and needs to be fixed. Ed wondered if there are any concerns about the water levels so far, as we haven’t received much rain, nor snow last winter. Frank says he is keeping the reservoir full.
Debra wondered if the City is covered by our insurance policy when people use City facilities, such as the old fire hall annex, the pavilion, and the baseball and softball fields. Marilou Cerovski, who holds tap dance lessons in the annex, has her own liability insurance. Debra will check with the insurance company about our policy.
Dick reported that some of the posts supporting the pavilion are deteriorating and may need to be replaced. Dick and Frank will obtain bids for repairing or replacing the posts and present them to Council. Depending on costs, we may just do a few at a time, starting with the one in the worst shape.
Motion to approve the bills was made by Dick and seconded by Vickie. Motion carried.
Jeff has been approached by Kendrick resident Jeremy Alexander, who has a son who plays with a Moscow baseball team. Apparently the Moscow fields are under construction, so they’re looking for a home field and want to know if the Juliaetta field is available. A representative from the Moscow team will need to attend a meeting and address the Council before a decision can be made.
A request was made of Council by Clifford Heimgartner, on behalf of his mother, Betty Mahoney, to have her water bill reduced after a leak was discovered and repaired at her residence. Council will allow the cost of the overage to be split between Mrs. Mahoney and the City. A total of $59.92 will be credited back to her account.
At 7:58 pm, Dick made a motion to adjourn. Ed seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by Mayor Jeff Lohman. Council members in attendance were Dick Groseclose, Vickie Witt, Nick Anderson, and Ed Pea. Also present were Treasurer Debra Miles, Clerk Wendy Sandino, Maintenance Supervisor Frank Groseclose and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
The minutes of the March 10 public hearing and regular meeting were read. Motion to approve as read was made by Dick, seconded by Ed. Motion carried.
Chris Sokol, the Director of the Latah County Library District, attended the meeting in order to answer any questions from Council with regards to renewing the Juliaetta Community Library’s lease with the City. The ten year lease agreement was reviewed and Dick moved to accept the new library lease as written. The motion was seconded by Ed. Motion carried.
Added to the agenda was Dana Kelly of the Centennial Park Advisory Committee. She drafted an article for the JK Newsletter outlining park usage, the committee’s role as liaison between the community and the City, and informed residents of the new pet waste bag dispenser fabricated by Frank and installed at the park. Dana also requested of Council funds in the amount of $200 to begin planting a Native Garden on the existing mound by the softball field. Funds are available in Park Upkeep. Council would like the plants to be labeled. Dick moved to give $200 to the Park Committee to plant a Native Plant garden. Seconded by Ed, motion carried.
The date of the FY 2016 Budget Hearing was set for August 11th, to be held directly before the regular Council meeting for that month.
City Building Inspector Jim Yeoman sent a letter to be presented to Council requesting $200 annually from the City to help defray his insurance costs. Other cities for which he performs inspections will also be contributing. Dick moved and Nick seconded to pay $200 to Jim Yeoman each year. The motion carried.
Council bill number 2015-01, the Firearm Ordinance, was read by title for the first time.
An Amendment to the Solid Waste Agreement with Latah County Solid Waste was reviewed by Council. Dick moved to accept the new agreement, seconded by Vickie. Motion carried.
The small park at 304 Main Street was sold at public auction on Friday, April 10, 2015. Colter’s Creek Winery bought the property for the minimum bid amount of $20,000.00. An earnest money check in the amount of $1,000.00 was accepted by Wendy on behalf of the City at the time of the sale. Nick moved and Vickie seconded the approval of the sale of this property for the amount of $20,000.00. A roll call vote was taken: Vickie-yes; Dick-yes; Nick-yes; Ed-yes. Motion carried.
Frank reported being busy sweeping the City streets. A Sanitary Survey will be done in May on the City Water System. Discussion was held regarding purchasing a new lawnmower. Dick made a motion to purchase the Gravely lawnmower from Blue Mountain for the amount of $3,979.10 plus $168.00 for a mulch kit, for a total of $4,147.10. Nick seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Mike reported that on May 19, Doug Young will give the department its ISO (fire insurance) rating. The rating is executed every seven years, and the department is currently at a Class 5 rating.
Dick obtained bids for new overhead doors for the City shop on Main Street. The current doors are heavy and don’t always work properly. On a related note, the City recently received a check in the amount of $742.73, our portion of a class action lawsuit filed on behalf of Idaho cities against Idaho State Insurance Fund. This money can be put toward the purchase of the doors; the remainder is available in the budget. Dick made a motion to have Overhead Door Company replace the shop garage doors at a cost of $2037.00. Seconded by Ed, the motion carried.
Jeff was approached by Dave Jones of the KJ Baseball Association who volunteered to paint the bathrooms at the park if the City will donate the paint. Ed moved to supply the paint for the bathrooms, seconded by Nick. Motion carried. Angelia Coulson, City Maintenance, asked Council to define the responsibilities of city employees with regards to the baseball and softball fields. The City is only responsible for mowing the grass and spraying weeds. All other field maintenance and equipment care is to be done by the Baseball Association.
At 8:14 pm, Dick moved to go into executive session pursuant to Idaho Code 67-2345(1)(c). After deliberations, Dick moved to return to regular session, seconded by Ed. The motion carried.
At 8:40 pm, Dick made a motion to adjourn. Ed seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The public hearing was called to order at 7:02 pm by Mayor Jeff Lohman. Council members in attendance were Dick Groseclose, Vickie Witt, Nick Anderson and Ed Pea. Also present were Treasurer Debra Miles, Clerk Wendy Sandino and Maintenance Supervisor Frank Groseclose. The public was invited to comment upon the proposed sale of the property at 304 Main Street. Ed Groseclose asked what the property will be used for after it is sold. Council replied that it depends upon who buys it. The property needs repairs, foremost is to replace the aging retaining wall. The City has no more use for the property, therefore it is being sold. With no other relevant discussion, Nick made a motion to set the date of the public auction for April 10, 2015, at noon, to be held on the property at 304 Main Street. Dick Groseclose will act as auctioneer. Vickie seconded the motion. A roll call vote was held: Vickie-yes; Dick-yes; Nick-yes; Ed-yes. Motion carried.
The regular meeting was called to order at 7:15 pm. The minutes of the February 10, 2015 meeting were read and approved by motion made by Dick, seconded by Ed.
Frank reported receiving three bids for a new lawnmower. A bid from RMT Equipment was discarded due to expense. Bids from Blue Mountain and Pape’ Machinery were given, amounting to $3,979.10 and $3,000.00 respectively. Discussion was tabled until next meeting for further research.
A leak has been found at 209 Main Street, on the customer’s side of the meter. Frank has been assisting, however, as a section of the sidewalk will need to be removed to facilitate repair of the line. The No. 9 well pump went out, but was fixed under warranty. A part at the sewer plant has broken; a machinist will be needed to replace the part. And sweeping will begin after City of Kendrick is done using the sweeper.
Fire Chief Mike McGee arrived to report on the March 6 fire at George F. Brocke & Sons processing plant at Kendrick. According to the Fire Marshall, the fire will probably smolder for another couple of weeks. Three sections of hose were damaged beyond repair, and several other parts or pieces of equipment will need to be replaced. Debra gave a report of $1463.00 available to the fire department for repairs. Mike requested that the Fire Department budget be reviewed before next year for more funding.
The lease for the library will need to be renewed before June 14, 2015. Wendy will add the lease to the agenda for April and invite Chris Sokol, the Director of Latah County Library District to attend the Council meeting.
Wendy spoke to Council about creating a City facebook page as an additional means to provide information to the community. Maintaining the page will not require any additional work hours. Nick moved and Ed seconded the motion to have a City facebook page created. Motion carried. Ed also asked Wendy to provide to Council a quarterly city utility delinquent notice report for Council review, which will be provided.
Cynthia Nye’s position on the Planning & Zoning Commission has expired and she would like to be reappointed. Dick moved and Ed seconded the motion to have Cynthia reappointed to a four year term as chair of the Planning & Zoning Commission. Motion carried.
Bills were reviewed; motion to approve was made by Dick, seconded by Ed. Motion carried.
At 8:23 pm Dick made a motion to adjourn. Nick seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 10, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by Council President Dick Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Nick Anderson and Ed Pea. Also present were Treasurer Debra Miles, Clerk Wendy Sandino, Maintenance Supervisor Frank Groseclose and Fire Chief Mike McGee. Mayor Jeff Lohman was absent.
The minutes of the January 12, 2015 meeting were read. Motion to approve as read was made by Vickie, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
Ty Bromley, head coach of the newly formed American Legion Senior A Baseball team, Colter’s Creek Bucks, visited to provide Council with information about the upcoming season. This is the first year for the team, which will be formed of boys aged 14-19 years of age. There are currently 18 games on the schedule, with 8 more to be added soon, and all are doubleheaders. The team’s home field will be here in Juliaetta, and the games will be a boost to area merchants.
A right of way encroachment agreement which would allow Fred Hadley to build a shop over a city sewer line running through his property at 147 Old Main was reviewed. Specific building requirements set forth by Council will need to be met and will be outlined in the encroachment agreement. The agreement will be completed, and must be signed by Mr. Hadley, Mayor Lohman, and the city clerk before the building permit will be issued.
Resolution 2015-01, a resolution to sell at public auction the small park located at 304 Main Street, has been prepared by City Attorney Ken Nagy. Terms of the sale were discussed and decided upon by Council: The buyer will have a maximum of 10 years to pay, in equal monthly payments at 3% interest. If no payment is made for 3 months, the property will automatically revert back to the City. There will be no penalty for paying the amount early. With these terms in place, a motion to pass Resolution 2015-01 was made by Nick, seconded by Ed. All were in favor and the motion carried. Ed made a motion to set the Public Hearing date as Tuesday, March 10, at 7:00 pm, to be held before the regular City Council meeting. Nick seconded; motion carried.
Tom Lamar, the new Latah County Commissioner, District 2, introduced himself to Council. He was appraised of the situation with the blocked culvert on the trail, and will take steps to fix the problem there, as well as the culvert under the highway. He welcomes any communication from the cities and will also serve as an avenue of communication with the sheriff’s office. Frank reported problems with the chlorine equipment at the water plant. He would like to see the switch made from gaseous chlorine to liquid. New equipment will be required for the conversion, beginning with a pump at a cost of approximately $600. He will acquire bids for the remaining equipment needed. He also needs a barrel hand truck, which will cost approximately $100, and a floor jack. Ed moved to allow Frank to buy the pump, hand truck and floor jack. The motion was seconded by Nick; motion carried. Frank has also been seeking bids to replace the city mower. Only one has been received, so the issue will be tabled until next month.
Three members of the Juliaetta Volunteer Fire Department will attend the Clearwater Fire Academy March 20-22. They will require proof of insurance to attend. Mike questioned Frank about a timeline for the installation of the new siren. Frank will coordinate the effort. Service and repair is being done on some of the department vehicles. Mike reported about the cost sharing agreement currently being held with the City of Kendrick for the mutual use of a brush truck. The agreement will be severed, but will not affect the mutual aid agreement. He also reported that the department may be receiving a new tender from IDL; the old tender is on loan from IDL and will be swapped for the new one.
Debra received a quote from Caselle regarding the purchase of Cash Receipting, a program recommended by city auditor Brad Lewis. The program will cost $4250 initially, and will add an additional cost of $40 each month to our service agreement. The funds are not in the budget for this purchase.
Wendy reported that the City may need a new firearms ordinance to comply with Idaho state code. The City Attorney will be consulted and if one is necessary, she will have him draw one up. She also notified Council of the upcoming Circuit Breaker Program workshop. It will be held at the Kendrick Senior Center on March 4th from 9 am to noon.
Nick gave a report on costs from Fast Signs in Lewiston to have the City logo emblazoned on the city’s two maintenance trucks. A vinyl sticker for each door will cost the city $50 per vehicle. Ed made a motion to purchase the stickers, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
Dick reported the necessity of signs to be posted at the bottom and top of Genesee-Juliaetta Road restricting access of that road by semi trucks. The trucks are too large to safely navigate the narrow turns and switchbacks. The south highway district will purchase and install the signs. He and Debra also reported that the Avista bill has increased within the last month. A faulty light may be to blame for part of the increase. Frank will obtain prices for new, more efficient fixtures and present them to Council next month. The thermostat may also need to be set at a lower temperature.
The recycle bins will be moved from their existing place at the Bulky Waste Site to a new location at the corner of Third and Railroad Streets, across the trail. The site has been leveled and graveled, and will be fenced on three sides after the installation on February 13th.
Ed reported that the County Sheriff’s office may be looking for a place for patrolling deputies to have an office and wireless internet. Adding internet service at the Fire Department will be considered. Monthly bills were reviewed and approved. At 8:36 pm, Ed made a motion to adjourn. Nick seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 6:58 pm by Mayor Jeff Lohman. Council members in attendance were Dick Groseclose, Vickie Witt, and Nick Anderson. Also present were Treasurer Debra Miles, Clerk Wendy Sandino, and Fire Chief Mike McGee. Council member Ed Pea and Maintenance Supervisor Frank Groseclose were absent.
Pat Vaughan from the Latah County Assessor’s Office reported that all properties in the West Kendrick School District will be assessed this year, which includes the Cities of Juliaetta and Kendrick. This assessment is done at least once every five years to update the actual status of all properties. He also made Council aware of Latah County’s “Circuit Breaker” property tax relief program, which benefits those citizens on a fixed income. It reduces property tax amounts on a sliding scale based upon income. Those wishing to know more about the program can contact the Assessor’s Office.
Amanda Bashaw of Latah County reported to Council the amount of contaminants that are being found in Juliaetta’s recycle bins. It will become cost prohibitive to continue with the recycling program, if this is not remedied. She would like the bins to be moved from their present location at the Bulky Waste Site to a new site in town. Dick recommended a spot across the trail from the grain silos on Railroad Street. Amanda agreed, and after examination and acceptance of the area by Latah Sanitation, the bins will be moved. The new location will need to be prepared with grading and new gravel; the City of Juliaetta will provide the labor and the County will provide the materials.
Brad Lewis was here from Hayden and Ross to present to the Council the audited financial statements of fiscal year 2013-2014. Brad reported that overall the city is doing well and there are no negative audit findings, though the sewer fund and water fund are operating at a slight loss. Brad suggests a review of the debt fund reserve, and possibly a reallocation of funds. A raise in water and sewer rates may also eventually necessary. The sanitation fund has earned a profit and will stay as-is for the next 2-3 years. Brad also made a suggestion to Council that the Cash Receipting program be purchased from Caselle. It will be helpful in organizing cash and debit payments.
The minutes of the November 11, 2014 meeting were read. No meeting was held in December due to lack of quorum. Motion to approve as read was made by Dick, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
The assessment of the property at 304 Main Street was reviewed, as well as the expenses incurred, to date, in preparing the property for auction. The proposed minimum value of the property, which includes projected expenses that the City will incur in proceeding with the sale, will be set at $20,000.00. A resolution will be prepared and voted upon at February’s meeting. Nick made a motion to proceed with the sale of the property, and to set the minimum value at $20,000.00. Dick seconded the motion. A roll call vote was held: Vickie, yes; Dick,yes; Nick, yes. Motion carried.
The assessment of the Community Library property at 205 Main Street was reviewed. The value of the land only was assessed at $14,500.00. This value will be able to be used as a portion of the City’s matching funds when the new library is built.
Fire Chief Mike McGee reported a total of 54 calls in 2014 for the Juliaetta Volunteer Fire Department. He also discussed the need to put the department’s brush truck, Brush 41, into service. Most of the equipment needed to outfit the truck has been obtained, with the exception of a siren and some plumbing. Juliaetta currently shares the use and expenses of another brush truck with the Kendrick Fire Department; that partnership will need to be ended before Brush 41 may be registered and insured. As long as it will be Juliaetta’s sole brush truck responsibility, Nick moved to finish outfitting Brush 41, and register and insure it for service. Seconded by Vickie, motion carried.
Nick would like the City vehicles to be identified with the City logo. Prices will be gathered and presented at the next meeting. Dick reported that he and Gabe Cirka cleared the trail north of town after December’s mudslide blocked it. As it was the County’s responsibility, they will be billed $130 per hour for the 8 hours of work it took to complete the job. The culvert running under the trail at that location still needs to be cleared or replaced by the County. Jeff would like City employees to store the sweeper in the shop, instead of out in the weather.
Monthly financials were reviewed; bills from December and January were also reviewed and approved. At 8:45 pm, Dick made a motion to adjourn. Nick seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 18, 2014
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Jeff Lohman. Council members in attendance were Dick Groseclose, Vickie Witt, Ed Pea and Nick Anderson. Also present were Treasurer Debra Miles, Clerk Wendy Sandino, Maintenance supervisor Frank Groseclose, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
The minutes of the October 14, 2014 meeting were read. Motion to approve as read was made by Dick, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
Discussion was held regarding Fred Hadley’s desire to build a shop on his property at 147 Old Main. The city sewer pipe runs through the middle of his backyard where he’d like to build. The City will allow the building to be built as long as certain requirements are met. Mr. Hadley will need to install an expansion joint over the sewer line location, and to brace the foundation wall so that it can support itself if the floor section needs to be removed. The clerk will prepare an Encroachment Agreement for Mr. Hadley to sign at January’s Council meeting. Dick made a motion to allow Mr. Hadley to build as long as requirements outlined in the Encroachment Agreement are met. Vickie seconded the motion, which carried.
Ordinance 2014-02, the Cemetery Ordinance, was presented to Council for the third time. Nick made a motion to dispense with the full reading rule for the ordinance, seconded by Dick. Motion carried. The clerk read the ordinance by title; Dick moved and Nick seconded to accept Ordinance 2014-02. A roll call vote was held: Vickie-yes, Dick-yes, Nick-yes, Ed-yes. Motion carried, and the Ordinance was signed.
Resolution 2014-02, which accompanied the Cemetery Ordinance and sets the fee for burial plots, was read to Council. Plot fees will remain $50.00 each. Ed moved to accept Resolution 2014-02, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
Mike reported to Council that the County Sheriff’s Department has found some differences in two street names in Juliaetta, as compared to their records. Council will have Frank add street signs to clarify the location of Lynn Avenue and Brown’s Court, which is a private road. Another damaged sign in town needs to be replaced. Frank will also turn an existing sign to better mark the road. Ed made a motion to have Frank replace/add the street signs; seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
Fire Department numbers have increased by seven during the last month. Their training has already begun and will continue over the next two years. He has managed to borrow protective gear from neighboring communities to temporarily outfit the new members, but funds will need to be included in next year’s budget for new gear.
Frank reported that the chains on the snow plow need to be replaced this year. Nick moved to allow Frank to purchase the chains, seconded by Dick. Motion carried. He also reported that there have been issues with the chlorinators at the waste water treatment plant. These are over 40 years old and need to be replaced. Purchasing new gas chlorinators will cost approximately $4000.00, which will need to be added to next year’s budget. Frank and Angie will soon begin decorating the City for Christmas. The budget will allow $400.00 to be spent on new lights and decorations.
The treasurer gave a report on the costs associated with selling the small park at 304 Main Street. The total so far is $1,451.57, not including the cost of the appraisal, which was estimated at $500.00. The appraisal is being handled by Chase Appraisals of Lewiston, and should be done by late December. The clerk will gather survey information from the owners of Colter’s Creek Winery to help provide a complete legal description for the sale.
Debra also reported that four CDs totaling $182,191.92 will mature at Wells Fargo on December 5. If we roll them over at Wells Fargo, they will earn 0.20% over the next 24 month period. For the same time frame, Potlatch No. 1 FCU offers 1.16%. Dick moved and Vickie seconded to have each of the four CDs closed at Wells Fargo and moved to Potlatch No. 1 FCU. Motion carried.
Jeff asked Council if they were ready to purchase a new pickup to replace Angie Coulson’s aging City truck. The amount of $39,181.00 has been budgeted for the purchase. Angie’s truck will be traded in at the time of purchase. The estimated cost of the pickup is $30,999.00, less the amount of the trade in. Dick made a motion to purchase the 2014 Toyota pickup at Roger’s Motors in Lewiston, seconded by Vickie. A roll call vote was held: Vickie-yes, Dick-yes, Nick-yes, Ed-yes. Motion carried.
Jeff informed Council that Jim McNall of ICRMP will be speaking at the City of Kendrick’s Council meeting on December 15th. He will give a one hour presentation about open meeting laws and the responsibilities of the council. The Juliaetta Mayor and Council members are invited to attend.
Bills were reviewed. Motion to approve was made by Dick, seconded by Nick. Motion carried. At 8:45 pm, Dick made a motion to adjourn. Ed seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Jeff Lohman. Council members in attendance were Dick Groseclose, Vickie Witt, Ed Pea and Nick Anderson. Also present were Treasurer Debra Miles, Clerk Wendy Sandino, and Fire Chief Mike McGee. City maintenance supervisor Frank Groseclose was absent; Angelia Coulson attended in his place.
The minutes of the September 9, 2014 meeting were read. Motion to approve as read was made by Vickie, seconded by Dick. Motion carried. The minutes of the October 1, 2014 special meeting were read. Motion to approve as read was made by Dick, seconded by Ed. Motion carried.
Mary McGregor and Chris Sokol of the Latah County Library Board, librarian Linda Weeks, and Dana Kelly of Friends of the Library visited with Council about potentially building a new library. Work has been done on the old building to make cosmetic improvements, but it needs to be relocated or replaced. A grant may be available from USDA for part of the costs. Debra and Wendy may also be working with CEDA to obtain grant money. Sweat equity may not be used as matching funds, but an appraisal will be done on the existing city-owned property at the library’s present location; that value can be used as matching funds. The county may also have seed money to contribute to the project. City Council would like to move forward with this project. Mary and Chris will start by approaching the County Library Board for their approval.
The proposed cemetery ordinance 2014-02 was read for the second time. It will be read for the final time at the November meeting, after which the mayor may entertain a motion to adopt it.
Discussion was held regarding the sale of the property at 304 Main Street. The property will have to be appraised and a legal description prepared before the public hearing may be scheduled. Dick made a motion to have the clerk contact an appraiser to have both this property and the library property appraised. Nick seconded; motion carried.
November’s regular Council meeting will fall on Veteran’s Day this year. The Mayor and Council decided to postpone the meeting until November 18th, the third Tuesday in November.
Angelia approached Council on behalf of the JK Ambulance organization for permission to hang a banner across Main Street to advertise their annual Sausage Feed in March. They will be responsible for hanging and removing the banner. Council approved the request. Dick reported that the library needs a new hot water heater. A small 2-3 gallon heater would suffice. Mike reported that the 52 gallon hot water heater in the concession stand at the park is leaking and will also need to be replaced, as it is more than 20 years old. Angelia will find prices for both and purchase the library’s hot water heater. Dick also reported that he and Gabe Cirka are still working on refurbishing the park bathrooms.
The Mayor asked that the topic of Fred Hadley’s request to build a shop on his property at 147 Old Main Street be added to November’s agenda.
Mike gave a report on the status of the noon whistle, which is temporarily up and running. A newer siren has been purchased and a pole to mount it on has been donated to the cause. Mike will be coordinating the effort to install the siren at the Wastewater Plant. The exact location will need to be decided upon.
Debra reported that the CD at LCCU in the amount of $59,321.28 will reach maturity on October 18. Council would like her to roll over the CD at the quoted 1.0% for 24 months.
Wendy notified Council of the upcoming AIC Fall District II Meeting in Lewiston on October 30. The meeting will benefit both City employees and Council Members. Vickie and Nick will attend.
Bills were reviewed. A bill submitted by the Fire Department to Heinman for boots and helmets in the amount of $1007.50 was added. Motion to approve was made by Dick, seconded by Nick. Motion carried. At 8:14 pm, Dick made a motion to adjourn. Nick seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm by Mayor Jeff Lohman. Council members in attendance were Dick Groseclose, Vickie Witt, Nick Anderson, and Ed Pea. Also present was Clerk Wendy Sandino. The purpose of this meeting was to review quitclaim deeds and supporting paperwork that would allow a building permit to be issued at 912 Bree Road for property owners Shea and Sunshine Stewart.
Quitclaim deeds were acquired by Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, along with Chuck and Dolly Hammond, who own property adjacent to the Stewarts, which convey to the City the required 50 feet of frontage on Bree Road. These deeds have already been recorded at the Latah County Courthouse and the originals were presented to the City Clerk. Dick and public works supervisor Frank Groseclose inspected the 25’x50’ section of road that was to be improved by the Stewarts and found it to be satisfactory.
Further discussion was held regarding water at the property. The owners must install a booster pump to supply the home with adequate water pressure. It was also suggested that the Stewarts install a sprinkler system and water holding tank as supplemental fire protection. Mr. Stewart expressed concern that part of the main water line on his side of the water meter runs under the city street. Council assured him that if there is ever a leak or problem with that section under the city street, it will be the City’s responsibility to repair it.
Dick made a motion to approve the issuance of a building permit to Shea and Sunshine Stewart. Nick seconded; motion carried.
At 7:24 pm, Dick made a motion to adjourn. Ed seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 9, 2014
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by Mayor Jeff Lohman. Council members in attendance were Dick Groseclose, Vickie Witt, and Nick Anderson. Also present were Treasurer Debra Miles, Clerk Wendy Sandino, and Fire Chief Mike McGee. Council member Ed Pea and Maintenance Supervisor Frank Groseclose were absent.
The minutes of the August 12, 2014 budget hearing and meeting were read. Motion to approve as read was made by Dick, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
Fred Hadley at 147 Old Main Street would like to build a shop on an existing partial foundation on his property, which has been built over the city sewer line. At Dick’s request Wendy contacted the DEQ to see if they have any rules that specifically address setback distances from wastewater pipelines. They do not. More research will need to be done before Council can decide whether or not Mr. Hadley may build his shop.
The FY 2015 Appropriations Ordinance 2014-01 was presented to Council for final approval and to be signed by the Mayor. Dick made a motion to accept Ordinance 2014-01 under suspension of rules, for the budget in the amount of $720,301.00, seconded by Nick. A roll call vote was taken: Vickie, yes; Dick, yes; Nick, yes. Motion carried.
The City of Moscow Sanitation Operations Manager, Tim Davis, sent to the City a revised Exhibit A of the City of Moscow and Juliaetta Solid Waste Disposal Agreement, which was originally approved October 1, 2013. The revised Exhibit A contained rate adjustments and will be valid October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2015. Nick moved and Vickie seconded to accept the new fee schedule. Motion carried.
On August 15, 2014 City Attorney Ken Nagy sent a letter to the Mayor and City Council advising them of his plans to be out of the country during the month of October, and therefore his inability to provide the City with counsel during that time. Ken suggested attorney Karen Seubert, of Jones, Brower and Callery in Lewiston. She is in private practice but has worked as assistant city attorney for the City of Lewiston in the past. Council discussed appointing her as temporary City Attorney. She will be paid $120.00 per hour when her services are needed, along with any necessary postage, photocopy, or mileage costs that relate to any work she does for the City of Juliaetta during the month of October. Nick moved to have the Mayor appoint Karen Seubert as temporary City Attorney for October, 2014. Vickie seconded the motion, which carried. Jeff will contact Ms. Seubert, as will Ken, to appraise her of anything she might need to be aware of during Ken’s absence.
Ken has also spoken with Ed Litteneker, attorney of Mike Pearson and Melissa Sanborn, owners of Colter’s Creek Winery. They have decided they would like to try to buy the vacant lot adjacent to their business at 308 Main Street, rather than leasing it from the City. Prior to accepting bids for the property, an appraisal will need to be done on the lot and a description obtained for the property. Further discussion and action will be tabled until October’s meeting.
The proposed cemetery ordinance and accompanying resolution were presented to Council. It was read by title on September 9, 2014, and will be read again at the October and November meetings.
The agenda was amended to include Latah County Disaster Services coordinator Sandy Rollins. She advised Council that she will be retiring at the end of September. Mike Neely, formerly of the Latah County Sheriff’s Office, will step in as new coordinator. Sandy will continue to work on a volunteer basis and can be contacted with questions. Sandy has also been working with the Red Cross to encourage every community to choose a building to be designated as a Hospitality Center, a place where residents could gather during an emergency or natural disaster. Likely choices for Juliaetta would be the Community Center or Juliaetta Elementary School.
Debra and Wendy recently attended an ICCTFOA District II meeting in Troy, where discussion was held about III-A, a trust that is a partnership of cities to provide healthcare coverage to those cities. It may be an option for the City of Juliaetta to join in that partnership. Debra will obtain more information and present to Council.
The topic of obtaining credit cards for Frank and Angie Coulson to use while traveling on City business was introduced. Discussion was tabled until October.
Wendy created email accounts for each member of Council to use for City business.
Mike reported that the Blackberry Festival went well, that there was more of a crowd and more classic cars than last year.
Cynthia Nye from Planning & Zoning reported they still need one more person from the area of impact on the commission, as well as one more person from Juliaetta. She also reported speaking with the new owner at 912 Bree, in regards to wanting to begin construction on his new home. The property must have 50 feet of frontage on a city street, which it does not have. Quitclaim deeds from two property owners must be presented to the City and the road must be improved and approved before the building permit may be issued.
Vickie reported that the Elementary School is still having issues with a barking dog nearby, disturbing teachers and students. The sheriff’s office will have to be contacted to have an officer enforce the nuisance ordinance.
Jeff reported numerous abandoned, unlicensed cars on the city right of way throughout town. Wendy will put a notice in the J-K Newsletter and on October’s city bill. Cars must be moved or licensed or the sheriff’s office will tag the cars and they will be towed at owners’ expense.
Bills were reviewed and approved. At 8:43 pm, Dick made a motion to adjourn. Nick seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The Budget Hearing was called to order at 7:01 pm Council President Dick Groseclose. Other council members in attendance were Ed Pea and Nick Anderson. Mayor Jeff Lohman and council member Vickie Witt were absent.
Ed made a motion to accept the proposed budget as presented in the amount of $720,301.00 for Fiscal Year 2014-2015. Nick seconded the motion. Motion carried. The Budget Hearing adjourned at 7:35 pm.
The regular meeting was called to order. Also present were Treasurer Debra Miles, Clerk Wendy Sandino, Maintenance supervisor Frank Groseclose.
The minutes of the July 8, 2014 meeting were read. Motion to approve as read was made by Ed, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
Dick discussed awarding pay raises to Debra, Wendy, Frank, and Angelia Coulson, based upon merit and to make wages more competitive. He suggested $0.50 per hour for Frank, and $2.00 per hour for Debra, Wendy and Angelia, effective at the start of the new fiscal year, October 1, 2014. Ed made a motion to give the raises as suggested, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
Discussion was also held regarding a brush truck owned by the Juliaetta Volunteer Fire Department. The fire department would like it licensed and insured to use on fire calls. However, there is a similar vehicle shared with the City of Kendrick, and Council decided a second vehicle was not necessary. No one from the fire department attended the meeting to give their response.
Wendy presented to Council Resolution 2014-01, which replaces Resolution 2013-01, the Garbage Rate Resolution. A new rate for dumpster overages was added to Exhibit A. Nick moved to accept the new resolution, seconded by Ed. Motion carried.
The proposed Cemetery Ordinance was reviewed and changes were made. Wendy will edit the ordinance and present it to Council in Septemberr.
Frank reported that chip sealing will soon begin on the streets of Juliaetta. Fourth Street will be sealed, as well part of Third. He and Angelia will be attending the Idaho Rural Water Conference September 9-11 in Worley.
Dick attended a Juliaetta-Kendrick Recreation District meeting. They reported that the portable toilet located on the trail between Juliaetta and Kendrick will be removed September 1 for cost reasons. They also awarded to the City grant money in the amount of $1520.00 to insulate the restrooms at Juliaetta Centennial Park. Work will begin immediately.
Bills were reviewed and approved. At 8:22 pm, Nick made a motion to adjourn. Ed seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 6:58 pm by Mayor Jeff Lohman. Council members in attendance were Dick Groseclose, Vickie Witt, Ed Pea and Nick Anderson. Also present were Treasurer Debra Miles, Clerk Wendy Sandino, Maintenance supervisor Frank Groseclose, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
The minutes of the June 10, 2014 meeting were read. Motion to approve as read was made by Dick, seconded by Ed. Motion carried.
Polly Taylor-Dennler and Dana Kelly from the Juliaetta Centennial Park Advisory Committee visited with results of their recent park survey. They had several suggestions for Council on ways to improve the park, including a dog waste bag dispenser, new playground equipment, a native plant garden, and improvements to the restrooms. City maintenance will replace the drinking fountain and possibly build a pedestal or surround of some kind to make it more visible, and will build a container to hold recycled plastic bags for dog waste. Council will review the budget to see if funds are available to install a native plant garden near the Fish & Game kiosk.
The new Cemetery Ordinance was reviewed by Council. Discussion was tabled until next month’s meeting.
The budget for FY 2015 was discussed. Some pertinent information is still unavailable. Discussion was tabled until next month’s meeting.
Debra approached Council about needing a backup system for City Hall’s computers. Carbonite seems to be the best choice, which can be purchased through B & I Computers at $67.00 per month. There are funds in the budget to allow for the rest of this fiscal year; it will be added to the budget for next year. Dick moved to purchase the Carbonite plan through B & I, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
Debra reported increased returns on the CD that was recently transferred to Potlatch No 1 FCU. She recommends the others be transferred there when they mature in December.
Frank asked if Council would like to pave or chip seal city streets this summer. It was decided to chip seal, possibly Second and Fourth Streets. He will figure footage and costs and present those to Council for approval.
Mike found a timer for the siren for $400. Frank reported Strom Electric gave him a price of $250-500, installed and complete. Frank will double check with Strom for final verification on price and Mike will contact Matt Anderson with Avista about the utility pole installation and finish the project.
Dick reported that he and Gabe Cirka had successfully refurbished the benches along the Trail with white vinyl fencing.
Wendy presented to Council a letter of reply from the Idaho Transportation Department regarding requests that were made in June. All requests were denied. Wendy also presented information about electronic utility billing to those customers that are interested. Council decided it would be cost prohibitive.
Bills were reviewed and approved. At 8:48 pm, Dick made a motion to adjourn. Ed seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by Mayor Jeff Lohman. Council members in attendance were Dick Groseclose, Vickie Witt, Ed Pea and Nick Anderson. Also present were Treasurer Debra Miles, Clerk Wendy Sandino, and Fire Chief Mike McGee. Maintenance Supervisor Frank Groseclose was absent.
The minutes of the May 13, 2014 meeting were read. Corrections were made and motion to approve as corrected was made by Dick, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
Jared Hopkins, the traffic engineer from Idaho Transportation Department, attended the meeting to answer questions about lowering the speed limit within city limits and making the section of Highway 12 between the 50 mph sign at the south end of town and the Fire Station a no passing zone. He suggested a traffic study to see the average speed of travel through town, which would determine whether or not the speed limit should be lowered. Council requested that the City Clerk send a letter outlining all the City’s requests of ITD.
City attorney Ken Nagy sent to Council a first draft of a lease agreement to be made between City of Juliaetta and Colter’s Creek Winery. Dick made a motion to table discussion on the lease until next month, so that Council will have time to study it and make changes. Nick seconded the motion, which carried.
A new style of city utility bill postcard was presented to Council for approval. They are a bit larger in size to accommodate more information, as well as city office hours. Nick made a motion to purchase the new postcards in blue this month, Dick seconded. Motion carried. The new postcards will be mailed out to customers in July.
An addition was needed to be made to Exhibit A of Resolution 2013-01, which will create a fee to be added to commercial dumpsters for garbage overage costs. Latah Sanitation recommended a fee of $32.00 per yard, which will cover their additional collection cost, plus disposal and accounting costs. Exhibit A will be changed to reflect the additional fee. Ed moved to charge $32.00 per yard per dumpster overage incident, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
Discussion was held regarding the need for a cemetery ordinance for the Juliaetta Cemetery. The question has been posed as to whether or not burial vaults are required by the state. They are not; the decision is left to each individual cemetery. Council agreed that burial vaults are necessary; Dick made a motion to require vaults for burial at Juliaetta Cemetery. Ed seconded the motion, which carried. Ordinance No. 259, which provides for rules and regulations for City water and sewer billing was presented to Council for review. Changes and updates need to be made. Discussion will be held at July’s meeting.
A backup service is needed to safeguard the City’s utility and accounting information. Caselle offers online storage with 6 months’ history for $50.00 per month. The City Treasurer will look into more options.
The Fire Chief presented Council with a list of items to be considered for incorporation into the FY2015 budget. The fire department would like a new laptop computer, a concrete apron in front of the fire station, and to relocate the sirens. The computer cost has been added to the proposed budget. The siren relocation process is in its initial stages but research is “ ongoing to locate an affordable programmable electronic relay.” Only one bid has been obtained for the concrete apron, in the amount of $6200.00. More bids will need to be gathered.
Further discussion was held regarding the purchase or lease of one or more new city pickups. The funds available in Capital Outlay plus the trade-in value will cover the cost of lease payments for three years. It was noted that the outright purchase price of a new Chevrolet pickup is $34,043.60, and $29,999.00 for a new Toyota pickup. These amounts will be considered when reviewing the proposed budget.
The proposed budget for FY 2015 was briefly reviewed. Council will take the next month to review it on their own time, and make note of changes or questions. Further discussion was tabled until July.
Bills were reviewed and approved.
At 8:54 pm Dick made a motion to adjourn. Nick seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Jeff Lohman. Council members in attendance were Dick Groseclose, Vickie Witt, Ed Pea and Nick Anderson. Also present were Treasurer Debra Miles, Clerk Wendy Sandino, maintenance worker Angelia Coulson, and Fire Chief Mike McGee. Maintenance supervisor Frank Groseclose was absent.
The minutes of the April 8, 2014 meeting were read. Motion to approve as read was made by Vickie, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
Rick Steigers approached the Council to ask if he could place a 14×66 mobile home on his two lots adjacent to his home at 208 Third Street. The lot, in total, measures 60×100. He previously had a mobile home there but it was removed several years ago. Water and sewer are already present, and he will add a properly pitched roof to the mobile home. Dick moved to allow Rick Steigers to place the mobile home as requested. Nick seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Mike Pearson, owner of Colters Creek Winery, shared with Council his proposed plans and conceptual drawings for landscaping around the winery. He also presented an estimated cost for the retaining wall that will need to be replaced at 308 Main Street. He is interested in a long-term lease of the property of at least 30 years. The city would also prefer the lease the property. The clerk will contact city attorney Ken Nagy about drawing up a lease contract, to be reviewed at the June Council meeting.
Juliaetta resident Cynthia Nye approached the Council about the problem of dogs running loose around town. She has had one cat injured by dogs and another has been killed. The killer dog or dogs have not been identified. A catch pole is needed to catch the dogs to take to the pound. Discussion was held regarding fees to be imposed upon the owners of these dogs, and also upon owners of barking dogs. Vickie has spoken with Latah County Sheriff Deputy Duke about a barking dog near the Elementary School. Since the situation was not handled to her satisfaction, she will speak with the County Sheriff.
Discussion was held regarding a cemetery ordinance for the Juliaetta Cemetery, specifically regarding whether or not a vault is required for burial. Vickie will contact Ron Jones, the president of the county cemetery board. The clerk will contact the health department. Regardless of the answer, an ordinance stipulating burial requirements is needed.
Discussion was also held regarding establishing a franchise fee with Avista, a 1% tax for all city residents to be collected by Avista and distributed to the City. The fee would be used to offset costs, including those for training conferences. Council decided against establishing the franchise fee at this time. However, as the treasurer and clerk would like to attend the ICCTFOA conference in Boise in September, the budget was examined to see if funds were available. Nick made a motion to send Debra and Wendy to the ICCTFOA state conference on September 17-19. The motion was seconded by Dick and carried unanimously.
The treasurer discussed the necessity of new policies and procedures regarding payroll dates and comp time. Council would like to review Ordinance 259, which provides water rates, rules and regulations regarding City water service. The employee handbook also needs updating. ICRMP has a sample handbook that could be tailored to our needs.
Nick gave a report on pickup lease options through local dealerships: Kendall Chevrolet, Kendall Dodge, Hall Ford and Rogers Toyota. Discussion was held but the decision will not be made until a later date. Nick attended the City of Kendrick’s public hearing regarding the repeal of their Planning and Zoning ordinance. No decision has been made by Kendrick due to a lack of accurate information.
Gabe Cirka will start working for the city for the summer on May 19th.
Fire Chief Mike McGee reported the Fire Department recently finished a three day/20 hour vehicle extrication training. They found shortcomings in their equipment, which are being addressed. He would like the speed limit through town to be lowered form 35 mph to 25 mph. He will contact David Couch to see whether or not the City has the power to adopt an ordinance which sets the speed limit. He would also like to see a street light installed near the Winery and a no passing zone on Highway 3 at the south end of town that would stretch from the Centennial Park past the Fire Station. Mike also reported that Stella-Jones will donate two poles for the relocation of the noon whistle sirens. The cost for the siren timers will be about $1000.00. A concrete apron is needed to be installed in front of the Fire Station. He will obtain bids and present them to Council.
Bills were reviewed and approved. At 9:05 pm, the mayor moved to go into executive session pursuant to Idaho Code 67-2345 subsection 1B. Executive session was adjourned at 9:07 pm.
At 9:08 pm Dick made a motion to adjourn the regular meeting. Ed seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 6:59 pm by Mayor Jeff Lohman. Council members in attendance were Dick Groseclose, Vickie Witt, Ed Pea and Nick Anderson. Also present were Treasurer Debra Miles, Clerk Wendy Sandino, Maintenance Supervisor Frank Groseclose, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
The minutes of the March 11, 2014 meeting were read. Motion to approve as read was made by Dick, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
Wayne Heath visited with Council again regarding a Community Emergency Response Team. Council advised him to hold an informational meeting for interested community members, and offered the use of the old fire hall.
Larry Haylett, pastor of Juliaetta Community Church, questioned Council as to why Fourth Street is signed with both a one way sign and a stop sign, both located at the intersection with Fourth and Main. The street used to be gravel, and vehicles spun out too much when traveling uphill. The street has since been paved, and Frank will consult with the State to see which sign can be removed. Council will table the issue until notified of the State’s decision.
Council has been notified that Kendrick would like to repeal its zoning ordinance and disband the joint Planning and Zoning Commission that advises both Juliaetta and Kendrick. Cynthia Nye, president of the P & Z, also received a letter notifying her of Kendrick’s intent, which she read in part. Council is in favor of keeping the current P & Z, as it helps to unite the two towns into one community. The public hearing will be held April 21, 2014 at 7:00pm at Kendrick Fire Hall. Members of Council will likely attend.
Debra discussed the Idaho Chapter of PRIMA’s risk management training, which is to be held April 19 in Coeur d’Alene. The cost will be $35 per person. Dick moved to send Debra and Wendy to the daylong event, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
Frank informed Council that the city’s four-wheeler needs new tires. He received several bids, the lowest of which came from Kendrick Ag at $375 for four tires. Nick made a motion that Frank buy the tires, and it was seconded by Dick. Motion carried. Frank also reported that street sweeping will resume after the sweeper is returned from Kendrick and repairs are made. Mowing has also begun for the season. The flashing lights at the crosswalk on Main Street are flashing at the wrong time; Frank will fix them. There will be an upcoming Operators Conference May 18-21 at Moscow, at a cost of $150 per person. Dick made a motion to send Frank, Angie Coulson and back up operator Bill Fey to the conference, seconded by Ed. Motion carried.
A new account and CD were opened at Potlatch No. 1 Federal Credit Union. Nick moved and Dick seconded that the signers on the accounts will be Jeff Lohman, Mayor; Dick Groseclose, Councilmember; Debra Miles, Treasurer; and Wendy Sandino, Clerk. Jeff Lohman will be the primary on the account. Motion carried.
Wendy passed on information from City Attorney Ken Nagy regarding a potential lease of the lot next to Colter’s Creek Winery. Council would like to know Mike Pearson’s ideas of development of the lot and will invite him to the next city council meeting to speak on his plans.
Discussion was held regarding changing the speed limit within city limits.
Nick discussed possibly leasing the new city pickups, rather than buying used. He will gather information and bids, which will be discussed at a later council meeting. No action will likely be taken until the next fiscal year.
Frank reported that Strom Electric will charge $200-500 to fix the timer on the noon whistle, which will allow the sirens to be sounded for an adjustable amount of time. Mike McGee would still like to move the sirens to either end of town. Discussion was tabled until next meeting.
At 8:04 pm Ed made a motion to adjourn. Dick seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Council President Dick Groseclose. Mayor Jeff Lohman was absent. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Ed Pea and Nick Anderson. Also present were Treasurer Debra Miles, Clerk Wendy Sandino, Maintenance Supervisor Frank Groseclose, and Assistant Fire Chief Clifford Heimgartner.
The minutes of the February 11, 2014 meeting were read. Motion to approve as read was made by Vickie, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
Michelle Bly from TD&H Engineering visited the Council and left brochures detailing the funding and civil engineering services her company can offer the City.
On behalf of his wife, Judy, Bill Brown approached the Council to have his water bill reduced. Their property at 1010 American Ridge Road had a water leak in December, resulting in a water bill of $123.26. Council will split the cost of the overage with him, so his next water bill will be reduced by $61.63.
Mike Pearson, owner of Colter’s Creek Winery, submitted to Council the survey that was done on the property next to his business. The information has been submitted to City Attorney Ken Nagy so that he may draw up the appropriate paperwork for the sale of the property. He discussed a failing retaining wall on the property that will need to be replaced. Mike also expressed an interest in leasing the property, which Council is taking into consideration.
The Council meeting to be held Tuesday, June 10 has been set as a Budget Workshop meeting. The annual Budget Hearing will be held at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, August 12, before the regular Council meeting.
The City of Juliaetta has a Certificate of Deposit at Wells Fargo, which has now matured. It is currently earning .05%. Potlatch No. 1 Federal Credit Union’s rates are currently .55% for 12 months, .75% for 18 months, and 1.0% for 24 months. Council discussed rolling over the CD at Wells Fargo to a new CD at Potlatch. Nick made a motion to open an account at Potlatch No. 1 Federal Credit Union to obtain the new CD. Vickie seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Vickie made another motion remove the funds from the matured CD at Wells Fargo and deposit into a 24 month Certificate of Deposit at Potlatch No. 1 Federal Credit Union. Nick seconded the motion. Motion carried.
With the recent rain and warmer weather, Frank has been watching Potlatch Creek for signs of flooding. He also reported that the new mower should be delivered any day, and street sweeping will be starting soon. The City pickups will soon be due to be replaced, as both are nearing 20 years old and have nearly 140,000 miles on them. Nick made a motion that Frank start looking for a new pickup, and report back to Council. Ed seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Debra will check on availability of funds and carryover.
Cliff reminded Council of the Fireman’s Breakfast, which will be held Sunday, March 30.
Vickie reported that Joe from Kendrick High School had ordered a new solar flagpole light, which will be donated to the City and used to illuminate the flag in town. Matt Anderson with Avista has volunteered to help install and maintain the light.
Wendy reported on community response to the question of whether or not to reinstate the noon whistle. Only one person has replied and was in favor. Council and city staff are also in favor. No decision was made.
Ed would like the speed limit through much of Juliaetta to be reduced from 35 miles per hour to 25 miles per hour. Michelle from TD&H stated that the Idaho Transportation Department could do a speed study. Ken Helm at ITD is the contact she gave. Discussion was tabled until a later date.
Discussion was held regarding smoking in city-owned vehicles.
Bills were reviewed and approved. At 8:09 pm, Ed made a motion to adjourn. Vickie seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 11, 2014
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by Mayor Jeff Lohman. Council members in attendance were Dick Groseclose, Vickie Witt, and Nick Anderson. Council member Ed Pea was absent. Also present were Treasurer Debra Miles, Clerk Wendy Sandino, Maintenance Supervisor Frank Groseclose, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
Brad Lewis was here from Hayden and Ross to present to the Council the audited financial statements of the fiscal year 2012-2013. Brad reported that overall the city is doing well, though the sewer fund is operating at a loss, as is sanitation. Brad suggests concentrating on the Sewer Fund first, possibly raising rates.
Wayne Heath of the local Lions Club would like to organize a community response team through FEMA and is looking for volunteers. Training would be provided to those interested.
Travis Heath spoke of the trees on his property line at 405 Water Street, which are damaging his flower beds and storage shed. He would like the city to remove the trees. Dick will have the problem taken care of this summer when regular tree trimming is done throughout the city.
Council discussed the plans to sell the property adjacent to 308 Main Street, Colters Creek Winery. An email from City Attorney Ken Nagy was read, who believed the existing legal description was not sufficient to use. He suggested the City hire a qualified title company to determine the correct legal description. The owner of the winery, Mike Pearson, was present and notified Council that he has had the entire property surveyed, and will share that information with the City. Further action will be taken at a later date.
The minutes of the January 14, 2014 meeting were read. Motion to approve as read was made by Vickie, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.
An impromptu discussion on the “noon whistle” was held. The siren hasn’t been used for several years and many residents would like to put it back into use. Mike McGee could move the sirens, if desired, to either end of town. One would be installed at the water plant and one at the wastewater plant. Wendy will put a note in the community newsletter asking for feedback from residents before we proceed.
Frank reported that painting is still being done; the sewer plant is finished and they are moving on to the shop. He has also received three bids for a replacement mower. He would like to purchase one from Blue Mountain, similar to what the City already has. Dick moved to buy the mower for $3664.10, plus $168.00 for the addition of a mulch kit, for a total of $3832.10. Nick seconded the motion. Motion carried.
A new flag has been ordered and received. It hasn’t yet been installed as there is no light that will allow it to be flown at night. Vickie has been in contact with the high school, which held a fundraiser last year for a new gym flag. They still have funds remaining, and would like to donate them to the City to allow a proper light for the flag to be purchased and installed. Council accepted.
Nick would like the City to consider offering electronic billing for city utilities. It could be provided on a voluntary basis. Once the Caselle software is installed, we will look into the possibility.
Wendy gave a report on costs for a new secondary computer for City Hall, as well as a laptop computer for the Fire Station. Discussion was tabled until after conversion and training for the Caselle software.
Debra informed Council that direct deposit will be available to city employees and council members with the new software. She drafted an authorization agreement for those who will want to take advantage of the service.
Bills were reviewed and approved. At 8:28 pm, Dick made a motion to adjourn. Nick seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by Council president Dick Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt and Ed Pea. Mayor Jeff Lohman and council member Kevin Cope were absent. Also present were Treasurer Debra Miles, Clerk Wendy Sandino, Maintenance Supervisor Frank Groseclose, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
The minutes of the November 12, 2013 meeting and the December 10, 2013 special meeting were read. Motion to approve as read was made by Vickie, seconded by Ed. Motion carried.
Dick read the official canvassed election results from the November 5, 2013 election. There was an 18.66% voter turnout out of 284 registered voters with 53 ballots cast. Nick T. Anderson received 44 votes, Joe Carl Fliger received 1 vote, and Ed Pea received 36 write-in votes. Ed made a motion to accept the canvassed election results; Vickie seconded. Motion carried.
Bills were not approved at December’s special meeting, so all outstanding bills were reviewed and approved.
At the conclusion of old business, council member Ed Pea and elected council member Nick Anderson were sworn in by City Clerk Wendy Sandino. They will each serve a four year term on the Council.
Colin Port, the owner of Stella Jones, was here to advise the Council they will be running longer hours, possibly through the end of April. They will try to stay within the daylight hours but will probably run 7:00 am to 8:00 pm. When Vickie voiced her concerns about the noise, Colin assured her he would entertain any ideas about quieting it.
Frank discussed the broken water pipe behind the Juliaetta Market. Some of the glued-together joints had failed and were repaired. The entire pipe will need to be replaced when the weather is better. He also spoke to Shane Taylor about installing the eco blocks by Mike McGee’s home, to help control stormwater runoff. Grading on the road has taken care of some of the issue. With spring soon approaching, Frank will start collecting bids to replace the mower. City maintenance worker Angelia Coulson is painting the interior of the sewer plant, a job that hasn’t been done for more than 20 years.
Debra explained a bill from B&I Computer: the accounting software is failing and during troubleshooting for that issue it was discovered that the backup discs weren’t working, either. She took the computer to B&I in Lewiston to have the hard drive backed up; the computer itself is also on its last legs. A new computer has already been bought and installed to accept the new Caselle software, but Debra and Wendy were hoping to retain a second computer for better office efficiency. Debra will check prices on new computers and report back to Council.
Debra also updated Council about progress in the Caselle conversion. We are in daily contact with them as we prepare information to be merged into the new system, but it will probably be at least two more months before we are live. Wendy discovered a “San Tax” that is being charged monthly to the Juliaetta Market and Manor Apartments. Council decided this was an outdated fee that should be removed from future bills. Ed made a motion to remove the San Tax; Nick seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Vickie wanted to know what progress has been made with the paperwork to accept bids for the sale of the vacant lot next to the Colter’s Creek Winery. Wendy will contact city attorney Ken Nagy for information.
Mike reported that some repairs have been made on the fire engine. The fire department would like a new computer for their records and business. They will need Microsoft Office and Publisher installed. Debra will also check on prices for that computer.
At 7:55 pm Ed made a motion to adjourn. Dick seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:06 pm by Council President Dick Groseclose. Other Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt and Ed Pea. Mayor Jeff Lohman and Council member Kevin Cope were absent. Also present were Treasurer Debra Miles and Clerk Wendy Sandino.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss health insurance options for City employees. Debra explained that the employee handbook states all employees should be offered health insurance. She checked with City Accountant Brad Lewis to see if the City can reimburse employees for insurance premiums rather than carrying them on the City Blue Cross policy. It is allowed. Debra figured the amounts owed to Wendy and Debra for their portion of their current policy premiums, including withholding and taxes. Debra and Wendy will provide documentation to the City of their actual premiums paid.
Debra also explained the new Gold and Silver plans available for City Maintenance workers Frank Groseclose and Angelia Coulson, who will be covered by the City, and compared them to their current plan.
Vickie made a motion to choose the Gold plan. Debra will contact Blue Cross to verify the numbers for the current plan. Vickie also made a motion to reimburse Debra and Wendy for insurance premiums paid by their husbands, in the amount of $191.00 monthly for Wendy and $218.00 monthly for Debra. Those amounts will cover the costs of the premiums as well as Social Security and Medicare deductions, but not Federal and State withholding. Ed seconded both motions. Motions carried.
Ed made a motion to close the meeting; Dick seconded. Meeting adjourned at 7:46 pm.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 12, 2013
The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by Mayor Jeff Lohman. Council members in attendance were Dick Groseclose, Vickie Witt and Ed Pea. Council member Kevin Cope was absent. Also present were Treasurer Debra Miles, Clerk Wendy Sandino, Head of Maintenance Frank Groseclose, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
Dana Kelley and librarian Linda Dahl from Friends of the Library were here to discuss the Juliaetta Community Library. Beginning January 6, 2014 the library’s new hours will be Tuesdays 1:00 pm-6:00 pm, Wednesdays 12:00 pm-6:00 pm, and Thursdays 10:00 am-5:00 pm. They have also sent out a survey asking patrons their opinion on changes or upgrades they’d like to see made to the library. The survey results were taken to the Latah County Library Board who recommended they start with small projects like painting the interior, with the ultimate goal of rebuilding or moving the library. Debra spoke about CEDA, an organization that trains city employees to develop a community project from start to finish. A new community library may likely be the end result of the CEDA training. For now, Friends of the Library will gather costs of repainting the library and bring them to Council for approval at a later date.
The accounts at Latah Federal Credit Union need to be closed and the funds moved to the new account at Wells Fargo. Dick moved to close all accounts at LFCU; Ed seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The City of Juliaetta has several City Ordinances that have not yet been codified. Ordinances 2010-01, 2011-01, 2011-04, and 2013-01 have been sent to Municode and are awaiting authorization. Dick made a motion that we proceed with codification. Ed seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Frank has started work on the storm water problem at Mike McGee’s home. There is some grading being done on the road above the home; he will wait for that to be finished before proceeding. Atlas won’t load the eco blocks into the City’s dump truck for transport, so Frank will have to rent or borrow a flat bed trailer. The sander has been replaced and is ready for use. Dick has rototilled the cemetery in preparation for grass seeding.
A discussion was held regarding the leaky waterline behind the Juliaetta Market. All pipe needs to be replaced.
Wendy spoke about the AIC Academy for newly elected and veteran city officials, which will be held Monday, November 25 in Lewiston. New council member Nick Anderson, Vickie, and Wendy will attend. A discussion was also held about placing a yard waste bin near the recycle bin at the Bulky Waste site. Council has decided against acquiring the bin at this time; residents can still dispose of their yard waste two Saturdays a month when the Bulky Waste site is open. Debra informed the Council of her negotiations with TDS, our phone service provider, to lower long distance rates for the City Hall and Fire Station. Jeff signed a contract which locks the rate at 7cents per minute for three years.
There will be no City Council meeting held in December due to the Christmas holiday. At 8:24 pm, Dick made a motion to adjourn. Ed seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Jeff Lohman. Council members in attendance were Dick Groseclose, Vickie Witt, Kevin Cope and Ed Pea. Also present were Treasurer Debra Miles, Clerk Wendy Sandino, Head of Maintenance Frank Groseclose, and Fire Chief Mike McGee.
Discussion was held regarding the increased garbage rates due to the new contract with Latah Sanitation and the City of Moscow for pick up and disposal of the City’s garbage. Resolution 2013-01, which adopts increased rates to be charged for collection and disposal within city limits, was prepared by City Attorney Ken Nagy. It was read by title by Vickie. Exhibit A has been attached, which sets the new rates. A motion was made by Dick to pass Resolution 2013-01. Ed seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The 2013-2014 Appropriation Ordinance was amended due to the sewer rate change and new garbage rates. Dick made a motion to accept the amended budget for FY 2014 in the amount of $717,464.00. Ed seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Kim Burger from Friends of the Library spoke about their plans to install a “book house” at Juliaetta Centennial Park. It will be a place to borrow or leave a book to enjoy while at the park. They have all funds and materials needed to complete the project. Council supports the idea and asked for updates on designs. They hope to have the book house completed and installed by Locust Blossom next year.
Donna Saastamoinen and Mike McGee were present to revisit their problems with storm water runoff on their property at 412 Lynn. Frank has looked at it and believes the road will need to be re-graded and a ditch cleaned out to carry the water away into the draw. Paving the road at a cost of $6573 to the city is another option that may solve the problem. Dick made a motion to have Frank clean out the ditch, install eco blocks, and re-grade as necessary. Ed seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Frank reported that he needs new tires on his work truck. He estimates the cost to be about $600.00. He also said the sander feeder bar on the snow plow is broken. He was able to fix it enough to last through last winter but it needs to be replaced. Dick made a motion to allow Frank to buy new tires. Ed seconded the motion. Dick also made a motion to allow Frank to purchase the new sander. Vickie seconded the motion. Both carried.
Juliaetta Volunteer Fire Department will be putting on a Fire Prevention program at Juliaetta Elementary School on Friday, October 18. They will also be doing some training beginning Wednesday the 16th. Mike says they will flush the hydrants in Juliaetta toward the end of October; residents may experience muddy water in their taps.
Dick spoke about wanting to seed the cemetery; Frank also thinks this would be a good time to dig out the stumps while the ground is soft.
Dick addressed the Council in asking for a $1 per hour raise for Frank. He made a motion to give Frank the raise effective October 1. Vickie seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Debra spoke to Council about the contract with Access Idaho, which will allow the City to accept debit and credit card payments on our website as well as in the office. There will be a 3% plus $1.00 fee assessed on each transaction, which will be borne by the customer for this courtesy. There will be no additional fee to the city. Ed made a motion to sign the contract with Access Idaho; Vickie seconded. Motion carried.
Debra also proposed a credit card user agreement to be signed by all those with a City of Juliaetta credit card. It will be put into effect immediately.
Wendy discussed acquiring City-provided cell phones or 2-way radios for Frank and Angie, the City’s new maintenance worker. Kevin made a motion to purchase two cell phones from Inland Cellular. Ed seconded the motion. Motion carried.
At 8:59 pm, Dick made a motion to adjourn. Ed seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 10, 2013
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by Mayor Jeff Lohman. Council members in attendance were Dick Groseclose, Vickie Witt and Kevin Cope. Council member Ed Pea was absent.
Deputy Darren Duke from the Latah County Sheriff’s Office along with Erin McCall and Polly Taylor Dennler visited to speak about the Latah County Youth Advocacy Council. LCYAC Student Ambassador Alec Henson spoke about his and other local ambassadors’ commitments to keep drugs and negative influences out of their lives. Polly spoke about funding needs of the LCYAC.
Polly also gave an update on signage for the Juliaetta Centennial Park. The sign will cost $300-$500, depending on size and materials. Alec is still working on the written history for the sign. Dick and Janice Groseclose, Dana Kelly and Matt Anderson are members of the new Centennial Park Advisory Committee, which will give input and advice about the park to the City Council. Polly would also like to do new winter plantings in the planters along Main Street, if there are funds in the budget.
Donna Saastamoinen and Mike McGee spoke about storm water runoff damaging their property and garage. Dick and Frank or Charles will meet with them at their home to consider ways to divert or collect the water.
The minutes from the August 13 meeting, August 20 Budget Hearing, and September 5 Special Meeting were read. Dick made a motion to accept the minutes as read; Kevin seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Resolution 2013-01 concerning collection and disposal of solid waste within the City was prepared by City Attorney Ken Nagy and reviewed by the Council. City treasurer Debra Miles read an email from Ken which stated that the amended contract from Latah Sanitation was not yet finished. All cities will receive an amended contract. No costs were included in the Resolution because a cost sheet was not available from Latah County. The information will be available before the Public Hearing. No changes needed to be made to the Resolution; it will be held until the Public Hearing on October 8, 2013.
The Council gave tentative approval to the changes in FY 2014 Budget, and it will be published as written. Additional garbage charges were also voted upon. Dick made a motion to accept the charges as follows: the extra bag charge shall be $3.00 per item and the commercial dumpster rates shall be charged as Latah Sanitation’s dumpster rates + $1.00. Vickie seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Debra or Wendy will hand-deliver the Caselle software to B & I Computers so they may start setting up the new hardware. Dick made a motion to sign the contract with Caselle. Kevin seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Cynthia from Planning & Zoning has put information about the Blackberry Festival on the city website, and will post the minutes from the July and August meetings.
No new Fire Department news from Mike McGee, except that they will be serving hamburgers at the Blackberry Festival.
Dick has installed the new fountain at the park, and three new tables were purchased, assembled and placed in the pavilion. All were paid for with a grant from Parks and Rec.
Wendy gave information about different cell phone plans for the Maintenance guys. Council will also consider CB radio or walkie talkie use.
Debra gave information about online city bill payment for our customers. Access Idaho can put a link on the city website that will allow customers to pay their bill with a debit or credit card. The customers will incur a 3% fee for the convenience. Debra and Wendy will learn more about this at the ICCTFOA Conference.
A letter from Sharon Harris was read asking the City to appoint the JK Heritage Foundation as the City Historian with the Latah County Historical Society. Vickie made a motion to make the appointment; Dick seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Charles gave a maintenance report: the shed behind the shop has a dangerous overhang, and the swing set at the park is not as sturdy as it should be. Dick said the swing set isn’t finished being welded; a portable welder is needed. Charles suggested changes to make the shed safe and will hang a warning sign until changes can be implemented. The swing will be removed from the swing set until it’s finished.
Dick made a motion to adjourn the regular meeting and enter into Executive Session
67-2345(1)(b). Vickie seconded. Regular meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm.
Dick moved and Kevin seconded the motion to adjourn Executive Session at 9:50 pm.
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Mayor Jeff Lohman. Council members in attendance were Dick Groseclose, Vickie Witt and Kevin Cope. Council member Ed Pea was absent. Also present was City Attorney Ken Nagy.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the new contract with Latah Sanitation (LSI) and the City of Moscow for garbage pickup and disposal. Ken has met with LSI and the County Attorney and asked for changes to be made to the original contract. These changes were approved; the amended contract should be ready for final review and signing by the end of the month.
The City of Juliaetta will need to adopt a resolution about the new garbage rates. Ken suggested the City charge the minimum estimated cost of pick up and disposal for each size can, plus an additional $0.50 for anticipated administration costs and to cover any future shortfalls. Dick made a motion to set the new rates at $19.00/month for the 35 gallon cart, $23.00/month for the 65 gallon cart, and $27.00/month for the 95 gallon cart. Vickie seconded the motion. Motion carried. Jeff asked Ken to prepare the resolution; it will be ready by September 10 for the next regular Council meeting.
The FY 2014 Budget will be amended to reflect the new garbage costs. Dick made a motion to change the garbage budget from $50,000 to $83,000. Kevin seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Dick moved to close the meeting; Kevin seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Mayor pro tem Dick Groseclose. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt and Ed Pea. Mayor Jeff Lohman and council member Kevin Cope were absent.
The minutes from the July 9 meeting were read. Vickie made a motion to accept the minutes as read; Ed seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Amanda Bashaw from Latah Sanitation attended to explain about the new garbage bins and procedures and answer any questions about the new contract. Latah Sanitation conducted an audit of every resident and will deliver appropriately-sized bins based on each resident’s average usage. As of November 6, customers will be charged by the amount of trash they set out for collection, instead of a flat rate. The City will look into getting a yard waste bin, and may relocate the recycle bins. The 2014 Budget will have to be amended due to the trash cost increase. The City may also include an article in the KJ7 newsletter to help make residents aware of the changes.
Some property owners have not responded to the clean up letters that were sent out after last month’s meeting. Wendy will send out new Final Notice letters to those who didn’t comply, giving them an additional two weeks.
Vickie went to the Latah County Courthouse to find information on when the City acquired the property adjacent to Colter’s Creek Winery. The property was acquired in two parts, on June 24, 1925 and July 26, 1930, from Latah County. The information will be sent to the City Attorney.
Frank received an estimate from Poe for asphalt in front of the Fire Hall. The cost will be $10,520.00 for 72’x50’. Half that size will be $5,400.00. Frank is also still working on problems with the level controls at the water plants.
Dick and Janice Groseclose and Dana Kelly are the new members of the Juliaetta Centennial Park Committee. Dick and Janice went to the Parks & Rec Committee to ask for funds. They were given $3,200.00, which will cover the costs of a new fountain and three new picnic tables.
Wendy spoke about possibly getting Frank and Charles cell phones to use for City business. Jeff already has a City cell phone through Inland Cellular, and we may add two lines to that account. Wendy will also check on the costs associated with Verizon and Tracfone.
Vickie moved to adjourn the regular meeting; Ed seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 8:35 pm.
Regular session was reentered at 9:16 pm. The City will give Bill Fey a retirement gift of a $300 gift card to Cabela’s. The City needs to have another licensed person available for any questions or problems that may arise when Frank is unavailable. Bill will be retained by the City until Charles has earned his licenses. Ed made a motion to retain Bill at a cost of $250 per month, plus his regular hourly pay when he has to work. The City will also pay any training costs and pay to keep his licenses current. Vickie seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Ed moved to adjourn the meeting; Vickie seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm.
The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by Mayor Jeff Lohman. Council members in attendance were Vickie Witt, Dick Groseclose, Kevin Cope, and Ed Pea.
The minutes from the June 11 meeting were read. Dick made a motion to accept the minutes as read; Vickie seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Ed Groseclose, represented by Sarah McDowell, discussed a special use permit extension he was given in January. The permit pertains to lots 9 and 10. He wants to table the issue for now and just clean up the area. Dick proposed and made a motion that Ed update the Council one year from now regarding his plans. Kevin seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Charles Burke found water while digging on his property. He would like to put in a small reservoir to use for irrigation and watering his animals. Dick made a motion to allow Charles to use the water on his property; Kevin seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Dick raised his concerns about certain properties around town that have junk, overgrown weeds, and general maintenance issues. The City Clerk will send letters to the property owners to ask them to clean up their properties.
The Council discussed weekend and vacation coverage of the water and sewer plants. Bill Fey is willing to keep his licenses active and be available to answer questions about the plants when Frank Groseclose is unavailable.
Ken Nagy is still working on legal aspects of accepting bids for the park property adjacent to Colter�s Creek Winery. Dick would like to move the swing set from the park down to the Centennial Park.
City Treasurer Debra Miles presented changes to the proposed budget for next year. It was tentatively accepted.
Frank updated the Council on the level control system, which is malfunctioning. Pat Kerby has been working with Frank to repair it.
Dick and Gabe Cirka have been working hard at the cemetery and have finished moving and installing the fence to enclose the new addition. They have also felled several trees and may sell the wood for firewood.
Polly Taylor Dennler asked if the Council would form a park committee to serve the Juliaetta Centennial Park. She would also like to remove a brick planter and eventually install a kiosk detailing the history of the park, which will be written by Alec Henson. The City may donate some funding to the project.
Cynthia Nye asked the council to reappoint Mike McGee and Cynthia Faux to the Planning and Zoning Committee. Dick made a motion to reappoint Mike and Cynthia; Vickie seconded the motion. Motion passed. Cynthia would like a secure place to store P & Z records. City Hall has the space to accommodate the records. City Hall also needs a new safe for more storage.
Mike McGee would like to know the price to lay an asphalt apron in front of the Fire Hall. Frank will find out and let him know.
Wendy Sandino updated the Council on proposed costs for the September ICCTFOA Institute in Boise, notably the cost of airfare vs. driving. Dick made a motion to send Debra and Wendy to the Institute by air. Ed seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Dick made a motion to adjourn the meeting and open Executive Session 67-2345(1)(b). Ed Pea seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 8:27 pm.
Ed made a motion to adjourn executive session. Dick seconded the motion. Executive session adjourned at 9:00 pm.
City council Meeting Minutes June 11, 2013
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jeff Lohman at 7:00 pm. City council members present were Vickie Witt, Dick Groseclose, Kevin Cope and Ed Pea.
The minutes from the May 14 meeting were read. Dick made a motion to accept the minutes from the meeting. Vickie seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Survey of Cemetery. Dick Groseclose reported on the survey of the cemetery. Dick, Gabe Cirka, and Wendy Sandino surveyed the cemetery. The fence has been unhooked and is ready to roll up. Fence posts are being pulled.
Discussion followed about an email which is in connection to the cemetery. An email from Raymond Millard was received, stating displeasure at the care and condition of the cemetery. The discussion concerned whose responsibility it is to actually take care of the cemetery, the headstones and markers. No motion was made.
Monthly bills were examined and approved by the Council.
Debra Miles brought up the scholarship application for the ICCTFOA conference to be held in Boise in September. The application was reviewed and Dick motioned that both Debra Miles and Wendy Sandino are to go to the conference. Ed Pea seconded the motion. Motion also included that the city will be willing to pay $300.00 towards the conference and that the scholarship application is to be sent in to cover the remaining costs of the conference.
Mike McGee brought up to the council the need for a cement slab to be poured at the fire station.
Review of the past budget and the current accumulated expenses. Review of budget by line item was made. A first draft of proposed budget was made.
Dick made a motion to adjourn the meeting and open an executive session 67-2345(d). Ed Pea seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.
Dick Groseclose moved to close the executive session, seconded by Ed Pea. Executive session 67-2345(d) ended at 9:15 pm.
City Council Meeting Minutes May 14, 2013
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jeff Lohman at 7:03 pm. City council members present were Vickie Witt, Dick Groseclose and Kevin Cope. Council member Ed Pea was absent.
The minutes from the April 9 and April 12 meetings were read. Dick made a motion to accept the minutes from both meetings. Vickie seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Stillman Norton, manager of Keller Associates in Clarkston, was here to offer his company’s engineering services to our community. Keller Associates specializes in water and wastewater systems.
Vern Stenerson was here to hear the Council’s opinion on his moving in to the home owned by Pat Meyers. The Council discussed the history of complaints about the property. Attorney Ken Nagy is handling all complaints regarding this.
Dick made a motion to appoint Debra Miles as City Treasurer and Wendy Sandino as City Clerk, to be officially recorded in the minutes. Vickie seconded the motion. Motion passed.
A discussion was held concerning training for the new Caselle software. Training will not be held in Las Vegas, as previously thought, but at Caselle in Utah. The cost of training is included in the cost of the software, which has been paid in full. The Council will wait until October to purchase necessary hardware from B & I.
The date of the annual Budget Hearing was set for August 20, at Juliaetta City Hall, at 7:00 pm.
Debra and Wendy discussed attending the ICCTFOA Conference in Boise, which will be held September 18-20. The cost of registration is $195 per person, but there will be scholarships available to help defray those costs. Wendy will gather more information about the scholarships for the next Council Meeting.
Dick discussed opening the new section of the Cemetery. Dick will contact Dave Klatt from the nearby cemetery district for more information on this. Dick and Gabe Cirka will move the fence to enclose the new section. More fencing may need to be purchased to finish the task.
Mike McGee discussed Burn Permit procedure. He would like the applicant to fill out the permit at City Hall, and then be contacted so that he or Cliff Heimgartner can approve or deny the application. City Hall will then contact the applicant with the decision.
The Council approved a job announcement for the Maintenance Worker position that will be opening upon Bill Fey’s retirement on August 1. Wendy will post the announcement locally and in the Lewiston and Moscow newspapers. The application deadline is June 10; interviews will be held June 25.
Dick made a motion to increase Gabe Cirka’s salary to $10.00 per hour, as Gabe will soon be starting his third summer working for the City. Kevin seconded the motion. Motion passed.
The Council would like to begin accepting bids for the property adjacent to the Colter’s Creek Winery.
A discussion was held regarding the dirty bathrooms at the Juliaetta ballpark. Gabe will clean them every morning Monday-Friday, which will help with the problem.
A cable near the sewer plant has been pulled down, allowing people access to dump their yard waste there without permission.MP>Monthly bills were examined and approved by the Council.
Dick made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Vickie seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 8:23 pm.
Special City Council Meeting April 12, 2013
The meeting was called to order at 7:17pm by Mayor Jeff Lohman. City council members present were Vickie Witt, Dick Groseclose and Kevin Cope. Council member Ed Pea was absent.
The purpose of the Special Meeting was to dismiss the existing Juliaetta City Clerk and appoint a new Clerk. Dick made a motion to remove Cindy Fliger as City Clerk. Kevin seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken. Vickie—yes, Dick—yes, Kevin—yes. Ed was absent. Motion passed.
Dick made a motion to appoint Wendy Sandino as the new City Clerk. Kevin seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Dick made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Vickie seconded. Meeting adjourned at 7:20pm.
City Council Meeting April 9, 2013
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jeff Lohman at 7:01 pm. City council members present were Vickie Witt, Dick Groseclose, Kevin Cope and Ed Pea. Guests present were Clifford Heimgartner, Erin Simmons, Donna Saastamoinen, Mike McGee, and Cynthia Nye.
The minutes from the March 12 meeting were read. Dick made a motion to accept the minutes with two minor corrections. Vickie seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Erin from Alternatives to Violence of the Palouse was here to raise awareness of Sexual Assault Awareness Month. She left brochures to be posted at Juliaetta Post Office and Juliaetta City Hall.
Dick checked on the Building Inspector contract. It is correct as written; each state has its own guidelines. Dick made a motion to appoint Jim Yeoman as Building Inspector. Vickie seconded the motion. Motion passed.
A discussion was held about sending City Treasurer Debra Miles and the City Clerk to Las Vegas October 16-17 for training on the new Caselle computer program which will be purchased in October. Jeff estimates the cost will be about $1110, not including the cost of flights. Dick made a motion to send Debra and the Clerk to training. Ed seconded the motion. Jeff called for a roll call vote. Vickie—yes, Dick—yes, Kevin—yes, Ed—yes. Motion passed.
Frank needs printer for his reports. We may hook up the new copier/printer and network it to his computer instead of purchasing a new one.
Although the Baseball Association was on the agenda, no one was here to discuss any business.
Mike McGee from the Fire Department notified the council of a Benefit Dinner & Auction. It will be held on April 27th and proceeds will go to Zana Sherman. Mike also asked about purchasing a new computer for the Fire Department. It was decided he could find and purchase a computer of his preference, and the city will reimburse him for the cost.
Cynthia Nye from Planning & Zoning announced their election results. Cynthia is Chairman, Peggy Bateman is Vice Chairman, Cynthia Faux is Secretary, and Della Patterson is Treasurer. Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance 2013-1 needs to be published, recorded at City Hall in Moscow, and sent to the codifier.
It was decided that the June 11th City Council Meeting will be set for discussing the City Budget only.
Vickie called Amanda Bashaw at Latah Sanitation to get an extra dumpster for the city clean-up day, which will be held the first or third (or possibly both) Saturday in May. A local club or volunteers may be approached to help pick up and transport trash for citizens who can’t do it themselves.
Colter’s Creek Winery wants to survey the lot next to their building. The Coucil discussed accepting bids for the lot, or possibly negotiating a 99 year lease. The Council wants control over accepting the winning bid. Dick made a motion to accept bids for the property. Vickie seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Kevin has a broken water pipe on his property, in which resulted a larger water bill this month. He would like to split the cost of the bill with the City. Dick made a motion to split the bill. Ed seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Jeff addressed an e-mail from Vickey Wessman about her neighbor. The information will be forwarded to Ken Nagy.
The City will soon be advertising for a new maintenance person. The Association of Idaho Cities will be contacted for a job description and a starting wage will be set. The open position will be advertised locally and in the Lewiston Tribune.
Monthly bills were examined and approved by the Council.
Dick made a motion go into Executive Session #67-2345-B at 8:04 pm. Ed seconded the motion. Motion passed. Executive Session adjourned at 8:54 pm.
City Council Meeting March 12, 2013
Meeting called to order @ 7:00 p.m. All council members are present.
Public meeting re: Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. Passed by individual voting for changes made to Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance 2013-1. Dick Groseclose motioned to accept alternative ordinance. Ed Pea 2nd the motion with all in favor. A roll call vote was needed. Vickie Witt yes, Dick Groseclose yes, Kevin Cope yes, Ed Pea yes. Jeff Lohman closed public meeting.
Review sheriff contract and all that it covers. Having contract allows enforcement of city ordinances and any other specific tasks wanted. Discussion followed on response time on calls such as the response time on the Juliaetta library break-in. Sheriff said response based on priority, when and where the officers are located at the time of call. Sheriff noted that changes can be made to the contract at any time, does not have to be at end of contract. Jeff Lohman closed talk on sheriff contract.
Dick Groseclose motioned to pass February minutes. Kevin Cope 2nd. All in favor, passed.
Discussion followed about the contract with the building inspector, Jim Yoeman. Kevin Cope questioned which code the inspector would be using. Wording indicated that international code would be used and not national code. Dick Groseclose motioned that the issue of the contract be tabled until April to confirm proper wording of contract.
Monthly bills for February were approved by the council
For old business, Jeff noted that Ken Nagy found out that the old park next to Colters Creek could not be donated. It has to go out for bid.
Vickie Witt brought up discussion about looking again at City of Juliaetta providing own sheriff. In addition she questioned about keeping the same hours in the contract for the sheriff. Discussion followed by council.
Frank Groseclose brought up bid for new lawnmower. He received a bid from Blue Mountain Ag for a total $3,484.10. Jeff Lohman asked what our budget was for the lawnmower. It was determined it was for $4,000.00. Ed Pea motioned that the lawnmower from Blue Mountain Ag be purchased in the amount of $3,484.10. Dick Groseclose 2nd the motion. Motion passed.
Frank Groseclose mentioned that he has begun the street cleaning. Main Street has been completed.
Discussion took place on what needed to be done when you see property that needed to be cleaned up. It was determined that the council would send a letter to the individual. Vickie Witt is to contact Amanda Bashaw from Latah Sanitation to check on a city wide cleanup.
Discussion followed on possibly having something out for a weekend cleanup for the City of Juliaetta. Jeff Lohman stated that we could put something in the Latah County Waste newsletter.
Dick Groseclose motioned to open an executive session. Vickie Witt seconded the motion. Mary Jo Vallem and Debra Miles dismissed from meeting.
Dick made a motion to buy computer hardware from B & I. Ed seconded the motion. Motion passed.
City Council Meeting February 12, 2013
Meeting called to order @ 7:00 p.m. All council members are present.
Dick Groseclose motioned to pass January minutes. Vickie Witt 2nd. All in favor, passed.
Brad presented the audit and said that it went very well. He then discussed a new program for the office. Brad wanted to make the council aware that our Mas 90 program is due to be updated. He would highly recommend Caselle. Cindy Fliger had contacted Caselle and went thru an online demo. Caselle had sent a Software and Service Proposal. Jeff Lohman pointed out that the council had already approved a new system.
We also had a proposal from Galexis Technologies to update the office hardware. Dick Groseclose had reviewed these and is able to get them for less money. Kevin Cope motioned for Dick Groseclose to go ahead and purchase those items that were listed on the proposal, with the exception of the laptop. Ed Pea 2nd all in favor passed. Dick will pick the hardware up this week, and Cindy will call Caselle to get the software ordered.
Brad wanted to make the council aware that they could legally reimburse an employee’s insurance if they have their own individual policy. They will just need to submit a bill. Brad suggests that the council updates the personal manual to read “Insurance is reimbursable to an employee”
Melissa with Colters Creek would like to expand an outdoor area. She is asking about purchasing the old city park that is next to their business. The council thought we would have to put it out for bid, and would inquire about that. Frank Groseclose made a suggestion that we just give them the property. Cindy Fliger will call AIC and find out if we can legally do that.
Steve Meshishneck our building inspector is ill and Jim Yeomen has been filling in for him, the council would like the clerk to contact him and get a contract signed before we motion to hire him.
The council will be having a public hearing before the March meeting. There are two changes to the Zoning Ordinance that will be addressed. The meeting needs to appear on the agenda as an item. The meeting also needs to be published 15 days prior to the public hearing. Cynthia Nye was present and informed the council that there would be a Planning and Zoning meeting on the 4th of March.
The council would like to invite the Sheriff to come to the March meeting so they can discuss the contracted hours that we have with them. The contract that we have is dated 2007. The council would like to update that contract after discussing the matter with the Sheriff.
Dick Groseclose made a motion to sign the amendment for Latah Sanitation, 2nd by Ed Pea. All in favor, passed.
Dick Groseclose mentioned that the council needs to make a decision about opening the new portion of the cemetery. It was discussed that Dick Groseclose would call Tim Eichner and let him know we will be moving the fence.
Mike McGee wanted to make us aware that the radios are not working very well and he might need some political backup from the city. He discussed that we might be forced into getting a new dispatch and that will be a cost.
Monthly bills for January were approved by the council.
At 8:40 p.m. Dick Groseclose motioned that we go into Executive Session 67-2345(1) (a) at that time they excused Mary Jo Vallem, Cindy Fliger and Frank Groseclose.
Dick motioned to conclude executive session at 9:00 p.m. Ed 2nd.
City Council Meeting January 8, 2013
Meeting is called to order at 7:00 p.m. All council members are present.
Dick Groseclose motioned to except the minutes from November, Ed Pea 2nds. All in favor, passed.
Insurance was discussed, Dick Groseclose made a motion to have Duane Bogar come to a council meeting and see if he can provide the same coverage as we have for a better price. Ed 2nd all in favor passed.
Frank Groseclose will be sampling at the water plant tomorrow. The EPA has sent him kits to do extensive testing for 21 different contaminants. This is not voluntary it is mandatory and must be done tomorrow.
The sander on the plow was worn and had filled up with mag and rock so Frank and Bill have been doing repairs on that.
Insurance for Cindy Fliger was discussed. Kevin motioned that the city should pay for Cindy’s insurance. Ed 2nd all in favor, passed. Cindy is still going to look into the cost of Vision insurance so that she would have the same coverage as Frank and Bill. (Medical and vision)
Letter was reviewed about Pat Meyer property. It was agreed that the council would all keep an eye on it.
Ed Groseclose is asking for an extension on lots 9 & 10. Sarah McDowell his attorney discussed that he has finished the lower lots 13 & 14. Ed has had some medical issues and is asking to have until July 1, 2013. Ed wants to do some landscaping to control the run off. If he could wait a few months until the change of weather the job would be less mess. Ed has not put any new junk up there so he is not adding to those lots at this time. Kevin Cope motioned to give Ed until the 1st of July to complete lots 9 & 10. Ed 2nd all in favor, passed.
Peter Cooper was present at the meeting to discuss Pan America redeveloping the rail service thru Juliaetta. The railroad would run parallel to the Centennial trail. Passenger and Freight service would run thru Juliaetta daily. There would be no cost to county, city or state. Mr. Cooper has investors that are interested in doing this project. He has not been in contact with all the property owners but plans to do that in the next few months. Mr. Cooper is looking for feedback from the city on this project. The council suggested that Mr. Cooper just keeps them updated on his progress on this project.
We had a citizen stop in asking about what we pay to Latah County and what we pay to the Sheriff per month, she is doing some research and she believes that we are paying twice. The council decided we should pull our contract on this and research it. Mary Jo said she would get the contract out and look it over. We will move forward with this after looking at the contract.
Recycle Container was discussed and it was determined that there is not a good place in the city to relocate the container. The council believes that if Latah County would review the Bulky Waste site we would not have the issues with the recycle container.
Bills for December 2012 were approved by the council.
Dick Groseclose made a motion to go into Executive 67-2345(1) (a) session at 8:15 p.m. Ed Pea 2nd.
Ed Pea motioned to end executive session 67-2345 (1) (a) at 8:30 p.m. 2nd by Kevin Cope.
Brad Lewis the city auditor has suggested getting a new billing/payroll program; this was discussed with the council. Dick Groseclose made a motion to move forward on this and check with Caselle software about updating, also to get a new printer. Kevin 2nd. Roll call, yes from all of the council. Mary Jo suggested that Frank take his computer that is in the back room to the water plant to use. Dick motioned to end the meeting at 8:45 Kevin 2nd. Passed
City Council Meeting November 13, 2012
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. All council was present.
Dick made a motion to pass the September meeting minutes, 2nd by Vickie all in favor, passed.
It was discussed that Ed Groseclose has until December 1st to complete a portion of his project and Jeff Lohman asked if anyone had been up there to look at it, he just wanted to make sure council was aware of that December date.
Vickie Witt was discussing insurance for employees. Bill will be retiring in the future so she was inquiring to see if his insurance would be changing soon and if Cindy Fliger was on city insurance. It was discussed that Cindy has to work 20 hours weekly to be eligible for insurance. Mary Jo said that she talked to the insurance agent and Bill will stay on city insurance until a later date.
It was discussed that we need to get a date from Bill when he will be retiring so we can think about advertising for his job. Mr. Nagy said it would be good to get the date in writing. Mary Jo said that she would check with Bill. Mary Jo will be retiring next year also. Cindy will take Mary Jo’s job at that time.
Dick made a motion for the City Clerk to issue a special use permit to Ed Groseclose, Vickie 2nd it. All in favor, passed.
The planning and zoning ordinance was discussed, Dick Groseclose had some concerns that were discussed and Mr. Nagy will correct those areas of concern. Ed Pea made a motion to accept the changes that were discussed Vickie 2nd it and all in favor, passed. Ken will take care of this and send back to Cynthia with Planning and Zoning. Planning will have to have a public meeting to share these changes.
Fish and Game letter was reviewed and approved by the city council.
Ed Pea made a motion to table the Rishling annexation until we receive a response to the matter. 2nd by Dick Groseclose. Passed.
Dick Groseclose made a motion to go into executive session 67-2345(1)(f) at 8:30 p.m. 2nd by Ed Pea. All in favor, passed.
Dick Groseclose made a motion to end Executive session at 8:45, 2nd by Ed Pea. All in favor, passed.
Meeting is resumed:The council made a request that we start maintaining audio recordings of all meeting starting January 1, 2013. Vickie made a motion to do just that, 2nd by Ed Pea. All in favor, passed.
Bills for the month of October were approved by the council.
Cindy Fliger asked about her job being reviewed and an increase in pay. The council discussed it and decided to table it until January.
It was discussed that there would not be a meeting in December and that Dick Groseclose will sign all the bills for December. Mary Jo said she could still bring them for the council to review at the January meeting. Jeff asked about having a list to look at instead of passing every bill around. Mary Jo said that Brad (the auditor) wants it done this way.
It was discussed if anyone complains about the bulky waste site they need to call Amanda Bashaw at Latah County Solid Waste.
Minutes and bills approved.
Dick Groseclose made a motion to end the meeting at 9:00 p.m. Ed Pea 2nd it.
City Council Meeting September 11, 2012
Meeting called to order @ 7:00 p.m. City council members present were Vicki Witt, Dick Groseclose, Kevin Cope, Ed Pea.
Ken Nagy provided the council with the draft for Planning and Zoning and asked that the all read thru it and make the appropriate changes. He also asked that they have it returned to Cindy by the 25th of September.
Council corrected an incorrect statement in the August 14th minutes. Ed Pea motioned to have Cindy reword that statement. Kevin Cope 2nd. Motion passed. Ed Pea made a motion to pass the minutes with this correction. Dick Groseclose 2nd. Motion passed.
Ed Groseclose’s special use permit was discussed. Council agreed to continue the special use permit and to revisit it in 5 years and make sure he is in compliance. The Lower lots have met the criteria except the gates. The gates need to be finished by the 1st of December. Ed Pea made a motion and Dick Groseclose 2nd.
Loreca Stauber with Latah County Library was on the agenda but did not attend the meeting.
Russ Wessman was also on the agenda and unable to attend.
Sarah McDowell representing Ed Groseclose was here to review Lots 9 & 10. Ed has an existing fence on the right hand side of the lots, the side that you would see when driving up. Ed is asking for extended time so he can finish this fence, it has taken a little longer because he has raised the perimeter so that there is a catch basin to keep from having run off. This will also help with erosion control. Ed Pea made a motion to extend the completion of the upper lot until December 1st 2012. Kevin Cope 2nd. Motion passed. Ken Nagy will update the temporary special use permit.
Neil Stenerson who leases a lot from Steve Rishling was here with a letter from Steve. It was discussed that he had a letter that Steve had left on his porch with a note. He made it clear he was not representing Steve. Mr. Nagy asked if Steve has formally requested annexation and the council said he had not. Mr. Nagy suggested this be considered for next month’s agenda because it was not on the agenda for tonight. Council all had a copy of the letter. Mr. Stenerson will let Steve know what the council decided. Cynthia Nye had looked over the map and most of what he wants to subdivide is in the county not the city. Mr. Nagy suggests that he request annexation and if he is annexed in then he can request subdivision. On August 20th a letter was sent to Steve Rishling letting him know that he needs to make that request for annexation. Mr. Stenerson will relay that message to Steve Rishling.
Frank informed the council that Bill’s pickup is in Kendrick at the shop. They think it might possibly be the intake manifold gasket. Idaho Rural Water conference is in Lewiston on Wednesday and Thursday so Frank and Bill will be going to that to keep their certification current.
The water plant is coming on but it is not talking to the lift. Frank is waiting to hear back from Strom.
Frank and Bill poured 140 feet of sidewalk, wondering about pouring more. Mary Jo told Frank she would check the budget and let him know.
Dick Groseclose made a motion to go into executive session per ID. 67-2345A at 7:42 p.m Kevin 2nd. Motion passed.
Dick made a motion to adjourn from executive session at 8:05 p.m. Kevin 2nd. Motion passed.
Meeting called to order by Jeff at 7:00 p.m. Members present: Ed, Dick, Kevin.
Steve Rishling – unable to attend but sent a letter. We are at a stand still with this until Steve request to annex. We have not had a request to annex at this time. Kevin suggested sending a letter and letting Steve know that we need a request. Ed motioned to table this until questions are answered.
Amanda Bashaw with Latah County sanitation presented new garbage information. She left us a Memo of Understanding that she would like to have filled out ASAP. Council will make a decision and have the Memo of Understanding completed by next Tuesday at the public hearing.
Dick motioned to make Cindy a representative to attend the Parks and Rec meetings. Ed seconded.
Ed Groseclose had until August 10th to complete one of his lots. He has everything except gates completed. He has tarps hanging over the gates at this time, Council gave him until December 1st to get gates in or finish with fence slats. Upper lot is still on hold he has until September 10th to finish it. Ed motioned to give Ed 5 years to finish the lower lot, Seconded by Kevin.
Frank reported that he has a bid from Giese on paving the streets. After discussing the cost and the budget it was decided that we would pave McCall (3rd-5th) bid on that was 26,400.00. Dick motioned to go ahead with that and Ed seconded it.
Frank reported that the poured sidewalk on the street above the City Hall, they only poured the two ends because the middle seemed to be in good shape.
Dick reported that tree trimming is going well and they are hauling them to the burn pile and Mike McGee agreed to burn them this fall.
There was a discussion to appoint someone to Planning and Zoning impact zone. Council decided to advertise in the Seven Ridges newsletter and on the bulletin board at the post office. Cynthia reminded us to be sure they have lived in the community for two years.
Mike McGee shared a graph of fire calls so far this year. They have had 54 calls to date. Ambulance is really leaning on them for drivers.
Dick had a water leak at one of his rentals. He asked the council to pay ½ of that water bill. Ed motioned to pay it and Kevin seconded it.
There is a concern about Larry Snyder parking a truck full of combustible material in front of his house. Dick motioned to send a letter to Larry and CHS (Primeland) stating our concerns. Ed seconded it.
Mary Jo inquired about carrying her vacation over. Dick motioned to allow her to do that and Ed seconded it.
Dick made a motion to pay Cynthia Nye mileage for going to Moscow on Planning and Zoning matters. Ed seconded it.
Idaho Transportation Department letter was signed. ITD will provide material to the city park. Dick motioned to sign and Kevin seconded.
At 8:20 Ed motioned to go into Executive Session, Dick seconded.
No decisions were made during executive session and executive session ended at 8:35.
City council Meeting July 10, 2012
The meeting was called to order by Jeff Lohman at 7:02 p.m. Members present were Frank, Kevin, Jeff, Vickie and Dick. Ed was absent.
Dick made a motion to pass June 12th minutes and Vickie 2nd it.
Russ and Vickie Wessman came to discuss the tarps, cameras and other problems caused by their neighbor. They think a letter should have been sent to him, telling him he had to clean up around there. Her house will not sell due to this messy sight and she is sure it is not even healthy. The property owner (Greg Poffenberger) says he is out of compliance with him also. Idaho Housing does an inspection once a year. Suggestion was made to have Steve inspect some of his wiring. The city will send a letter to Pat Meyer about not complying and cc Greg/Idaho Housing/and his care giver (Julie Ruff.) This should be a registered letter sent to Pat at 410 1st Ave. It was later suggested by Kevin that we have our attorney send the letter. Mary Jo and Cindy will have the attorney send a letter ASAP.
Polly Taylor was requesting permission to place a Blue Star Memorial at the Juliaetta Community Park. The Hill Valley Garden Club will do the landscaping around it. Installation will take place this fall. Dick motioned to pass and Vickie 2nd. Passed.
Steve Rishling inquired about sub division and was told he needs to go thru planning and zoning first. Cynthia Nye said there is proper paperwork that needs to be filled out and that she would send it to us and he could pick it up and move forward from there. He will need to apply thru planning and zoning that will then be reviewed/public hearing/recommended then another public hearing.
Ed Groseclose special permit has expired so it was discussed what should be done. He has had family emergencies and unable to get the fence finished. Bob thinks there has been plenty of time to get it done. It was requested that Ed gets a extension. Kevin motioned 30 day extension for lots 13 & 14. And 60 days for lots 9&10, checking on it to see how progress is going at the 60 day mark. Vickie 2nd roll call with all and it passed.
Frank discussed the sidewalk in front of the winery. If we place any sidewalk there we will have to put curbing and gutters. So we are going to stop that project and move on to the sidewalks on State Street. The winery will be able to use the sidewalk they have placed as long as we do not do any other work. Frank will get bids for chip sealing McCall and Ward Street. Normally we spend about 30,000 dollars for this. Mary Jo will look at the budget and make sure what amount is in there to be spent.
Mike McGee needs to have radios reprogrammed and wanted to give us a heads up the it will cost about $75.00 $95.00 per hour. This will take place in August.
Vickie had someone ask her about the rocks in the trail. She was told to call South Latah County, Kevin Renfrow.
Dick suggested sending a letter to Jason Galloway to trim all the shrubs and brush around his house. This was not voted on so we should discuss this farther.
Pass attentive budget of 672, 586.00 could possibly be a little less or a little more. Dick motioned to pass and Vickie seconded it. Passed.
We discussed that Cindy will bring a delinquent list to meetings and we will go over them. 1 month delinquent you will be charged $5.00 two months you will receive a past due letter.
Cynthia asked that I email her all meeting minutes once they are approved.
Kevin motioned to close the meeting at 8:22 and Vickie seconded it.
The meeting was called to order by Jeff at 7:00 p.m. Members present: Vickie, Ed, Dick.
Steve Rishling – possibility of annexation and sub dividing lots at his trailer court. He thinks it would be in the cities best interest. After annexation he wants to sub divide into lots. He needs application and fees paid. We need to get some forms made up. He would like the council to come see it in person on 6-19-2012 @ 5:30. We will call Kevin.
Fire hydrant needs to be put in, two would be better.
Dick motions for 5-8-2012 minutes to be approved with corrections, Ed seconds it. Passed
Bills for the month of May approved.
Fire department – air pack bottles are $800.00 a piece. Buy one now and a ladder.
Budget workshop.
Ed motioned executive at 8:21, Dick 2nd (passed) 67-2345 employee hiring. Dick out Vickie 2nd at 8:40.
Jeff wants to appoint Cindy Fliger, a motion was made to hire Cindy Fliger at $13.00 per hour on June 25th. Ed seconded, roll call, all vote yes.
Moscow Parks and Recreation wants to use the field they will pay $100.00 a day.
Vickie discussed chickens and two black dogs that are missing. Also discussed the parking lot that needs painted across the street.
Sidewalk in front of the winery will be under construction.
Dick motions to end Executive meeting and Ed seconds it. Ending at 8:50 p.m.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 14, 2012
CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 9, 2011The meeting was called to order by Dick Groseclose at 7:00 p.m. City Council members present were Vickie Witt, Ed Pea, and Kevin Cope. Jeff Lohman was absent.
Minutes from the July 12th meeting were read. Vickie made a motion to accept as read the minutes from the July 12th meeting. Ed seconded the motion. Motion passed.
South Latah County Road District was here to discuss the road by the reservoir that is sinking in. The County will do the repair work and the city will pay for the materials.
Elaine Raebel was here to discuss using the fire hall to use the wireless internet at the library. She was told that Marilou has dance in there on Monday and Wednesday’s. We also have people that use it for meetings etc. She just wants to use it until August 18th to complete a class. She can use it when no one else is using it. Ed made a motion to let Elaine use the fire hall building to complete her class from August 9th to August 18th. Vickie seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Frank asked about getting the reservoirs cleaned this year. He had talked to a couple of places and it would cost $2,600.00 for one company and $1,275.00 from another. It would cost $3,000.00 to get all three done. We can do two for right now. He said they will start pouring concrete tomorrow. He said the level controls aren’t working right and Strom Electric will be working on those.
Cynthia Nye was here to discuss the fact that the P&Z Ordinance never got published. She said there needs to be a 50 ft. frontage added to it. They will be having a meeting soon to go over the ordinance again. The road to Brown’s Court addition was discussed. She thinks there will need to be a 30 or 40 ft wide classification to that street. A road variance will need to be done. No decision made.
Mike McGee was here to discuss some of the streets in town where the names are messed up. He asked if we could get a new sign for Lynn Drive. The burn ordinance was discussed and there needs to be some changes made to it. We will talk to Ken Nagy about this.
Dick stated he had been up by Margaret Brown’s and it has been cleaned up quite a bit.
Becky reminded the council about the election coming up in November.
Bills for the month of August were approved.
Vickie discussed the bags of sand and the rocks at the park that need to be moved. Dick said they would take care of them.
Ed made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m. Kevin seconded the motion. Motion passed.
The meeting was called to order by Jeff Lohman at 7:00 p.m. City Council members present were Dick Groseclose, Vickie Witt, Kevin Cope and Ed Pea.
Dick made a motion to accept the minutes from the September 13th meeting. Vickie seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Discussion was held about the letter the city received from Ken Nagy concerning the list of recommendations the city should have Ed Groseclose agree to before a decision is made concerning his special use permit. The council each received a CD from the public hearing about this. The council asked if the property lines have been surveyed for a fence. Ed said he had talked to Avista about this. Bob Skabo said some of the pins were missing from the survey they had done. Bob and Ed would agree where the lines were if the pins were found. Jeff stated he wanted a copy of the letter from Ken given to both Ed and Bob. Dick made a motion to postpone a decision on the special use permit until the regular meeting on November 8th to give the council more time to go over the information. Ed seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Dick made a motion to accept the Moscow solid waste agreement for the fee increase. Ed seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Discussion was held about the burn ordinance again and the changes made to it. We need to ask Ken if this will need a new ordinance number and if it will need to be published again. Discussion was also held about the dog ordinance that we received from Ken. The council hadn’t looked at it yet so it was decided to table this also. Vickie made a motion to table the two ordinances until changes were made and Ken could answer questions about them. Ed seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Mike Quigley was here to ask if the city was going to do anything about replacing some rip rap at the park. He has looked all over the area and can’t find any here but said he has some in Pierce. He would like to get some trucks lined up to haul some down here. He asked if the city would be willing to pay for the fuel. Jeff said he would talk to Bert Brocke about this. Jeff also said Bert has asked him about the lights at the sewer plant. No decision made at this time about the lights. Jeff said he would call Mike back about this.
Bills for the month of October were approved.
Mary Jo said she will need a new line item for the diesel for the trucks to haul the rip rap. The council agreed to pay for the diesel for the trucks. It should cost around $1,500.00 to $2,000.00 to haul the rock. Ed Pea discussed the rain running through Danny Steigers yard when we get heavy rain. The culverts need to be cleaned out. Mary Jo stated the culvert by Delia Medlins hadn’t been cleaned yet either.
Vickie said the cross walk by the school needs to be painted and Frank and Bill should do this when Frank gets back from vacation. Vickie also said she was writing a article for the 7-Ridges paper. She asked if anyone had anything they wanted in it.
Mike McGee asked about the siren being disabled. The fire department would like to see it up and running again. He also asked if they could move it to the fire station. Jeff said Mike will need to find out the cost to do this first. Mike said he already has a pole to put it on and would talk to Matt Anderson about hooking it up. Becky said she could remember Strom’s working on it once. He also needs to ask Frank about this. Ed made a motion to let the fire department move the siren depending on the cost to move it. Dick seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Dick made a motion to go into executive session per ID. 67- 2345 B at 8:40 p.m. Ed seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Dick made a motion to adjourn from executive session at 8:45 p.m. Ed seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Dick made a motion to give Mary Jo and Becky a raise of 50 cents an hour for the new fiscal year. Vickie seconded the motion passed.
Dick made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:46 p.m. Ed seconded the motion. Motion passed.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jeff Lohman at 7:00 p.m. City council members present were Dick Groseclose, Vickie Witt, Kevin Cope, and Ed Pea.
Dick made a motion to approve the minutes from the June 14, 2011 meeting as read. Ed seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Sandy Rollins was here to discuss the Hazard Mitigation Plan resolution that the city needs to pass. Ed made a motion to pass resolution 2011-02 concerning the Latah County Multi-Hazard Mitigation and Community Wildfire Protection Plan. Vickie 2nd the motion. Motion passed.
Trail Maintenance was discussed. We need the cities hours of the work that Dick, Gabe, Frank and Bill have in on the trail. Dick said he would figure his and Gabe’s hours for Mary Jo. The county needs to do their portion of the trail.
Discussion was held about the Brown’s addition. Tabled until after Ed Groseclose’s public hearing.
The new address for Stella Jones office is 1048 Main St.
Discussion was held about having the public hearing for Ed Groseclose’s special use permit. Mary Jo stated the budget hearing is going to be on August 23rd. The hearing date is set for Sept. 13th meeting. We will just approve the bills for the month and then have the hearing. The hearing will start at 7:30 p.m. People will need to sign up to speak and have a two minute time period. Jeff will call Ken Nagy to see if this date will work.
Frank discussed the sanitary survey that DEQ completed. They want the city to abandon some of the groundwater sources. One of the wells is by Neale Hoisington’s, one is by Fritz Fliger’s, and one is by Greg Broemling’s. He wants to keep wells 2 and 4 as emergency backups. Ken will need to draw up the paper work after Frank gets the information together. Frank also stated the storage reservoirs need some work and repairs done. He needs to get the respiratory equipment pressure tested. He’ll be going up in October. The fire department will loan us one until then. Frank said they would be starting on the sidewalk on State Street next week. He said the water plant has been running a lot lately. Mike McGee said he attended a meeting at the county and said they discussed the fire danger being high in August and September. Mary Jo told Mike he needs to make sure he gets a receipt from the Market that you can read.
Frank told the council that he would be having the Wolfinger boy sweep sidewalks as part of his community service.
Becky discussed the call she made to the county concerning Connie Casey’s house. They will meet with Steve Meshisneck about this, and then contact the homeowner.
Jeff stated he had talked to a man about the mega loads coming through Juliaetta. They want a letter for the city agreeing to this. They would possibly pay us $350.00 to do this. Dick made a motion to send them a letter agreeing to this. Ed seconded the motion. Motion passed. Jeff also asked if there was a problem with having a car wash by the Bottom’s Up.
Bills for the month of July were approved. The council and Mayor worked on the new budget for awhile.
Discussion was held about the amount of money to pay the City of Kendrick for the swimming pool. Vickie made a motion to give them $1,000.00. No one seconded the motion. Ed made a motion to give Kendrick $500.00. Dick seconded the motion. Roll call vote was taken. Vickie- no, Dick – yes, Kevin, – yes, and Ed – yes. Motion passed.
Dick made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. Ed seconded the motion. Motion passed.
The meeting was called to order by Jeff Lohman at 7:05pm. city council members present were Vickie Witt, Ed Pea, Dick Groseclose, and Kevin Cope.
Minutes from the May 10th, 2011 meeting were read. Dick made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Vickie seconded the motion. Ed absytained. Motion passed.
Bills for the month were approved.
Budget workshop began.
Dick made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:45pm. Ed seconded the motion. Motion passed.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jeff Lohman at 7:03pm. City council members present were Ed Pea, Dick Groseclose, Vickie Witt, and Kevin Cope.
Dick made a motion to approve the minutes from the February 8th meeting as read. Kevin seconded the motion. Ed abstained. Motion passed. Vickie made a motion to accepta as read the minutes from the February 25th meeting. Dick seconded the motion. Kevin abstained. Motion passed.
Jake Rodgers and Ty Bromley were here to discuss the damage done to the ball fields. They are the new baseball coach and assistant coach. Discussion took place about replacing the dirt on the field. They had done some checking on red dirt versus clay dirt. The red dirt is very expensive and would come from Oregon or Spokane. Mary Jo stated ICRMP told her they probably wouldn’t pay for the dirt. Mike Quigley was here to address the council and said the original field had a mixture of dirt and sand on it when it was built. The coaches asked if they could get on the field ye. Dick made a motion to allow the kids to get on the field to start cleaning the rocks and dirt on it. Ed seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Phyllis Carlstrom had been in the office to complain about the mess at the Don Brown house and to inform us that someone had stolen a tree from her. Because she wasn’t here, nothing further was done.
Steve and Carol McDowell were here to ask about the dogs running at large around town. Jeff stated that Ken Nagy, the city’s attorney, and he would be meeting with Sheriff Wayne Rausch next week and this would be discussed. He also informed them that “no dogs running at large” was printed on the city bills last month. They might discuss starting a requirement to have people get dog licenses also.
Ed Groseclose and Sarah McDowell were here to discuss Ed’s plans for removing the junk vehicles at his shop property. Ed says he thinks anyone should have the right to expand their business. the location of the shop is not zoned for a junk yard and can’t be used as such unless he goes to planning and zoning first and they recommend to the council to issue a conditional use permit. That doesn’t mean the city has to abide by that decision though. Mr. Nagy stated it can’t be zoned as a junk yard. Ed says they are his personal property and they are things he has been working on. Ed asked why this has never been a problem before now as it has been a junk yard for a long time. He claims it’s more like a recycling center. Mr. Nagy stated again this can’t be operated as a business in either zone, residential or agricultural.
Ed made a motion to go into executive session per ID-67-2345-F at 7:50 p.m. Dick seconded the motion. Motion passed. Ed made a motion to adjourn from executive session at 8:15 p.m. and go back into regular session. Dick seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Mr. Nagy’s opinion is for Ed Groseclose to attend the planning and zoning meeting on March21st and apply for a special use permit. Planning and zoning can do a special meeting if need be. Ed made a motion to have Ed Groseclose attend and apply for a special use permit from planning and zoning. Dick seconded the motion. Motion passed. Cynthia Nye stated she would put him on the agenda and report back to the city before the April 12th meeting.
Frank discussed the bids he had for a new lawn mower. Ed made a motion to purchase the Kubota for $3,180.00. Dick seconded the motion. Motion passed. Frank stated the street sweeper is ready to go, weather permitting. Frank also said Owen Swanson was getting the permits for the electrical work needing to be done at the new shop. Bill will be attending a operator’s class on May 16th, 17th, and 18th.
Cynthia stated the next P & Z meeting would be on March 21st at 7:00 p.m. at city hall, and she would like the newest minutes sent to her for the website.
Clifford Heimgartner stated the fire department’s pancake breakfast will be April 3rd. Mike McGee stated the diesel prices are going up.
Mary Jo and Becky have a meeting to attend in Moscow on Tuesday concerning elections.
The application to hire Gabe Cirka was discussed. We received one other application for the job. Dick made a motion to hire Gabe Cirka for the summer job at $8.00 an hour. Vickie seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Vickie stated we need a new flag for Main Street. We got the last one from Frank Dammerell. She stated she would call him again. Discussion was held about the new bridge being out in at McGary grade. The construction is supposed to last six months.
Dick made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. Ed seconded the motion. Motion passed
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Jeff Lohman. City Council members present were: Dick Groseclose, Vickie Witt, and Kevin Cope. Ed Pea was absent.
Minutes from the January 11th meeting were read. Dick made a motion to accept the minutes from the January 11th meeting. Vickie seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Ken Nagy, the cities attorney spoke to the council next about the vacation of the alley by Ed Pea’s. Ken stated that there were some procedural issues that were done wrong with this. Dick stated he had talked to Jan Crawford when he bought her place and she didn’t have any problem with the vacation and neither does he. The ally was vacated to Sandino’s and Pea’s. The city had the alley appraised and it came in at $8,000.00 for the whole piece. Figuring June True’s portion it comes out to $2,200.00. He believes it would be in the public’s interest to pay her for her portion instead of making Ed move his shop. Ken also talked to Jan Crawford and she has no interest in the property. Mrs. True’s address would be 417 Lynn Ave. now. Lillian June True was here and says she will accept the cities offer for the market value of the property. Mr. Nagy will draw up the papers stating this and have her sign them and present her with a check. This will leave the alley as is, vacated.
Dick made a motion to accept resolution 2011-01 the vacating of the alley. Vickie seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Dick made a motion to amend Ordinance 2011-02. Kevin seconded the motion. Motion passed. Vickie made a motion to publish the summary of Ordinance 2011-01. Dick seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Bob and Judy Skabo were here to discuss the junk at Ed Groseclose’s. Sarah McDowell was here for Ed Groseclose and stated that Ed wanted to work with the city. The property he bought from Candis Porter Howard was not and is not zoned as a junk yard and has never been. Judy Skabo read a letter she had written to the council and gave each member a copy of it. Brown’s addition has never been brought up to city standards with the sewer and roads. Ed bought the property in 1999. Mr. Nagy recommended Ms. McDowell talk to Ed and have him attend the next meeting on March 8th or have him write his plan up. We will need to go into executive session to discuss this.
Sarah McDowell was here for her parents also about the dogs running at large. She asked if the city could put a notice on the city bills next month. Jeff and Ken said they would be meeting with Sheriff Roach before the next meeting.
Brad Lewis was here from Hayden & Ross to present the audit for 2009-2010. He said the city was doing pretty good.
Cynthia Nye was here and stated her term expires on the planning and zoning commission soon. Dick made a motion to appoint Cynthia Nye to the planning and zoning commission for another term. Vickie seconded the motion. Motion passed. She said she would like to change the flag lot size in the ordinance. Jeff said he would talk to Ken about this.
Mary Jo turned all the information we have on the flood damage at the park to the insurance company. Dick got an estimate from Shane Taylor for repairs. She’ll turn this into the insurance company.
New gravel was put down at the bulky waste site. This bill needs to be sent to the county.
Frank submitted some bids on lawn mowers. Tabled until next meeting. Frank said they are having trouble making water. He said he would see if Roberts Filter could come over when they are in Kamiah.
Dick made a motion to accept the rate increase from Latah Sanitation. Kevin seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Mary Jo suggested raising the sewer rate $1.00 a year for three years again to help with the costs at the sewer plant. Tabled for now.
Dick made a motion to allow Mike Towne to work with the Corps of Engineer’s on a dike for the park. Vickie seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Bills for the month of February were approved.
Dick made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 p.m. Kevin seconded the motion. Motion passed.
The meeting was called to order by Jeff Lohman at 7:01 p.m. City Council members present were Vickie Witt, Ed Pea, Dick Groseclose and Kevin Cope.
Minutes from the December 14th meeting were read. Dick made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Vickie seconded the motion. Kevin abstained as he was absent. Motion passed.
Dave Jones from the baseball association was here to discuss the goals they have for the coming year. (attached). They would like to see a set of stairs put in by the old railroad bed down to the small field. They would like help from the city to do this. They would also like a culvert put in behind the small field. Jeff told him they would need to get prices for this before a decision can be made. This was tabled until this can be done.
Steve and Carol McDowell were here with pictures of the sheep that some dogs running at large had killed. The dogs also killed a bunch of Charlie Taylor’s sheep. They want the city to enforce the dog at large ordinance. Discussion was held about getting a dog tag ordinance drawn up by Ken Nagy. Dick made a motion to get an ordinance drawn up for dog tags in the city. Ed seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Bob Skabo was here to discuss the junk ordinance not being enforced up at Ed Groseclose’s. He stated he has been to several council meetings about this and nothing has been done about any of it yet. He said they have hired an attorney and will be submitting the bill to the city. Jeff said it all takes time. He will be talking to Ken Nagy tomorrow about this.
Ed made a motion under suspension of rules to read by title only the summary for ordinance 2011-01, burn ordinance. Ed seconded the motion. Motion passed. Dick made a motion to adopt ordinance 2011-01 under suspension of rules and by roll call vote. Vickie seconded the motion. Dick – yes, Vickie – yes, Kevin – yes and Ed – yes. Motion passed.
Frank asked about getting a new lawn mower this year. He was told to get prices again this year. He stated Bill would be at a class in Moscow tomorrow.
Dick discussed naming the small ball field after Hitchcock’s. The council agreed so Dick will get another sign made and put up on the back side of the softball field dugout. He also said that he had been looking into a different insurance plan for the guys that would be cheaper. Vickie asked about the ordinances on the web site. She will need to check with Cynthia about this.
Becky asked how much money the school would be putting in on the ball field for the improvements the Baseball Association wants to do. She also asked if we can make Steve Rishling put in a dumpster at his trailer court. No decisions made.
Mary Jo stated she would be attending the next Parks and Rec meeting to ask for money to buy new tables at the park.
Bills for the month of January were approved.
Vickie made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m. Dick seconded the motion. Motion passed.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 14, 2010
The meeting was called to order by Jeff Lohman at 7:10pm. City Council members present were Vickie Witt, Ed pea, and Dick Groseclose. Kevin Cope was absent.
Minutes from the November 9th meeting were read. Dick made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Ed seconded the motion. motion passed.
Lynn Cameron was here to discuss health insurance policies with the council for Frank and Bill. Group Health is no longer offering insurance to small employers. the guys insurance expires on Dec. 31st. He has some quotes to go over with the council from Regence, Blue Shield, and Blue Cross. Tabled until the end of the meeting.
June True was here to discuss the alley that was vacated between her house and Ed Pea’s. She presented a letter to the council and stated that she had sent a copy to the cities attorney, Ken Nagy. She stated she still feels that her rights were violated because she is a woman. She still wants her ½ of the property. She stated that the address needs to be changed to 417 Lynn St. as Adams lane no longer exists. A motion was made by Dick to table this matter until the January 11th meeting. Vickie seconded the motion. Ed abstained. Motion passed.
Sarah McDowell was here representing Ed Groseclose concerning the letter he received from the city. He purchased the property from Jim Porter several years ago. They would like to know what year that property was zoned and what the zoning is. They would also like to know what the city wants from him. Dick stated that the city wants him to remove the stuff off of the right-of-ways. He may need to apply for a special use permit. Ed made a motion to table this issue until the January 11th meeting. Dick seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Ordinance #2010-03, for a burn ordinance was discussed. The council and the fire department need to make the changes they want done to it. This would include the size of a cooking fire, four to five feet, and have the open burning season from October 1st to May 1st. Tabled until the January 11th meeting to make changes to the ordinance.
Ken Nagy suggested having Steve Meshishnek work with the planning and zoning on the building code ordinance. Dick seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Elaine Hamilton and her husband were here to discuss the letter they received from the city concerning the water hook-up to an RV. They want to know if they can turn their property into an RV park. Ken Nagy will get some information together concerning this and we will send it to the Hamilton’s when we receive it. Dick made a motion to table this issue until the January meeting. Vickie seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Mike McGee had Jeff sign the title to the old dodge pick-up. The Fire department has this sold.
8:15pm the council had Lynn Cameron discuss the insurance quotes again. Ed made a motion to go with Blue Cross option 3 insurance for Frank and bill. dick seconded the motion. Roll call vote was taken. Dick –yes, Vickie – yes, Ed – yes. Motion passed.
Bills for the month of December were approved.
Frank said he has been working on the shop. They need to have an electrical and plumbing inspection done. Dick stated that the wind storm blew the star off the hill. Frank said he would help Dick get a new one put up. Becky discussed the need to open the lower part of the cemetery. The council will consider this.
Dick made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:30pm. Ed seconded the motion. Motion passed.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Jeff Lohman. City Council members present were: Ed Pea, Dick Groseclose, Kevin Cope and Vickie Witt.
Dick made a motion to go into executive session per ID 67-2345 f. at 7:02 p.m. Ed seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Ed left executive session at 7:30 p.m.
Dick made a motion to adjourn from the executive session at 7:45 p.m. Vickie seconded the motion. Motion passed.
The cities attorney, Ken Nagy addressed with the council some issues before the city. He discussed the letter the city received from Tom Clark pertaining to Ed Groseclose’s junk yard. He suggested making a list of what the council and citizens would like to see done up there as well as a time limit to get them done. Robert Skabo would like to see the city enforce the nuisance ordinance. Kevin would like a letter sent to Mr. Groseclose and have him come to the next council meeting to discuss the top three things the city wants him to do. 1.) Arrange it in an orderly fashion 2.) Fence around the property, and 3.) get rid of the abandoned vehicles. Mr. Nagy will write a letter to Mr. Groseclose to let him know of the cities intent.
Discussion was held about having Mr. Nagy write up a burn ordinance for the city. The example the city looked at doesn’t have a penalty section they would like added. They would also like it to include a blanket prohibition except under special circumstances and with special consideration. There could be no burning after dark, this would exclude BBQ’s and enclosed fire pits. The fire department would be exempt. The city would issue the permits but revocation can be done by the Mayor, Fire Chief, or the Sheriff. Open burning could be done from October 1st to May 1st otherwise a permit would be needed. This ordinance will be tabled until the Dec. 14th meeting to allow Mr. Nagy to make the changes.
Discussion was held about the vacation of the alley behind Ed Pea’s house. Lillian True was not present. The city has two options for this. We need to get the ½ of alley appraised and pay her for it, or have it stay as is. Mr. Nagy will proceed with the procedures to get this done.
Vickie made a motion to accept the minutes from the Oct. 12th meeting as read. Ed seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Gregg Zenner was here to discuss the feed lot at Neale Hoisington’s that is for sale. He is considering buying it. He was told it could only be used as a feed lot. Nothing could be built there and no city services could be provided as it is in the flood plain. He stated he would probably only use it as a winter feed lot. The council ok’d the continuation of a feed lot.
Frank stated he had been sweeping the streets and working on the Christmas lights.
Mary Jo discussed the pool contract might be up this year and how much would the city give them. Dick made a motion to give Kendrick $1,000.00 for the pool when the contract expires. Ed seconded the motion. Motion passed. Mary Jo will check on the contract date.
Dick asked Frank about the fire departments truck being in the shop instead of the street sweeper. He also asked about trimming some trees. The city received a bill for dues from the RC&D. The council doesn’t want to join this.
Jeff discussed the letter received from the county offering compost if anyone wants some. You have to sign papers to accept it.
Dick made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 p.m. Vickie seconded the motion. Motion passed.
The meeting was called to order by Dick Groseclose at 7:03pm. City Council members present were Kevin Cope, Vickie Witt, and Ed Pea. Jeff Lohman was absent.
Minutes from the September 14th meeting were read. Ed made a motion to accept the minutes with the changes made to the dates for the burning ordinance. Kevin seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Bob Skabo was here about the problems they have been having with Ed Groseclose and his abandoned vehicles on their property and the street. Ed stated he had gone to the county to check on the boundaries for this and Ed Groseclose does not own the road. The road goes through both of their properties. Mr. Skabo stated that they would be calling the EPA again. We’ll contact the city attorney about this. Mr. Skabo stated again the city needs to enforce their ordinance for Ed’s junk.
June True was here to present a letter she had written and sent to our attorney concerning Ed Pea’s alley vacation. She feels her rights were violated and she wants her half of the property. she stated that four shrubs and some rose bushes were ripped out when construction of the shop began. Ed stated that he had found his pins and the water and sewer lines have a ten foot easement. she stated that shw disagrees with the way this matter was handled and she thinks half of the property should be hers. This issue was tabled until we can talk to our attorney. Ed said he had talked to Frank True about two times and he didn’t say the property was in Mrs. True’s name. she stated she wants to sue the city.
Dick Groseclose left the meeting at 7:45pm.
The papers from Latah Sanitation need to be signed by Jeff and the council. The council signed these.
Mike McGee stated that the old Fire Truck is finally gone. They need the title to the old Dodge to get rid of it. Mike also stated a bill would be coming for a pressure valve they got from Idaho Truck.
Mary Jo informed the council the audit would be starting soon. discussion was held about Tom Kimbley and Josh Roetcisoender using water illegally. We will contact KenNagy about this also. Discussion was held about Frank hitting a telephone line at Mary Poffenberger’s and not telling anyone.
Ed made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:25pm. Kevin seconded the motion. Motion passed.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 13, 2010 July 13th, 2010
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Jeff Lohman. City Council members present were: Ed Pea, Dick Groseclose, Kevin Cope and Vickie Witt.
Minutes from the June 8th, 2010 meeting were read. Dick made a motion to accept the minutes from the June 8th meeting. Kevin seconded the motion. Motion passed.
The public hearing concerning the Adams Lane vacation was opened. Jim Sturman asked if there would be an easement for the water and sewer lines included and if a fire truck would be able to access the alley. Ed stated that these issues would be addressed. Dick would like to have Ed get the area surveyed or have someone find the pins that are already there. Jim would like to have people be able to drive through it. Ed stated it would be left open to drive through. The city will need 10 foot easements on both sides for the water and sewer lines. We will ask Ken Nagy to attach the easements to the paper work. The hearing was closed at 7:10 p.m.
Pat Meyers was here to discuss some tree’s that are giving him some problems. He would like to take the trees down this fall. Dick made a motion to let Pat Meyers take the tree’s down at 401 1st. ave. Ed seconded the motion. Motion passed. Mr. Meyer also asked if a speed limit sign could be put up on 4th and 1st. Ave. No decision made at this time.
Bob Skabo was here about vacating the alley between Ward St. and McCall St. He was told there is a procedure that would need to be followed. We will send a packet of information to him tomorrow concerning vacating procedures, sub-division ordinances, and junk ordinance. He stated there have been some problems with Ed Groseclose parking his abandoned cars in that alley. He would like to know if the city will enforce the ordinance for this. Jeff told him we would have our attorney send a letter to Ed along with a copy of the ordinance.
Lillian True was here to discuss her concerns with the alley being closed behind Ed Pea’s. She especially has some concerns about using that alley in the winter. She asked Ed about the tree on the corner of his property she feels is a safety hazard. Ed said she would need to talk to his wife about trimming the tree or cutting it down.
Resolution 2010-01 was read concerning the vacating of the alley behind Ed Pea’s. This was tabled until the August 10th meeting.
Ordinance #2010-01 was read concerning changing the cities legal paper. Dick made a motion to suspend all rules and regulations and to pass Ordinance 2010-01 to make the Lewiston Morning Tribune the cities legal paper. Kevin seconded the motion. Roll call vote was duly taken: Vickie- yes, Dick – yes, Kevin – yes and Ed – yes. Motion passes.
Frank discussed some of the tree removal around town, and doing some paving of city streets. He said they would be starting on the sidewalk in front of the post office and by Nellie Heimgartner’s old house. Frank said he had found a leak at the park.
Vickie asked about the weeds on the trail and about some signs. She stated that some Juliaetta kids had knocked over the outhouse on the trail.
Dick discussed the need to talk to the insurance company about a tree that fell on Sara Eichler’s shed. A new shed would cost around $800.00. Dick said they took out six trees and trimmed two. Dick made a motion to turn the shed at Sara Eichler’s into our insurance. Kevin seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Mary Jo stated the cities health insurance will continue at the current price until the first of the year, but that it will increase by 20% then. She needs the council to make a decision on this soon. Mary Jo will see if Mr. Cameron can come to the next council meeting.
Cliff Heimgartner gave us a copy of the signed joint agreement from the Kendrick. He also gave Becky a copy of the roster changes that need to be changed and sent to Sandy Rollins at the county.
Bills for the month of July were approved.
8:25 p.m. the budget workshop began.
Dick made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m. Ed seconded the motion. Motion passed.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jeff Lohman at 7:00 p.m. City council members present were Dick Groseclose, Kevin Cope and Vickie Witt.
Ed Pea was sworn in for another term on the city council.
Earl Bennett was here from the Latah County Historical Society and as a member of the State Historical Society. He would like to see someone from Juliaetta volunteer to work on local history. This person wouldn’t receive any pay for this position and would report to the council. He would like to have someone that could write grants for this project. There may be some grants available down the road. The council thanked Mr. Bennett for his presentation.
Ed made a motion to read by title only resolution 2010-01. Dick seconded the motion. Motion passed. Ed read resolution 2010-01 by title only. Ed made a motion to pass resolution 2010-01. Dick seconded the motion. Roll call vote was taken. Vickie – yes, Dick- yes, Kevin- yes, Ed- yes. Motion passed.
Discussion was held concerning the letter we received from Ken Nagy about the travel trailer on Bruce Sherman’s lot. Sam Hall is living in it and was told he had until December 2009 to move it. Jeff said he would call Ken tomorrow to pursue something on this. A letter needs to be sent to Doug Silflow also about the trailer at his property.
The city received an e-mail from Judy Zeisel about an alley being closed and some property lines. She will need to go to the county and maybe have the property surveyed.
Frank stated the pump is out in the #9 well. It will cost around $2,100.00 for a new one or $1,800.00 to repair the old pump. Dick made a motion to buy a new pump for the #9 well. Ed seconded the motion. Motion passed. Frank said he had called for some bids for a new mower but only one business had responded so far. He wants to wait until the March meeting to get some more figures. He said Bill and he have been working on the new shop and the fire station is done.
Discussion was held about adopting the comprehensive plan at the March meeting. The Baseball Association wants to put some new gravel in at the park. They will pay for it. Council ok’d this. Frank stated that Mark Heimgartner would be applying the fertilizer for the park. Mark will be donating this.
Becky stated the locks have been changed at the park. Anyone that wants a set of keys must come in themselves to get them and sign them out.
Mary Jo stated she would be buying a CD for the city soon.
Vickie stated she had received a complaint about some kids driving too fast on 4th and 1st. There have been some problems with kids at the school and with dogs running at large. Mary Jo said she would call the sheriff’s office tomorrow about these items.
Dick presented a list of things around town he would like Frank and Bill to get done. One of the items was the city pickups cannot be used for any personal business. They can’t go to coffee before work in their pickup or anywhere after work hours in it. Dick said he would make the new sign for the park.
Jeff stated that the time clock is to be punched by the person coming or going. He also told Frank to get the noon whistle fixed so it goes off at the right time.
Dick attended the trail meeting and it was decided to not pave the trail at this time. They will fix the holes and cracks with hot tar.
Dick made a motion to accept as read, the minutes from the January 12, 2010 meeting. Vickie seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Dick made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m. Kevin seconded the motion. Motion passed.
The meeting was called to order by Richard Groseclose at 7:10 p.m. City Council members present were Vickie Witt, Kevin Cope. Jeff Lohman and Ed Pea were absent.
Kevin made a motion to accept the minutes from the December 8, 2009 meeting as read. Vickie seconded the motion. Motion passed. Bills for the month of December and January were approved.
The procedure for the swearing in of Kevin Cope was administered. Kevin was presented with a certificate of office.
Brad Lewis was here from Hayden and Ross to present the audit for fiscal year 2008-09. Mr. Lewis stated everything looked pretty good for the city except the sewer fund. He feels the council should consider raising the sewer rates again. Sanitation rates should be raised also but there is a savings fund for the sanitation to help cover the costs. He stated that all the books were in good order and the audit went very smooth. Kevin made a motion to accept the 2008-09 audit. Vickie seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Lisa Wolff was here representing the J-K recreation committee. They will be having a meeting on February 8th to discuss the resurfacing of the trail. They would like to have someone from the city to attend the meeting. They would probably be asking the city for $1,500.00 to $2,000.00 to help cover the cost for the cities portion of the trail. There will be someone from the county at the meeting to explain more about the cost and how it would be done. Vickie and Dick said they would attend the meeting on the 8th at Chantel Hoisington’s house at 5:00 p.m.
Dick Groseclose discussed the volleyball pit at the park. He would like to see it taken out and something else put in there. He also stated that some work needs to be done on some of the playground equipment. He thinks we need to start looking into replacing the tables
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jeff Lohman at 7:04 p.m. City council members present were Ed Pea, Kevin Cope and Dick Groseclose. Vickie Witt was absent.
Dick made a motion to approve the minutes from the November 10th meeting as read. Kevin seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Ken Nagy was here and discussed the land exchange between the city and Neil Hoisington. Ruby Strochein will right the easement on the map. Ken will draw up the papers for the easement so we can hopefully have a public hearing at the Feburary meeting.
Discussion was held about the procedure for towing cars on city right of ways. We will need to follow the code in order to do this. The person can be ticketed and fined for a misdemeanor. We will need to have a public meeting on this issue to let people know what the city is going to do. Ken asked if we have a signage ordinance in place. We could have him draw up an ordinance to tow cars if we want him to. Our ordinance that we have now states the town sheriff has to make the decision on towing cars. Ken would change it to read Latah County Sheriff or Jeff Lohman as mayor to authorize the removal of cars.
Discussion was held about people living in camp trailers in the city. A letter needs to be sent to Sam Hall. Ken said he would work on the ordinance for the towing and to let him know when we hear back from the appraiser on the land.
Discussion was held about the letter received from Sharon Jasper. Ken cautioned the mayor and council about discussing anything about her to the public. They can discuss issues on the record at a public meeting. Ken said he would respond to Sharon Jasper’s letter on behalf of the city.
Frank stated there was a big leak of water on the Randy McCall property. A letter needs to be sent to Mr. McCall about turning the water on himself. The city needs to do this. Frank said they have been working on the fire station. He said they have the chains on the trucks for snow removal. Frank needs to get a reading off the meter at McCall’s.
Mary Jo stated there is a bill for the fire department for $2,555.00 for something they bought without a purchase order. They need to see if they have that kind of money in the budget before they order things. Zana and Clifford said the department had submitted a grant for this. We have no copies of the grant or anything in the office. We need to call the company and tell them to send the bill to the fire department. Ed made a motion to not have the city pay for the fire departments bill for $2,555.00 for the pump and fuel tank. Dick seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Dick made a motion to pay $400.00 to the library for insulation in the library. Ed seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Ed asked Frank about the lights being on at the park all night. He wanted to know if they couldn’t be on a timer. Frank said the lights keep shorting out. He’ll check into this.
Dick made a motion to go into executive session per ID 67-2345 B. at 8:30 p.m. Kevin seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Dick made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:52 p.m. Ed seconded the motion. Motion passed.
CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 15, 2009
Mayor Jeff Lohman called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. Council members present were Kevin Cope, Dick Groseclose and Vickie Witt. Ed Pea was absent.
Discussion was held about the report received from DEQ regarding the inspection they did on the sewer plant. We received several problems with the sewer plant that need to be addressed. Frank was told to call Jerry Schaffer and set up a time with him to go over each item and get these items corrected.
Frank stated the Eco blocks for the school should be here so they can start work on this shortly. Frank asked if they should put a culvert in across 4th and McCall Street to fix the water runoff problem in the winter and spring. He said they had put in an asphalt berm across the street when they were doing patch work. Frank was asked if the culvert had been put in at Iona Calkins yet. Frank said he hadn’t talked to Zana’s brothers yet. He was told to contact them and get a release signed by them. Dick made a motion to have Frank and Bill put in a culvert across 4th and McCall Street. Kevin seconded the motion. Motion passed. Frank said he ordered a new pump for the irrigation at the park after the last meeting.
Dick stated the ground at the park and ball fields needs to be aerated and harrowed in the spring. Frank needs to get the sprinklers working that aren’t at the park and ball fields.
Clifford Heimgartner stated the Blackberry Festival went very well. It is always scheduled for the second Saturday in September.
Cynthia Nye stated there would be a planning and zoning meeting Sept. 21st at 7:00 p.m. at Juliaetta City Hall.
Discussion was held about the recycling program the City of Moscow and the county wants us to do. After discussion was held about not having a good spot for the containers it was decided to not participate in the program. Dick made a motion to not participate in the recycle program. Kevin seconded the motion. Motion passes.
Vickie discussed the volunteer award presented to the city from the retired and senior volunteer program for the hours that have been donated for the city. Discussion was held about recognizing Floyd Heimgartner for all the work he does at the city park. It was decided to name the ball fields “Heimgartner Fields”.
Shawn Sullivan, from the cities insurance company was here to discuss the cities insurance. He stated a representative would be here on Sept. 16th to evaluate our buildings. He explained the terrorism policy to the council. Dick made a motion to reject purchasing the terrorism policy. Vickie seconded the motion. Motion passed. Mr. Sullivan presented a letter he needs signed by the Mayor designating him the agent of record for the City. Jeff signed the letter from American Insurance designating Shawn Sullivan the cities agent.
Bills for the month of September were approved.
Dick made a motion to give the city employee’s a 2% raise beginning the new fiscal year, October 1st. Kevin seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Dick made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 p.m. Kevin seconded the motion. Motion passed.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jeff Lohman at 7:03 p.m. City council members present were Vickie Witt, Ed Pea, Kevin Cope and Dick Groseclose.
The public hearing for the Fiscal Year budget for 2009-2010 was opened for comment. No comments. Dick made a motion to accept the fiscal year budget amount of $626,119 for 2009-2010. Ed seconded the motion. Roll call vote was duly taken. Ed – yes, Kevin –yes, Dick –yes, Vickie- yes. Motion passes.
Ed made a motion to read Ordinance #2009-03 in its entirety and to suspend three readings. Dick seconded the motion. Motion passes.
Ed made a motion to adopt Ordinance #2009-03, the appropriation ordinance. Dick seconded the motion. Roll call vote was duly taken. Vickie – yes, Dick –yes, Kevin –yes, Ed – yes. Motion passes.
Dick made a motion to sell the Seagraves fire truck for $4,000.00 to a fire department in California with the proceeds of the sale to be used on the expansion of the fire hall. Ed seconded the motion. Roll call vote was duly taken. Vickie – yes, Dick –yes, Kevin – yes, Ed –yes. Motion passes.
Dick made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:15 p.m. Ed seconded the motion. Motion passed.
City Council Meeting August 11, 2009
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jeff Lohman at 7:01 p.m. City Council members present were Vickie Witt, Kevin Cope, Ed Pea and Richard Groseclose.
Greg and Alice Broemeling were here to discuss putting in a mobile home on their property for her son. It is a 2001 16×70 and they would like to hook into the water from the city that is already on their property. They were told the city will hook the water up to the meter being put in then it is their responsibility to go from the meter to the home. Dick made a motion to allow Broemeling’s to hookup to the city’s water from well #5 after the hook-up fees are paid. Ed seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken. Vickie- yes, Dick- yes, Kevin– yes Ed – yes. Motion passed.
Mark Maland was here to discuss replacing an old mobile home on Railroad St. with a newer one. He doesn’t know what year home he will be buying yet. Eventually he would like to put up a pole building also. He was told he could do this as long as he follows our ordinances pertaining to this and gets all the necessary permits. Mark said he would have his mother come by the office tomorrow to get a copy of the ordinances.
Amanda Bashaw from Latah County Solid Waste and Tim Davis from the city of Moscow were to explain and answer questions regarding the recycling program they are trying to get started in the smaller cities. They would like the city to find a site location and to monitor it and if it’s full contact Latah Sanitation. This would be a 30 yard box they are having made. They presented pictures of what they will look like and said they would like to see the new rates go into effect October 1st. Discussion was held about the possible contamination of the units. Ms. Bashaw it would take some education of the citizens when this is implemented. She reminded the Mayor and council of the upcoming SWAC meeting on September 15th at 5:30 p.m. She also stated that by January 1st of 2010 electronic waste can no longer be hauled to WA.
Tim Davis from the City of Moscow discussed the new rate structure that will be going into effect on October 1st. He said the rates would be going down a little for next year.
Neil Hoisington’s land exchange with the city was discussed next. The city received a letter from our attorney with an outline of the steps that need to be taken to proceed were discussed. Discussion was held about having to have an appraisal done on the land. Neil agreed to pay half of the cost for this. Vickie made a motion to proceed with the steps needed to complete the land exchange. Dick seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken. Vickie – yes, Dick – yes, Kevin – yes, Ed – yes. Motion passes.
Ed made a motion to pay half the cost of getting an appraisal done on the land exchange with Neil Hoisington. Dick seconded the motion. Roll call vote taken. Vickie-yes, Dick-yes, Kevin-yes, Ed-yes. Motion passes.
Dick made a motion to table further consideration of the matter until it we receive and have the opportunity to consider the results of the appraisals and if after such consideration we decide that it is in the public interest to go forward with considering the exchange; we will schedule a public hearing regarding the matter. Ed seconded the motion. Roll call vote was taken. Vickie-yes, Dick-yes, Kevin-yes, Ed- yes. Motion passes.
Frank discussed putting in a culvert at Ione Calkins. Ed made a motion to get the bio-domes for the project for $300.00 and to get a waiver from the Calkins releasing the city of any further responsibility. Dick seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Discussion was held again about the recycling program from earlier.
Discussion was held about the sale of the old fire truck for $4,000.00. Mary Jo will call AIC to see what the procedure is for this.
Bills for the month of August were approved.
Discussion was held about the number of trips Frank makes to Kendrick. He was told to cut this way back. Jeff also told Frank to get the crosswalks painted before school starts. Frank said they have been looking into the project by the fence at the grade school. He needs to look at it again. He said they have been patching streets and pouring concrete on 4th street. He said the pump at the park is still not working right and he has been trying to get it fixed. He’s been checking on new pump prices. He said there is a water and sewer conference in Worley in September he would like to attend. He needs more CEU’s in water and sewer. It will cost $62.95 a night and $115.00 for the conference. The council agreed he needs to go.
Ed recommended Cynthia Faux and Mike McGee for the Planning and Zoning commission from Juliaetta. Recommendation approved.
Dick made a motion to approve the minutes from the July 14th meeting. Ed seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Dick made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 p .m. Ed seconded the motion. Motion passed.
City Council Meeting April 14, 2009
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jeff Lohman at 7:00 p.m. City council members present were Vickie Witt, Ed Pea, Kevin Cope and Dick Groseclose.
The public hearing for Rick and Diane Arnett’s property opened at 7:03 p.m. No one was here to comment. Dick made a motion to vacate 1st St. that is across their property with the city easements included in the ordinance. Ed seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Ryan Banks from IDFG and Matt Bruns from THS were here to update the council about the drainage project for the fish traps. Mr. Bruns stated the kids from Troy are working on a sign explaining the project. Ed made a motion to allow the kids from Troy to build and put up the three panel sign. Dick seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Four students from LCSC’s nursing program were here to present information about disaster service preparedness. The council thanked them for the informative presentation.
Discussion was held about Sam Hall still living in the travel trailer next to Bruce Sherman’s house. It was decided to have the attorney send him a letter giving him a move out date or his plans to buy the lot and build a house. We’ll call Ken Nagy about this.
Frank discussed getting the new lawn mower. He stated Blue Mountain goes by hours and the condition of the machine instead of the year. Ed made a motion to purchase the 2008 mower for $2,524.00 from Blue Mountain Ag. Vickie seconded the motion. Motion passed. Frank then discussed the problem by the upper playground by the fence the kids are sliding under. Discussion was held about getting some prices to get this fixed. Tabled until next meeting. Frank said the No. 9 well is down. He has the motor out of the pump. Jeff told him to get some prices to fix it. Frank said the communtor is up and working now at the sewer plant.
Clifford Heimgartner was here from the fire department and said the ISO is coming April 29th to do the fire rating for the city. He stated the breakfast went well.
Cynthia Nye was here from the p&z committee and said Cynthia Faux will be one of the new members from Juliaetta. There next meeting is April 27th at city hall.
Mary Jo stated that she and Becky would be attending a state tax commission meeting in Lewiston on April 27th. Dick asked about city lots not having a fifty foot access to a street. Cynthia said it would only be for new lots.
Bills for the month of April were approved.
Discussion was held about giving Polly Taylor Dennler $150.00 for the flower pots around town. Dick made a motion to give Polly the money for this yearly. Ed seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Vickie made a motion to approve the minutes from the March 10th meeting. Kevin seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Dick made a motion to go into executive session at 8:30 p.m. per ID 67-2345- B. Ed seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Ed made a motion to adjourn from executive session at 9:03 p.m. Dick seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Frank and Bill will need to come to the next council meeting May 12th to discuss using city vehicles for personal use.
Dick made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:04 p.m. Ed seconded the motion. Motion passed.